What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

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What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Minifig »

I keep, at all times, with me..

Shadow - Cat : http://wow-petopia.com/look/alliancelion.html - The one I'm always seen with.

Milk - Bear : http://wow-petopia.com/look/bearskinwhite.html -- Named after the fact I used to have a toon named Crispix (like the cereal?), and he used Milk... so I retamed him and now my new hunter has him. :)

Aquila - Bird of Prey : http://wow-petopia.com/look/undeadeagle.html - Named after this; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquila_%28constellation%29

Anguirus - Turtle - http://wow-petopia.com/look/ancientseaturtlefire.html - Named after http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anguirus

Iktomi - Spider - http://wow-petopia.com/look/firespider_yellow.html Named after http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iktomi

So, how about you? What do you keep on you at all times? :)
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Kaelys »

Kaelys always has Fang, the mistbat, and Squee the shalespider on him. The other three pets lots are rotated between the rest of his pets, one of each family, every few days.

Kaenn always has Nathanael the ghost owl and Jonah, the silly, wibbly little blue old world crab with him. Other pets are rotated into the mix everytime I play him.
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Golden »

Nanyana has Usva (Ghost Saber), Lyall (Karoma), Loki (barking Prairie Wolf) and her mini-beetle. The last slot I like to keep empty - but if it's needed, she'll take Draco (Chromaggus) with her.

Shikoba enjoys the company of Bloodlust (red raptor), Mist (Gondria) and Nebula (Gezzarak) the most.

Subira generally has Azubuike (Takk) and Nijiru (blue-green Warp Stalker) with her - She also likes keeping one of her Spirit Beasts with her: Mwezi (Loque), Matima (Gondria), Kwada (Skoll) or Nthanda (Arcturis). The rest get to come when they feel like it: Otieno (Snarler), Hlengiwe (Mazzranache and Clutchmother - yes, she has two versions of her! XD), Phoenix (red owl), Aberash (Olm).

In addition to a ghostly armored boar, Estelle has Spirit (Golden Eagle) with her during the day, and Lux (Nix) during the night. All in all she never leaves a town without at least one bird (or firefly) with her.
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by pengupuff »

I rotate my pets frequently to keep things fresh and to give them all time out of the stables (because, you know, their little pixelated hearts would break were they to be ignored for too long :roll: ). There are a couple that make the line-up more often than others, though. These would be Antiquus (OCJ) and Minos (King Mosh).


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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Rikaku »

Heero (Loque'nahak) is never stabled, he is always with me and is probably my active pet about 90% of the time.

I wish I could say there was others that were always with me, but there not. The only one who I've given that much time to would be Odin (grimtotem spirit guide), But Heero is ALWAYS with me.

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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Kikanu »

Slot 1: none. Left open for possible tames
Slot 2: Raid buff pet. I don't raid often, but when I do, I bring a random pet with a buff that affects the entire raid. Possibly my Shale Spider or Silithid. Empty otherwise.
Slot 3: Chromaggus. This is HIS spot. Only bring him for raids or non-Zandalar heroics.
Slot 4: Tanking pet. I have five different tanks, but I seem to only use two of them.
Slot 5: Spirit Beast, usually the latest tame. Originally Arcturis, then Karoma, and now Ban'Thalos. Seeing as how the other new spirit beasts are incredibly lame, Ban'Thalos now owns this spot until something good comes out.
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Siladria »

i have lots of pets in my stable, but generally, these are the ones I have with me:
Ghost Bear - Named after one of the bear tanks in my guild (GhostNot(guildie)
Why? Because ghost bear is awesome. Ghost bear is pretty, and a bear and actually a ferocity pet... so I can have a bear... and DPS... and a bear. Ghost bear give me my favorite buff (Agility). Ghost bear can heal me in TB dailies when the ghosts or unfriendly residents try to kill me. Ghost bear is awesome.

Black Devilsaur - GothElliott - I used to carry a wolf. I hate wolves. I think the wolves are all ugly. The non ugly wolves are dogs, and dogs are less useful.
Why? 5% Crit buff.

non-flamey ancient Turtle - Before I had ghost bear, Om was my favorite pet. He tanked, he bubbled, he made cute little turtle noises. I still like questing with turtle if I expect to take on mobs.

Green Ravager - Named Opuntia (cactus) - The color changes as my mood does. It was purple/green but then I switched. Ravager is a good pet, and the debuff is the one I see least often in groups.

Green core hound (CthonicKid) - I actually only bring him out if there is no shaman or mage. I don't like the thumpy thumpy ness or the fire noise. and he's not that attractive.
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Kyria »

Taizak always has Chiasa, her green devilsaur, with her. Always. She's like a sister to Tai, and like a daughter to me. I can't imagine WoW without her. Cailan, however, switches out. Malka, her black warpie, is precious to me and probably the pet I would choose if I could only keep one, but I love most of her pets and try to give them all time. :)

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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

I almost always have my beetle with me.
When I'm grouping, I try to bring along pets with helpful buffs/debuffs: spirit beast, devilsaur, corehound, etc.
Soloing, I'll be more likely to concentrate on my favorites, which seem to be mostly invertebrates right now.
To counteract the favoritism, I like to use one spot to rotate in hunter pets that don't get used as often, usually basing my decision on whatever mini-pet my add-on randomly summons. :)
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Magli »

I always have the three pets in my signature (left to right: Albus, Kiba, and Jadis), along with Aziraphael (white windserpent) and, usually, Spike (a green ravager). I'm not all that fond of ravagers, but need to keep him around to cover the frequently-missing physical damage debuff in my 10-man raids. In 5-man raids I almost always use my wolf for the crit buff; there don't seem to be many feral druids or elemental shamen around these days....

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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Mozag »

I try not to carry a single pet more than others on my hunters, since I like to rotate them around as much as possible. Otherwise, what's the point of even taming all those animals?

BUT, sometimes I do notice myself using some more than others, although I'm trying to cull this habit.

Image Image Mortician (love at first sight) and Dismember.

ImageImageImageImageImage Gem (who, despite my original plans to the contrary, seems to have become Laz's signature pet), Macaroon, Goldie, Moolah and Amber (they've been together since level 10, and the duo are VERY attached).

ImageImageImageImage Sweet Pea (her favourite pet and soulmate), Lily, Heather and Ivy (together since level 10).

ImageImageImageImageImageByron (Alb's very grumpy best friend), Rossetti (I coveted this skin all through Wrath), Baudelaire (it was a looooong run), Chaucer and Coleridge.

ImageImageImageImageImage Antiochus and Artaxias (like peas and carrots), Theodoric, Ambiorix and Nikephoros.

ImageImageSnowglitter (has really grown on me, to my surprise) and Sungrain.

ImageImageImageImage Thais and Lais (they suit Salariel perfectly), Claudine (one of my more epic runs at level 10), and Liane (the only starter pet I fell in love with hard).
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Wassa »

For soloing, I use Hahadori, Ackee, and Dziko. I only need those three.

For instances/raids it's usually Hahadori, Ackee, Ikinaji, Vakasa, and Kianga. Sometimes Hayawaza if I need sunder armor debuff.

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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Siladria »

Otherwise, what's the point of even taming all those animals?
Most the animals I have in the stable, but don't use a lot, I have so I have full flexibility on the raid buffs.
I could drop 3 or 4 of them since they are dup buffs with others (cats/spirit beasts, wolves/devilsaurs, etc), but haven't needed the room yet. Some I keep because, even though they aren't as useful anymore (due to cata changes), they are still too cute to abandon (like my PankDeath - a pink Longstrider).

My top five are top for utility - I could probably rotate out the 2 that don't get used a lot and PVE with others, but honestly, if it weren't for the desire to have raid/group buff flexibility, i would probably abandon all my pets but my chimera, PankDeath, Om (turtle) and my Ghost Bear - and I would be using Ghost bear 80% of the time, because I love him best.
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Re: What 5 pets do you carry with you at all times?

Unread post by Nubhorns »

My stables are actually really empty, so I only have a few pets with me normally. 99% of my WoW time is soloing or hanging out and just enjoying the game, so I don't really carry every buff pet with me - just the ones I love. :) I almost always leave an empty space for impulse tames(sometimes more), but I filled out all five anyway.

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