Who Are You?

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Who Are You?

Unread post by Niabi »

This forum provides an opportunity to share with the community an inside look at the individual behind the screen name. No need to be shy. Let us know who you are!

Name: Jennifer (nicknames: Jen or Jenna)

Greymane-PvE, Nesingwary-PvE (all Horde toons)
Rexxar-PvE, Dawnbringer-PvE (all Alliance toons)

Characters (Hunters are underlined):

Khau (Tauren Hunter)
Amnesty (Undead Warlock)
Auroryn (Blood Elf Hunter)
Sabra (Blood Elf Rouge)
Adorabull (Tauren Druid/Bank)
Ileia (Night Elf Druid)
Kieralyn (Human Priest)
Evelynesa (Human Mage)
Niabi (Draenei Hunter)
Jaeda (Draenei Paladin)
Cyndel (Gnome Warlock)
Ghiselle (Dwarf Hunter)
Lilyth (Night Elf Hunter)
Desirae (Human Warlock)
Avariel (Blood Elf Mage)
Synestra (Future Undead Hunter)
Rosaria (Future Human Hunter)
Jehneva (Reserved for Goblin Alt)

Favorite pet: I love ALL my tamed pets (for various reasons) but tend to favor the ferocity family than anything else.

Playstyle: Soloing, Guild Runs, Non-Combat Pet Collecting, and in-game Holiday Enthusiast.

Playing WoW Since: July 2007

In RL: Female, 31 (as of Dec. 2009), Married, No Kids (not yet), 1 cat and 1 goldfish. I currently earning my Bachelors degree in Business with a minor in Web Design while working in retail for income.
Last edited by Niabi on Mon May 16, 2011 4:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by SrJulie »

The main character I play on Proudmore is Erzule, and now and then I play a Paladin named Brighde.

My mild manner alter ego on the other side of the keyboard is Julie (the one actually sitting at the keys).

First I am a nun, beyond that I wear other hats, including the co-host of the No Prisoners, No Mercy podcast (at www.virginworlds.com) and one of the authors on www.noprisonersnomercy.com and one of the contribution authors on www.lorewriters.com and Virgin Worlds.

The most recent addition to the stable is Gondria the spirit beast. I also have Britt, the queen wasp from back when she could be tamed, my pet gorilla (the blue faced gorilla with the white fur - I waited up all night for her to appear once upon a time), and that Numeroc, that big purple chimera from outlands.

I am still rotating the last stable slot, the current resident is a white wolf.
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Azzrazzah »

Hello I am Azzrazzah of the horde and Loremaster, I currently play on Fizzcrank and a proud member of Chaotic Salvation and have a stable full (blast it Blizz we need more stable slots) of pets.. My blob and hydra and Skoll; I'll probibly never get rid of.. The rest I keep on and off.. I do rotate quite a bit, mostly when borred..
Sadness when I needed a wolf for Guild runs; I had to let Ghost, my Ghondria (I was the first on Fizzcrank to tame her) go back to the wild. As I released her, I swear she looked back over her shoulder at me and nodded her head. As if to say 'I understand'... Sigh..
I hail from the Northwest.. been playing Wow since '06 and have deleted most of my other characters and mostly run Azzrazzah as my main

I Came...I Saw...I Tamed

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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Aleu »

I'm Aleu. <3 I currently main on my Hunter Lunania on the lovely RP server Wyrmrest Accord. I'm a Class Advisor for my raiding guild Epidemic. I've rolled a hunter of every race that can currently be hunters, but only my Blood Elf has ever remained untouched. My other toons include -

Onidanaa - 80 Tauren Druid.
Samala - A OLD Night Elf Druid. (Likely becoming a Worgen)
Môonfeather - Baby Tauren Shaman!
Awiti - Baby Troll Mage!

I do plan on rolling a Goblin Warrior and a Worgen Hunter when Cat rolls around. I only like to play on one server.

Playstyle: Achievements, PvP events, Raiding, RPing... I try to embrace all aspects of the game.

Playing WoW Since: December 2005.

RL: I'm a 19 year old High School Grad. I plan on taking Animal Care classes at a community collage and possibly getting a job at a doggy day care or an animal shelter. I consider my self a novice writer and artist. I'm a lore nut... Really. I love coming up with new plots and stories.

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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Nalain »

I'm Simone =) (it's a girls' name for the record...)
I mostly play on the PvP realm Kor'gall but saying I PvP would be a lie. I'm an achievement hunter, mount hunter and non-combat pets hunter on my main Nalain (a hunter XD).
Of my pets on this character, I love Mina, my Ghost Saber the most, because she is my current eldest pet and I rarely ever see Ghost Sabers anymore plus she's so darn cute! XD I am Survival and have been since I was level 32 (back in Burning Crusade). Call me a bad Hunter, but I like to melee mobs =3 which was the whole reason I shifted to survival. Granted, I know that Hunters aren't "meant" to melee, but it's a challenge and it makes WoW more interesting (and just for fear of having scared you all, I know to use bow and arrows in groups). I'm a very slow leveler XD currently level 75 and I was level 70 when WoTLK came out.

In rela life I am 17 and in high school, studying languages. When I'm done with school I don't really know what I want to do, except I want to travel to Africa and take care of animals at least for 6 months. After that I'll probably go to uni and study something with languages.

Oh yea, and I've played WoW since the 26th of December 2006
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Mania »

Name: Sandra (but you can call me Mania) ;)

Main Character: Mania - Level 80 BM Hunter - Orc Female

Favorite pet: Right now, my slime Viscous. I'm also inordinately fond of Cloud, the Twilight Runner cat I've had since level 23.

Playstyle: Casual Soloing, Extreme Re-rolling, Pet & Mount Collecting

Playing WoW Since: December 2004

In RL: 36 yr-old female, married, no kids (ever!) - Independent Contractor with experience in games and web development.

RL Pets: 2 bearded dragons, 2 rats, 1 hedgehog, 1 beta, and 1 occasional frog.
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Agravaine »

I am Agravaine of Bleeding Hollow, born on Christmas Eve 2004, the longest-surviving toon of many since WoW began. ;)

I used to have a bunch of hunters, mainly to collect pets, but also to try out the different specs and race experiences.

Edit: Oo, playstyle! My playstyle is mainly soloing, although my guildies get together once in a while to run stuff. We used to be one of the server's top raiding guilds back in the many whelps days, though even back then I used to think of myself as the Nelf version of Rexxar, wandering the wilds, responding to summons only in times of great need. I'm staunchly MM. I've tried BM and SV, but I always gravitate back.

In my time I've enjoyed the company of King B., Snarler, Lupos, Deathmaw, the AV Frostwolf and other pets which had (and lost) unique abilities. Of all these, Sian-Rotam has been my longest-lasting companion, tamed with the unlikeliest horde pug at a time when only they could do the quest that spawned him. He's the keeper. ;)

In RL I go by John, age 41, formerly an IT specialist, currently studying to be a software developer (of games, but shhh!!! :lol: )


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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Emowin »

Well I would tell you the names of my toons but there are to many rofl. My friends say I have to many voices in my head to scielence. The main ones are Nightshade and Emowin. I think I have most likely tamed every pet there is to tame in wow at one time or another. My playstyle is solo, I love to play with people but I can never seam to find a group, I'm sure every one knows the blah blah of hunters and their dps. I once played with my hubby Nightmare but he is on a "wow break". I am not in a guild due to being rather shy, and I do get lonely playing alone all the time wich is why I have so many pets, they are good company.

My real name is Monica I'm 30, I am a CNA, for those of you who dont know what that is I"m a certified Nursing assistant. We do all the icky jobs Nurses dont want to lol. I want to go back to school to become eather a Vetrinary Assistant, or for game design, or both. I have been playing wow for about four years now. I am allso a freelance writer and artist. My friends and I allso get to gether and embrace the nerds that we truly are, we get together and play the game with out wich no RP game would exsist....good old Dungons and Dragons. Yep I'm a dork and I love it.
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Jadvya »

Last edited by Jadvya on Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Zangor »

Name: zach
Main:zangor on lightbringer US
Favorite Word:Blarg!

do you really want to know more?
okay then.
Favorite color: This answer your question?...im gonna use this color in text often :D
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by SpiritBinder »

Name: T.J. will do for now ;)

Main Character: Novah - Level 80 Hunter - Troll Female

Favorite pet: I do love my Ghost wolf, but still have a soft spot for many pets i don't have.
Sadly I really miss my 1st pet (Ifrit - red lynx) very much that i had to release to make room for other retired/rare pets.

Playstyle: Casual Raiding, Casual Pvp, Pet & Mount Collecting

In RL: Work for a Collage in the Fashion and Textile Department. Demanding at times, but I love the creative energy every day you go to work.

RL Pets: I have none sadly, but My BF could be classied one, but only on a good day :lol:


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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Kirrannos »

Name : Josh aka Kirrannos

Character(s) : Cassiopiea lvl 80 Blood elf Huntress (Lightbringer-US) and Silverrose lvl 80 Night Elf Hunteress (Stormrage-US) , just listing my hunters ,too many alts too much typing , lol :D

Favorite Pet : SilverrFangs , Rayne Moonsorrow's beloved Timber Worg .
Bear , named after my beloved Labrador Chow mix that passed away in 2008 :cry: now memorilized in WoW as Cassiopiea Starstriker's constant Companion .

Playstyle : PuG Heroics and Hardcore Soloing , Never PvP or Raid , Casual Mount and Mini pet Collector and also Lvling Alts :)

In RL: Unemployed Gamer , Avid Coca Cola Memoribila collector

RL Pets : Too Many to list :D
Lightbringer-US Horde:
Ranger Captain Cassiopiea Starstriker lvl 80 Blood Elf Hunter
Stormrage-US Alliance:
Sentinel Rayne "Silverrose" Moonsorrow lvl 80 Night Elf Hunter
(Also lots of alts i cant list here)
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Dread »

Name: Ken - nickname Dread

Main Character: Dread - Nelf Hunter

Favorite pets: Spirit wolf & gorilladin

Playstyle: Soloing hard stuff rolling loads of alts

Playing Since: December 2005

Real Life : Full time home carer for 6 years a 24/7/365 job

Hobbies : Fishing brewing & drinking beer used to enjoy ciggies also

Age : 49.7 earth years

Sex - yes

Location - Australia ( Northern NSW)

Pets : numerous strains of brewers yeast

Local wildlife : Roo's , frogs & unfortunately wild yeast
I make & consume " Dreadz Draught " the beer of legends !
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Emowin »

Jadvya did they cloan me or some thing lol. I love to RP, i just started to on Moon Guard I am allso buidling a rp toon on Feathermoon. and I allso have a pet named Boo shes a dog not a ferrit tho. If you tell me your D&D toon is a Half elf priestess I am just gonna have to hunt you down and take a DNA sample rofl. : )
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Carnacki »

Age: 25 Name: Justin
Carnacki, troll hunter trade troll forum troll.
Sozin, undead warlock
Simna, troll priest

I'm a raider, I've raided all content on Carnacki. Currently writing this as I lay dead during a Professor Putricide wipe.

I prefer Survival and min/max within it, although I'm equally proficient at Marksmen, I just do not like the spec. As BM I've tanked almost every heroic.

RL pets include a Savannah Monitor, Ball Python, Western Sand Snake, my fiancée (Not necessarily in that order.)

WoW pets include Loque'nahak, whom I camped 108 hours for. /cringe My Ghost Saber I've had for years, a ghost Jormungar for tanking a spider and a diseased wolf for raiding.

Hobbies/job: Nature Photography, gaming, writing.
http://www.finderphotography.com/justin ... dlife.html
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Wassa »

'ello! I'm Wassa, troll hunter. I'm an officer in the raiding guild <Instinct> on Wyrmrest Accord.

Realm(s): Wyrmrest Accord (RP) and Kirin Tor (RP)

Other Characters: Two 80 druids (one feral, other boomkin/tree) and 70ish resto shammy.

Favorite pet: Hahadori, the Strider Clutchmother. She's become the guild mascot.

Playstyle: A little bit of everything, from raiding, soloing, role-playing, and pvp.

Playing WoW Since: April 2005

In RL: My real life name is Jenny and I'm 23, soon to be 24, years old. For pets I've had numerous fish and budgies (parakeets), but currently I have one budgie named Kiwi and a bunny named Sabrina. At present I'm taking an internship at my local zoo as an animal care specialist. Ya, I'm almost like a real life WoW hunter, hehe. After my internship I hope to be taking care of wildlife as my permanent job.
Last edited by Wassa on Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

A rare visitor to this forum now that I don't play WoW anymore, but forever a Petopian.

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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Vespias »

Hi...My name is Ed. My first toon came at launch with a night elf hunter named Vesperis on Sargeras US server. My first pet was a Darnassian tiger named Sekhemet. While this Ves is retired, he still has that cat as his main pet. My current hunter is Vespias...yes I know, not very original...a blood elf on Llane US. I had carried Humar for most of her levels, picking up the crocoslime and Loq on the same day. Since Loq I have become obsessed with collecting the spirit beasts and now have all four. It bothered me to let Humar go but the choice came down to him or the crocoslime. Since the croc is no longer available to tame I figured I can just pick up Pitch to replace the black lion when Blizz decides to show some hunter love and give us more slots. I had even posted a suggestion on the Blizz forums to make some class-specific achievements like taming all 4 spirit beasts for a BM hunter that would reward 2 extra slots...so far nothing.
On the personal side, I'm an amature writer as yet unpublished. Blizz actually expressed interest in my first book but part of the agreement was that they own the characters and after 3 books they are too much a part of me to give away. I am also an amature photographer. Most of my work is done in macro-photography. And the thing I am most proud of is my volunteer work in animal causes, most notably wolves. I've busted my hump on the campaign to end the aerial hunt of wolves in Alaska and feel we are getting closer each day to ending it. As a reward I had a wonderful male wolf named Ukia lick me...lol, I know it doesn't seem like much, but wolves pick and choose their friends carefully.
Other notes would be that I was born and raised in Philly and now live on Long Island and soon to relocate to the Miami area, I am a cabinetmaker by trade, a Wiccan by calling, and from what I can see, I may well be the senior citizen of the forums. But if age is all in your mind then I'm still a kid running down the street with my trusty lab chasing behind me.
Hope you enjoy knowing who I am and feel free to contact me about anything. 8-)


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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Ryno »

US - Grizzly Hills: Pai, Hai, Bai, Wai, Yai, Qai, Kips.
US - Moon Guard: Rynoh, Bebopbo, Malificient, Sligo, Nimnims, Gyro.
US - Blade's Edge: Sandwich, Pocky, Childermass, Gurgle.

6 Level 80's. No life. Much of the pewpews. Still thinks DKs should be able to tame undead minions like a hunter does if they're unholy. ( <3 http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=26607 ) Or at least make these guys beasts.

Some idea of what I look like:


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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Name: Victoria

Main Character: Vephriel - Level 80 BM Hunter - Blood Elf Female

Realm: Daggerspine US

Favorite pet: Skorn - Level 80 Black Devilsaur

Playstyle: Casual raiding, collecting mini pets, doing my own thing

In RL: 23 year old female, living with boyfriend of 6 years, no kids (never having any)

RL Pets: 2 cats, dog (cane corso), ball python, blue tongued skink, mali uromastyx, rosehair tarantula
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Re: Who Are You?

Unread post by Raze »

Name: Dion

Realm(s): Moon Guard

Characters: Gijou - 80 Troll Hunter (BM/SV), Thalka - a still leveling Tauren Shaman

Hunter/real pets: If you're on Moon Guard, you might see any of the following helping Gij kill something:
A bat (male - Rune);
A Spore Bat (unknown gender [Gij uses female pronouns if she's not acting up] - Brine);
A Spider ( female - Kweku)
A Warp Stalker (female - Blithekrieg)
A Moth (male - Yudo, possibly still irradiated. Most definitely an ungrateful glutton.)

Playing favorites is hard.

In the world outside Warcraft, Dion has no pets at the time, but most recently owned a pair of male hooded rats named Rock and Oswald, given away to a kind lady when he moved back to the US of A. They were a pain, but he misses the feuding balls of fur and teeth.

Hobbies: sleeping, reading, writing, gaming, getting better at art, bicyling (preferably with bikes that hold air in their tires longer than a few hours), running my mouth (endlessly), over thinking things.

Play Style: A little of this and a little of that. I mostly solo save to gear my character up, and every so often I'll give roleplaying a try. I'm a bit on the shy side when it comes to roleplaying, so I don't do the latter too much, but I'll gladly jump in on a conversation about lore in trade and offer my sarcastic and unwanted opinion on things from time to time.
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