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Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:01 pm
by Lupen202
About Hati; it'd be neat if there was an item that somehow fused him into your current pet, buffing them considerably to account for the lack of a 2nd pet. Or a buff to the gun, even, similar to lone wolf for MM. Even if that meant your main pet would have to have the lightning effect on them.

But I don't know if that'd even be possible.

As for the sewers, I don't really understand the complaints, except when it comes to warlocks considering they need to go down there for their class hall. I hate pvp personally but I haven't found it that bad at all. There are plenty of ways to avoid pvp and only do the pve activities (fishing, killing mobs), and there are guards for hire to keep you from being pvp flagged if you need to go down there for any other reason (such as a profession quest, or the obliterum forge quest).

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 7:13 am
by Lisaara
Stupid finger infection....hurts like hell....

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 12:22 pm
by Nachtwulf
I was gonna say, you don't have to do the pvp thing even if it's set to freeforall.

To the right side as you come down the ramp is a bloof (I think) named Raethen. For 5g you can hire a bodyguard for 5m that will prevent you from being attacked for 5m or you leave the sewer, whichever comes first. You have to keep an eye on the buff -on the guard- so it doesn't run out on you when you aren't expecting it (the buff doesn't tick down on you) but aside from that it's a good solution to being ganked.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 2:03 pm
by cowmuflage
I started Stormheim on Cow today as my 2nd zone and I thought just maybe legion would not have any horde vs alliance stuff for a bit but nope XD

But I did find it funny when the worgen called the undead monsters. A bit of the pot calling the kettle black :lol:

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:35 pm
by Bowno
Sorry to break the long silence of the Rant thread. Ooop.

Found out a few days ago I have $500 to my name. Not even enough for a month of rent. Then the water bill came in. Now I have $200 left. LOL
There is talk at my work, whom I'm renting my house from for the cheapest price you're ever going to find around Portland, about cutting hours and staff since they're starting to die off. I'm really the only one they can cut from.
Paypal is being stupid. I made my account in 2009. Haven't used it for a while. They want me to confirm my SS# by sending them an image of my card. Was able to buy stuff using it a few months back just fine. But I can't get any money on the account if I were to open up commissions or anything.
Sent in my card image.. Now they want my passport.
WHY couldn't they have just asked for BOTH at the start? We could have had this all done with by now!
Still waiting for a reply on my second submission.
Trying not to enter panic mode but... It;s super hard not to at this point.
Cant ask the BF to help me much on rent. He doesn't make enough $$ where he's at. Maybe I need to just suck it up and be like "Look I know you want spending money but I need you to pay more."
I don't want to make him upset or mad. I dunno. I'm a wimp. lol
I hate being an adult. I never learned much about it when I was growing up. I don't know how to do any of this grown up stuff.
I'll never be a successful human being. I'm always going to be struggling. I can just feel it.
Sure things might be good for like a month. But after that I'll go back to struggling. I'll never be able to get the things I want.
Even if I do get my Paypal up, it wont help much because I'm not really worth people commissioning anyways. My style isn't super popular and honestly kinda sucks LOL.
I hate this.
I hate sitting here trying to think of what I can do just to make it by. I don't want to struggle just to pay bills and buy food. I just want to be comfortable and not have to worry.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:23 pm
by Syleye
Bowno I have to ask did you contact Paypal or did they contact you? I have never had to confirm my social and most people don't have a passport, sounds shady

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:22 pm
by Bowno
Syleye wrote:Bowno I have to ask did you contact Paypal or did they contact you? I have never had to confirm my social and most people don't have a passport, sounds shady
When I logged on it had my account restricted. It seemed super fishy.. But it also had all my transactions on there and I could still use to purchase stuff even when restricted.
It's really fucking weird and shady, but I dont know what else to do D:


So I'm pretty sure it's 100% legit.. It's just super weird :l

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:19 pm
by Syleye
I would call the customer service line from their actual homepage. , better safe than sorry you know...anyways good luck and keep your head up, hoping life gest less stressful for you

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:32 pm
by Bowno
Syleye wrote:I would call the customer service line from their actual homepage. , better safe than sorry you know...anyways good luck and keep your head up, hoping life gest less stressful for you
Ye I'm going to do that once I calm down. @_@ And thank you.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:44 pm
by Aleu
I'm so done with my house. Just... done. I'm not only stressed out about my hours at work, but I want to move out of my house. BADLY. I'm sick of my dad throwing tantrums like a child. I'm tired of my mother instigating fights... WHEN I'M STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE. I can't fucking take any of this anymore and I feel my depression. The same fucking depression that nearly forced me to end my own life years ago. I thought I had managed to move past that, but nope. This home has become so toxic and now work isn't even an escape now.

My feet have been hurting a lot more as of lately. None of these shoes are helping and I'm worried. Doesn't help my work has the shittiest standing mats and doesn't give a fuck if you're sick or injured. I can't take a leave of absence. I need the damn money. The last four times I've put in for sick time for times I've actually been sick and they haven't given it to me.

I can't drive either. Yeah I have a permit, but holy shit does driving nearly send me into panic attacks. Especially when you live in the part of the US that has some of the nations worst drivers.

I just... feel so lost, useless and trapped. I can't take anymore of this for much longer.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:54 pm
by Niabi
Today is going to be a baaad day, I just know it.

Stayed in bed all day yesterday because of muscle spasms and searing, painful flairs I have no control over. Since there's no medical explanation as to why I've developed these symptoms, my doctors refuse to give me any pain meds to help. They suggest over-the-counter medications (which do absolutely nothing for me), rest (duh), and as always, lose some weight (@#/$ you!).

Woke up from a dream this morning where I was attending a neighborhood Halloween party. For whatever reason, these random parents decided to leave their young daughter with me while they mingled with other party-goers and at some point, the little girl accidentally wet herself. She was too embarrassed to take a bath and clean up inside a stranger's house so I decided to walk her back to her own home where she'd be more comfortable. I remember holding her hand along the way, although she was walking behind me a bit and I could not see her. We were almost to her house when I suddenly couldn't feel her hand anymore. I turned around and she was gone. I screamed her name ... JESSICA...JESSICA... and started retracing my steps immediately. Other individuals from the neighborhood heard me and came running to help. I remember having to tell the parents that their daughter went missing and seeing the panic and pain in their faces. We checked everywhere: other homes, pools, yards, etc. The neighborhood was at the edge of a small woods and I remember someone announcing that we had to hurry and find the girl because "they" would awake soon and come for us all if we were not indoors in 15 min. That's when the dream ended.

I was wearing my shirt on backwards all day and didn't even notice until just now.

Watched a YouTube video of kittens and puppies playing together for the first time and could not stop crying.

Yeah, and it's only 12:51 p.m.

I think I'm losing it.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:58 pm
by Adyrawr
It feels like my ovaries are eating my stomach.
I have raid tonight for the newly released Emerald Nightmare and my social anxiety will NOT LEAVE ME ALONE -- majorly because I'm the OT. I am a tank. A tank. Why did I choose this life.
Too many alts to level.
Real life is expensive.
Relationships are hard.
I find weird solace in staying up late and taming rare pets on my hunter.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:22 pm
by NoraNora
More Alts to level
My friend, the very first week Legion released, promised we would level together and before the Hotfix, get Ratstallion. Guess who ditched me to get to 110 and Rat? Thanks asshole.
She's guilt tripping me when at this point I'm so done. She complains she wants the new PvP mounts and Obsidian Nightwing, me me me, boo hoo, shut up please oh my god. It's not about you! All she's done is get annoyingly sad and whiney and I can't take it. I can't leave because she'll go overboard insane and depressed and I'm a sucker for her boohoo shit because ugh.

All my friends have crushes and loves. I crushed on two Freshman, but one person who did some bad things, says I'm 'not allowed'. Excuse me, your girlfriend is 19, and you're 15. Shut up please? You've done enough and telling me, a 17 year old, what to do is hypocritical since you screwed your girlfriend while I was at your sleepover. Both female, and supposedly asexual. Not after what I saw honey.

Maybe I'll just die alone. I can't get online relations or irl relations
Screw my life lmao

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:53 pm
by Aleu
I wish I had more friends I could play with on WoW... well I have friends of course, but most of the time they're either off with someone else or on their own. I used to have a couple of people who I would do dailies, pvp and level with, but they're drifted away from WoW. One of my best friends sadly tied her main toon (DH) to another friend of ours. Basically promising she's level with her, but then said other friend looses interest and now she feels she can't play her DH. She won't break her promise, I know that, but that's why I would never tie my main toon to ANYONE like that. I'm still annoyed since that other friend went onto level two other toons with her brother. >.>;

All I want is a friend I can do stuff (Both PvE and PvP) with, maybe chat with over a voice system. It would make things more enjoyable for me. ;w;
NoraNora wrote:Maybe I'll just die alone. I can't get online relations or irl relations
Screw my life lmao
Pssst, don't worry. I can't figure out this relationship stuff either. All mine, except for one, ended on a sour note. ;v; I haven't had one in years now.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:22 am
by Nachtwulf
Went to the shelter to pick up a cat to be fostered. Surprise, he's adopted! Yay for cat (honestly, best outcome) but boo for having to drive all the way over there for nothing.

Decide to hang out in cat room till closing because I can. Little white cat had a bad poop so while the volunteer was changing her pan, I volunteered to pet her. Little white cat decides to make grand break for freedom. I catch little white cat before she can escape, yay! Little white cat flips an absolute tit, freaks out, and proceeds to turn my stomach and right hand into burger. Small favor: I didn't get bit.

Little white cat gets loose anyway, mauling small Animal Control lady in addition. Little white cat gets cornered in auxiliary cat room where it is determined she can spend the night because no one else wants to get egregiously lacerated.

The clawed up patch on my stomach is so big I couldn't put bandaids on it so now I have a clean hanky taped over it with gorilla tape.

It hurts. Annoyingly. Whine whine whine.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:15 am
by Varethyn
I was going through some friends' currently inactive deviantArt pages for reference for something I want to work on.
Now I'm crying.
I miss you guys.
I'm sorry.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:22 am
by GAJones4221
The last piece to my set is the boots of the redeemed prophecy off skeram. They match the gauntlets of divinity and what are the boots you ask?Plate, plate with agility,stamina and crit. No 60'a run aq for stat gear vause you can gat 3 levels into outland and you'll get better quest gear, so what does this provide plate wearers besides health and a small maybe 1% crit increase IF THAT. Nothing! I've begged blizzard to have devs review the items I've provided all the evidence showing the gauntlets of divinity. It's a never ending battle between mail wearers who want the boots to be mail and plate wearers who want the gloves to be plate. The simple solution is to just make it a cosmetic item. Which I mentioned.

If those boots get changed to mail I will shed tears of happiness. Last piece :/

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:43 pm
by Arthur
Sort of gross rant warning lol

I have a really...gross looking...painful...might be infected.. wound on me. it's not big. but it's DEEP. I was cleaning it yesterday and I was really surprised. :/ I accidentally pushed too close to it when I was itching my skin near it and it started oozing blood and ... pus I guess. It went on for a while. I cleaned it good but I can't bandage it because my skin will tear off. I've learned this (painful) lesson twice. I'm just a little nervous because I really don't want to get a bad infection that will require the doctor :/ I get wound like this a lot but never so deep. I'm probably fretting needlessly but ugh. I'm tired of all this crap happening all the time

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 7:03 pm
by Magnakilro
Windows 10 did its 10th anniversary update for me and ever since my cursor keeps showing something constantly loading...its really annoying me.

That and WoW has been laggy as heck latencies are fine but the lag is awful.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:54 pm
by Rawr
My heroin addicted younger sister is having her baby today, I feel so sorry for that little boy. Why don't people like her realize bringing a child into the world is NOT a good thing! He's most likely going to be taken away and put into foster care. We were both saved from that horror by our grandparents, no one in our family has the means to take care of a drug addicted infant right now, assuming he even lives. This whole thing makes me so angry with her. I want to scream :| :mrgreen: