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<Tame This> new guild on Muradin

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:41 pm
by zedxrgal
I've wanted a guild of my own for a while and last night finally created one. The guild's name is <Tame This>. Yes it's a hunter themed guild but all classes are more then welcome.
The guild will be centered around taking care of it's own. Helping each other with questing, taming, leveling, dungeons, raids, achievements and whatever else. Rank will however need to be earned. I am not expecting anyone to leave their home guild to come to TT but everyone is welcome.
Tame This will be an all around fun guild. A home (first or second ) for those who either want to take a break from their home server or guild or just have a new alt they want to play around on. Again the key is having a really fun time and helping your fellow guild members. Soloing is more then welcome to. I almost forgot that.
And with any guild there are rules. Shame I know but it's better for all of us.
Primary rule is members MUST be an active member on Petopians. By active I mean at least 5 posts.
There is a wee application in the form of a short paragraph. I don't want a long questionnaire but I want to know who's coming in and why they want in.
Another huge thing is do unto others as you would like done to you. Treat people well and they will treat you well especially your fellow guild members. I want you to be nice. Until it's time to not be nice. I'm not saying going full nerd rage etc on someone but if you're going to talk back please be diplomatic and mindful that you're a guild member and as such representing Tame This.

Again all levels and classes are more then welcome to join. This can either be a home or vacation home. :D Please PM me and I'll do my best to send the invite. We have a cool tabard to! Bank isn't set up just yet. But on my next log in I'll take care of that. Thanks for reading and happy hunting.

P.S. Sorry if this isn't the best new guild post. I have some for of bug right now and it's making me a little foggy headed. Once I'm back to 100% I may edit the post to make it sound a lot better. :lol: