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"That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name rant*

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:32 am
by Qinni

So I was running around in the molten front helping hunters tame the new pets. I had just got done helping one tame Skarr when the subject of names came up and he had asked me to see my pets and the names they had. So we fly over to a stable and I start bringing out every pet and then he stopped me after Pookie (spirit bear), Bubbles (gem crab), Peanut (spirit worg), Yarby (purple parrot, its a pirate name! Yarrrr!) and Scooter (tallstrider) came out.

He had told me those where stupid names and they weren't fit for a rare pet and that I should rename them to something more majestic. I politely told them "No" because I love cute names and it made me different from everyone else that names their pets in certain languages or after a god. Then he proceeds to cuss me out and leave.

So this brings me to the question: Has anyone ever say that your pet name was weird or stupid? How did you come up with the name to begin with? How is that name special to you?

My names are at lest better this this!

Found this randomly on google.

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:14 am
by Nimae
Ah, don't pay mind to that guy. If he was really that bothered, he ought to tame those rares and give them the names he likes. Pretty rude to cuss you out over something like that! What you call your pets is your business, and if you find the names endearing, go for it! I really like your tallstrider's name--Scooter is a perfect fit. :lol:

I've had people tell me my pet names were ridiculous (while they lol'd), but it was at least in a positive context. For example, my Mazzranache (pink tallstrider) is named Fabulous. He's got a great "personality", and is quite the Ally-magnet in battlegrounds. I've also (rarely) kept the name of the rare, not out of malice toward anyone with NPCScan or rare hunters, but because I didn't think I could top it with anything else. I've only done that a couple of times, such as when I had Araga. People had asked "Why didn't you name her something different? Not creative enough?", and I replied "Because she's just...Araga. I love the name!". Same deal for Chromaggus. Feels good to run around with a raid boss by my side, lol!

Otherwise, I'll usually play with the pet for a couple of days unnamed until I come across something that fits. I'll also sometimes tame something if (what I consider) a great name pops into my head for that model. It's part of what makes my gameplay fun. IMHO, if the name--whether it's silly, sweet, funny, fierce, or majestic (and not intentionally rude / offensive)--is something that makes you happier to run around with that pet, go for it. :)

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:57 am
by Nahale

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:29 am
by Sarayana
Some people just like to waste their energy on things that are inconsequential... *sigh* Regardless what anyone thinks of your names (and coincidentally I think they're cute!!) they're your pets, you worked to find and tame them, and it's your right to name them whatever you want (as long as you stay within Blizz's naming regulations).

Just put Mr. Jackass on ignore and keep doing what you're doing. I promise more people get a smile from seeing your pets' names than react like this guy.

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:47 am
by Foru21dr
Most of my pets have fairly common names. Bruiser for my Devilsaur.. Punt for my warpie...Crunch for my Ravager. Most times I just run with the pet for a while until I find myself thinking of them in their name.

My favorite and signature pet is Clutchmother. Her name is PMS..(Pretty Mother Strider).. so it's Bitka with PMS. :-)

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:46 am
by Feralclaw
That wasn't nice of the guy, especially after you helped him tame Skarr! If you like your names, then stick with em'! ;)

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:02 pm
by GormanGhaste
I've gotten compliments every once in a while, but no complaints. But then, the kind of person that would do that is the same kind that trolls trade chat, and I have most of those on /ignore.

Honestly, what kind of person has nothing better to do than criticize the minutiae of other people's characters? The very sad kind.

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:32 pm
by Aeladrine
I like your names!
My "silliest" name probably belongs to my Loque-- he's named Absino. It doesn't mean anything at all, it's what I named the stuffed white tiger my aunts got me after I had heart surgery. I was doped up and only four, so I think it's a pretty good name!(:

Actually my main, Donachan, has gotten more complaints about her name than any of my pets have. I swear, I didn't know the suffix "-chan" was Japanese for anything! It just looked cool! It bothers me that people assume I watch anime and whatnot (I don't) because of it, though. She's going to get a name change eventually, but not because people have complained about her name. It's more because I've had her for six years and, by god, I hate that name now. :1

My other pets are named lots of different things! On Dona they have mostly Welsh names (Gwyn, Eirwyn, and Eirlys. Kairos is... I believe it was Egyptian?) and Aela's pets are named after spices (Ginger, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Lavender, and Jasmine).

My mom did say I should have named my fox Nutmeg instead of Cayenne, but once she saw Cay in battle she quickly changed her mind.(;

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:13 pm
by Nachtwulf
Pssh. I have a raptor named Scooter. There's a long, involved backstory as to why, but frankly... pretty much all of Aren's pets are named very simple and predictable things. It's part of his 'naming theme', including:

Orange raptor: Scooter
Brown saberworg: Saber
Brown bear: Bruno
Brown eagle: Cocoa
Ravager: Splinters (not EVERYTHING is brown...)

Hell, I had a red firespider named Kingsford for awhile (with an accent over the i to get around the 'no titles' blockage).
My ghost wolf is named 'Halo' but that's about as exotic as Aren gets.

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 10:49 pm
by Sarantha
I hate when people say "but so and so is male/female! why did you name it 'whatever'?"

I think when we tame something, we should be able to name it as we please, gender in lore or not.

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:46 pm
by Rhyela
That guy was a twat, ignore him. My husband gives (or, gave, rather) his pets cutesy names such as Cuddles (his white bear), Mittens (his favorite pet, a regular ol' STV tiger), Peaches (the gorilla), Wiggles (the boar), etc. I think it's pretty adorable that he gives them names like that instead of Waleweener or some of the horrid names I've seen before.

I admit I cringe when people give their pets obscene or lewd names (well, not just pets but characters, too), but outside of that, you can name your pet whatever you want. :)

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:20 am
by Qinni
Rhyela wrote:That guy was a twat, ignore him. My husband gives (or, gave, rather) his pets cutesy names such as Cuddles (his white bear), Mittens (his favorite pet, a regular ol' STV tiger), Peaches (the gorilla), Wiggles (the boar), etc. I think it's pretty adorable that he gives them names like that instead of Waleweener or some of the horrid names I've seen before.

I admit I cringe when people give their pets obscene or lewd names (well, not just pets but characters, too), but outside of that, you can name your pet whatever you want. :)
I might use Peaches or Tootsie for Rekk'tilac. *was thinking of peaches before you posted*

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 2:13 pm
by Vinessa
Dont give a shit about it, i also name my pets randomly. and i dont like to name them with gods names >.>
you may notice if you see my pets... some of them:

Loque: Skyscraper
Gondria: Lettuce
Skoll: SeaHorse
Ghostcrawler: CornDog
Arcturis: Pillow
Sambas: Diego

and that dont means that they are not special to you (: all my pets are special. i use them for different things, no one gets excluded ^^

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 3:29 am
by Rhyela
I admit I chuckle at the idea of a crab named CornDog. :D I used to want a tallstrider named Porkchop. Then I tamed the Strider Clutchmother and Porkchop just didn't quite seem to fit her.....hehe. :lol:

Re: "That name is stupid, should rename it" Why? :C *name ra

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:27 am
by Serenith
Yeah, even my own brother said I have weird names for my draenei's pets... Some are "normal" but its cause of a naming theme I have for my draenei that some are weird. I want her pets names to sound somewhat draenic or whatever.

Serenith's pets are fairly normal for a night elf (Once again, me go for the RP names) But she does have Raeya, named after my lovely white cat Rachel (*cries* RIP my kitty) and Vash the wolf, named after, you guessed it, Vash the Stampede.