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Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:49 pm
by Vephriel
North American realms (excluding Brazilian, Latin American, and Oceanic realms) no longer permit letters with accents in character or guild names. Existing character and guild names with special characters will be unaffected by this change.
If you wanted a name with an accent character, you might want to create them now.

I'm happy about this change, I do not like the look of those accented letters at all, and they're never used for their correct pronunciation.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:52 pm
by Nachtwulf
I always mock the people who use a ß and think it's a B.
One guy on my server used to get so mad when I insisted on calling him Fassulous.
I've also laughed at Ssloodbath, and Ssadass.

Really, whenever you see a schloss, try pronouncing it out loud with the 'ss' in place. It's usually good for a laugh.

I'm a little sad they aren't forcing a namechange on all the people with names full of letter candy but eeeh what can you do. Frankly, if a name is taken, think up a new one, imo.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:20 pm
by Miacoda
Nachtwulf wrote:I always mock the people who use a ß and think it's a B.
^This. so much this xDDDD

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:34 pm
by GormanGhaste
I've never used them on my characters, but I did resort to a modified a to be able to name my wind serpent Jade.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:05 pm
by Dewclaw
My warr has a modified o because I reallllly wanted to be Hallowed the Hallowed.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:16 pm
by Wassa
Nachtwulf wrote:I always mock the people who use a ß and think it's a B.
One guy on my server used to get so mad when I insisted on calling him Fassulous.
I've also laughed at Ssloodbath, and Ssadass.

Really, whenever you see a schloss, try pronouncing it out loud with the 'ss' in place. It's usually good for a laugh.

I'm a little sad they aren't forcing a namechange on all the people with names full of letter candy but eeeh what can you do. Frankly, if a name is taken, think up a new one, imo.
Haha I remember "Fassulous." I always said his name that way too.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:18 pm
by MaximumOverdrive
I only had one toon with a special character, and that was cause the name I really wanted was taken (and I couldn't get it freed up cause the toon was lvl 60, but it hadn't been played in a long while)...I also found it a tad insulting that a male Blood Elf had the's Avalon btw, which is my RL name. :<

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:25 pm
by Lupis
MaximumOverdrive wrote:it's Avalon btw, which is my RL name. :<
First off, Avalon is a badass name.

Just sayin'.

ANYWAY. OT. I'm kind of glad. I really, really hated having to type in named with special characters because I don't actually know all the hotkeys, sorry. >.> It's acceptable when the letter is at the end of the name but other than that…

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:14 pm
by Sukurachi
this MAY not go over too well with people in my area.. we regularly use certain special characters: é, à, â, è, ê, and ç are the most common, with a couple accents on "O", "U" and "I" as well.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:16 pm
by Tsuki
This is not going to effect me, but... I don't really like it.
Mostly cause some people genuinly do use these characters in their names and such. Oh well, no big deal I guess...

Oh, by the way, I've seen someone with a pet named Aßhole.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:21 pm
by Parkour
Thankfully i already have the best name ever.


Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:16 pm
by Shade
Does that include accent marks I wonder?

I have Shadé, Néko, Gypsí and a few other with accented names, mostly because I hated the randomly thrown together names that the game tried to give me. Riz came from the generator though...

Well I am glad that I have Shadé already made. Yeah it is unoriginal a name-but it is the name of a character I've been rp'ing/writing for over ten years. I'm not going to give her some random name, and so I didn't mind using an accent in her name.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:19 am
by Lisaara
I'm pretty pissed about it cause I use accents when a name I want is taken, usually by some level 1 name holder.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:20 am
by cowmuflage
I don't mind this at all.

Edit: wait did not see "excluding Brazilian, Latin American, and Oceanic realms" it does not affect me anyway!

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:18 am
by Teigan
Thank god! Huge pet peeve of mine! (Sorry, Jade...I know your hunter has it but....)

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:42 am
by Kurasu
What worries *me* is whether it'll be for pets. That one is the only one that affects me.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:48 am
by Kurenio
So they are going to allow us to force level 1 name holders to be name changed so we can have the name right? half the time they haven't been on in months.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:50 am
by Pent
From how I read it... it only affects new names and it doesn't say you can't make names with ALT letter characters... just certain regions can't use accents in their names... accents are things on letters that make them look like é, à, â, è, ê, and some other letters with the tiny marks above the letter...

Accents are NOT on all special character names. Ð, Ø, ø, ß, œ, and Æ (among others) are all special characters that skirt around the issue of them being "accent letters".

If Blizzard wants all special characters to be barred from creating names then that is what needs to be said... and not just talk about accents.

If I was to guess... Blizzard got a lot of grief from Spanish-speaking groups (and other groups) because they could not use names that actually meant something in their language because of U.S. players were using special accented characters to make a name work... when the name itself doesn't/wouldn't even sound like the U.S. player thinks it would sound like... but at least the U.S. player would think they got a "good" name.

And I am guessing this is mainly happening on the U.S. realms because U.S. players populate a majority of said realms where other language groups play too.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:52 am
by Mychelle
Even though I do actually hate using these special characters...I did use them for my Moonguard Roleplay characters. And only after I spent well over two hours trying to come up with names I actually LIKED that sounded nice that someone else wasnt already using. >.< heh. I dont think this change is going to be a big issue though for non-high-pop servers...but otherwise, like Moonguard, it could cause some issues with the general public being a little pissy over it, and for at least a decent reason to be so.

But for accented names on servers that arent as highly populated, yeah, there really isnt a big excuse to HAVE to have an accented name.

Re: Special character names no longer permitted

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:53 am
by MaximumOverdrive
Kurenio wrote:So they are going to allow us to force level 1 name holders to be name changed so we can have the name right? half the time they haven't been on in months.
Sometimes if it's a lvl 1, you can put a ticket in to get the name freed up. If the first GM doesn't do it, put in another ticket! They can release a name if it's on a lvl 1 room that isn't played.