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Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:25 pm
by sallysquish
Lets do this!

Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
Complete the Cataclysm raid achievements listed below while in a guild group.
Blackwing Descent Guild Run
The Bastion of Twilight Guild Run
Throne of the Four Winds Guild Run

You will unlock:
Reins of the Dark Phoenix
So pretty!
Image ... ysm-raider

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:22 pm
by Venataur
I would so love to do this!!!

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:34 pm
by zedxrgal
I would do this but would need at least a weeks notice if planned and it would have to be on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday early) so I could dedicate the time for it.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:28 pm
by Aarynthalia
:hug: Squish ...I LOVE that you want to raid!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! :hug: :hug:
And I will happily go....however, I have some concerns.
Are we, as a collective, able to listen to instructions?
Do we have reliable tankage?
How many heals do we have?
How many heals do we need? :?
Do we need to be melee heavy?
Or do we need uber casters?
Is it possible to do this with.....umm... :shock: wow we have alot of hunters....

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:39 pm
by Kaleos
We'd definitely need 2 tanks and 3 healers. Most guilds get by on two, but it's much easier with 3. DPS would need to be mixed a bit. Ranged would work just fine if that's all we could get. Though DPS requirements on some fights are pretty high still. We'd also need a vent of some sorts as a few fights require quick reaction which wouldn't work out to well if needing to be typed.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:12 pm
by Foru21dr
I would be glad to join in these as DPS or Heals if you decide to do them.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:46 pm
by Azzrazzah
I too would like to do these.. But for me weekends are the best..

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:54 am
by Morven
I'd like to help out, if I would be useful. 85 hunter, but bringing up a prot/arms warrior quick (she's currently at 82) if this is still going by the time she's there and mostly geared.

The good thing is that these are the earlier content raids and thus a BIT more do-able now given that many of us are geared way beyond the target gear level of these raids.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:45 pm
by meepitco
This is Mara from the guild, I'd LOVE to go, but I don't actually know the fights x:

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:33 pm
by Morven
I think if we were to do it, we'd have to take it slow and expect to wipe a LOT.

And find helper guides and videos, which I know exist.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:45 pm
by zedxrgal
I'm suspecting this won't be happening since the original post was from almost a month ago and nothing seems to be planned or attempted to be planned. :(

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:46 am
by sallysquish
Hi All,

So discussions for attempting this have been ongoing in guild chat. We have 2 tanks and one heals committed. (Nigori, Oberron and Quill) We need another healer. I am going to put it on the calendar for Thursday eves 8:30 server time since that was when the tanks and heals could come and when, typically, the most people are on.

We did ICC last week and it was a blast.

Remember - we have nothing to lose but our pixels! :headbang:

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 1:51 am
by Morven
Cool, I'm down provided work schedules permit.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:15 am
by meepitco
@Sally, This will be a wee bit harder than ICC, but hell, I am down. This is a good idea.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:25 pm
by Korii
sallysquish wrote: Remember - we have nothing to lose but our pixels! :headbang:
...and our minds >.>

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:21 pm
by Morven
I think we have sufficiently geared players, at least, that the early Cata raids should be quite do-able. Given that quite a few of us are doing the 4.3 dungeons and LFR, and/or have the Ruthless or better PVP gear. If you can get into LFR you are much better geared than the players were when the content went live.

Yes, we don't know what the heck we're doing (most of us), but that's a question of learning the fights. I fully expect to die a lot. PVP has inured me to this.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:08 pm
by Venataur
Lets do this, I know we can do it, and it will take a few times to get down, Ill be watching Youtube videos of fights and reading strats, This will be lots of fun!!

On another note, who do I pay for a sig?? some of these look great!

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:51 pm
by Korii
ok, ready for a shock?

if I'm available when the runs start, I'm in.

why not, right?

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 8:00 pm
by Sochi
Same. If I am on, I'm game for an invite to this. If I'm not, consider me game for the next one (work and life permitting of course). I have seen, but have not done the Throne of the Four Winds. I don't remember much but a lot of cursing on Ketch's part and then some.

Sometimes raiding can be like a brick wall you have to get over; you might smack into it a few times before you get over it.

Re: Petopians on Nesingwary -Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Ra

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:16 pm
by sallysquish
OK! So it looks like this is a GO for tonight.

I have changed the time to 9PM server in order to accommodate a much needed second healer.

First of all this is a guild run specifically to benefit the guild. Very few of us have been before but don't worry - whatever mistakes we make are made out of a willingness to serve our community. We may flail but we are flailing for love and generosity.

This philosophy extends to loot. We want our fellow guildies to be as well geared as possible because that benefits the guild as a whole so here are the loot guidelines.

This is NOT a transmog run meaning that you should only need on items which will give your toon an upgrade. I would also ask that no one roll to DE in case somebody does want it for transmog but has respectfully rolled greed. In short - roll need if you want to equip it as is. Roll greed if you want it for transmog or an alt. Please pass if you have no use for it on any toon.

I fully expect that we will wipe a few times. Many of us really can't get a fight from watching vids or reading strats (or having them read to us). We have to live a fight ourselves to understand it or make sense of the strats. So if you are the sort of person who can't stand the occasional wipe then this run is not for you. Too many of us are new to it to insure automatic success. The guild repair button is there for all of us but is particularly appropriate for runs like this.

On the plus side our main tank and heals plus much of our DPS are significantly over-geared for these runs. Most of us have been in instances together many times and are familiar with how each other plays. ICC was painless for us, and though I know these raids will be harder, I am confident that we can succeed at them with a little practice.

ABOVE ALL we are here to have fun
. Just by showing up and being willing to help you are doing something nice for the whole guild so don't stress!

<3 Sally