Kura's New Mounts! - Grey Camel and Spectral Wind Rider!

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Kura's New Mounts! - Grey Camel and Spectral Wind Rider!

Unread post by kurasiaa »

Haven't posted on the forums in a while, since I've been back at school =P
Though I figured I'd make a new post about my most recent mounts, managed to 4 new additions to my collection!

The first one being the Darkmoon Strider ( got the Dancing Bear first a few weeks back) I'll admit the screen shot idea was kinda from Veph =P, similar to the screen shot of her pet, the mount and the big NPC . I don't usually try to get awesome screenshots with matching backgrounds , I'd most likely suck at it haha =P so I just took random ones of where ever I was at the time =P

Second one is the Amani Dragonhawk! I check the mount section in the Auction House regularly for the TCG mounts, and happened to catch this one up after I finished a raid. Normally I hesitate for ages when I'm about to spend a lot of gold on a mount, but this time it was an instant buyout, How could I resist such a pretty Dragonhawk :3. If I had stable space I would have gone and tamed a the matching hunter pet, but I had no room left =(

Third one is the Lovebird! Ended up buying two, learned the first one on Kura, and used the second to sell on the Auction House. I doubt it will sell for a loooong time though, maybe it will sell better later in the year when new people pick up mount collecting and missed this years Love is in the Air event..or something =P

Annnnd the final mount is of course the new Heart of the Aspects! Came home from school and discovered on MMOchampion that this could now be bought from the Blizzard store. I wasn't keen on spending my money on it so I decided not to..Though my friend had other ideas. Turns out he decided to gift it to me which I thought was really nice =) He hardly plays WoW anymore so he didn't want it for himself.

This screenshot was kind of amusing =P I was doing Mount Hyjal on my DK last night for some gold ( I'm trying to regain gold after buying that Dragonhawk =P...Need to be ready for the next TCG mount I see >.>) I got some fire debuff and hadn't taken notice of until I mounted up..my Heart of the Aspects mount turned orange! It was really pretty =P Got my wondering if new skins will be added one day for this:

Have already done my weekly kill of Onyxia and Kael'thas but no mount from them this week..But maybe I'll get lucky enough for the Love Rocket !

Update! New edition to the mount family..Blazing Drake!

Last Sunday the mount from Deathwing dropped, this being the second time the guild had seen it drop. I didn't win it however, our priest healer did, I wasn't too fussed though, apparently the drop rate is about 50% upward so it's not like one of those crazy 1% or less ones that I would never see again =P. So I ended up logging off pretty soon after the raid finished, was tired and wanted an early night =P. Didn't log back onto WoW till tonight, almost 3 days later, felt good to not play for a little while. Was working flat out on my art folio for school and it was fun :3.
So anyway I logged on tonight to raid, and upon entering Dragon Soul our pally healer comes up and opens trade with me, I was thinking " Hmm wonder what this will be" And that's when I see the Blazing Drake! I kept asking him if he was 100% sure about giving it to me, I wasn't expecting it at all, but he kept insisting I keep it =P I finally gave in haha. I asked him about it, it turns out that he bought it off the priest, and held onto it until I logged back on <3!..even though it was days later. :3 The trading timer still had an hour and 45 minutes on it, so he must have had to play on his alts during that time.
And here's a picture of the new shiney.. =P

Another update!! 2 more shinys!

Some of you may remember that while I was on the hunt for TLPD, I was also casually doing checks in Uldum for the camel figurines. I didn't spend a lot of time there, I mostly only checked when I got that 'rare sense', the sense scored me about 14 fake figurines if I remember correctly. The casual checks kind of died out, I hadn't checked for about 2 months until last night...
I was reading some threads, and came across a newly homed Grey Camel, this really got me excited to check Uldum! So I logged onto WoW and had a quick round, I didn't find anything however so I went and watched TV instead.

Buuuutt...This afternoon when I logged on to do my daily ZG with 2 friends ( I'm after the panther, and the other after the raptor, while the tank is just helping us out =P.) So while we wait for the tank to log on, I noticed that my other friend was in Uldum doing Archeology, so I jokingly tell her 'Don't forget to steal a camel for me while you're there!'. She laughs and then tells me that her NPCscan is off and that she will go turn it on quickly. She returns with NPCscan on, and we continue waiting for the tank..He comes on within the next 5 minutes and we then queue up for ZG.The queue was not instant though so we went about our own things while waiting.

After a few minutes my friend in Uldum yells in party chat ' Camel!!" And then summons me over. All 3 of us are frantically searching for the Camel , we couldn't find it even with name plates on. ( I should also mention that she actually has the Grey Camel already =P.) After a minute or so she locates it and I rush over , pretty much expecting to loot some dust...but oh no...There was no dust this time! I was picked up in a tornado!!! I was way too excited to kill Dormus, I was just repeating over and over in party chat of how thankful I was of her finding the Camel and summoning me over =D!
Here is a few pictures! I haven't really gone about to take some good screenshots yet, but I'll try get a good one later tonight! Also...Excuse the messy UI =P

The second mount I got my hands on, was the Spectral Wind Rider, unfortunately I haven't actually taken screenshots of it yet for some bizarre reason haha :S. I have a shot of me retrieving it from the mailbox but that's about it.. I was going to put it up, but there was some awkwardness in guild chat so I decided not to =P. I really think it's a cute mount, I love the way the Wind Riders run on land * giggles*. It's also quite amusing how it was in a little crate!
I used the Scroll of Resurrection on my old GM who does not play anymore, and hasn't for a loooong time, but I still keep in touch with him via MSN and Facebook =P. Even though he accepted it he's decided not to come back yet, and probably not till pandas, he just wanted to help me out with the mount =D. Since he payed for the 30 days of game time with a credit card, the payment was delayed ( due to the 7 days of free time) so I didn't receive my mount till the 7 days was up ( last Wednesday.) I remember checking if I could get it yet after dinner, and I could not..So I went and had a shower, and when I returned the retrieve mount button was lit up =D!.
Last edited by kurasiaa on Sun Mar 18, 2012 3:46 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Kura's New Mounts!

Unread post by Snowbird »

omg congratz on ur farms. I havent been playing for months! :D Ive been taking a break, But when i wanted to play again my computer broke!. So i hope i will be back this weekend!

And how the hell do u get so much gold to buy the TCG mounts?? They are really expensive! :S:S


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Re: Kura's New Mounts!

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Snowbird wrote:omg congratz on ur farms. I havent been playing for months! :D Ive been taking a break, But when i wanted to play again my computer broke!. So i hope i will be back this weekend!

And how the hell do u get so much gold to buy the TCG mounts?? They are really expensive! :S:S
I useally just do dailys and sell anything I loot XD
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Re: Kura's New Mounts!

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cowmuflage wrote:
Snowbird wrote:omg congratz on ur farms. I havent been playing for months! :D Ive been taking a break, But when i wanted to play again my computer broke!. So i hope i will be back this weekend!

And how the hell do u get so much gold to buy the TCG mounts?? They are really expensive! :S:S
I useally just do dailys and sell anything I loot XD

me2. But im not even close to the ammount. For the big boys (TCG mounts) xD


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Re: Kura's New Mounts!

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Snowbird wrote:
cowmuflage wrote:
Snowbird wrote:omg congratz on ur farms. I havent been playing for months! :D Ive been taking a break, But when i wanted to play again my computer broke!. So i hope i will be back this weekend!

And how the hell do u get so much gold to buy the TCG mounts?? They are really expensive! :S:S
I useally just do dailys and sell anything I loot XD

me2. But im not even close to the ammount. For the big boys (TCG mounts) xD
Just a matter of time mate you'll get there!

Amani Dragonhawk is a very nice mount! So want!
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Re: Kura's New Mounts!

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yeah i want that to! :D


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Re: Kura's New Mounts!

Unread post by kurasiaa »

Hehe thanks, and yeah I pretty much sell stuff on the AH that I come across, though lately I've been doing some old raids each week for some gold. This week will be my 3rd time, it's a nice way to build up some savings and I find it rather fun =P.some places like Serpentshrine Caverns, Tempest Keep and Hyjal drop 250g per boss! So I do them on both Kura and my DK which means double the amount =P. There are other places I do aswell , but those drop the most. I get about 7-8k a week from doing old raids including the amount gained from vendoring all the loot.

My favorite place to do was Serpentshrine Caverns because I had never been there before, so it was kinda fun to try it out. I havn't dared try to solo the last boss though, so I don't kill her.
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Re: Kura's New Mounts! - Updated

Unread post by kurasiaa »

Hmm I just noticed something rather amusing, it seems the day I took the screenshot of the Lovebird happened to be the one my pet Jasper decided to call itself a <Minion> instead of a <Pet>. It didn't last long though, when he despawned, he came back to me as my pet again =P. So for a couple minutes he got to be named ' Jasper <Kurasia's Minion>. It happened right after I'd done the Chemical Co dungeon, and a DK had all his ghouls out, so maybe it somehow glitched haha!
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Re: Kura's New Mounts! - Updated

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Have you fished up that boss? That was a annoying fight cos we used to fight over who did it XD. I like doing old raids they are fun!
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Re: Kura's New Mounts! - Updated

Unread post by Snowbird »

heeh nice :D


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Re: Kura's New Mounts! - Updated

Unread post by kurasiaa »

Haha yeah I fish up the boss each week ^_^, It's less fun on my hunter though since you can't stand in the middle to avoid the knock-back , so I park myself up near a wall, but some times the meany boss decides to throw me through the wall which means I have to swim all the way back =P. And indeed they are fun ^_^.
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