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Your team

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:25 pm
by Vulcorhunter
Was wondering now that pet battles are out in the beta and seems super fun to me with plus the awesome music what your team of 3 is going to be (out of your pets now and ones you will hopefully get in mop) and why. For me it will be,

1. Crawling Claw for the simple fact that soon as i saw him available in archaeology along with the scarab mount i just had to get them and now he is my favorite companion pet.
2. Lil' XT because ulduar was the most fun raid to me and having something shouting "im ready to play!" (and being able to take down those sometimes annoying trainsets is also a plus) is great fun.
3. Curious Oracle hatchling due to wanting to get him some payback from those wolvar or the Jade tentacle because of the ulduar feel from above.

Let's hear yours :)

Re: Your team

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:15 pm
by GormanGhaste
I'll be making a large stable, rather than specific teams at first. Here's what I currently have favorited:

Oracle Hatchling, Durotar Scorpion, Legs, Magical Crawdad, Spirit of Competition, Shale Spider, Tiny Sporebat, Mechanical Yeti, Undercity Cockroach, Vampiric Batling

That's one of every family. I'll be adding to it--pets for specific strategies, wild pets that I like, etc. I can already tell I will take a long time to get through the pet content, because I'll be trying to level up too many pets at once :)

Re: Your team

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:32 pm
by Niabi
I'm not sure what my specific pet teams will be just yet but something tells me by the look of my hunter stables, they'll likely be themed in some way.

Re: Your team

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:58 am
by Bonita
Well on the Beta Im using my Celestial Dragon, rare quality Small Frog, and Lashtail Hatchling. Im not sure what Ill be doing on live.

Re: Your team

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:12 pm
by Equeon
I think the cricket models are great and one (the green one, most likely) will definitely have an appearance on my team.
Other favorite pets of mine are Sand Scarab, the Proto-Drake Whelp, Gundrak Hatchling, and Chuck.
That's not counting the shiploads of wild pets that are added... I really can't make a proper decision at this moment.
I'd have to browse through an entire list of all of the new pets, with their pictures (and without crashing every 3 minutes: PTR, I'm lookin' at you)

Re: Your team

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:20 pm
by Makoes
At the moment I am using:

Moth (wild caught)-moth balls (or whatever its attack is) hits like a truck
Nether dragon Sprite (ethereal Sprite darter) Rare quality-caught lv 10, he's just so pretty!
Curious Oracle/Mr.Chilly-Love the Oracles so cute, and Mr.Chilly is just awesome :3

Re: Your team

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:22 pm
by winny
I have :

Darkshore cub: called Brownie
Perky Pug : has no other name yet, his real name is fun enough :P...he is great to watch in battle , very funny
Mini Diablo: because he is very nice against beast family pets

Re: Your team

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:54 pm
by Bulletdance
1.) Ethereal Soul Trader
2.) Bananas (chuckles)
3.) Enchanted Broom (the sweeper)
But I have no idea what I'll name my fav pet soul trader yet >_< :lol:

Re: Your team

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:22 pm
by Kurasu
I honestly don't know what my team will be yet. I have too many choices! I only know a few names I'm going to give pets, whether or not they end up being kept or not (and yes, my Moonkin's going to be Annie; points for those who get the reference).

My team'll probably depend on what I'm trying to catch at the time. ... and on how long I hang around a location trying to camp for things that only come out in the rain, or in sandstorms, or a rare spawn, or...

Re: Your team

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:48 pm
by Yaone
Be sure to level up one of each type! Depending on what you are fighting you can have a level 25 pet destroyed by a 16 :P

My team

tiny shale spider
Some undead pet I haven't figured out what... leaning towards Tiny Lichling.
celestial dragon
critter will be either a roach or a bunny :P
And haven't figured out what humanoid I want yet >.>