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Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:09 pm
by Dialga
I've been going around and collecting quite a bit recently -- and found a lot of errors, or things I'd like to hear if they were errors for others.

US server list

Phasing Issues

Scourged Whelpling - EDIT! Caught!
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Sorry for the small size, WoW was windowed. Anyway, it seems these are just rare, rare spawns.. and veeeery hard to camp. I got lucky and beat 3 people circling overhead.

Minfernal -- Varied reports. Some people say they've done massive farming to have nothing happen, some say half an hour of farming is enough to make one spawn. Same FP visible error as above. Logged in after a realm restart, and I saw the numbers I had seen on the FP. Promptly ran around to tame -- they never respawned after.

Nordrassil Wisp -- Invisible on my characters that had reached the Molten Front dailies or had quested in Hyjal -- only could see on my fresh 80 that hadn't completed anything in the zone.

Scorpling -- Invisible on character that had completed Cata quests in Blasted Lands, not so for an ancient character that had not. May have all been dead on the first, but I circled for half an hour with no luck.

Spawn of Onyxia -- This is sort of up-in-the-air as people debate what's what with Theramore phasing.. but if you can't find any, try talking to Zidormi ( to be phased back to the past. I found one my first circle once I had done so.

The Devouring Breach -- Once I'd done the quest that involved mounting the gryphons and shooting down the elemental boss atop the highest rock, no pets can be seen there. Double confirmed on my Nelf huntress -- only character I see them on is my horde faction changed hunter, who hasn't done a single quest and doesn't even have the portal yet.

Pet Battles

Bloodknight Anatari -- What a wuss! All that talk about Blood Elves will rule the world -- he won't fight me! Massive 'pet area obstruction' issues, can't enter combat. Probably due to the big shell behind his back. Unable to progress to Northrend, really needs a fix.

Please, please mercilessly beat up my pets -- some pet trainers just won't fight you. Usually fixed by going to a different character -- but can be difficult if you don't have any that can reach said trainer easily or at all.

Some pets won't go into combat. Who knows why!

If you are aggroed while clicking a pet, sometimes you get stuck upon re-entering. Such as, I click a spider, something attacks me. I kill it, click spider again -- start battle, only to have the battle phase out and leaves me stuck in the 'battling' frozen position and unable to move unless I log out or wait it out.

Underwater obstruction -- half the aquatic creatures, like the frogs in Un'goro, hop in and out of water and swim -- and are unable to be battled when doing so.

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Very wonky. On my horde character that battled with my pets, the achievement is gold and unlocked -- alliance, all the requirements have been met but no achiev is lit up, nor am I able to rebattle. On the other hand, you can see that I've unlocked the EK one on my ally -- only, I haven't gone around to beat them all yet! I still haven't done the ally starting trainers, as you can see from the quest to the side. Very odd.

Also, other people have mentioned, and I've experienced, that you need to log in and out to receive any achievement reward pets, like Nuts or the Celestial Dragon.

Stuck Pets

Lots of pets get caught in trees or under rocks or hills -- if feared or taunted, they can't enter battle -- perhaps Blizzard could make some mechanic to pull them?

I've seen a group of 10 people or so crowded around an unclickable Minfernal that spawned in a tree with great longing in their hearts.. :lol:

Missing Pets

Snowy Owl -- It's winter, where is he? No reports or sightings, and none of his summer cousin either in AQ.

Devouring Maggot -- Needed for the Northrend Achievement, has no actual mob. Can be 'caught' as a pet that entered the battle of another, but doesn't show up in the petbook or actually tick off on the achievement.

I'll update with anything else I find/remember. Feel free to post if you encounter any troubles! Make sure to mention if you're EU, or I'll assume US.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:35 pm
by Smyelmdar
Nice list, and pretty helpful too. Keep it up. :)

I've noticed that you can't go into battle with some of the crabs. I haven't tried all of them, but tried in Durotar, Westfall and Darkshore, and none of them worked. I couldn't enter battle with them at all.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:44 pm
by Dialga
Smyelmdar wrote:Nice list, and pretty helpful too. Keep it up. :)

I've noticed that you can't go into battle with some of the crabs. I haven't tried all of them, but tried in Durotar, Westfall and Darkshore, and none of them worked. I couldn't enter battle with them at all.
Because they're underwater, or do they just ignore you altogether? Underwater is another of those darn 'obstruction' issues.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:01 pm
by Smyelmdar
Dialga wrote:
Smyelmdar wrote:Nice list, and pretty helpful too. Keep it up. :)

I've noticed that you can't go into battle with some of the crabs. I haven't tried all of them, but tried in Durotar, Westfall and Darkshore, and none of them worked. I couldn't enter battle with them at all.
Because they're underwater, or do they just ignore you altogether? Underwater is another of those darn 'obstruction' issues.
They're not underwater. Well, tried those too and got the 'obstruction' message. But the other ones I just can't go into battle with. Nothing happens.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:04 pm
by Dialga
Smyelmdar wrote:
Dialga wrote:
Smyelmdar wrote:Nice list, and pretty helpful too. Keep it up. :)

I've noticed that you can't go into battle with some of the crabs. I haven't tried all of them, but tried in Durotar, Westfall and Darkshore, and none of them worked. I couldn't enter battle with them at all.
Because they're underwater, or do they just ignore you altogether? Underwater is another of those darn 'obstruction' issues.
They're not underwater. Well, tried those too and got the 'obstruction' message. But the other ones I just can't go into battle with. Nothing happens.
Gotcha, I'll add it in.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 3:15 pm
by Smyelmdar
Well, it seems like they have fixed it already. lol
At least the Westfall ones. I just had a battle with one. :)

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:54 am
by Kurasu
I can confirm the 'Breach' error as well. And it's definitely a phasing issue. If I'm standing just out of reach, I can see plenty of spawns, but getting close to it phases them out. Fortunately, what spawns there can be caught elsewhere, so it's just annoying rather than a 'fatal bug'.

Glad to find out that you were able to catch a plagued whelp. This is the last Northrend creature (aside from the bugged maggot) that I'm missing! I have my DK camping there and check back frequently. Now I know that there's hope in doing that. Did you do anything when it spawned? Or just circle around and around until you happened to find it?

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:36 am
by Dialga
Kurasu wrote:I can confirm the 'Breach' error as well. And it's definitely a phasing issue. If I'm standing just out of reach, I can see plenty of spawns, but getting close to it phases them out. Fortunately, what spawns there can be caught elsewhere, so it's just annoying rather than a 'fatal bug'.

Glad to find out that you were able to catch a plagued whelp. This is the last Northrend creature (aside from the bugged maggot) that I'm missing! I have my DK camping there and check back frequently. Now I know that there's hope in doing that. Did you do anything when it spawned? Or just circle around and around until you happened to find it?
Circle! And use a low, low pop server. I managed to find oodles on my paladin (who did the Quel'Delar questline) but I pray that doesn't have anything to do with the phasing since it's an expensive 'fix'! I found about 3 on a low pop server on my DK that has done no dailies or questlines, nowhere near as many as my paladin and I had to keep checking in for it.

Got my blue one though!

And the extra good news is I got an Arctic Fox today, so I can confirm:
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Turns out you don't need the maggot after all! :D Though, keep in mind, I did 'catch' it though it never appeared in my logbook once I did.

And if you're having trouble with the Outland Master jerk, hop to an alt (that can reach Outland). It's only on some servers he has those issues.


Forgot to add.. in case people were wondering if the rare in the area shares a spawn timer with the whelps, I doubt it.. you can see the miniscule (for rares) difference in time between the one whelp I found in the picture up there and the one here when I relogged to check back on respawns. His death does not seem to spawn them nor is it likely they share a timer, since his is much longer (I think).
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Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:33 am
by Wain
I'll sticky this one for a while. At least until there aren't many bugs left. Thanks for the list :)

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:25 pm
by Kurasu
Another bug here: if you capture a pet in the 'second/third slot', I.E. not the model of the pet who started the fight (a backup), the nthe color is not 'fast'. It will change colors as you summon it. In the book, the color is always the same: Wain theorized that the color it shows is the first in the color rotation.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:32 pm
by GormanGhaste
Kurasu wrote:Another bug here: if you capture a pet in the 'second/third slot', I.E. not the model of the pet who started the fight (a backup), then the color is not 'fast'. It will change colors as you summon it.
I actually hope this stays in. Now there are both color-changing and color-stable options.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:31 am
by Twila
You know for the snowy owl... if you check your calendar it's acually FALL right now. Winter don't start till the 21st of December.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:29 am
by Makoes
The Nordrassil wisps ARE visable (atleast now) to players who have complete the molten front quests, they do however have a slower respawn timer of 15-30min. I was able to see/capture some on my hunter (who has done all the molten front stuff) day before yesterday. Only saw about 6 spawns per respawn, and all around the building/under the tree and around the lake.

Bloodknight Anatari has been fixed, and is now further away from the rock...however a deimetridon wonders near him and occasionally disrupts the battle by attacking players.

For a good amount of pet obstruction issues, standing at max range in a clear area will let you enter combat. However some pets like the black ram, spawn on very small high mounds with trees, and cannot be battled.

can attest to the Onyxia whelp one, could not find any, until talking to Zidormi and being taken to the past.

For the achivement one, on my alliance the Kalimdor one is lite up, and the eastern kingdom is not, and it is reversed on my horde toon. However, both show up done on the "Taming" achive, and I was still able to obtain my "Tamer" title.

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:39 pm
by Rawr
If Spell Reflect is cast right before Burrow, Dive or similar spells the caster of Spell Reflect stays under the ground and is invulnerable but can still attack. :mrgreen:

Re: Pet Battles - Errors and Bug List

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:56 pm
by Makoes
on top of that for reflect, if it is cast after borrow, but before the attack, reflect will block the attack of the opponent, but not attack the opponent, however, if reflect was used earlier in the same battle that resulted in reflect actually reflecting and mirroring an attack, then reflect will use THAT attack after the burrowed opponent hits.