What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

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What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Castile »

This thought came up as I was listening to a podcast and they were discussing what ppl doing in-game now. One of them said he wanted to lvl a shaman but the other guys said whats the point when you get free 90? Why lvl alts at all? Which got me thinking....all I'm doing atm is either lvling alts to 90 and dressing them up in xmog or doing lfr for my mains legendary cloak (yes im lazy ok!).

What are you all doing?

Do you not see the point in lvling alts or do you enjoy that?

Are you still raiding and therefore for lots to do still there?

Since I quit raiding/guild emploded I lvl my alts to 90 and have made a few new ones with my fiance with RAF. I have multiples of classes but I enjoy the satisfaction of lvling a toon to 90 myself. Just for those that are interested I'm currently at 8 lvl 90's (2x hunter, 2x druid, shaman, warrior, priest, mage) and 5 85+ (paladin, monk, rogue, DK and priest). My warlock is the only class not at 85 (about 58ish) but ill get to her :)


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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Vephriel »

I've been mostly playing alts! I fell in love with a paladin I created when I decided to try going Prot and tanking on her...she went from a character created on a whim to one that I'm approaching 80 with and I'm loving her a lot, so that's been most of my time lately.

I'm also doing solo mount runs again, grinding rep/drops I didn't get around to, and trying to organize my bags in preparation for a new expansion (even though it's still a ways away).

My main goal right now though (because it's on a time limit) is to run the Pandaria LFRs for transmog pieces I like. Once a new expansion's out it'll be next to impossible to queue for them anymore, and there's quite a few weapons and gear pieces that have unique appearances from LFR that I want to have.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I'm doing all the things I missed from MoP like getting the mounts I missed and some of the Cata ones too. Just started doing the Timeless Isles stuff and I'm not even half way done with the Black prince quests XD Lots to do!
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Rawr »

Minecraft and Cata-DDA :mrgreen:


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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Kintsugi »

Same thing I always do: level a bajillion alts, do pet battles, transmog runs, and camp rares :) I also have two guilds to level now, which is a new experience for me.

I am kinda pushing to get all my MoP reps to exalted before WoD. By growing veggies. Its a process. A slow one.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Makoes »

Alt leveling, working on challenge modes like "no damage" or "no deaths".
I have my Art on DA that I am focusing on more, getting my overly long list of "To draw" done...and creating more ><;
I also have some RL things things that I am dealing with. Trying to find/afford some pre-school for my daughter, who is turning 4 yrs in April. Also bugging my BF for a 2nd kid ^^ I really love being a Mom. Best feeling ever! (besides, some people want to have their own soccer team, I want my own raid group ^^ j/k)


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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by GormanGhaste »

At this stage of the expansion, I always seem to find myself getting distracted by alts, even though I still have plenty I want to do on my main. Having been recently connected to another realm, so I can have more alts for my main's horde doesn't help :)
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by peanutbuttercup »

My main activity is still raiding, I enjoy it even if we're just clearing the same old content for months.

Other than that my main activities/goals are:
1) Saving up as much gold as I can. I don't like starting out an xpac without a good supply of money.
2) Running old content for transmogs, toys and mounts. My unrealistic goal is to hit 250 mounts by the time WoD drops.
3) Finishing up the last of my rep grinds. Just have to hit exalted with Booty Bay and I'll be exalted with all currently available PVE reps.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Iowawolf »

I am running my 85 worgen hunter through low level zones questing since on his way to 85 he missed a lot.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Lisaara »

Leveling alts mainly. x3

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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Wain »

Mostly trying to get a couple of farmable pets I'm missing, and a few more than I have as rares but really want better breeds for. The whole breeds thing becomes pure poison when you spend many months just getting one pet from a boss, only to then realize that getting the breed you want could take five, six times longer again. Really kills the joy.

Also, farming for some mounts I'm missing that I can two-person or solo at this level.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Myrrmi »


Yeah, seriously :P My bucket list is quite long...
Let's see, where to start:

1. Completion wrap-up list:
- lvl-cap my lockie altie (lvl70 now)
- get all my lvl90 alts (6, incl the lockie) through all of LFRs (progress varies from just SoO4 missing to not even 90 yet) for the green stripe on armory
- on my main - finish off Gary on Flex for the green stripe and clear normal (9/14) for the wolf mount.

2. Timeless stuff: on my main
- finish the rep grind (revered now)
- get coins for rep mount+pet (~80k/150k now) (while killing rares to drop a few more pets I'm missing)
- before new season: get the out-of-TI bloody coins generator item (17/50 now)
- when new season hits - grind for bloody coins in BGs while progressing towards the achis.

3. Pet battles
- do that smelly "The longest day" poop
- take up the celestial tourney and get all the baby celestials
- finish collecting raid and timeless drop pets

4. Other thingies I guess I don't have to do before WoD hits, but if I happen to have time...
- Giants: grind up the bone-white raptor (and one more, I swear I don't have all of the eggy 3 yet)
- Brawlers: get someone to do "Haters gonna hate" for me, so I can stop withholding on the dino and progress further, as far as I can.
- check out that proving grounds, and for real 8-)
- finish up quest/exploration achis (looking at you, Shado-pan rep dailies and IoT)
- panda dungeons achis
- lvlup a few more alts, namely my panda and gobo hunters and mooo-bearcat. Maybe I'll make myself a monk, eventually, but I'd rather wait for after-MoP-nostalgia with that :P

Phew... I better get down to work :D

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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Pent »

Mostly sleeping... times goes by faster doing that.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Danielfboone »

Not a lot. I rarely log in. When I do, I'll try to get achievements, and I'd really like to get the black raptor mount but those eggs just never drop for me. I still have only gotten one and I have like 5000 bones. With my luck, I'll get an egg and it will hatch into another red one. I hate farming for things.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Sar »

Levelling my final 2 tank classes for my Youtube channel I run as a source for Tanking info.

So working on my Monk atm (level 63) and then going to polish off levelling my warrior (87), which will mean heading into Warlords, I'll have all 5 tanks ready to rock for guides n' shizzle.

Raiding wise, still trying to kill Garrosh (55 wipes and counting!) on normal mode :(
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Shade »

I'm one of those people who cannot jump right into a class without having played it first. Tried it on various betas and just got confused as heck with all the spells and abilities. I was frustrated and confused as to what rotation to use, what abilities were not at all useful, what were critical and so on. Yeah, you can read a guide, but I would much rather learn the spells slowly and experience that trial and error while leveling.

So I'm still leveling toons. I'm on the last range class right now, my balance druid. She's about 57, and I plan on finishing her within a month at the latest. After her, I am not sure really what I am going to do at all. I've got the following 90s: bm hunter (A), ele shaman (A), shadow priest, ele shaman (H), BM hunter (H), mage (and another at 54 while I was testing out ice, the 90 had been leveled as fire), demon lock.

Thinking I might next level an alt spec class, like enhance shaman, destro lock, etc. Not really sure yet. I really dislike playing melee, but I might talk myself into leveling one instead. I'll keep leveling alts till the expac, randomly switching to one of my 90s to do some LFR for gear upgrades and or do old world raid accomplishments etc, but it is not a priority.

Mostly I am NOT going to use the free 90 to make something I don't already know. I am planning on using it to make a alt hunter or shaman on a new server, level that toon and then have them be my money maker for any characters that I make over there. As I've played mostly PvE, I am thinking I might make my free 90 on an RP realm to give them a try-as I keep trying the RP realms and can't get past the disgust I feel for Goldshire to go out and try the rest of the world.

But then again I may get some random idea in my head and start trying to heal... heh, heh... not likely.
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Lupis »

Lots and lots of LFR, for me. Gearing up my feral druid. I'm also working on leveling a warlock, monk and hunter- though I hope to use my free boost to 90 on said hunter! Doing my typical WoW stuff really. Farming mounts, gearing up, getting mog sets, etc.

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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Trying to get the game to frickin play >.> Like omg :lol:

Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Banard »

My to do things before WoD:

(1) Kill the last three bosses in SOO on heroic.
(2) Finish getting all the Gorgeous BG achievements (started it this past weekend and only BG i have any left)
(3) You're going to need a bigger bag achievement (and send many curses Blizzards way).
(4) 10,000 daily achievement...less then 2k to go!
(5) Level all Profession for that achievement (been so lazy about this one)
(6) Level 2nd hunter to level 80 and gear for Herald of Titans FoS run.
(7) Collect more pets...567 unique ones isn't enough. Got to get them all!
(8) Level more pets..only have 222 max level pets!
(9) There is one more season of PVP this xpac so get those two achievements.
(10) Keep farming, Onyxia mount, kael mount and the firelands one (which i started soloing last week).
(11)....god it never ends there so much to do and never enough time!

Things left over on my list from last xpac's:
(1) stone core mount
(2) VP mount
(3) camel mount
(4) deepholm mount
(5) timeless mount

almost forgot Alani which appears to be harder now then before and the jade mount from warbringers (only one i have left)
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Re: What are you doing while waiting for the xpac?

Unread post by Zaranock »

1) Finish getting Cooking/FA/Fishing to max...
2) Get Onyxia and Anzu mounts...
3) Exalt with Anglers/Huojin to finish off Pandaria...
4) Finish my Giantstalker altered mog...
5) Get in full 553 gear XD
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