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Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:40 am
by Shepard
Hey Petopia Community,

I´ve been lurking here for years now and,since i have not spotted a thread about the possible location of our new Class-Hall,
So I decided to open one, to get some theroies going where our Hall might be build.

What came in my mind first was the hunting camp of Nasingwary. He is the prime hunter in WoW to be fair. But his camp is rather small.

Or maybe we take over the troll ruins in the Hinterlands? Would be a great spot for hunters, in my mind.

Do i finaly get my very own dwarfish bunker in the Swamplands?

I would love to hear your theories, where we might see each other in the future and from which point in the glorious hunter revolution may beginn, once the Legion Addon is over.

Have a nice day

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:45 am
by pop
Either Strangle thorn, Nagrand or Far Strider Lodge.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:48 am
by SpiritBinder
I've always associated with my hunter the most when deep in the forests or jungles of wow. Places that are primordial, untouched and savage.

I'm not sure if it they would be perfect for "hunter lore", but places like Un'goro Crater, Shol Basin, Feralas and Ashenvale all hit this feeling for me.

Personally I'm not a f an of Nessinwary representing us a whole for hunters, especially BM. I've always looked at my pets as a partnership/kindred soul, and Nessinwary generally likes to kill any beast that moves, as many as he can, skin them and use them as trophies. About the opposite I feel about beasts in general.
I'm a hunter, but I hunt a very large selection of prey, and killing my other halfs kin ),for sport just seems a little off, but that's just me. :)

If I had to pick a Hunter representative, I'd most like go with Rexar. He'd wok pretty well for both BM and the new SV Melee Hunters. Maybe Nessinwary for MM might work well?

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:07 am
by Wain
Ooo, this is fun speculation :)

I'd forgotten Farstrider Lodge, but that would be a beautiful area for it. And it's already designated a Hunter's Lodge, though as far as buildings go they'd obviously be looking for something far grander. In fact I would guess it can only be in a location that would fit a very large building without impinging on existing zone play and appearance too much.

Un'Goro would also be a great choice and seems to have plenty of vacant space around the edges. Like SB I'm really not fond of Nesingwary though it's a personal thing and he is put forward as a hunter icon (I preferred the quests where we got to harass his group in WotLK ;) )

I'd also like to add for consideration one of the "plateau"-like areas on the mountain border between the Barrens, Stonetalon and Ashenvale, north of the Dry Hills. It's quite scenic up there, and overlooks the vast animal-filled plains of the Barrens. There are large, flat swathes of land up there that aren't accessible (I don't think) by low levels currently, and there are already some beasts and trees up there, and a lake too. There's a lot of room to create whatever you like and they stretch quite a distance. The adjacent Barrens are a great hunting area, and it borders both Horde and Alliance territory. A bit to the east is a level 90 Siege of Org-era quest area but that's really not used any more and doesn't need to be too close anyway.

Screenshot of part of it (sorry it was night when I took this):


Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 9:28 am
by Kalhoun
I want a tree house.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:05 am
by Xota
Farstrider Lodge was the first place I thought of. It's Loch Modan is alliance territory (not contested), so you wouldn't have to do anything new to prevent Horde from griefing lowbies. There's plenty of room up higher for a grander hall. In fact, a lot of Kalimdor/Azeroth zones have lots of room in in the "mountains" between them. Feralas was the third place I thought of (Sholozar was second).

I'm also not that excited with Nessingwary as the prime example of a hunter. He seems too Great White Hunter and too much a comedy relief. I'm sure there will be a trophy hall in the Hunter Hall, but the Rangari fit more how I imagine hunters... even though none of them have pets. (In my imaginationland, Rangari Kaalya has a wingless fae drake / warpstalker that is just so good at camouflage, nobody has ever seen it.) Surviving MU Rangari would be at home in Feralas.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 11:50 am
by Shepard
Just wanted to say that i dont find Nesingwary to be the best Hunter of errr.... "our kind" but hes always there in every addon, most people did his qests and know him. :oops:

For a better representation of our class of cause there is good ol´Rexxar or even Tyrande to some extend (white Sabertooth and Magic Owl Companion) or and thats my secret pick as companion in the Hall, Breanni, the gnomish Petvendor in Dalaran.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:04 pm
by pop
What about a tree house on a tree by a water fall on a floating island in Nagrand, Outland?

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:39 pm
by Shade
Nessingwary is the stereotypical game hunter in the game-but I agree that I do not like him as the prime example of a hunter in the game. Rexxar make much more sense in terms of livign alongside animals rather than go shoot anything that moves.

If we are basing it off of Rexxar-what about that big ole hill he is set on in Gorgrond where you do his questline now? I could see an enclave dug into the ground under that or such, theme wise?

Though personally I hope it will be somewhere in Nagrand-which would make sense, or the Jade Forest-which would not make much sense but is my all time favorite local in the game and I wouldn't mind spending more time there.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:49 pm
by Quiv
For some reason I thought of Grizzly Hills. No real reason, I just like it. Felt like a place for a gathering of hunters, and cool music to boot.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:22 pm
by Ratatosk
My initial thought was Sholazar, perhaps because of all time i've spent looking for pets there, but now that you mention Grizzly Hills I love the idea of it. That lodge style architecture there is perfecter hunter's too. I do have a suspicion though that our class hall is going to be tied in heavily with wherever Alleria Windrunner has been hiding out. Seems like her bow is going to be going to the mm group so she's probably going to be very involved with hunters, or at least with mm. Any thoughts as to where that crazy looking rifle that seems to be for us BM folks might come from? I'm really scared its one of Nessingwary's hand me downs...

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:36 pm
by Loridon
My first thought was Un'goro Crater or nagrand

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 2:39 pm
by Lupen202
I vote Grizzly hills personally. There are tons of beasts there, lots of wilderness, lumberjacks and NPC hunters. It just screams hunter to me. I can easily imagine a big cabin type building nestled in the woods there as the hunter class hall.


I just think it would fit way more than the Barrens or Nagrand or Loch Modan. Nagrand isn't a bad choice, whether it's the Outland one or the Draenor one. That said, aside from the Nesingwary hunting quests nothing there really makes me think of the hunter class.

Sholazar Basin wouldn't be a bad choice though... but I still am hoping for Grizzly hills. I'd be so thrilled.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:39 pm
by SylviaDragon
It would be really cool if we got a tree like the furbog one in Grizzly Hills. maybe we will hallow out the part that's fallen over if its not already in use. :P been a long time since i have been there so i can't remember if both parts are in use. really loved the atmosphere in that spot though. so beautiful.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:18 pm
by Ironclaws
SpiritBinder wrote: Personally I'm not a fan of Nessinwary representing us a whole for hunters, especially BM. I've always looked at my pets as a partnership/kindred soul, and Nessinwary generally likes to kill any beast that moves, as many as he can, skin them and use them as trophies. About the opposite I feel about beasts in general.
I completely agree with this. I've always seen my pets as partners, not as game unlike Nesingwary. His quests are pretty fun though. :)

I don't expect to see this, but I think Mok'Nathal in Blades Edge would be a cool place for hunters. With all the hunters standing around and the pets roaming freely, I've always felt this was a nice refuge for hunters. The only big problem I see with this though is that Rexxar might not be welcome. And personally, Rexxar is one of my favorite characters and a HUGE hunter class representative.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:40 pm
by Castile
I'll put my vote in for Grizzly Hills too! I love that zone and the music. The forrest theme and log cabins fits the hunter motif. And the bears all fishing in the river....ah :)

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:56 pm
by Wain
Ok it doesn't take much to convince me of the Grizzly Hills too. My favourite zone of Northrend, so gorgeous and soulful music. It'd make a great location :)

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:43 am
by PrimalTazza
I almost immediately thought of the Huntress Hall (or whatever it was called) in WC3.

If Ashenvale hadn't been half-destroyed in the Cataclysm, I'd almost bet it'd be there or somewhere else in night elven territory. The "companion-of-beasts" vibe from Rexxar would fit, while the "hunter-of-beasts" vibe from Nessingwary might not be welcome, but both can easily fit into the hunter lore and fantasy, which Blizzard is really big on sticking to for Legion.

Un'Goro and Sholazar might be weird since they're technically Titan construct testing grounds. They're usually forbidden from meddling anywhere else, while those two areas are specifically designated for them to experiment with the wildlife and weather and whatnot. I doubt the giant tree in the Grizzly Hills would work since it's supposedly been corrupted by Yogg-Saron or whoever or whatever else was underneath Northrend, and I think there was even a quest to destroy the newly growing tree inside. This corruption is what drove the northern furbolgs insane and violent. I doubt it'd be anywhere outside of Azeroth (with the exception of warlocks), or anywhere on Draenor since they said somewhere that the forces on Draenor would be remaining there, leaving us to deal with this mess ourselves.

That said, my votes are for Winterspring and its saber tamers/trainers, Timbermaw Hold (and that closed off area within it that we never got to explore), some kind of Nessingwary camp, the hunting lodge(s) in the Hinterlands or Loch Modan, or maybe somewhere in Mulgore (I think it has that perfect mix of taking and giving back to the land, harmony with nature, and the personal test of self in the hunt for a great beast) though with its status as a starting zone I'd doubt it, but hey, who knows?

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 7:05 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
I'd love Grizzly hills but I don't think they're going to put it in northrend.

Re: Hunter-Hall-Location

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 9:05 pm
by ehrinlove
yeah I'm not over eager about being cloaked under nesingwaryness, the guns and the petlessness and the killing and hunting... thats not a hunter..maybe they should have been given a different name but a hunter to me was someone in touch with the wild, who could run through forests with a companion at their side half of their soul eager to take on anything, a bow on their back relying on instincts to survive not... bang and shoot cliche