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Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:42 am
by Rhyela
Aw, that sucks about the Purity mod. :( I can kind of understand some of the mod authors not wanting to re-visit something so many years after they made it. I'm assuming it could be a huge undertaking and if their interest in the game has waned, or if they have other things going on now, it might be more difficult to do.

Also, sucks to hear about the kids. I didn't realize that adopting them would make them greedy little brats. I like how sweet Sofie is right now. I mean, I know kids are kids, and if they get one toy they think they should get every toy they ever see from then until the end of time. But still. No reason to be ingrates! Maybe I will hold off, and just avoid Windhelm so I don't feel guilty every time I see her. :lol:

Hopefully it's not true that spouses become less chatty. I will say that I "test-married" her (quickly married and moved into bare-bones Breezehome) just to see if she'd get all mushy and pathetic after that. She wasn't as bad as I feared, though the shop bit still feels a bit off for a hardened mercenary. But I like how she says "dear" and "love". But anyway, I did notice that a couple lines seemed to be missing: "Yes, Sera?" and, "You and I are one of the same. I'm glad to have met you." I didn't hear her say either of these lines at all. But then, we were just waddling around Breezehome. Still, it worried me that she wouldn't ever say those things again, and I like both of those lines. So now I'm torn on what I should do: a) stay single and just have an awesome follower friend, but lose out on homecooked meals and Lover's Comfort bonuses; b) marry a follower and risk them losing a few lines of dialogue, but get meals and LC bonus; c) find a different spouse altogether, like one of the blacksmiths or shopkeepers that I don't mind leaving at home. The problem with c is that I haven't really met anyone else that I like, and I like having a spouse I can travel with. Buuuut, I haven't been to Solstheim yet, nor have I visited several other locations, so maybe that special someone is still out there.

P.S. Thank you so much for the compliment on Shiraz, I feel the same way! I don't really know how I did it, but I feel like I somehow managed to make an attractive orc female. Before I made Shiraz, I saw this picture online and it kind of inspired me to make one that was both tough and appealing. I think our face shapes are pretty similar, but I chose a different skin tone/hairstyle/eye color/face paint. (I want to know how they got such an amazing picture.)


I've seen other orc NPCs and screenshots on google images, and many are downright ugly. Then there are the ones that people create with the creation kit that are just...ridiculous. Orc women with double Ds running around in bikinis. Ugh. That is NOT the way an orc woman carries herself! :evil: We are proud, honorable, tough. We do not flit about like silly waifs. And maybe it's just my opinion, but they aren't supposed to be pretty by conventional standards. I see a lot of mods that soften them too much, or smooth out their rough features. Orsimer are supposed to be "ugly" according to the human races, and even other mer. Doesn't mean that there can't be ones among them that are more attractive than others, but they still shouldn't look like supermodels IMO. /endrant

This one's dark, but it kinda looks like she's making an "Ugh" face. She doesn't like supermodel orcs, either. :P :lol: (Okay, maybe she always looks like she's making an "Ugh" face. This one's "ugh"ier than usual, though.)


Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:54 am
by Rhyela
Yet another new character! I've never tried a full mage yet, so I made one tonight. Since Bretons and Altmer are too obvious a choice, I picked Argonian. I'm quite sure she'll end up being a thief and assassin, as well as a member of the College, but I'm not sure about Companions/werewolf/vampire. I've been having trouble with a name. Right now it's Veena-Rei, but it was Veema-Wei before (didn't flow as nicely), and before that it was...well, I can't remember. But it was something else. Oh yeah, Vee-Mawei. I like the combination of letters, I just can't decide on the arrangement. :lol:


Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:26 pm
by zedxrgal
She looks great. I keep toying with the idea of a mage.
Part of me wants to make a snow elf mage.

I have a lot of ss from my long play time yesterday

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:37 pm
by Rhyela
Her name changed again. :lol: It's now Vee-Namei, which I think it will stay. Man, mages are kinda hard to play in the beginning. If I get smacked once, half my life is gone. It took me about ten tries to kill a dwarven sphere. I was only level 8, but still. Yeesh. I finally killed it and then left the dungeon because I knew if I came across a centurion, I'd be a smear on the ground in no time. It's fun to try something different, but I'm so used to Shiraz one-shotting most things and her 400+ hp that I feel like a wet noodle trying to play a mage. Hopefully it gets better once I start getting more powerful spells. I'm taking along Lydia now but I don't really like her personality so I'll trade her in for someone else at some point.

Vee's personality is that she's very sarcastic and a little grumpy. I'm also RPing that she has a very strong dislike for Dunmer (even though I myself like them). She also has pretty much no moral compass in regards to thievery and murder. She's not going to go on random killing sprees, but DB contracts are no prob, Bob. I took some pics last night but I'm at work on lunch atm so I don't have them on me. She's decked out in all black right now and looks kinda cool. I also made her a little fur backpack. :3

Many screen shots, you say? Well, post them already! :lol: :P :D I'd love to see some more from the SE.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:38 pm
by zedxrgal
Yeah there are several. :lol:

Ok so question. When running two toons do you still have to change the save files each toon or? I know on the regular Skyrim to keep from saves being mixed I had to transfer them between files.

I am thinking of making a snow elf shadow mage. Meaning she will primarily use magic and staves but has no qualms in sneaking up behind someone and stabbing them in the back. :twisted: So her points will be spent in enchanting, sneak, one handed. All my girls get into the dark brotherhood. Muhwahahahah Poor girl will have almost no stamina. *snerk*

I'll try and upload tonight.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:07 pm
by Rhyela
To save games, I use the console command "save Vee-Namei" to make their first save file, but without the quotation marks. This makes the save that I will continue to use for that character. So from there on out, when I use the regular menu to save a game, I know which file to save over. I have one for Thrana, one for Shiraz and now one for Vee. With the save files being named after the associated character, I know I won't get them mixed up. Was that your question, or did I misunderstand? (In the below picture, I am aware that I have additional save files. I'm just lazy and haven't cleaned them out yet.)


Moar pics!

Many are the casualties of uncaring Skyrim. Among them, this majestic horse butt.


Lydia Furtado is like a bird, she'll only fly away.


Vee got an ever-so-slight makeover. I spaced her eyes a smidge farther apart, and changed her nostril scales to dark red instead of brown.


It seemed like it took forever, but I finally found a plain black fur hood to go with her black robes. :)


Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:29 am
by Rhyela
Sorry for the double post. Just one more pic for tonight, then I'll stop annoying everyone. XD I got Vee all decked out in DB cloth now! The bonuses aren't super awesome for my current perk setup (will most likely work on 1h in the future), but at this point I just want her to look different from other typical mages with their blue robes and mutton chop beards. :lol:


Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 1:38 pm
by zedxrgal
Rhyela wrote:Image
Sneaking. You're doing it wrong.


Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 6:08 pm
by Rhyela
Mr. Ed couldn't figure out why he was the "butt" of all the jokes in Skyrim.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 12:12 am
by zedxrgal
So I made a snow elf mage and I love everything so far but my choice to follow Hadvar into the keep. He's handsome and all but he's just not as sweet to me. I know when I did this way back he was almost flirty in the way he spoke. Making sweet comments etc. I don't know. He really didn't seem to like my choosing the mage stone either. :?
I'm still being lazy and haven't uploaded my screen shots yet.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 1:19 pm
by Rhyela
I don't think either of the guys like the mage stone. I remember Ralof saying something less than positive about it, too.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:00 pm
by zedxrgal
Makes me curious how they'd react if the sneaky stone (thief I think it's called) was chosen. lmao I really don't want to restart a toon to find out though. *shrug* Both girls are already like level 14. I'm a slacker I know but I don't have much time during the week to play any games these days. :(

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:48 pm
by zedxrgal
These are my two girls.
Ferox my shadow warrior
Obviously right after I created her. :lol:

And Azshara. Snow elf shadow mage. Yes I pilfered the name from WoW.

I noticed this when I created Azshara. About to be executed, his comrade just got his head chopped off and Ralof is still just as happy as can be.

Alduin: "Ha! Missed me!"

The uber sexiness that is Ulfric.


Edit: I've decided I need the vampire armor in real life. Wish I was a good seamstress or had the money to pay one.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:56 pm
by Rawr
I thought this was cute. Link to their page
Image :mrgreen:

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 9:43 pm
by zedxrgal
Rhyela wrote:Image
If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza you're gonna have a bad time.

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:08 am
by Teigan
I found this mod a while ago, and just remembered it existed, so I had to share. Yes, I did use this for a brief and glorious while. It is probably the best mod in existence. :D

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:44 pm
by Rhyela
Ferox is really pretty! Azshara looks good too, she's got a very nice face shape. :D

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:43 pm
by Aweena
Doing some dawnguard with these creepy crawlies cause i ran out of arrows...

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:12 pm
by Rhyela
Whaaaa??? What is going on in that pic? :lol:

Re: Skyrim!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:21 pm
by zedxrgal
Ok so after much play time yesterday ..................... I am no longer enjoying the snow elf mage. She dies way too much even though her health is stupid high and I'm really thinking of scrapping her. I'd hoped to use her to get all the daedra artifacts for the achievement, I've never gotten them all, but sadly not sure I can withstand her that long. She has ran w/Jenassa since she got to Whiterun and Jenassa has killed her about 8 times since somehow in Talos' god green earth a spell hit Jenassa and turned her hostile.

My other complaint is horses are SQUISHY. Like two wolf bites and down she goes. It's so bad that I have been walking everywhere because I got sick of trying to ride and have my horse just die out from under me.

I'm not sure what's about to happen here, a lap dance maybe, but Proventus does not seem happy about it.

Edit: I did scrap the snow elf mage yesterday. Real shame but I just found her too annoying to play. I may make a rouge kitteh though. *ponders*