IDK what to do, my gf needs help

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IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Takanuka »

She tried to overdose on antidepressants already and now having trouble hearing. She refuses to go to the doctor/er/hospital because they won't treat her due to insurance she says. Please any advice on how to help her in any way possible and if you got a OurWorld account please friend and help donate some gems or something for her to help her self esteem to boost back up again. A virtual goal isnt much but it'll help boost her self esteem again giving her hope please I'll do anything for the help. Her ow name is Namiii and her friend after a dispute is causing her trouble on the ow forums so please if you message her choose the words carefully.

I ask what I posted because she is refusing to go get treated and I just need input on how to deal with this cuz she does need to get help but she won't.
Last edited by Takanuka on Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Ana »

Wow that is a serious question.

I am not answering the poll because its such a serious question. If anyone i knew took an overdose i would immediately have them emitted someplace!! I would not hesitate to give that person help. Because its a life we are talking about and its not to take lightly.


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Re: IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Novikova »

I would point out that any hospital will treat you for lifesaving issues, regardless of ability to pay. It's better to need a payment plan than to die.
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Re: IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Wain »

The first step I believe you should take is to speak to a support group or helpline in your area (I don't know where you live and probably couldn't recommend anyone anyway) for supporters of people with depression, or mental illness or suicidal tendencies. There is probably a suicide hotline in your area, as well as one for depression. They'll hear stuff like your girlfriend's case on a daily basis and should be able to offer you the right advice. Just be sure you pick an official, government supported one, and not some extremist religious group feeding off the vulnerable. It should be obvious, though.

I can't guarantee they'll have the right advice, but it's a very good start and may make you feel much less lost on what to do, or who to speak to, next. I hope you can get her the right help, even if she's not in a mental state that will let her appreciate what you're doing right now!
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Re: IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Niabi »

My advice will not be the same as others but coming from someone who has attempted suicide herself, multiple times, I feel that my perspective on the matter may be something you might want to hear.

First, you do NOT want to have her committed UNLESS you feel that she beyond the capacity to reason with in a calm and logical manner. Her feelings are justified and she is hurting really bad to be in the state that she is in. As much as you think it might help, shipping her off to a foreign place for strangers to sort out her issues will only backfire later and make her feel worse about herself; not to mention, she'll loose all trust in you as a confidant. However, if you feel that she poses an immediate danger to herself or to others around her then she is already past the point of no return and may need professional intervention.

I am assuming she confides in you but if she doesn't: Really, really talk to her. Listen to what she has to say. Let her get it all out ... everything. Venting can help immensely! Don't attempt to "fix" anything by giving your personal opinions. Just let her talk for as long as it takes. Ask open ended questions. Encourage her to go, with you, to an anonymous support group to meet others in similar circumstances. This will encourage her to open up to others, listen to them share their stories, and possibly realize that there are so many people that suffer just like her. She is not alone and she needs to be around others who have been there and can understand her on her level.

Does she have a medical condition that may contribute to her depression? You mentioned that she takes antidepressants. I only ask because there are so many hidden conditions that can cause depression. Has she always been this way or is this a fairly recent development? She may want to have a physical examination done, followed up by bloodwork, just to make sure their are no abnormalities going on. She may not be on the correct dosage as it is and that could be part of the problem.

Get out of the house! Go outside and do something! Turn off the TV and computer games and go see a movie or play some miniature golf ... whatever. If money is tight, go ride bikes in a local park. So long as it gets her outside, busy, and moving, it should help some.

These are the most important things I can think of at the moment and there is so much more to delve into depending on her personal circumstances. I can only hope I have helped you in someway. PM me if you have any further questions.
Last edited by Niabi on Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Bulletdance »

I found my brother after his suicide attempt and though we were able to save his life it was horribly traumatic for everyone involved. You can't really do much on your own except be there if she needs someone to talk to. This sort of thing is best handled by professionals. Police will do well fair checks on folks in the states if you feel there is imminent danger and you can also 302 them in to a hospital though I'm not sure if you have to be family or not. The best advice I can give though is to get counseling for yourself and her if she is willing. I hope she feels better soon it is sadly a very common thing that happens when people feel overwhelmed. :hug:
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Re: IDK what to do, my gf needs help

Unread post by Teigan »

Well, ERs have to treat you if you show up, I do believe. I've ended up in one enough times with no insurance at all and they've treated me (panic attacks, nothing life-threatening). Yeah, you'd have to pay, but most hospitals have low-income assistance and payment plans. That said, not to be rude, but i don't think having people give her things on a website is the right course of action. 1. Get her medical attention. Hearing loss after an overdose probably means nerve damage which probably means something else was damaged. She needs her kidneys and all that checked out. 2. Do as Niabi and Wain suggested. That is very sound advice.
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