AQ 40

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sXe Angel
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AQ 40

Unread post by sXe Angel »

Was taking my roomie, who I've gotten to start playing WoW recently, with me into classic AQ 40 last night. Roomie was rolling a belf BM hunter, I was on my belf Disc priest, booth toons were 80's. Things were going great, until we got to the twin emps fight. I grabbed 'Lor, told her to get on 'Lash so we could keep 'em apart and hopefully burn 'em quick. Here comes the trouble, she could not get aggro on 'Lash AT ALL. It was frustrating as heck to have both bosses on me and healing each other constantly.

I thought that 'Lor was the one that had to be magic'd down, while 'Lash was the physical one, and hunters should be considered physical damage, right?

Any insight as to how we can get them down would be helpful, thanks.
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Re: AQ 40

Unread post by Wain »

It's been so long since I killed them at lower level. I hope someone has better advice for you than I. Do I remember rightly that they reset aggro when they teleport, so you have to try to dot them up so they'll run back? And the person they port to has to be careful not to hit them?
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Re: AQ 40

Unread post by sXe Angel »

Kept DOT's up on 'Lor, was no help when they ported. I still had to pull 'Lor off my roomie each time they switched, and I was only attacking that one. Never hit 'Lash, but could never shake him off me and my roomie couldn't pull him off me by attacking him either.
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Re: AQ 40

Unread post by Xota »

BM's pet is physical damage, and so is auto shot. But arcane and cobra shot are arcane and nature damage, if I remember correctly. I also remember twins being a huge pain around that level. You probably got healing threat on the physical damage one. Distracting shot's taunt may not work on that boss, but it also increases threat for 6 seconds. Multishot and murder of crows are physical damage.

I don't remember if the bosses resist pet threat, but if not, then putting a pet on passive and parked far enough away can be misdirected to. Once the boss is next to it, it can be commanded to attack. If the pet ever tries to chase a boss across the room, it can be set to passive and it will leash back to it's "goto" spot.
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