Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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A journal documenting the stories of my tames, updates on my pets etc.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy making it!


Bandi, the Gazelle

Page One

Beastie, the Talbuk
Moss the Fel Wolf
Marlon the Bear
Hex the Rylak
Gecko the Kodo

Page Two

Themis the Spirit Beast
Rocket the Wolf
Trouble the Core Hound
Tipsy the Purple Boss Wasp
Mew the Marsuul

Page Three

Bingpot and Dingbat the Mechanostriders
Potter the Riverbeast

Last edited by Flyra on Wed Aug 15, 2018 3:40 pm, edited 17 times in total.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [WiP] [IMG Heavy]

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So I thought I'd start off with yet another Bandi update. I guess it's kind of cheating but I've decided to fly all over Azeroth to properly document in screenshots the story of my past tames as well as my new ones so it may take a while. Anyway, Bandi has become one of my main sources of amusement in WoW. It's kind of silly how much time I spend posing this bunch of pixels when I should be gearing up and blah blah. This was his most recent adventure.

First of all, I brought my friend over to my realm to meet Bandi.


"Hurr durr, I'm a Death Knight"

He thought it went quite well but Bandi couldn't stop laughing at how short this scary Orc death knight was in comparison to him. Needless to say, my friend wasn't too pleased and decided to get his own back.



I've been trying to ease Bandi into the world by encouraging him to try new things... I had big plans for him the evening after so we thought we'd coax him onto the diving board.


Completely oblivious


WoW's new cinematic view is looking good
" How did I get up here? "

After seeing me jump he began to have doubts.


"I really don't think I can do this bro"



He finally plucked up the courage to jump...


... and teleported right into my face.


If you were to pan down you would see the face of a very angry gazelle.

Of course this was absolutely nothing to prepare him for the horrors to come..





Anyway so that's my first update... more to come :D

Last edited by Flyra on Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Ana »

Bandi is just soo adorable!!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Bandi's a secret agent for Yogg-Saron! Oh noes! :shock:

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Flyra »

Beastie, the Talbuk

(I'd like to apologize for the lack of uploads, I have been taking a huge amount of screenshots of all my recent and past tames. Imgur's been messing up all my uploads so I finally got around to sorting them out.)

Yesterday I made a rather unexpected new tame. I'd been running all over Gorgrond completing the Stable Master achievement, which requires you to defeat all of the mounted quest mobs whilst carrying the Garn Tooth Necklace. I'd just finished up the achievement killing Moth of Wrath (?) for the final time when this huge red Talbuk came flying out of nowhere pummelling my face. I still have literally got no idea where he came from. There are hostile Breezestrider Stallions in the area but none close to where I was standing. I didn't move from the same spot through all six kills it was just after the final one that he attacked. I figured even though I must have aggroed him with an accidental multi-shot or something it really did seem like he'd been watching me from a distance and decided to come over and violently congratulate me for getting the achivement. I was very happy that I'd finally finished so I decided to tame him.


Doing a victory lap


That tail though.


Slightly more majestic than poor Bandi

I don't really have a great reason for calling him Beastie, I considered giving him a cooler name like Firecracker or Rocket but he seems to have a badass "lad" sort of personality so a nickname fits great. I've specced him to tenacity because I feel like it suits a Talbuk and so far he's been doing a good job.


On our first quest


Beastie the badass

Even though the Draenor Talbuks are much more dramatic looking than other Stags they still can't help doing derp faces.


"Will any of my pets ever be serious for one picture?"

More stories to come soon. Not sure how often I should upload either? :D


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Ana »

I LOOOVE the derp face :D When i played i just uploaded pictures to my petjournals whenever i made a new tame. I love reading these even though i dont play anymore so i say upload as often as you like ! :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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( It's cute right?! No one else seems to be posting here so I guess it can't hurt lol ^^. And Oh my gosh, you play Flight Rising! I used to play that religiously but I got so far behind with the events and stuff and I don't have the time to grind or feed my dragons anymore >.< )

Moss, the Fel Wolf

I had always been interested in the bright green wolves running around the barren wasteland just outside Warspear. Not because I'm a fan of their appearance (I always disliked green/yellow fire ever since setting foot in Outlands Shadowmoon Valley) but because I felt sad seeing them endlessly being slaughtered for their teeth. I'm such a wuss when I play on my hunter. Some animals I find so hard to kill and others I don't even think twice about. They're just pixels for crying out loud, I know, but as a hunter I am a tamer of beasts. I feel obligated to protect them. So late one night I ventured out to adopt one of the now peaceful pack.

I have found that WoW is a very different place at night. Sure, on a high pop server there's still people up but there's so much less going on you can just stop for a minute and take it all in. It may sound cheesy but when you first played WoW that's what you did. I remember when I started levelling I was constantly stopping and looking around at the world in amazement. When you level up you tend to stop doing that because you're just running to this objective and that objective, opening map, opening inventory, flight path to the next place etc etc. So being the fussy, slightly-too-in-character hunter that I am I decided to stealth around observing the pack.

So, here's the bombshell. WoW have actually given each of the wolves personalities... okay, not really. They've given them a bit of character as opposed to your usual clump of wolves all wandering around aimlessley but if you use ~imagination~..

...there's one hungrily gnawing at the bones of a pig. Probably the omega getting the last scraps of the meal


There's a loner, having a nap by the green river. Maybe an elder?


There's even one wolf winding up two other wolves by running around them in circles whilst they snap and snarl. Probably the younger ones.


And in the background you can see the two Alphas patrolling

The final one that caught my attention was this guy:


I felt so sorry for him. These wolves are basically in the midst of dying out and here he is drinking from a river that's clearly corrupted. So I decided to tame him and..... I can't.

I literally had no idea what was going on. I'd seen their pictures on Petopia so I was very baffled. Fortunately, I tapped into my hunter senses (the internet) and I found out about the Fel Rangari and the cleansing (which makes me squeal a bit because ooo in-game backstory I don't have to make up) blah blah so I thought after all that I'd just pop down to the mushroom, say hi, kill her and leave.... Well. That went down as well as you can imagine. So ensues lots of screaming and running and mistimed flares shooting in all directions and crying and being ~motivated~ only to die another horrible death - sometimes even at the claws of a crab. Anyway, to cut an already long story short, I waited for my hunter friend the next day and he decided after getting her to 10% and dying 5 times it was impossible and that I was crazy and there was no damn way those ugly neon wolves were worth this repair bill blah blah... Then I read about the Passive Pet Method. Where you basically just stand and shoot and receive heals? It's ridiculous. I just laughed my way to her death. It's such a huge diffirence to go from screaming and running from burning hellfire raining down on you to peacefully standing and listening to the waves brush up against the shore.

After all that I have never been so grateful to tame a goddamn green pixel animal. I ran up to him. We hug. We laugh about what I went through as I forget it's the middle of the day seconds after I throw the vial and proceed to type "pLEAFE DONT KILL" and "ASFASTOP]]" and other panicked gibberish in general as this death knight starts to pick up ALL the wolves in preperation for mass slaughter.... it was very embarassing. Fortunately, he was a one in a million WoW player that left me to my wolf and even /cheered upon my tame.

So here's me and Moss. My beautiful, fluffy, neon green wolf.


Except he's more of a dog than a wolf.
He likes to ruin pictures by rubbing his butt across rocks:


He even plays dead....


...infront of dozens of people that probably think I starve my pets. :)


The End.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Well at least he can be serious when taking a SS unlike Bandi & Beastie!! :lol: Be thankful someone didn't throw a party grenade!! Then he'd be a dancing fool! lol

Love both tame stories.

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Ana »

Loove the stone butt scratch! ! Oh and we have an entire fr community here on petopia ♥. Just look under other games section. Fr has its own subforum. If you need food just let me know and i eill send you something. I also glady will home your old dragons ;-)


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Marlon, the Bear

I think every hunter who likes having a unique pet is going to be hunting down the older bear models when they get updated. Since I've always liked the older models I thought I should probably get one for myself. Even though I love the bears I've never been able to bond with one so I decided to try my luck with Hibernus the Sleeper. Undead bears have never really been my thing but I thought an undead polar bear is certainly an unusual concept I wanted to try out. Now, him being a rare I knew would make things difficult. Not only that, he was a rare near a starting zone on a high pop server. After flying over his spawn point multiple times in the day to find nothing I decided the best course of action would be to set an alarm and head over to him in the early hours of the morning. (Camping might have been easier but after my horrifying journey to get the TLPD I've shunned camping entirely).

4am rolls around and, he's up!


He looked so sweet nestled behind the trees that I fell in love almost instantly. I know I should have tamed him right there and then but I got cocky. Something had caught my eye just above where he was sleeping...


A grave. Seemingly no way to get to it apart from flying so I didn't think it was part of a quest. I was so busy marvelling over this discovery when suddenly I heard hoofbeats behind me and to my horror this level 30 Warrior comes crashing through the trees and begins to kill him, ignoring my pleas until my poor bear was dead.


Rest in Peace, sweet bear.

I logged off immediately, not wanting to camp incase something happened again. I knew with the lower level rares they often spawn in about two hours so I thought I'd log on in two hours and if he wasn't there, that was that.

Two hours go by. I log on. And am greeted with this.


"You came back!"
Isn't that the biggest, cheesiest grin you've ever seen?


"Look at this place! It's a dump!"


Saying goodbye

Aaaand, he's mine! I'm still not sure if this grave is related to a quest or something, I couldn't find anything about it on WoWhead. My theory is that Hibernus belonged to a Human Hunter before Arthas invaded, the Hunter being killed during the fight and possibly Hibernus too. Either for some reason Hibernus was brought back (hence the Undead appearance) and not his master so he sleeps eternally by his master's grave or he survived and has decayed after keeping watch for so long. I felt bad taking him away but I decided to fill his new life with purpose.


Tanking the Firelands


"Hay, guuurrll"


I didn't want to name him Hibernus so I chose a bright name, Nova , which is taken so he has the plural of Nova which is Novae.

Scrap that, it's now Marlon.

Last edited by Flyra on Sun Jul 15, 2018 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Ana »

That grin!! I love the paw swipe.. it really looks like he want to show you the "dump" I really like his grin at ragnaros fireportal :D


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Nice! Hibernus is my favorite undead bear, I have him on my undead hunter too. Your journals are so inspiring!
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Flyra »

Tårnfalk wrote:That grin!! I love the paw swipe.. it really looks like he want to show you the "dump" I really like his grin at ragnaros fireportal :D
Ikr? He's so sassy!! :lol:
cerpin wrote:Nice! Hibernus is my favorite undead bear, I have him on my undead hunter too. Your journals are so inspiring!
Thank you so much! :D


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Hex, the Rylak

I wanted to tell the story of how I came to get my dearest and favourite pet, Hex. He's a green rylak that has quite a sad back story. It's taken me such a long time to put this together in pictures because I went back to take screenshots of the place I came across him and I have hundreds screenshots of him anyway so it took ages to sift through them all and pick some of the best. He was not a beast I planned to tame or even planned to keep yet he's my main pet for everything. I spec him Tenacity for questing and soloing old content and I spec him Ferocity when I'm raiding or doing dungeons. He's currently the only reason I'll probably suffer through BM in legion (Rylaks are exotic) so I don't have to stable him. He has had many names so far, Arrow being his latest. I just can't seem to find something that sticks. He has now been named Hex!


In the Spires of Arrak you get a quest to find out who is killing some of the Arrakoa. You discover a poison and trace it back to the Shattered Hand. You are eventually led to somewhere called "The Harvesting Pits". Even though they make no mention of the poison's origin in the questline it's pretty obvious when you get there where the poison is coming from.


And if you're still confused there's this treasure nearby...


In The Harvesting Pits, strung up from multiple trees and laying dead on the ground are dozens of Toxicfang Rylaks. I wasn't particularly bothered when I came across it - I mean you see worse in other quests and the task you have is to kill them mid-harvest anyway so I was satisifed... but as I fought my way through the area I was becoming gradually confused because even though the majority of the rylaks are dead and being harvested they still show up as alive on the map. I realized after a while that there are actually only 3 Toxicfang Rylaks alive in the area. After doing some research I found out that there are other green rylaks in the Spires but none of them are Toxicfang. So basically these particularly venomous ones have been hunted to near extinction and the remaining 3 are the only ones left.

This worked greatly to my advantage because when I'm questing I like playing along with the storyline, so when I came across this guy:


It felt right that I tame him and allow him to avenge the near-extinction of his subspecies. Oh, how the tables turned. :twisted:


We finished the whole questline together, he got to kill the final boss and I took him back to these base where I planned to release him after turning in the quests. I had this final quest from the Barmaid who tells you that one of the orcs has betrayed you to the Alliance. You go to deal with her where she turns hostile and attacks you. I don't know why but before I could even target her this little green Rylak just shot forward with such ferocity and killed her that I was just sat there with my mouth open. To this day I've never seen a pet react that fast. It was like he was being protective or something Idk. :lol:


Ever since then we have been inseperable. He is never in the stable and he's nearly always my main choice for questing. I am absolutely convinced that Rylaks are the most entertaining pet to have. There's nothing more fun than climbing on top of a hill or mountain and being able to fly off the top of it with your pet because of their slowfall ability. (When I say fly I mean they run along beneath you because making them fly would be too difficult. Probably.)


Now for the endless barrage of screenshots!:


This doesn't look like it's going to end well


It took four hours to get his head out


On holiday in the sunny Frostfire Ridge.


Rylak in thought.

Last edited by Flyra on Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Vephriel »

Ah, Flyra I just love these pet stories. :) So inspirational! I'm not sure why I haven't been able to do this type of thing with my pets lately, but I really enjoy reading your taming stories, they're so nostalgic. :D
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Ana »

I Looove the picture of you two sitting on the cliffs. He almost looks like he is hugging you. I love his eyes and raggity look. Really lovely story ♥. Regards to names.. if he was mine i would name him Rags


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by zedxrgal »

Oh this story really tugs at mah heart strings. *sniffles*
I think this story has to be my favorite.

Below signature by LupisDarkmoon
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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by cerpin »

Aww, this is so cute and touching! I love this story.


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

Unread post by Flyra »

Vephriel wrote:Ah, Flyra I just love these pet stories. :) So inspirational! I'm not sure why I haven't been able to do this type of thing with my pets lately, but I really enjoy reading your taming stories, they're so nostalgic. :D
Thank you! It does take quite a while to put together the posts, even the shorter ones. But that's just because I like making them look pretty. :lol: It's hard sometimes if you've been playing WoW for a long time and just wanna chill from it too. I would really love to hear your stories. I remember you and Skorn from back when I joined, did you write anything about him? I'd love to read it.
Tårnfalk wrote:I Looove the picture of you two sitting on the cliffs. He almost looks like he is hugging you. I love his eyes and raggity look. Really lovely story ♥. Regards to names.. if he was mine i would name him Rags
It's my favourite! I actually have that and the Rylak in thought one as my PC screensavers/lockscreens. :oops: I love to think that despite their ferocity in combat Rylaks are big cuddly softies. I think I'll give Rags a try! (I've changed his name again atm and it hasn't stuck) :lol:
zedxrgal wrote:Oh this story really tugs at mah heart strings. *sniffles*
I think this story has to be my favorite.
*hands you a box of tissues* I'm glad someone else is feeling the same way :lol:
cerpin wrote:Aww, this is so cute and touching! I love this story.
Thank you ^.^.

It makes me really happy people are enjoying these stories as much as I enjoy writing them. Thank you all! :hug:


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Re: Flyra's Pet Journal [Image Heavy]

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Gecko the Kodo

I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I've updated this but I stockpiled so many screenshots its taken forever to sort through them all. I need to have a massive clearout of my screenshot folder tbh. Today I came across a new friend, not on Flyra but on my Ally Hunter I just started levelling again. I definitely think this new addition is going to become one of my main pets.

It all began when me and my friend had just completed the Barrens invasion and were running to Ratchet in order to hop on the boat, we were just making our way through an oasis when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I could have sworn one of the trees had a tail sticking out the back of it. I hopped off my mount and ran over to take a closer look, only to find this:


A Lost Barrens Kodo that was clearly very lost halfway up a tree.


I was thinking maybe the invasion scared him so much he ran up the tree to safety only to find he couldn't get back down. I was laughing my head off so much I decided to help him and try and tame him out of the tree.


Well, the tame began and he did become hostile to me only he didn't move and when the cast ended it just popped up with "Evade". Even when I tried to tame him during combat again it just said evade over and over until he eventually stopped being hostile. It was kind of like he stopped being hostile on his own, I didn't move away or anything so I guess he knew I was trying to help haha. Unfortunately after all my efforts all this did was make him nose dive into the ground.


Even though he was clearly stuck and registering as stuck he was still doing normal mob stuff like trotting around ... except up and down the tree. It was really weird. I don't know how he bugged and spawned on the side of a tree but I guess the invasions do upset the balance of things?


By now I was getting really upset because I tried everything and he just wouldn't budge. If he was hostile to me and I moved away for a split second he would teleport on top of me but before I could hit tame he would fly back onto the tree, evading his butt off. I tried it from every angle. I was considering maybe stripping my armour off and doing a tiny bit of damage but there was such a huge level gap I was terrified of killing him.


(I'm sorry the way I edited this made it look like an advert for Kodo)

It was at this point my friend was saying he looked just like a gecko or a chameleon or something the way he was scuttling up and down the tree like a lizard. This is what made me think of my last ditch effort to tame him. Maybe he only wanted to be tamed by someone who was willing to get in the tree with him? So, doing as much as I could without a flying mount I wedged myself in right underneath him, hit tame expecting an evade and....


It worked! I have absolutely no idea why he would only be tamed unless I was IN the tree as close as possible to him but it worked and he was free! ... Kind of. He still wouldn't get out for a long time.


Eventually I managed to coax him out of the tree and when he finally got out this giraffe just slowly walked up behind me, stopped and smiled as if he was happy to see his friend finally get out. :lol:


Well, I wasn't going to dissapoint my new Gecko with the free world so we went on an adventure.


Running free with the gazelle.


Smiling for the camera


The perfect tent for all your camping needs


Screaming in horror at the invasion outside. (Please ignore the table just casually ablaze)


FR: Heart #57524 WoW: Flyra#21730

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