Welcome new WoW players!

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sXe Angel
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Welcome new WoW players!

Unread post by sXe Angel »

Ok, gotta start this out right, so excuse me for a sec....

Lok'tar ogar! For the HORDE!

Now that’s outta the way lets continue....

Perhaps you saw the movie and wanted to give the game a try. Or maybe you saw the commercials for the latest expansion, Legion, and got interested. Or you have a friend who plays and they gave you a copy of the game and a one month token to play. However you found the game, welcome. Before you jump in there’s a few things I’d like to give all of you a heads up about, little things that will make your first days in Azaroth easier on you.

World of Warcraft has been around for years, man. Many years. Players have created their own form of community as a result. Different styles of servers have their own unique community feels, as well as in each faction the players tend to be a little different as well. What does this mean for new players? It means that it can be tricky to find the right style of server and faction that’ll fit your style of play.
Generally speaking, you’ll have an easier time learning how to play on Alliance side, on a PvE server. Starting up a new “toon” as a member of the Alliance faction, you’ll generally find players more likely to be willing to help you learn the basics of the game. PvE stands for “Player vs Environment”, this means you don’t need to worry about other players attacking you while you’re running around in the game. When asking fellow players for help, please use a little common curtsy. Being polite will get you much farther than demanding things.

There are many long time players who’d love to give new players a hand. It could be suggesting a few stats to focus on when you get new gear, perhaps giving you a bunch of enchants or low level crafting mats we no longer need, suggesting places to quest that will help you gear up and make new levels quickly, inviting you to our guilds which are full of experienced players who’d be happy to answer questions and give you a hand.

And sometimes when a question gets asked in general or trade chat, somebody can offer up a website to go take a look at. Please know that if someone suggests a website it’s not that we are trying to be mean. It’s that we’ve found the site to be a great resource, and we’re sharing it with you so you can spend some time reading the info and learning it at your own pace. It also means that we don’t have the time, patience, ect, to hold your hand and tell you what to do all the time. Experienced players like to play the game too, ya know. Between building up crafting mats, leveling a new alt, and prepping for whatever endgame we enjoy most, we are happy to help.

Yes, I did suggest Alliance PvE as a great starting place in game for brand new players. Not trying to say Horde is bad for new players, or PvP or RP servers are bad servers to start. Just that these are options are geared more for someone who is an experienced gamer.

PvP stands for “Player vs Player”, this means that you don’t only need to be worried about all the monsters wandering around the world, you also gotta keep on the lookout for enemy players who will try to kill you any opportunity they get.

RP servers are for “Role Play” and come with their own special etiquette. If you like to feel fully immersed in a fantasy world, like to write, and enjoy telling a continuing story then RP servers just might be right for you. On RP servers you become part of the story, and there are many great guilds dedicated to assisting with this.

The Horde, wonderful faction, filled with dedicated players. Players who have a fierce pride in being part of the faction that’s had to carve out it’s own place in Azaroth. Nothing has been ever handed to them, everything’s been fought for. Every inch of land, paid for with steel and blood.

Hordeside you’ll need to have a very thick skin when entering any of the ‘world/global’ chat channels. It is not the place for those who are easily offended, or like to ‘White Knight’ for others. Longtime Horde players tend towards having a twisted sense of humor, lots of sarcasm, and plenty of crass language.

If you can look past all of that, not let it bother you, then you’ll find the experienced players Hordeside are some of the funnest bunch of scurvy rogues you could ever hope to throw your lot in with.
^Supports my theory that CM Punk would roll a hunter in WoW.^
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Re: Welcome new WoW players!

Unread post by Sukurachi »

I'm not quite sure why you posted this.
This forum is populated with mostly long-time players of WoW.

A bit of palindromic wisdom:
"Step on no pets!"
Casual player.. don't raid, don't PvP. Suffer from extreme altitis
I love pets - combat or non.
<That Kind of Orc> guild on The Scryers, small, casual LGBT and friends guild, join us Horde-side.

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Re: Welcome new WoW players!

Unread post by Vephriel »

There's a lot of new players who might be joining after seeing the movie and with the new expansion on the horizon though! :) Never hurts to welcome some new blood to the game.
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