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Spec-ops tames by Kit!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:39 pm
by cerpin
Okay, okay, so demons from the nether might be running amok right now - I get it. But there's another threat that goes often ignored by the general populace - the leper gnomes of Gnomeregan are advancing their technologies! Yours truly went to go check it out -


For the most part things seemed the same, but I could tell - gnome's intuition, you could call it - that something was amiss.


Aha. New defense mechanisms are in place! I knew it! I had to figure out how to activate his protocol, but once their Roaming Engineering eXteriminator (or REX, as I've come to call him) was active, rerouting his power supply and taking control of him was no big issue.


Anyone who's been to beautiful, scenic, radioactive Gnomeregan knows that our former home city has a series of punch cards that activate different areas - and they've been developing new ones! Luckily I was able to find a sequence that allowed me into a higher clearance area that I swear was uninhabited before.


But it's not so empty now!


Imagine my surprise when the machine actually spoke to me!


Of course, I'm no stranger to a little eye-poking - *adjusts augmented gnomish eyepatch and clears throat* - and I'm definitely not one to back down from a challenge. Just a little bit of tinkering, and...ha!


A great victory for all of gnome kind! My new allies and I made quick work of many of their troops before departing. Next, we turn our attention to the legion itself...!

Stay tuned for next time, when I introduce a creature of my own invention...the Baamb!


Re: Spec-ops tames by Kit!

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:28 pm
by Carnacki
I enjoyed this. It's a shame that more people didn't read it/comment on it.