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Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:58 am
by GAJones4221
Hi all,

me here as usual. So I got done with all the quests that I can see are related to the hunter campaign and even the new one that unlocks that little circle of abilities on the bottom right hand side of the traits now. I put 1 point in "Bond of The Unseen Path" however, I'm looking at wowhead which is saying I need "Tome of The Hybrid Beast" Where do I get this, I was told we only need to have 1 point in down in the new traits, my point is down there.

The person who discusses what you need mentions corcordance but when you scroll over the link it pulls up the DK talent specs.

So I'm really at a loss for what the next step is to getting this tome. Where to buy it, If there's a quest for it. Can someone please help.

Edit: All the quests related to the hunter class campaign except for the hunt for illidian storm rage, I've got like 50/80 soul shards and I don't know if you need to finish that quest before you can tame these new beasties.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:07 am
by PrimalTazza
If I'm not mistaken, you're not able to obtain the tome until you complete the campaign for the class mount, which someone pointed out will take a minimum of 11 weeks. Unless something changes, we won't be taming feathermanes for a few months.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:54 am
by GAJones4221
I was scrolling through wow head and saw pretty much what you just said by another user and it got shot down there saying it was incorrect, so I don't know.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:03 am
by Bristlenose
11 weeks? Really. That is almost 3 months.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 4:53 am
by SpiritBinder
Bristlenose wrote:11 weeks? Really. That is almost 3 months.

Yep, Legion certainly has max points invested in it's artifact, the "Grind-er Of Souls" :roll:

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 9:03 am
by Wain
Yup. The Tome is essentially the BM vendor reward for unlocking all weapon traits and achieving your class mount. The vendor rewards for other two specs are wolfhawks in different colours. All this requires completing the class hall campaign, the last step of which won't be released for 11 weeks. After that time you'd be able to complete it much faster, ~11 days.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:01 pm
by GAJones4221
Wain wrote:Yup. The Tome is essentially the BM vendor reward for unlocking all weapon traits and achieving your class mount. The vendor rewards for other two specs are wolfhawks in different colours. All this requires completing the class hall campaign, the last step of which won't be released for 11 weeks. After that time you'd be able to complete it much faster, ~11 days.
So how are we supposed to grind rep with these folks in the mean time? Go to that tiny island and knock out all the WQ's? I mean I'm pretty sure there's some sort of rep grind involved in this as well.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:07 pm
by Valnaaros
No, rep isn't involved. Every week, another quest will be given. There are eleven total, so it'll take eleven weeks. At the end of that, you'll get the questline for your mount. Once you get your mount, you have to have your BM artifact completely maxed-out (old and new traits), and have 10k Order Hall Resources. There is no way to get it sooner than eleven weeks.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 12:57 pm
by Acherontia
I'm really unhappy about this, tbh. I played BM hunter faithfully for years and loved it, never even TRIED another spec since TBC, but I -hate- being forced to cart Hati with his stupid name and stupid lightning effects about, so I've been MM/Survival on my hunters through Legion.

Why would my night elf, connected to Elune, want to cart around a Titan pet? She wants a hippogryph, and a saber, and an owl... None of which would have lightning or be named Hati. The gun "fantasy" is daft. Likewise why would my gritty, desert-dwelling orc want anything but a couple normal ol' gruff and scarred wolves by her side? Why HATI?

I was so excited to see I could tame a hippogryph on my night elf at long, long last. But to have to fill out the BM weapon? Sorry, but hunter is an alt for me now and I just don't have time anymore to grind AP on 3+ characters. I haven't the time to fill out my MM weapon, let alone BM as well. And the full class hall campaign? With all the dungeons and so forth involved? Again, I just can't do it. I'm really disappointed, and I really hope Blizzard reconsiders the requirements. I feel like night elves lorewise would get a free pass on hippogryphs, and orcs on wyverns, dwarves and perhaps humans on gryphons, but I suppose that's a pipe dream.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:06 pm
by Valnaaros
In case you aren't aware, there is an item that allows you to swap Hati's appearance with a different pet. No, you can't change the name or remove the lightning effect, but it is far better than nothing.

Besides, from an Rp and realistic perspective, none of us actually have Hati or Titanstrike. We can't all have it, and no one has a better claim to it than the next Hunter. A game mechanic, for the most part.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:23 pm
by Kaiarra
Valnaaros wrote:In case you aren't aware, there is an item that allows you to swap Hati's appearance with a different pet. No, you can't change the name or remove the lightning effect, but it is far better than nothing.

Besides, from an Rp and realistic perspective, none of us actually have Hati or Titanstrike. We can't all have it, and no one has a better claim to it than the next Hunter. A game mechanic, for the most part.
I think Hati is lovely myself (bugs aside), and I would love to be able to swap his appearance to my main pet (WTB tameable Hati models). I like my pets to match and it's a real shame we can't match Hati (I've tried Skoll, but his model looks so outdated).

I do think the AP req for feathermane taming is a tad overkill (my Hunter is an alt and main obviously takes prio) - hopefully the new research makes it seem like a less scary amount. Once again Legion being super offspec/alt unfriendly. /sigh

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:49 pm
by Acherontia
I'm aware you can change the appearance, but it is still an unwanted 2nd pet with an unchangeable name and lightning look. The "class fantasy" is antithesis to everything I imagine about a beast master hunter. It isn't wilderness, or beloved pets, but the orderly mechanisms and guns of the Titans. I'm just not into it.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:25 am
by Teigan crap. As excited as I was for feathermanes, having to do such a long grind for them is just stupid. I think by the time I can tame them, the excitement will have worn off. And making all hunters fill out the BM artifact is utterly ridiculous. If they wanted them for BM only, they could have made them exotics.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:58 am
by Grimulfr
...Is petopia normally a place for this much Whining? Honestly, just do your artifact research, and maxing the ap requirement on your BM weapon will be a breeze. It won't be hard if you're patient.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:14 am
by Lupen202
To be honest I'd have to agree with Grimulfr.

It really is not difficult. At all. And I just can not see why people are complaining so much. It's more of a waiting game if anything. People have full control over how long it takes aside from the eleven weeks - put in more effort to grind AP, get it as soon as possible once the campaign ends. Or do the minimum and build up your artifact knowledge over time, and get it later.

I enjoy when things take effort & time. Within reason, of course... but it makes obtaining them even more exciting. And feathermanes are very low effort. We've already been handed every other family for free, so god forbid one is a bit special. :)

Maybe as a mount collector I'm just used to grinding and have gone through much more trouble & effort to obtain things... but again I just don't get it. Especially when we've wanted them for years and have waited patiently, & now that they finally give it to us people suddenly can't wait 11 more weeks or so lol.

Either way, BM didn't get anything except the feathermane family. So sorry, but it's only fair. Everyone gets the red wolfhawk, MM gets their blue, Survival gets their green and BM gets their pets (and be happy they aren't exotic.)

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:51 am
by Valnaaros
Grimulfr wrote:...Is petopia normally a place for this much Whining? Honestly, just do your artifact research, and maxing the ap requirement on your BM weapon will be a breeze. It won't be hard if you're patient.
I completely agree with this and what Lupen said. I understand people wanting the Feathermanes (I do), but it seems like many just want Blizz to give them to us on a silver platter. Be grateful they are even giving them to us. What I have noticed, not just recently but for a long time, is that many here can act very ingrateful and entitled. Blizz doesn't have to give us any new pets. They really don't. We have dozens of families and they could just decide to never give us more.

But no, they continue to give us more things to tame, which is great. So if out of the dozens of families available to tame, you have to put a little bit of time and work into being able to tame ONE, then get over it and just do it. If it is too much work, in your opinion, then you probably don't want Feathermanes as much as you claim.

But at the very least, be grateful they even gave them to us. I sure am.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:53 pm
by Acherontia
It's not about patience and time. I'm more busy in real life, now, and I don't want to have to spend hours grinding out an alt's, alt spec, which I don't enjoy. If it made sense lore-wise, fine, but why would a night elf need a book to know how to communicate with the racial allies that already speak their language and carry them into battle...?

I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining, but discussion is... discussion, and I'm hoping the opinion gets heard enough for Blizzard to reconsider. I don't think it was a good idea.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:04 pm
by Valnaaros
Blizz can't necessarily base things over whether or not someone has a lot of time to play. If they catered to those with only a short amount of time to play every week, then those who do play a lot would burn through content quickly.

I don't think Blizz can just make a specific type of animal within a larger family tamable to just one race. For mechs, they limited the entire family to Gnomes and Goblins until you got the item to be able to tame them as another race (people were upset with that, too, despite it being easy to get).

Besides, where does it stop? Draenei also use Hippogryphs as flying mounts. The Gryphon is an Alliance symbol, so it can't just be given to Humans and Dwarves. Tauren and Trolls also use Wyvern, but it is also a Horde symbol. They can't cater to someone without angering others. So, the best thing to do is just make it an item to earn. If you aren't able to play a lot or don't have your Hunter as your main, I'm sorry, but that is just how it is.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:18 pm
by Lupen202
Acherontia wrote:It's not about patience and time. I'm more busy in real life, now, and I don't want to have to spend hours grinding out an alt's, alt spec, which I don't enjoy. If it made sense lore-wise, fine, but why would a night elf need a book to know how to communicate with the racial allies that already speak their language and carry them into battle...?

I'm not complaining for the sake of complaining, but discussion is... discussion, and I'm hoping the opinion gets heard enough for Blizzard to reconsider. I don't think it was a good idea.
Like I said, Feathermanes are BM's reward. The other two specs get a mount. It wouldn't really be fair to just hand us the tome on a silver platter and only give two of the three specs something to go after and work towards. I mean if Blizz went ahead and made a brand new recolor of our class mount for maxing out the BM weap and added the tome as a separate reward fine. But that's not happening.

I understand some people are busier than others, but that doesn't mean Blizzard should just hand everything to us for free. That's boring, and not really fair to people who do have more time and want some fun rewards to work towards to keep them invested... and it's not like feathermanes are a necessity. They're simply a cosmetic reward for those who put in the effort; a cosmetic reward we could have never gotten at all. And yet as mentioned, feathermanes do not even take that much time and effort. It might take you longer to get than someone grinding AP daily by spamming mythics, but you can literally just queue your artifact knowledge whenever possible (which can even be done from your phone), let it build up, do missions, then log in when time allows to do a couple world quests or mythic+s. You'll instantly get millions of AP.

Once we're at 40+ AK it will take no time at all to max out an artifact weapon from scratch. Artifact knowledge is even account wide once you reach a certain level on one character, which makes things even simpler for alts. And it doesn't really matter if you enjoy the spec or not either. You aren't forced to actually play said spec - just switch to it when you need to use AP tokens, then switch back. Yes, it might take you a bit longer to get the feathermane tome if you want to prioritize your main spec's weapon, but that's your choice to make.

Everyone can get the tome. It's just a matter of being patient. But at the end of the day, those who put in more time and effort deserve to get their rewards a bit earlier than those who do less. That's just how it is, and always has been.

Re: Feathermane Help Needed: Tome of The Hybrid Beast

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:54 pm
by Valnaaros
Very well said, Lupen, and another point I would like to make. The tome is not going away. Ever. It isn't like you have till next patch to get it or something like that. And as Lupen said, it isn't a necessity. It is a reward for hard work and investment. If anything, it'll be easier to get later on down the road. There really is no need to rush out and get it. I don't understand why everyone is whining and panicking as if it is limited.