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Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:19 am
by Wain
Awesome, thanks for that! I suspect the technical reason is that it was during an era of development where they felt it was ok to cut their workload by only making males. Fortunately this seems to be a practice of the past, now.

I kinda like the idea that the female mogu have gone elsewhere, for some purpose (like Entwives!), and one day we’ll find out what they’re up to. Or maybe the average female mogu looks just like a male and we’ve actually seen heaps of them ;)

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:57 am
by Valnaaros
You bet! Aye, I am rather glad that they are moving away from just making male models. I understand why they did it, but it is more immersive when you see both genders :)

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 7:53 pm
by Jacobzuk
Valnaaros wrote:Leper Gnomes aren't an option anymore. New lore has made it clear that they cannot interact in society and can't really do anything aside from spread their contagion and kill. They could possible be a Horde Allied race (assuming they can't spread their contagion to Horde races).

The San'layn as a group was destroyed back in Wrath and there would probably only be a few surviving members left. Even still, after giving us two Elven allied races, I don't think Blizz will be quick to give more of them for a time.

Aside from that, I think the rest of those options could happen, possibly :)
They pulled the daughter of the Blood Queen Lana'thal out of their was in the new violet hold and they are undead couldn't they just be risen once more? Besides as I said about the daughter, they brought out a lot of things plus the dh crap after we beat Illidan a lot of people stayed behind a bit to either afk or to decide who got loot wouldn't they have seen the other dhs returning and trying to avenge Illidan? So yeah they can always write in survivors esp since it never quite was stated they all were killed. Plus even in the warden instance there were Mogu and other crap from other expansions as prisoners so theres ways to bring Mogu here. Hell maybe the Mogu before we came to Pandaria maybe they heard of the wandering isle and sent out a group to conquer it only to be lost in the mist and shipwrecked on an island that the alliance finds and tries to kill the surviving Mogu there and horde makes landfall there to claim the island for the horde and kills off the alliance stationed there but takes on the Mogu as an ally there because of a common enemy besides if Saurfang led the landfall invasion they could see the warrior spirit of the orcs and decide to join esp if they already know the fate of their empire on Pandaria.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:01 pm
by Jacobzuk
Valnaaros wrote:There is actually a lot of speculation on that. There were Mogu women at one point in time, but it isn't clear if there still is. Will paste over some info from Wowpedia for those interested.

Gender and reproduction

While initially created by the titans, sources such as the Lei Shen lore object describe mogu as being 'born' to other mogu, and "The Lost Dynasty" says that mogu can have sons (though not how). This suggests at least some degree of reproduction by mogu themselves, following their being affected by the Curse of Flesh. However, all mogu known to currently exist are male. Mogu females used to exist, with mothers and sisters being used in mogu insults, a famous saga about Lei Shen and Sparkmancer Vu's feud over a woman, and Monara being a slain queen (and the last queen) of the mogu. This raises the issue of the current state of mogu reproduction.

Since mogu females have existed in the past, it can be surmised that they were created by the titans along with the males. Their apparent lack of presence raises a number of possibilities:

1) The females have mostly or entirely died out, perhaps due to a relative physical weakness in an extremely violent culture (although a race dependent on sexual reproduction would be expected to take great care, probably on an instinctive level, to ensure that this did not happen).

This is unlikely, unless the females were systematically being killed by the males for some reason. It is also impossible to say how natural female mogu would compare to the males -- while human males tend to be the physically stronger of the two, the female is the strongest in some other species (such as hawks). But disparity in strength alone would not seem to account for wiping out an entire half (presumably) of the population.

2) The females are (perhaps owing to their scarcity) being hidden, or protected far from where they may suffer harm (or where their children would be placed in danger)

This possibility is supported by what is known of mogu culture. In several real life human cultures, especially those more reliant on older values, the women are essentially forced to stay at home, often with a heavy penalty for appearing in public (see purdah for an example).

3) The females are elsewhere, or simply have not yet been discovered.

It should also be noted that no mogu children have been found to exist, although they are mentioned in Sparkmancer Vu's epitaph. This may again suggest that both the females and children are being kept well out of harm's reach, or that neither are any longer to be found in Pandaria. While it seems natural to assume that mogu would reproduce through sexual means, the initial creation of mogu using titan technology should also be remembered, especially considering Lei Shen's possession of much of that technology. Such technology would likely be capable of producing fully-grown mogu.

It is possible that when mogu regained their stone bodies after Lei Shen's conquests, the females were reshaped into asexual male-looking bodies.

While it is possible, if the mogu rely on sexual reproduction to propagate their species, it seems unlikely that they would have allowed all of the females to die out. This suggests that females are likely still in existence, albeit evidently far from any non-mogu eyes. Indeed, if the 'rumours' about the Twin Consorts being the only known mogu females are founded in pandaren experience, this may suggest that no females have been witnessed by any non-mogu race in many hundreds or even thousands of years, if at all. While mogu relics (and the ghost of Monara) prove that females have existed in the past, this serves to illustrate both the common lack of knowledge on the subject, and the apparent scarcity of mogu females.

Lei Shen's Twin Consorts are rumoured to be the only known female mogu in existence. However, these have been confirmed to have been specifically created by Lei Shen, and are "a direct reflection of his will rather than any broader sense of mogu culture as a whole." This description in itself suggests some notable difference between the Consorts and their real-life counterparts, unless it refers only to cultural differences, such as in the roles of men and women within mogu society. For speculation on the creation of the Consorts, see Twin Consorts speculation.

Monara, known as the "last queen of the mogu" apparently represents the last ruling female in mogu society (at least at the level of monarch), slain shortly before the end of the Age of a Hundred Kings.

Body replacement

Mogu do have the ability to take the spirits from one body, or an already dead mogu, to a newly constructed body. It's possible that many of the mogu that have existed simply move on to a new body when their last one has failed. However, if this was the case many previous leaders would have come back and either retained their place in society or attempted to take it back.
With the last bit, this could lead to a possible rebirth of Lei Shen if this was true, and seeing how wise he was, he could opt in to choosing a side and forcing the remaining Mogu to his will and service in the Horde rather than being stupid and face 2 warring factions that may bring Pandaria into landfall again since they both would believe the other factions would be busy elsewhere or rebuilding. A Mogu would be the ideal allied race here if blizzard would consider it, I mean wouldn't it be wiser to help make a place for your self in the name of your people rather than watch 2 factions kill each other and take your land as theirs and be powerless to stop them since both sides would be an issue rather than just one.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 8:18 pm
by Valnaaros
Undead cannot be risen again if their bodies have been overly damaged with physical weapons or enough magic has been used on them to disrupt the necromantic energies empowering them. This has happened to the Darkfallen/San'layn, so they can't really return anymore. With their leadership dead and most of the members dead, the organization is defunct. Even with the few surviving members, they cannot raise the undead without the Lich King's power. The Knight of the Ebon Blade can reanimate most races due to Bolvar empowering them, but the San'layn either don't have that empowerment and, if they did, they would be under the control of Bolvar and he would (hopefully) not let them raise more.

After the fall of Illidan at the Black Temple, the Demon Hunters were hunted and imprisoned by the Wardens. That is why you see Demon Hunters like Altruis the Sufferer imprisoned in the Vault of the Wardens despite him not being a member of the Illidari at the time of TBC and actively trying to bring them down.

As for other prisoners in the Vault, it may simply be a bit of flavor for the second boss encounter. Have adds that were past enemies be shown as prisoners there.

Lei Shen can't return due to Wrathion eating his heart. That is part of the reason why Wrathion asked for us to bring him the Thunder King's heart so that the Zandalari, or any race/being, would be unable to resurrect him in any way, shape, or form. Even still, if Lei Shen had more time to prepare, he may have been able to fight back both the Horde and Alliance. In ancient times, his army of Zandalari and Mogu were unstoppable. It required the Tol'vir using the Re-Origination device on Uldum whilst Lei Shen and his armies approached to be able to stop him.

It could still be possible for Mogu to be playable, but Blizz would have to figure out a way around their immense pride and hatred towards other races.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:33 pm
by Jacobzuk
Valnaaros wrote:Undead cannot be risen again if their bodies have been overly damaged with physical weapons or enough magic has been used on them to disrupt the necromantic energies empowering them. This has happened to the Darkfallen/San'layn, so they can't really return anymore. With their leadership dead and most of the members dead, the organization is defunct. Even with the few surviving members, they cannot raise the undead without the Lich King's power. The Knight of the Ebon Blade can reanimate most races due to Bolvar empowering them, but the San'layn either don't have that empowerment and, if they did, they would be under the control of Bolvar and he would (hopefully) not let them raise more.

After the fall of Illidan at the Black Temple, the Demon Hunters were hunted and imprisoned by the Wardens. That is why you see Demon Hunters like Altruis the Sufferer imprisoned in the Vault of the Wardens despite him not being a member of the Illidari at the time of TBC and actively trying to bring them down.

As for other prisoners in the Vault, it may simply be a bit of flavor for the second boss encounter. Have adds that were past enemies be shown as prisoners there.

Lei Shen can't return due to Wrathion eating his heart. That is part of the reason why Wrathion asked for us to bring him the Thunder King's heart so that the Zandalari, or any race/being, would be unable to resurrect him in any way, shape, or form. Even still, if Lei Shen had more time to prepare, he may have been able to fight back both the Horde and Alliance. In ancient times, his army of Zandalari and Mogu were unstoppable. It required the Tol'vir using the Re-Origination device on Uldum whilst Lei Shen and his armies approached to be able to stop him.

It could still be possible for Mogu to be playable, but Blizz would have to figure out a way around their immense pride and hatred towards other races.
I am sure as a people their pride wouldn't be big enough to let them be swallowed by a world at war and the surviving members being caught in the crossfire and lead to their extinction.

But if Lei Shen is truly gone fine, a new king would be put in power or queen at that. I am sure despite their hatred for other races they would get along well with the Orcs due to both of their nature's of being prideful and war-happy but within the Mogu society they aren't to shy about stealing or cheating or anything but hell horde has goblins that many of them influenced by Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix seeing them as greedy entrepreneurs who would sell their own kind for a profit. But isn't this what makes the Horde, the Horde? Isn't this what makes the Horde unified? And isn't this what makes the Horde far more interesting than the Alliance :-P? I mean besides the Draenei, all the races in the Alliance are just some form of human, dwarf is a dwarfed human stouty and drunk, gnomes just midgets, humans duh humans, night elf is a steroid human with elf culture hence the ears and a little radiation in the eyes, and the Void Elf is a anorexic elf culture emo human. Oh and the worgen just a human that contracted a mythological curse/disease versus the horde having minotaurs, aliens called orcs, trolls which well look alien themselves but etc, goblins which are often seen as demons but in wow aren't, sure we got anorexic humans too but just one, the other one is more of a crack addict, etc.

Anyways the San'layn could be revived with new people since the princess was pulled out randomly, and whose to say like that there aren't anymore in prison anywhere else and the questline has Bolvar talking to the Banshee Queen and recruiting you to do a jail break or allow the few remaining in the depths of Icecrown raise more since didn't Rotface and Festergut have a third sibling in the new Violet Hold?

But would anyone actually play a Mogu or a San'layn (Real Vampire Elf) if they were to be scripted in?

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:10 am
by pop
I support Mogu

It would make the perfect opposite of Vulpera.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:40 pm
by Jacobzuk

Hearthstone may be different but this shows there are even Mogu and some how even sentient Sha, Grummle, even Mantid who have joined individually their own new faction under the Jade Lotus.

So maybe this could still be possible playable Mogu, hell even shows a Mogu Druid xD, Pandaren Shaman/Druid, plus the alliance has a Draenei Rogue so this CAN happen if blizzard chose to do so.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 10:42 pm
by Valnaaros
If Blizz so chooses. Blizz has stated that Hearthstone is entirely non-canon unless otherwise stated. For example, the size of Gadgetzan in Hearthstone is far, far bigger than in actual lore, and all of the factions within do not exist.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:44 am
by pop

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:31 am
by Quiv
This is exactly how Mag'har and Kul Tiran were confirmed, an indirect mention like this. I'm still a little skeptical, but part of me thinks they do this on purpose to drive us crazy.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:45 am
by pop
Quiv wrote:This is exactly how Mag'har and Kul Tiran were confirmed, an indirect mention like this. I'm still a little skeptical, but part of me thinks they do this on purpose to drive us crazy.
To be fair, both Mag'har and Kul Tiran were slipped by Ion, right?

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:07 am
by Quiv
Yep. This could be nothing but Daniel misspeaking. Or it could be deliberate the way Ion's was. Or maybe he accidentally spoiled and wasn't supposed to. Time will tell!

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:57 am
by Valnaaros
Yeah, it could go either way. It could be him accidentally spoiling things or it could be him referencing how Mogu play a large part in Zuldazar and Island Expeditions. I'm leaning towards the latter.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 7:13 pm
by Jacobzuk
I hope it is the same case as the Mag'har Orc were. Would be nice and we all know the Mogu would fit in the Horde better than the Alliance.

Any one have any theories on how the Mogu could be worked into as a allied race? And any ideas for a racial ability? One for example could be like the goblins Hobgoblin one but with a Saurok instead and did more than just banking.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:09 pm
by Xota
The Zandalari were the only race the Mogu considered equals, so I would expect they'd be more likely to friendly to the Horde than to the Alliance.

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:24 pm
by Jacobzuk
So we can be safe to assume Quilins would be their racial mount and hunter pet?

Anyone able to think of possible racial abilities they could have and think of a possible leader/story for them?

Re: Mogu Allied Race Theory

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:44 pm
by Quiv
That would be right up their ally for sure! Although if they wanted to start a proper shitstorm, they could use subjugated cloud serpents....