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Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:07 pm
by Jacobzuk
So with allied races being introduced and seems like this would be the greatest opportunity to introduce more choices, since the Revantusk Tribe of Trolls are allied with the Horde if they decide on giving the Alliance Wildhammer Dwarves which would be a third dwarf race wouldn't the Revantusk make sense for the horde counterpart? Mainly for the buff forest troll male.

What will their fates be since the Alliance pretty much take over Eastern Kingdoms?

Re: Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:45 pm
by Valnaaros
If Wildhammers become an allied race, I could see that happen. But I could also see Blizz just giving Bronzebeard Dwarves Wildhammer tattoos and hair colors. :)

Re: Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:59 pm
by cowmuflage
Yeah they would work. I'd play a green troll.

Re: Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:48 pm
by Xota
I hope the Wildhammers aren't an allied race. Visually, they're identical to Bronzebeard dwarves, but with tattoos. If Blood Elves are getting golden eyes as a customization option, then dwarves could easily get tattoos as a customization option. Plus, when dwarves got to be shaman, the implication was that they were Wildhammer dwarves. Their integration into the alliance happened in Cataclysm. Alliance already has a "these should just be new customization options" race.

Forest trolls are visually different than the Darkspear/jungle trolls, so they would be a good option for another allied race. I think Broken would be a better parallel.

There's a lot of zones that have outposts from the other continent in them. I don't know how blizzard is planning to do them, or if they've even come up with a plan. The Revantusk weren't getting support from Undercity, so I expect their logistics haven't changed much. Maybe there could be a Dwarf vs Troll warfront in Hinterlands.

Re: Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:18 am
by Wain
Maybe they'd be hesitant to add Revantusks right now, because they're trying to turn the continents purely Horde or Alliance. It may not be an issue, but it makes me wonder.

Re: Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:32 am
by NazzyDragon
Honestly I can see them adding wildhammer tattoos to base dwarves and a green tint for our regular trolls. I would love to see it.

Re: Fate of the Revantusk Tribe

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:19 pm
by cowmuflage
Only if they gave us the option to use the male Forest troll body as they are Forest trolls.