Warcraft Pets looking for volunteer to create pet images

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Warcraft Pets looking for volunteer to create pet images

Unread post by Wain »

Our friends at Warcraft Pets are in need of someone to take model shots for new and upcoming companion pets. Most of the work is with WoW Model Viewer, which is as easy as placing the model in the position you like and asking it to take an image shot. But image modification (Photoshop or Gimp or whatever) is also required for some pets, as WMV doesn't show all special effects. Sometimes this will be for ghostly pets, or with shimmering effects, or other special auras.

I used to do this work for them but I'm swamped with two websites and can't take care of their images as well, Veph took over but has had to retire for unrelated reasons. If you do join their team, I can offer help and advice so you won't be going in cold. I will also send you a big text file of tips and how-tos.

If this is something that interests you then please post here, or send me a PM, and I'll connect you with Breanni. Or feel free to contact him via his website!

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Re: Warcraft Pets looking for volunteer to create pet images

Unread post by Vephriel »

Likewise I'm happy to offer any advice that I can from my experience! :) I enjoyed doing the images and helping out WCP, unfortunately work and real life are currently a little too demanding for me to dedicate the time to keeping up with it any more.
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