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Current Frostbitten Issue

Posted: Sun May 26, 2019 8:55 am
by Thwip
Hey guys, since I've joined the Secret Finding Discord, I've done a lot with the hunter community on there. Something that was brought up and that I'm currently testing on is taming -not- giving proper Frostbitten/Northern Exposure ""kill"" credit.

What I've found so far, and I'm still leveling a new hunter to test various levels, is that any low level hunter is not gaining credit for taming any of the Frostbitten rares, nor giving that credit appropriately to party members. The levels we've tested so far are the base lvl66 for Loque and Krush through lvl70. This level range is NOT giving Frostbitten tame ""kill"" credit. I'm currently pushing my Lightforged hunter to 80 to see if it starts there, but the initial reporting player noted they were over 80, but under 85 when they tamed Loque and got no credit. They also reported being lvl85 and getting no party wide credit for Krush when a higher level friend tamed it. I do not know for sure if this player was simply not in range for Krush to count or if this feeds into the tames not applying credit at certain levels.

Now, on the other hand, we do pet seeking for people constantly and use 110 trial toons to find rares. I have had -no issues- getting party wide credit for Northern Exposure/Frostbitten when in group with a lvl100+ hunter. We've also test it. Lvl102 gave proper credit party wide for a Loque tame with a fresh trial toon in group (who found the rare). Northern Exposure achievement popped as soon as the tame finished. I also tested credit application on a 110 alt. Aotona's credit applied just fine on the Frostbitten tracker. (I have to track it via hovering over Nothern Exposure to see which ones are being ticked off each time. New ones do indeed go green that way.) And I know via plenty of experience before and after 8.1.5 that 120s give proper credit when the rare is tamed. Meaning anything between 100-120 is not affected by this.

I will update when I hit lvl80 on my Lightforged today and tame a fresh Loque! I'm trying very hard to find what level the taming process starts giving credit towards this. :/

Progress Update: I have reached both 75 and 80 on my Lightforged and tamed both Loque and Krush, neither gave credit at these levels. I am starting to think that you need to be over the level the rare maxes out at before credit begins to apply. Which means 83+. Testing still continuing. Next test is at 85.

Progress Update 2: Lvl85 is also failing to give credit when rares on the list are tamed.

Progress Update 3: Lvl90 has failed to give credit.

Re: Current Frostbitten Issue

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:47 am
by Thwip
After a short break from leveling my tester toon, I finally got back to working today. Lvl95 bracket did not give credit either. The bracket required to get credit for Frostbitten via taming is ONLY lvl100-120. I find this really strange, but at least I finally nailed down the proper bracket for it. The only testing I have left now is seeing if a sub100 toon can get credit for a 100+ taming the creature while in group. ~SCIENCE~

Re: Current Frostbitten Issue

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 7:58 am
by Wain
That is really strange :(. Is there an official bug report on that forum we can boost?

Re: Current Frostbitten Issue

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 8:40 am
by Thwip
I haven't made one regarding it, no. I haven't looked for one either. I only found out about it due to another lowbie hunter mentioning it in the Secret's Discord hunter chat and it spurred me on to start checking level brackets. I tamed a lot of Loques and Krushes for this. >.< I started testing because I wanted to verify that it was happening first.

I also wasn't sure if I should make one, because I'm not sure if this is intended or an accident. I'm also worried that taming giving group wide credit was also never intended either, so it's a fear of bringing it up saying 'Hey, it's now working for any hunter under 100!' and then them nixing it for everyone entirely. :C