My idea for a "fix". Hope lurker reads :)

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My idea for a "fix". Hope lurker reads :)

Unread post by Ana »

I posted this on the eu forum. Please copy paste it to the us forum if you like this
Hope our lurker reads this

Adventures of Azeroth and Beyond (AOAAB)
Option for either a new expansion or a new game but here goes.

AOAAB is a game/expansion for WoW without faction war.


Pvp, RP and Normal, just like now but devided up into Casual and Elite

Casual servers for ppl who want to do most content solo. Everything should be able to be done in grps of 1-5, or in lfr. Everything is shared for alts, currency, reputation etc. All tmogs restrictions are removed and all sets will now include green, gray and white BOE items. All previous BOP items are now BOE and can be bought if you got the money. On casual servers mythics would be accesable from lfg. Or scale from 1-5 ppl if you prefer a solo or fixed grp.
You could also just join LFG/LFR like you do now if you prefer a random grp

Elite servers for ppl who want to push themselves. Everything should be scaled to their lvl. Want to do Molten Core? Then you need 40 ppl. Would give more dungeons and Raids at max lvl for elite players to test themselves against. You need to grind everything but you will get rewards for it.

On pvp servers once you toggle pvp on its game on. On casual servers there is a 5 lvl limit and lots of safe zones. On elite pvp servers its open for all, no safe zones and no lvl limits.

As there are no faction war in battlegrounds you just get a color assigned as random. Orange or Violet.

Instead of the constant lvl rush where old content becomes obsolete you will now earn AA (Alternate advance) points for something. On casual servers these points are account bound, on elite servers they are character bound
Did you do your heart of azeroth to full lvl then those abilities will be a part of you FOREVER.
AA points will be reward from lvl 10 (or 1 if you prefer) You get aa points for completion of quest, for completion of achievement points, for collections, for when you kill a mob which gives you xp, for doing pvp (even if you loose) etc. lots of options
At all times you can stop your lvl xp to grind aa points.
AA points should give you powers for your character so it become more powerful. AA points would give you less buttons to push7less abilities but you would merge those abilities into more powerfull stuff from your character. ESO have a little of it by the way you evolve your spells but WOW could make this better and more class determined.

One example. I got 6 healing aoes on my holy priest, which i think is silly. Instead let me build up one aoe via aa so it become stronger, adds damage, reach etc.

AA points will always be able to be added. If you have a hard time seeing how this would work try taking a look at Everquest 1 AA points system but I think WoW could do even more with a system like this.

There should be no limits to how many aa you could have, which would make it more fun to do achivements and to do content.

Lets say AOAAB is an expansion. Then the world will be reshaped. The Jailer did succeed in remaking the world but forces (insert names here) stopped it from being all his world. We get to explore all the continent again on our char. Old continent is as always avalible via Chromie so you can get aa points from there if you want.

Start with Eastern and Western Kingdoms and then build from there. You get exploration points and NO zones should look like they do now. More fluent

No More different currency
No more 1000 different currency. AA will be your strongest way to build your character. All preveious currency will be put into AA except the main currency you use for your tables (Anima, War resources etc.) There will no longer be any limites to currency

PVP currency should just have one called honor and there should be no limits or resets. Except on Elite PVP servers which should have resets like they have now (which I have no idea what is because I dont do pvp)


All gathering tradeskills should be avalible on one character. A shared crafting bag for all your characters like in ESO.
You get AA points for crafting and gathering. And you can boost it by aa points.

One example.
1 aa point in blacksmithing gives you a chance of 0.5 % to gain 1 extra point in blacksmith lvl when creating anything (even a gray item). Lets say you can have 100 aa points which would make it fun and worthwhile of doing tradeskills.
You would also get AA points for making items you never made before, discovering new recipies etc.

As it is now all non gathering tradeskills should be individualized on seperate characters

Guilds also have a shared mats bank for its members. Its guildmasters who have control over who have access but if you kick someone they wiill get their mats they deposited back excepet those they used.

A common thread, like the newcommer channel, where ppl can ask for help. Highlvl ppl are rewared aa points to help lowerlvls or other fellow players in need. (e.g. a zone boss, or a hard rare) You should always be able to join the newcommer thread. It should be heavily moderated so its not used for spam, or “toxic” chat.
It works really well in FF14 with the exception that you get booted once you are a certain lvl which I think is silly.

Class and Specs
NO more Specs. They become classes instead and will become powerfull via AA points.

Examples of hunters will now be diveded into 3 classes
Lancer (survival)

Beastmaster will focus on beast (doh) and becomming stronger via aa focusing on beastcontrol and damage. Marksman will focos on solo archer and become stronger via aa.
Lancer will be a melee chain wearing class with only acces to a few pets. Not sure which they should be yet.

all classes will now have a better chance of being unique and all classes will be able to solo better.
A resto druid (now called a warden) would have aa points which e,g, add damage as well as dot healing to a dps spell. Or something like that

This is just a few of the points i thought of.

Prob be many who dont agree but this is just my “fix” of the game, OR my idea for another game who can run sideline with wow.
I would prefer AOAAB to be an expansion so I did not loose my character


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: My idea for a "fix". Hope lurker reads :)

Unread post by Ana »

a few on the eu forum atleast liked my idea but it gets burried in other threads... ohh well I tried :P


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Umbriel of Halaa
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Re: My idea for a "fix". Hope lurker reads :)

Unread post by Umbriel of Halaa »

This is an old-ish thread, and my accounts currently aren't active until this ethics scandal gets some kind of resolution. But, at any rate: I approve of this idea.
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