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Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 9:30 am
by Wain
🎈 🎈 🎈 2022 Holiday Giveaway! 🎈 🎈 🎈

To celebrate the end of the year and the start of Dragonflight, I'm holding another mount & pet giveaway.

If I randomly select you, you can choose one on-sale shop mount, or any combination of pets/toys/extra-discounted mounts that add up to around the same price as one of the 50%-off sale mounts. For example, there are a few mounts that are extra discounted (65% off), or just extra cheap for some reason (like the Illidari Felstalker), so one of those plus a sale pet would also suffice. See them here: ... f-warcraft

The rules are simple:

🎄 To enter: reply to this post with a screenshot of your hunter with your favourite new Dragonflight pet (or pair of pets) so far. You can clip your name for anonymity if you like.

🎄 If you're having trouble with screenshots, use the pet-look and pet-look2 tags to display your favourite looks, or you can link to the images directly. For the latter, get the look id from the page URL for the look, for example the white bakar is: dogprimal_white and the tag would look like:

Code: Select all

🎄 Also add which mount/pets/toys you'd like so I can order them in a timely fashion, and include which region you're in (i.e. EU/Americas & Oceanic). I don't need to know your Battle Tag or any personal info, as I'll just DM you the code, but I do know which region to buy it for.

🎄 To be eligible you must have been registered on this forum before I created this post. I want to do this as something nice for our community here, and I don't want to turn it into a recruitment drive :) Recipients will be selected randomly.

🎄 End date: you must post by the end of 01 January 2022. The sale ends on 02 Jan, so I want to organise it in time.

🎄 You can see ALL new Dragonflight tameable looks here: .

🎄 Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and I hope we all have a wonderful 2023!

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 11:02 am
by WerebearGuy
You know it's the holidays when Wain gives us something fun to post!

Dragonflight initially didn't have anything I'd really say was a "favorite", as most of the new pets were just kind of additional trophies to add to the stable. It's not that I didn't like them of course, as I've tamed quite a few new looks and my stable's capacity is crying out "I'M ABOUT TO BURST OH MY GOD SOMEBODY HELP ME", but none of them really screamed "favorite" to me from the get go. I had a feeling this sentiment would just be a blanket feeling for all of the content we have up until the next zone is added in one of the later content patches, but thankfully, I found my two buddies.

Starting with the bright red fella, I love the hornswogs for multiple reasons that include but are not limited to their goofy design, the fact it's a frog that isn't tenacity, and the fact that everyone I party with hates it. I don't know why they dislike my apple-colored frog, but screw em! He's got his charms and I recognize them fully. Of all the tameable dragonkin, the hornswogs are by far my favorite. On the other side is a simple brown ottuk. Suffering from being a cunning pet, I initially expected it to be stabled forever until I wanted to be a scummy pvp troll and do scummy pvp things, but no. I've actually done world content with this brown water noodle. I've disregarded my disdain for the disappointing cunning spec, and I've fought elites with my ottuk. I've gone out of my way to keep him alive against enemies that by all rights should have absolutely turned it into a sticky red paste on the ground. It's the first cunning pet that I've really enjoyed playing with. That said, it's been mostly relegated to the companion slot for Beast Mastery, but that's fine since it's also with my lovable dragon toad. While I do love my Clefthoof (I actually do), I've given the big fuzzy beast a rest and have swapped to using the hornswog as my go-to ferocity pet for hard content. While I do love my ottuk, I do often find myself having my baby direhorn as the companion more often than not (why wouldn't I?), but that's not to say I don't give my water dog a walk every now and then.
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I feel like it's gonna be a hard task to make me like something from this expansion more than the hornswog, unless they decide to let us tame Onyxia. Or tameable proto-drakes. Or tameable druid forms. Those would instantly sway my opinion.

As for the contest part, I'm US and I won't ask for anything more than the Pandaren Monk pet. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and in a few days Happy New Year!

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 11:50 am
by worgpower
I wanted to say thanks for doing a giveaway, but it's also the greatest opportunity to show off my favorite tames. Dragonflight may have actually added so many cool creatures and I tamed all of the ones I want. But I couldn't connect and run with them that much due to either spec, or the look is just not as good as others. After the journey of obtaining ottuk and dragonkin taming, I was able to think of the pets I loved to run with the most in all of content. Here's the two pets I favor the most

First of all, here's the Red Veilwing. this is the pet that got me extremely excited when it was first announced when dragonkin taming was announced and the models listed. Even though it's a bit smaller than I hoped, I still love to run around with it in solo content now that mend pet is fixed. I love my other dragonkin tames, but this one screams dragon much more. This pet filled in the gap for a always wanted drake skeleton as a pet. I used to beg for Soul eaters to fill this role. believe me I still want soul eaters. if this dragon was real, i'd give it belly rubs.
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Second of all, the pink Hornstrider, AKA Nergazurai. This is a model I didn't admire deeply when I was excited for dragonflight. After taming it, I started using this pet a lot more than the other tames once I reached max level. Even though this bird runs in slow motion, and I dislike most pets that run in slow motion. This pet ended up being an exception, and this pet also screams dragon more than any other creature thats NOT a lesser dragonkin, it oddly resembles a dragon more than most lesser dragonkin and thats what makes this pet special to me
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I was thinking of choosing other pets. It was between those two, my hornswog and my super rare purple bear. If I don't feel like using those, I would use my hornswog when I feel the need to use a dragon resembling the five dragonflights. whenever I brought it up on chat, people loved it. Hopefully, more cool beasts will come, and especially more menacing lesser dragons, I love all of them, but we need something people would fear if it were real, like feywings and soul eaters(i dont care if they're not dragons, they fit)

My region is US, West coast time, since this xpac is about dragons, the only sale mount I want is the Enchanted Fey Dragon, Happy Holidays

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:10 pm
by Ana
Gimlad & Celebros - they just clicked with me soo much. Use them all the time :D

Realm and Region: azjol- nerub EU
Character name: Tindomiriel
Battlenetid: Maria78#21361

Wishlist: Mount: Tyraels charger or Squekers :D both are so cute

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 4:29 pm
by Vephriel
not entering myself, just wanted to say thanks for all you do for the community Wain! :hug:

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 7:57 pm
by Maizou
So far I've only had 3 pets I really enjoy:


I think the Butterfly models are slept on because they're Cunning, but they're my favorite of the new pets for the expansion. I feel like we need a new family for them though, because Moths and Butterflies, although similar, are very different.


Sadly, I've mostly been using Nergazurai since we can't respec pets and we need a Ferocity pet. But the others get pulled out occasionally when I don't *need* the leech.

I'm looking forward to taming a Faerie Dragon and maybe a Veilwing, but that's still a Renown away for me.

As for the contest, I'm US and all I'd really be interested in is the Murloc backpacks if those are eligible.

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:17 pm
by Dewclaw
I haven't been able to play enough to get the pets I really want to try out, because they are gated behind reps, etc, but I do have these. The mammoth I tamed early on. I love his colors. The dog is named Bear, and he's a steadfast and loyal companion.


Realm - Llane, character Gabbey.
Wishlist - Shu-zen, the Divine Sentinel

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:26 pm
by Talihawk
Good Luck everyone!!!

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:35 pm
by Nick
Thank you so very much for the giveaway / present(s) Wain!! <3

Here's my OG, "oh-god-has-it-really-been-16-years" hunter! She's been through a few name and race changes, but hunter has been my favorite class ever since I started c:


I, unfortunately, don't have the pet I really want, because I'm not high enough with the Tuskarr (me and my bf are taking the reps slow so we don't burn ourselves out) BUT once I do get the rep needed, I am going to tame as many ottuks as my stables can physically hold. They're SO cute and I knew the moment I saw them I had to tame every color, cunning pet family be damned. (The black, pale, and brown colors are my faves, but I honestly love all the color options we have!)

I'm on the US realms, and I'd love The Dreadwake! It's one of the few shop mounts I haven't already bought :lol:

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 5:11 pm
by Bowno
My UI keeps breaking lately any time I try to take a screenie. Must be one of my addons... Gonna have to fix that.
BUUUUUUUUT I still wish to share something I'm super excited about finally getting to tame.
Jokes aside, I was super excited to see us finally getting ducks, and as soon as I saw this little guy, I went ahead and grabbed her.
While it's not a perfect duck, she's still darn cute and I appreciate that it exists either way. I also try to remember that this is also the same planet where crocodiles have SIX legs, so of course a duck might not look the same as our ducks.
But yes, that's my current favorite new tame. A duck. Why? Ducks are cute. She sure looks a bit odd in the rest of my stable of monstrous creatures.. BUT THATS FINE. She's just special.

Before I say anything more, I really want to thank Wain for even offering this to people. I cant even count how many times you've offered wonderful gifts like this to the community, and it's really kind of you. You are going out of your way to do something for a bunch of people online who you likely dont very know very well, and likely spending your own money on these people. You are truly kind and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season, and that your New Year is stress free. Really, Thank you for offering people this. You're too kind to us.

If it's at all possible to grab the Sapphire Skyblazer, that would be my top pick for sure.
I'm on PST, US server.

Thank you again, and to everyone else, I hope you have a lovely Holiday season as well!

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:16 pm
by SylviaDragon
Thank you for another lovely giveaway event Wain! :) If i should win, i would very much like to get the Dreadwake mount. (US)

now this is a tricky one- i have quite a lot of favorites this time around!

I just got my dragonkin taming unlocked literally last night and am so happy to have these guys added to the team! loving the sprite darters so much and I'm actually liking the red feather drake way more than I expected.

and i feel like i should give this guy a mention as well. while he may look like one of the cool new Armoredons, he is in fact a clefthoof! Honestly i think these guys look pretty cool and clefthoofs have always been among my least favorite pets so i'm over the moon that i have a tanking pet i actually like without having to sacrifice anything! (lets hope they dont fix him :P)

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 5:34 am
by Pokcmvmxckm
Dragonflight has some great Pet additions, although my stable is getting a bit full.

My top 2 pets added are the Bakar and the Mammoths.
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I'm glad Dire Beast is so prevalent in Beast Mastery with Dire Command, using Glyph of Dire Stable I try to remember the names of the pets it summons while I do my World quests.

If I win the contest, I would like the Celestial Observer's Ensemble. I'm in the NA region. Thanks in advance, and a Happy New Year to everyone.

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:54 am
by Valnaaros
Thank you for all that you have done throughout the year to operate Petopia and Warcraft Mounts, Wain! Your hardwork does not go unnoticed :)

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 2:44 pm
by Baihu
Thank you so much for the giveaway Wain! So far, I found I'm really loving the red and white peacock, which is just gorgeously detailed with attention to nearly every feather, and has incredibly fun attack animations, with the swooping and intimidating peacock stance XD I tamed Liskron the Dazzling and really the only disappointment is he doesn't keep his name :( Instead, I've named him Shen, after my favorite Kung Fu Panda villain, who had the exact same colors.

For the other pet, it's gotta be the Forgotten Gryphon, which I have to thank this forum for letting me know to quickly grab it before I reached level 70 and it becomes an untameable elite. I camped out just after the server reset and got it just as it spawns in! I even managed to do it so fast that no one else on the server had reached the plateau yet and I could play dumb that I had noooo idea where the rare went. I named it Geistwing, which was the name I gave my Lost Spectral Gryphon, but I much prefer this updated gryphon model.


My server is in the Americas & Oceanic region. If I'm lucky, I would really appreciate getting Wen'Lo The River's Edge. Thanks again for the giveaway!

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:53 am
by Makoes
I originally planned to tame a black Sylvan, but tamed this one as the first I came across and "Trickplay" showed me that he had a very amazing personality. I also loved the look of the ice horned Armoredon, and tamed Gorger (re-named Behemoth), and when Bloodgullet was discovered, I went and sought him out because a spirit beast with a really neat model was Happy Day!!
So Trickplay acts as my +1 pet, Behemoth & Bloodgullet take turns as "Main pet".



Pets/mounts: I am missing Lil'Ursoc and Blinky

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 1:02 pm
by Karasan
What a fun holiday post! I've been a hunter main on this character since Vanilla and the collection of rare or unique pets has always drawn me in time and time again! Although this post doesn't show them, I worked my way up to Renoun 23 with Valdrakken so that I could befriend some new scaly friends! Myself and others at Rosepetal ranch love finding otherwise unknown pets and I was so lucky that one of them found the baby mammoth! He can be very noisy, but he sure doesn't pull his punches! I was lucky when it came to the forgotten gryphon, I had leveled my druid up first because I was playing my hunter with friends and didn't want to move on without them on her so I was the right level to grab this guy before he became scaled too high for me.
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If chosen, I'd love the Transmorpher Beacon and Lil' Ursoc. The beacon is because my friend has it and I love when they can pull it out and Lil' Ursoc is because Ursoc was always a favorite of mine back in Wrath and when we are forced to fight him in Legion it broke my heart only to have my hope rekindled in the ardenwield cinimatic with the existence of his seed to once again be crushed by what happens to him. Bears have always been a close animal for me and I've supported their wildlife conservation and hope one day to pet a grizzly bear in the real world (I've already accepted that my tombstone will someday read: She shouldn't have pet that).

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:34 am
by Tsukina
As always Wain giving gifts, he's like a Santa Claus xd.

Regarding the pets, as I said, I did not intend to tame much, I did not want to store the little animals as if they were pkmns.

But when I saw Biryuk asleep there, I didn't have the courage to attack him and he came with me as a company to advance through the Islands.


The one I intend to tame is Drakewing, because if there is something cooler than a Dragon, he is a Duck-dragon xd

As always, I apologize if my text is confusing, the automatic translator does what it can.

PS: I'm from Europe, and if I win I would like 2 baby ursocs, one for me, and another for my sister, she doesn't always play (when she has some vacations at the studios) and she really likes furry animals.

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:10 am
by Valariel
So my favorite pets are Slurpo and Nergazurai, for the Screenshot i paired the two. Normally Nergu is paired with Mazzranache for the double trouble pink terrorbirds and Slurpo with Loque.
And i have a pair of Rockfangs, striped white and striped grey called "Geist" und "Dunkelheit", named after the lions from the movie "The Ghost and the Darkness"

Realm and Region: Alleria - EU
Character name: Valariel
Battlenetid: Valariel#2442

I would like "The Dreadwake" for my pirate rogue twink Yarrface :D

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:22 am
by Amyliz

I really appreciate all you have done for the Petopia community this year Wain :)
This is main BM hunter Amyliz,. been playing her since vanilla.
As for my favorite pets, its too hard to choose just one!
I love the new butterflies more than I thought I would. And the new peacock is so beautiful and Slurpo is just amazing lol. I also really like the new striders, and Nergazurai was a challenge to find. I think the ghost Gryphon is another special pet for me so far. I wish I could tame the dragonkin but with all the crazy real life stuff going on, I haven't had the time to play that I would need to get the reputation.
I play on North America, Llane, and I like 15th Anniversary alabaster mounts.
Thank you again, and Happy Holidays to all Petopians

Re: Holiday Giveaway 2022

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:41 pm
by Jalak
This hunter, Rasheed, is my main character, and the first one I max leveled, when I started playing wow back in MoP. We've been through a lot together, and my favorite part of each expansion is seeing and taming the new pets.

So, ever since the datamining for Dragonflight begun, I was really excited to get a phoenix, and I was really happy and surprised they could be tamed so early, right on the first map of the campaign. Since I tamed it, it became my main pet.
I love the fact that it stays on ground, instead of eternally flapping it's wings, and I also love the running animations. The idle annimation is also really cool, and gives it a "curious" personality, like it's checking stuff from time to time.


I play on US - Goldrinn
If I win, I'll choose the Sapphire Skyblazer, because it's also a phoenix, it has a running on ground animation, and it's in my favorite color, blue. (Can't wait to tame a blue phoenix, eventually, hopefully).