4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

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4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Anyia »

So today I was in ZG to call back a couple of old friends while I still could, and as such I had a number of "open" Call Pet slots. Towards the end of the run I happened to click the fold-out Call Pet menu, and noticed that aside from my worm Hole, my reunited-with wind serpent Tailwind, and the new wind serpent Breathless, there was a fourth button showing, saying "Call Venomous Snake". Unfortunately it only gave me an error message when I tried to use it, but I thought it was an amusing bug nevertheless! Having it sit in the fourth slot didn't prevent me from retaming my bat Fruitloop, so it seems pretty harmless.

I'll try to remember to ticket it once I've had a GM vet examine my core hound Hubris to see why he doesn't [Dash] any more. :(

Oh, and I stopped by the Tiger boss while I was in there. [Swift Zulian Tiger] is mine! Finally! /dance
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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Sarayana »

That's hilarious. Somehow I can see Petopians Beast Lore the vipers now. :lol:

Congrats on the mount! :D

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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Pent »

Anyia wrote: Oh, and I stopped by the Tiger boss while I was in there. [Swift Zulian Tiger] is mine! Finally! /dance
Did you have to get someone to let you into a raid to get into ZG?

Also, did you solo the tiger? What pet did you use?

I might try it out later.
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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Anyia »

pentupanger wrote:Did you have to get someone to let you into a raid to get into ZG?
I just borrowed a guild member's alt to form a raid group with before he went offline, like usual. :)
Also, did you solo the tiger? What pet did you use?
Yes, he's been trivial since I got my second piece of T5, though tonight I don't think I would've even needed that. My worm Hole happily tanks them all. If he gets gouged I just feign or deterrence until he can pick them up again. Phase 2 is a real pushover. The mount drop rate isn't such a pushover however... Good luck to you!
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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Tahlian »

It looks like core hounds are either bugged or a touch forgetful at the moment...the new Kurken I tamed yesterday morning kept forgetting Dash and I think Call of the Wild every time I zoned into an instance. Weirdly enough, he always remembered Rabid. I also have a ticket in...because every time he leveled, he got a talent point. At 79, he now has as many talent points as my 80 pets, which isn't right.

I hope I don't have to go retame him...I hate having to troop all the way back out to Azuremyst.

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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Darknez »

I've noticed this "phantom pet" thing before... I've had Skettis named mobs, the same snakes you've mentioned and a few others...

Usually it seems to be if you've had a NPC interact with you (such as a blue-named NPC that follows you around after a quest). You appear to end up with said NPC's as pets - which unfortunately do not come when called!
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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by ForestTroll »

Darknez wrote:I've noticed this "phantom pet" thing before... I've had Skettis named mobs, the same snakes you've mentioned and a few others...

Usually it seems to be if you've had a NPC interact with you (such as a blue-named NPC that follows you around after a quest). You appear to end up with said NPC's as pets - which unfortunately do not come when called!
Man if we could call them I'd totally get those murloc babehs from borean D:
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Re: 4.0.1 Snake Trap snakes as pets?!

Unread post by Willowzen »

..sorry, just had to LOL at "fruitloop"
Awesome name XD