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Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:45 pm
by Fael
I just wanted to share an interesting suggestion thread I found for Troll cats in the WoW forums: ... 1&pageNo=1

It points out features in the cat that seem out of place or poor in quality and recommends changes with some artistic examples. Out of all the forms I find Troll cat to be the largest disappointment in that it does not look finished and it feels like whoever made it wasn't really checking out Trolls during the creation process. I don't necessarily agree with all the proposed suggestions in the artwork, they seem a bit too fluffy when it comes to the hair, but I think they're good suggestions and are nice color combos. I like the ornaments, tusks, eyes and they also much better resemble tigers while maintaining outrageous coloration. :p The original sketch showing braids/dreadlocks along the back would be much nicer than the two dangly braids.

Some points where the model fails:
- With the Troll cat you can see how transparencies aren't done properly along the beard and braids
- There is less fur detail throughout the model, especially around the claws which leaves a harsh shiny line and the muzzle which lacks any form of detail, it basically just glows.
- The lips come together with a downward point instead of a more catlike reverse V.
- The tusks are shaped more like door handles and are shown to come out from the throat.
- The eyes aren't Troll eyes and Trolls don't have eyebrows, especially not long bushy ones, that's more of an elf thing.
- The braids stick out strangely while yawning and are positioned at an odd angle overall. Dangling braids are also less of a Troll thing, copying from the Tauren.
- The overall face shape given by the 'mutton chops' and beard is too directly copied off of the Tauren, while the other forms keep some more distinction.
- For the blonde haired model the blue paint on the shoulder looks like it was poorly painted over an orange version.

Some comparison pics it shared:

Details pointed out and 2 suggested changes to better match bear form:
Image Image

Suggested colour schemes:

Compared to originals:
Yellow hair
Red hair
Blue hair
White hair
Green hair

Just something interesting to think about. If you've seen any other artistic suggestions that could improve the Troll cat I'd love to see them!

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:47 pm
by Vephriel
I've never had a problem with the current Troll cat forms, but I definitely like those proposed suggestions. ^^ Would be fantastic if they matched the Bear forms more colour-wise, but at the same time I enjoy them as they are. Will definitely sign for this though. :)

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:55 pm
by Kalliope
Those would be some nice touch-ups!

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:58 pm
by Lupis
I approve of all the changes suggested. Your improved version is awesome, especially the yellow haired one.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:03 pm
by Turgus
Nice Job! :D
I love your coloration and most of your changes allot.
I especially like the new coloration for the yellow and orange hair colors. ;)
I do like the original tusks, although I do not like their coloration.
So if I could have everything the way I wanted it, :roll: I would go with your coloration and detail changes, but to keep the tusks as they are except with a color and detail touch-up.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:24 pm
by Wassa
Yus please, especially with your recolors. All I wanna be is an orange tiger for my troll druid. D=

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:53 pm
by Ket Shi
The textures, the doodads, the features -- man, what an improvement. But they'll probably leave it as-is.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:40 pm
by SpiritBinder
Holy S$%t Fael, every thing that you pointed out I have looked at and thought, if only. The amount of work done here if really really amazing. No really, Please for the <3 of that's troll goodness, post this on the official forums.

The colour combos, the eyebrows!!!!!!, the superglued hanging braids, the rope corset are all things I've questioned from a design perspective, so much of it makes no sense.

The redraw of the models and colour combos are simply amazing. Everything done here is everything that I would have loved to do and done it much better than I ever could. So please please posts this of the official forums.

Again the work you have put togethger here,
<3 <3 <3 :hug:

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:37 pm
by Kryte
Those look a million times better. One. Million. Times. Better.

Especially the orange cat, which is more along the lines of what I wanted for troll druids.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:08 am
by Valashe
I have to hope that the final troll cat and druid forms will be shown when the class becomes available to play and that these are mearly placeholders.

The art at the very least is sub par and disappointing on these models. It made the decision not to roll a druid immediately after Cataclysm launch that much easier.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:45 am
by Makoes
I agree! The current troll models look very unfinished, an somewhat flat...especially when compaired to the other cat forms. Someone really did try to cut corners on that model!

And as the changes above suggest, you actually dont need to do much to fix them up to withing an acceptable level. I really do hope that blizzard completes the troll feral forms. They really do need it!

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:57 am
by Lisaara
Personally, Blizzard has way too much more important things to worry about. I'm sure they'll fix it but not right now. Probably not til the expansion has been released.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:53 am
by SpiritBinder
Taluwen wrote:Personally, Blizzard has way too much more important things to worry about. I'm sure they'll fix it but not right now. Probably not til the expansion has been released.
Sadly I think this is also what will happen, if they plan on editing the current model. I know I would also love to see a worgen or troll specfic moonkin form, or updated travel and aquatic forms too, but hey you never can tell what they are up to or what they have or haven't finished, only time will tell.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:33 am
by Fael
I'm happy to see such support for these troll cats! Just a reminder that I didn't make any of them, I'm just sharing the images to make it easier to get the idea of what that forum post is sharing. ;) I agree that a version of this on the US forums would be helpful.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:07 am
by Antares
I can't help but notice the negativity in your post. It really irks me that, when I point out what I don't like about the Worgen pet model vs. the "coyote" pet model - I get heavily vilified yet Fael is championed.

Why not start with what you do like about the forms?

I, personally, love the forms. I think they exemplify the Trolls to a tee and I can't wait to start a Troll Druid.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:37 pm
by Moonlost
I'm torn. I do like the troll forms, I think most of the colours look great and suit trolls perfectly. But at the same time I don't like how sloppy they seem, the paintbrush hair braids in particular irk me. So while I can easily live with the troll druid forms as is, I'd love to see these changes go though. At least I'd like to see the texturing/clipping issues fixed. (And I gotta admit, I do like the colour choices they picked a wee bit better. Do want orange tiger form. :> )

Thanks for sharing this post with us Fael. The person who made is defiately passionate about their druids, and I hope blizzard sees this as well. A shame it's on the EU side of things, or I would so run over and support it. :3

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:41 pm
by Rhyela
Wow, those edited ones are sexy as all get-out. The colors mesh much better (it's never been the brightness that bothered me but the way some of their color choices clash, in my eyes), they're much smoother. Wow. I mean, wow. Those are fantastic.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:03 pm
by erwil
:D Oh! I saw your post on the forums. <3
I'm gonna stick to what I said back then, and I do think the troll forms need a little bit of touchup.

I like the bright color theme they're going with, fits the trolls very well, as well as the tusks (tusks <3 ) and the fact they're tigers.
I LOVE the other cat models, so I'm a bit upset to see that the dev team seems to have got a little lazy with the troll one. Mainly detail wise. I'm growing on the colors even though at start they did look like they had been dipped in a paint bucket.
I adore the fact that they chose bat to be their flight form, but it looks like the low reso theme seems to be continuing even with that. :<
The eyebrows irk me a bit, but I suppose we could shake our hand at that since there are legends that suggest trolls to be distant relatives to the elves.

I do not think bliz is going to have time to change it (they've still got moonkins to go, right?), but i'd really love to see them give the troll forms little bit more time on the drawing table.

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:40 am
by Bellatryx
I think people should stop and think for a moment.. about the old cat form. Not the shiny one we got a couple years back, no.. the old solid blue or weird lion cat form. Now let's stop and thank blizzard for making the troll and worgen form not another carbon copy of what we have right now (sure there are similarities but still.. old blue and weird lion cat form.)

Good suggestions though. I just think we're taking what we have for granted, before we beg for a revamp of the druid models lets ask for a revamp of the pet models or maybe some of the vanilla character models. Anyone really take a look at how low resolution they are? =}

Re: Troll Cat Form Suggestions

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:44 am
by Ariamodasu
Belatedly seen but GOOD GOD these are a lot better than the originals. Hell, the WoW now Troll cat is better than the abomination myself and many Druids suffered for years (Squish cat) but it just... doesn't click like Bear does. These however are gorgeous, they say IMA TROLL without a mess of half saturated colours that don't even work together.

Alas Blizzard have proven time and again Druids aren't overly important and drag their feet quite a bit, Travel form was a placeholder, Sealion is another abomination. Tree of Life being updated but not the far older spectacualrry ugly Moonkin form the most recent example. Sure vouch for Moonkin being okay, this is until you're playing one and have to watch your model smoosh and stretch like fat when you run *Shudder* Even worse when it's meant to be THE form for Balance yet I find an excuse to go caster whenever possible. Hell Druids had to rally up to get them to make the Cat AND Bear jaw shut it was ridiclous.

As an aside, they're working on vanilla character model updates and the artists are excited about it. They confirmed this at Blizzcon so thats nothing to worry about. As for pets? Ho boy thats like my wishful thinking of animating a lot of the old ones properly.