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Rate that Character!

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:01 pm
by Bubbleme
I just thought of a game that'd be cool. Rate the character name above you! You can choose ONE of your characters, however can post as many times as your heart desires. Rate the name from 1 to 10 and explain what's good / bad about it. I'll start :D

Character; Invina
Gender; Female
Race; Worgen
Class; Druid

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:18 pm
by Saturo
Character; Invina
Gender; Female
Race; Worgen
Class; Druid
Rating: 2
Female Worgen. 'Nuff said. ^^
Had it been, say, a nelf I would have rated it around 7.

Character; Saturo
Gender; Female
Race; Gnome
Class; Warlock

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:25 pm
by Azunara
Name: 8 or so. unique, but it makes me think of Saturn when I read it occasionally. Then I think of you as a large gas planet with rings made out of dirty ice and rocks...
Gender: 10. Eh. I have mainly female characters. Besides, male gnomes are creepy.
Race: 4. I don't like gnomes. Or dwarves. I just don't like tiny races, because I'm tall, and after playing predominantly night elves/humans/etc, my vision is skewed because I'm so tiny.
Class: 10. I love warlocks! They have to be my second favorite class. It's fun to light things on fire, and still have an awesome demon protect you. Maxwell is win.

Overall score: 8

Name: Azunara
Gender: Female
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 3:38 pm
by Eraanagosa
Name: 9. Would be 10 but whenever I see your name I think of Anzu.
Gender: 10. All my characters are female
Race: 10. for picking the best (until worgen) alliance race
Class: 10. for being the same class as my first character

Name: Eraanagosa
Gender: Female
Race: Worgen
Class: Hunter

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:19 pm
by Bubbleme
Name; 6. It reminds me of some kind of half-dragon (Vyragosa or the last boss in Nexus) half-human (Erinn from my server or something along the lines). Creepy.
Gender; 4. Too many females in the game nowadays...
Race; 10. ALLY FOR THE WIN! Also, I <3 Worgen.
Class; 10.1 (or 10.) Fave class of all time.
Average; About...7 or 8.

Name; Tsami
Gender; Female
Race; Night elf
Class; Hunter

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:47 pm
by Redith
Name-6 Its just...well I dont know how to pronounce it
gender-10 I like girls LOL
Race-8 I kinda like night elves
Class-8 OOOOOO. Night elf hunter nice


Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:51 pm
by Saturo
Name-7 Not the most creative, but better than most. :)
Gender-8 Nice to see a guy playing male characters. ^^
Race-8 Male worgen are pretty damn cool. :P
Class-5 I'm kinda meh about hunters lately. Male Worgen with big gun is pretty badass, though.

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:20 pm
by Azunara
Sat didn't post one, but I'll post my lock.

Name: Ravynira
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Warlock

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:23 pm
by Saturo
Name: 8 Sounds good, and a decent RP-name. Reminds me of Ravens, without any of the cliché.
Gender: 8 Females look good in robes.
Race: 6 I like humans. They're funny. A bit boring to RP though.
Class: 9 Warlocks kick ass.

Name: Ovaktalo
Gender: Male
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid.

(Sorry Azu, mind is fuzzy. xD )

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:46 am
by Azunara
(All good. :D)

Name: 9. Sounds like a pretty good tauren RP name. Only thing is my brain pronounces it, off the bat, with a k in the second half. So it's confuses me when I realize, oh, no, no k back there.
Gender: 10. Not much I can say. It's not too bad, I have a few male characters. And it's not a NE male. (Thankfully.)
Race: 8. Tauren are Horde, and I'm mainly Alliance, however tauren are my second favorite horde race. (Yeah, yeah, BEs are first. I'm a kid, yes. Sue me.)
Class: 10. Druids! Yay! :D

Overall: 9.25

Name: Kieryon
Gender: Male
Race: Worgen
Class: Hunter

(This is my old Beta Worgen. The real Kieryon is a NE DK...)

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:50 pm
by KynraWindrunner
Azunara wrote:(All good. :D)

Name: 9. Sounds like a pretty good tauren RP name. Only thing is my brain pronounces it, off the bat, with a k in the second half. So it's confuses me when I realize, oh, no, no k back there.
Gender: 10. Not much I can say. It's not too bad, I have a few male characters. And it's not a NE male. (Thankfully.)
Race: 8. Tauren are Horde, and I'm mainly Alliance, however tauren are my second favorite horde race. (Yeah, yeah, BEs are first. I'm a kid, yes. Sue me.)
Class: 10. Druids! Yay! :D

Overall: 9.25

Name: Kieryon
Gender: Male
Race: Worgen
Class: Hunter

(This is my old Beta Worgen. The real Kieryon is a NE DK...)
Meh..I'll give you a 7 mostly cause it's a Worgen hunter but the name kinnda sounds like carry luggage lol atleast that's what I think if when I see it

Race:Night Elf

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:06 pm
by Loethlin
KynraWindrunner wrote:Name:Kittyfang
Race:Night Elf
Right on!
Name: 2 if you're on RP server. You just know those condescending RP b*tches will whine about it. 7 if on normal realm. It's cute, but kind of obvious.
Gender: 9. Yay girls.
Race: 10. Only Alliance option for druids until recently, so, I'm glad you're sticking to it.
Class: 8. My third favourite class.

Do me?

Name: Ciasteczko
Gender: Female
Race: Draenei
Class: Mage

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:12 pm
by Azunara
Name: 7. Hard to pronounce. My mind just sits there and goes, "Eh. Not worth it. We're just going to slur it all together and never say it on Vent." My mind is arguably insane. And lazy.
Gender: 10. I play mainly female characters and am one in life. Girl power or something like that.
Race: 8. Kind of the under-dog race. You don't see too many of them, or at least I don't. It's mainly NEs and worgen. So yaaay draenei. They had my favorite starting zone too. Leveled my human lock through it.
Class: 6. I dunno. I tried a mage, but I prefer locks.

Average: 8 or so.

Ah, fel. Forgot a character.

Name: Terania
Gender: Female
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Hunter

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:48 pm
by KynraWindrunner
Loethlin wrote:
KynraWindrunner wrote:Name:Kittyfang
Race:Night Elf
Right on!
Name: 2 if you're on RP server. You just know those condescending RP b*tches will whine about it. 7 if on normal realm. It's cute, but kind of obvious.
Gender: 9. Yay girls.
Race: 10. Only Alliance option for druids until recently, so, I'm glad you're sticking to it.
Class: 8. My third favourite class.

Do me?

Name: Ciasteczko
Gender: Female
Race: Draenei
Class: Mage
I'm on a normal realm lol and I was in a bit of a rush when I named her, and her being a Druid that was the first name that popped in my head XD And I had created her from the first WoW before any of the expansions =]

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:28 am
by Bubbleme
Azunara wrote: Name: Terania
Gender: Female
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Hunter
Name; 5. It reminds me of something between a spider and a piece of fruit. But still, pretty good.
Gender; 4. Girls are overtaking boy games nowadays...
Race; 3. I have a dislike to playing Belves due to them being too popular, but still a nice choice-ish.
Class; 10. Hunters, whee ^_^.

Average 7.

Name; Ciara
Gener; Female
Race; Night Elf
Class; Death Knight

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:38 am
by Mozag
Bubbleme wrote:
Azunara wrote: Name; Ciara
Gener; Female
Race; Night Elf
Class; Death Knight
Name: A normal girl's name which is not one of my favourites, but ok anyway. Would be better on a Human, Undead or Worgen, but not completely terrible for a Nelf either, I guess. 7.
Gender: Female is good, and definitely preferable when playing a Nelf. 10.
Race: I like Nelves, so 8.
Class: Hmh, let's give it a 6. Not a bad class, and definitely one of my favourite melee ones, but for some reason I find Nelf DKs a bit ick.

Average 7.75

Name: Wulfhild
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:47 am
by TygerDarkstorm
Mozag wrote: Name: Wulfhild
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
Name: 8 My first thought was a worgen, but it does seem to be a pretty decent dwarf name once my brain kicked in.
Gender: 9 I'm a girl too so yay I guess. XD
Race: 5 I just dislike dwarves, especially those beardless men they call females. :P But kudos to you for playing one.
Class: 8 Warriors are one of the few classes I haven't been able to get myself into even though I really want to, but as a whole, I really like the class.
Overall: 8

Name: Indigosa
Gender: Female
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Death Knight

(Yes, she's kinda stereotypical, but belves were the only Horde race I could click with as a DK, and I only managed it by giving her a backstory.)

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:50 am
by Mozag
TygerDarkstorm wrote: Name: Indigosa
Gender: Female
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Death Knight
Name: Because of the -gosa ending, it makes me think of some dragon-hybrid, which I find a bit of a no-no in RP terms, but it's still nice sounding and I like the word Indigo in general, so I'll give it a 6.
Female: All fine there. 10.
Race: Ugh, I hate Belves, and every time I try to create one for whatever osbcure reason, it gets deleted within minutes. Too skinny, horrible Barbie faces, boring hairstyles and I dislike both the animations and the sounds. The males fare no better. 1.
Class: As before, I think DKs are cool enough, and I do prefer Belf DKs to Nelf ones, so...7.5.

Average: 6.1

Name: Lorellin
Gender: Female
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:57 am
by TygerDarkstorm
Mozag wrote:
TygerDarkstorm wrote: Name: Indigosa
Gender: Female
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Death Knight
Name: Because of the -gosa ending, it makes me think of some dragon-hybrid, which I find a bit of a no-no in RP terms, but it's still nice sounding and I like the word Indigo in general, so I'll give it a 6.
Female: All fine there. 10.
Race: Ugh, I hate Belves, and every time I try to create one for whatever osbcure reason, it gets deleted within minutes. Too skinny, horrible Barbie faces, boring hairstyles and I dislike both the animations and the sounds. The males fare no better. 1.
Class: As before, I think DKs are cool enough, and I do prefer Belf DKs to Nelf ones, so...7.5.

Average: 6.1

Name: Lorellin
Gender: Female
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Indi actually is a former dragon. =P I know it's kind of frowned upon in RP, but I believe my fellow TotHers agree that I RP her pretty decently.

Name: 9 I like the way the name rolls off the tongue and it sounds good as a night elf name.
Gender: 10 Female so all good there. XD
Race: 7 I like the race as a whole, but I feel that, before worgen, they were probably overplayed, much as belves are now, however, I do love their lore.
Class: 9 I love druids, they're a fun and unique class. Only thing I dislike is the nelf bear form. XD

Name: Vitani
Gender: Female
Race: Orc
Class: Hunter

Re: Rate that Character!

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:49 am
by Redith
Name 9 very nice
Gender and race-Female orc? not too bad, fairly common 7
