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Scattered Shots: Patch 4.1 hunter loot

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:30 am
by evil950510
new loot we're getting comes from the two new 5-man dungeons, the revamped Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman. These dungeons will drop ilvl 353 epic loot. This means that while the loot is better than other heroics, it's still going to be worse than your raid gear. Worse yet, despite dropping a bunch of new loot on us, there still isn't another frickin' hunter bracer [Update: commenters point out that yes there is! Woo!], and there still isn't a frickin' gun. Come on, guys! If you're making new loot, please fill up our gear gaps!

Nevertheless, there are plenty of other shiny new toys for us to play with. Join me after the cut for a rundown of the patch 4.1 hunter loot. ... #continued

Re: Scattered Shots: Patch 4.1 hunter loot

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:14 am
by Sasrei
yah... so you need a high Ilevel to get into something you probably dont even need the gear for. Well.. id go on Sas for the mount I guess

Re: Scattered Shots: Patch 4.1 hunter loot

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 3:12 pm
by Ziarre
346 is 'regular' heroic gear, which I'd see as reasonable for going into the 'next tier' of heroics.

Re: Scattered Shots: Patch 4.1 hunter loot

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:04 pm
by Rikaku
Well to be fair, I think the new Heroic gear should be worse then raid gear. This patch isn't bringing a new raid. If it were bringing a new raid, then I could see the new heroics bringing gear better than old-raids. So if there's new heroics in 4.2, then I wouldn't be surprised if it's better than BoT normal raid loot (for example)

But what gaps are Hunters missing O_o? I don't think we're missing guns, there's a heroic gun in Vortex Pinnacle. It's not better than raid stuff, but it does fill the slot. The only gear gap I know of is bracers, and now that's filled up too XD

But I do want those bracers since Chimaeron is being a jerk and won't give them to me.

Re: Scattered Shots: Patch 4.1 hunter loot

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:56 pm
by Ziarre
Epic gun is definitely missing. Dwarf hunters don't have a lot of options to move past Lightningflash or Kickback 5000 unless they pay out the wazoo for Crossfire Carbine (and the tank stats with it).