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Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *6:52pm 6/14/11*

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:06 pm
by Derax
-Newest Edit-
6/14/11 - Added new Molten Front Daily.
6/13/11 - Added new Molten Front Daily.

General gist of the daily and non-daily quests in Hyjal and Molten Front. No real storyline spoilers.
*Side Note: Firelands and Molten front are one and the same on here, Think of Firelands as the continent and Molten Front as the zone.*

Hyjal Questing Area
Derax wrote: 1. Pretty much you start off getting a quest from the billboard in Org, tells you to go to Hyjal. (Org)
2. Grab quest where you have to defend a small area for a certain amount of time from Fireland invaders.
3. Grab quest to go help 3 other NPC's by killing 6 Fireland invaders around each NPC in different locations.
4. Return to questing hub, Watch a little action happen.
5. Grab quest to obtain 20 'Marks of the world tree'. (You get these by completing the new dailies.)
6. Dailies open up. (See Daily Section)
7. Turn in the obtain 20 marks quest.
8. Grab quest sending you to find, talk to and kill a druid of the flame.
9. Watch some action happen then return to questing hub.
10. Grab quest to open Firelands portal. (Opens Firelands)
11. Grab quest that opens after completing Molten Front dailies quests once.
12. Grab quest at Nordrassil to kill a NPC. (Thanks Parkour)
13. Kill NPC and watch some stuff happen.
-Last of the Hyjal regular quests for now-

Daily #1 = Howl over 10 Fireland invader corpses. **Reward 1 Mark** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #1a)
Daily #1a = Kill a summoned core hound. **Rewards 2 Marks** (Follow up to Daily #1)
Daily #2 = Pick 7 plants. **Reward 1 Mark**
Daily #3 = Toss 6 bear cubs from tree. - **Reward 1 Mark** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #3a.)
Daily #3a = Kill a summoned spider boss - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Follow up to Daily #3)
Daily #4 = Kill 8 Fireland invaders. - **Reward 1 Mark**
Daily #5 = Capture 3 spirits - **Reward 1 Mark** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #5a)
Daily #5a = Kill a summoned humanoid serpent - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Follow up to Daily #5)
Daily #6 = Punt 5 baby turtles into the water. **Reward 1 Mark** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #6a)
Daily #6a = Kill a summoned fire turtle - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Follow up to Daily #6)
Daily #7 = Kill 6 elites at sethria's roost - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Opens AFTER unlocking Firelands portal)
Daily #8 = Obtain 100 flamewalker scales - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Opens AFTER unlocking Firelands portal)
Daily #9 = Obtain 4 sulfuric-laced wrappings - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Opens AFTER unlocking Firelands portal)
Daily #10 = Gather 19 birds - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #10a)
Daily #10a = Kill a summoned firehawk - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Follow up to Daily #10)
Daily #11 = Obtain 4 hearts - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Opens AFTER unlocking Firelands portal)

Hyjal Notes: You will earn 4-6 marks a day questing here from randomly chosen dailies. Alliance and Horde share same questing area so lots of PvP.Also I am not sure if this will carry on to live or not, but you will need to complete mostly all the quests in Hyjal to start any of these quests. Kinda like a Pre-Req
Molten Front
Derax wrote: 1. Turn in the quest from Hyjal to open the Firelands portal, and watch some stuff - **Rewards 15 Marks**
2. Dailies open up. (See Daily Section)
3. Grab quest to obtain 150 marks to open up Druids of the Talon dailies in the Molten Front.
4. Grab quest to obtain 150 marks to open up Shadow Wardens dailies in the Molten Front.
5. Grab quest item (Dried Acorn) dropped by Druids of Flame.
6. Turn in acorn quest, Grab new quest to plant it.
7. Plant acorn watch some stuff happen, Then take new quest to return lasher to NPC.
8. Turn in return lasher quest - **Rewards 5 Marks** (Completing this opens up Daily #9.)
-Beyond this point on the regular quests (Not dailies), You will need to have unlocked both Druids of the Talon and Shadow Wardens-
9. Grab quest to obtain 125 marks to open up 'The Armorer'. (Unlocks loot)
10. Grab quest to obtain 125 marks to 'build a Moonwell'. (Unlocks loot)
11. Grab quest to obtain 125 marks to recruit 'Elderlimb and the ancients'. (Unlocks loot)
-Last of the Molten Front regular quests for now-

Daily #1 = Protect a wisp while it does its job - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #2 = Kill 8 elementals - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #3 = Kill 3 druids of the flame - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #4 = Heal 8 wounded hyjal defenders - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #5 = Plant 5 seeds - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #6 = Kill 5 lava bursters - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #7 = Kill 3 molten behemoths - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #8 = Kill 3 charhounds or ancient charhounds - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #9 = Collect 8 plants - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Must complete the acorn quest, BEFORE this opens up)
Daily #10 = Watch lasher drink from 6 ember pools - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Must complete the acorn quest, BEFORE this opens up)
Daily #11 = Obtain 5 embergris - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #12 = Kill subterranean magma worm with bomb. - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Must complete the 125 mark Armorer quest BEFORE this opens up.)
Daily #13 = Obtain 10 Obsidium Meteorites. - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Must complete the 125 mark Armorer quest BEFORE this opens up.)

Molten Front Notes: You will earn 12 marks a day questing here from randomly chosen dailies. You will need 150 marks to open up the next daily questing area of your choosing, either Druids of the Talon or Shadow Wardens.

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *6:52pm 6/14/11*

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:25 pm
by Derax
Druids of the Talon Questing Area
Derax wrote: 1. Turn in 150 mark quest, watch some stuff (Hyjal)
2. Grab quest below you to meet at the Molten Front. (Hyjal)
3. Go to the Molten Front and turn in quest. (Firelands)
4. Dailies open up. (See Daily Section)
5. Grab escort quest in back of molten flow cave - **Rewards 5 Marks**
-Last of the Druids of the Talon regular quests for now-

Daily #1 = Escort NPC through fire - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Available each day AFTER completing Molten Front initial dailies)
Daily #2 = Kill 8 flamewalkers - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #3 = Pick 5 plants - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #4 = Kill fire hawk matriarch - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #9)
Daily #5 = Rescue 5 injured druids - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #9)
Daily #6 = Use temperature gauge on lava pools - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Must complete the Escort quest in Molten Flow cave, BEFORE this opens up)
Daily #7 = Retrieve a fire hawk egg - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Completing this once allows Daily #10 to be added to random daily queue.)
Daily #8 = Kill 5 fire hawks - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #9 = Kill lieutenant of flame - **Rewards 3 Marks** (Follow up to Daily #4 or Daily #5)
Daily #10 = Kill 143 baddies using a Fire hawk - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Daily #7 has to be completed one time to open this)
Daily #11 = Obtain 7 small ash piles - **Rewards 1 Mark** (Must complete the Escort quest in Molten Flow cave, BEFORE this opens up)
Daily #12 = Recover 5 fire hawk hatchlings - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Completing this once allows Daily #10 to be added to random daily queue.)
Daily #13 = Obtain 10 Obsidium chips - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Must complete the 125 mark Armorer quest BEFORE this opens up.)

Druids Notes: You will earn 14-16 marks a day questing here from randomly chosen dailies. You will need 150 marks to open up the Shadow Wardens daily questing area. You have to complete dailies 1, 2 and 3 in order before the others open up each day.
Shadow Wardens Questing Area
Derax wrote: 1. Turn in 150 mark quest, watch some stuff (Hyjal)
2. Grab quest next to you to meet at the Molten Front. (Hyjal)
3. Go to the Molten Front and turn in quest. (Firelands)
4. Dailies open up. (See Daily Section)
-Last of the Shadow Wardens regular quests for now-

Daily #1 = Protect druid attacking spire - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Available each day AFTER completing the Molten Front initial dailies)
Daily #2 = Detonate the solar core - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #3)
Daily #3 = Destroy 8 blue runes - **Rewards 0 Marks** (Has a follow up daily see Daily #4)
Daily #4 = Kill lieutenant of flame - **Rewards 3 Marks**
Daily #5 = Kill 8 Spiders - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #6 = Free 8 NPC's from Cocoons - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #7 = Obtain a staff, spellbook, pouch, and idol - **Rewards 1 Mark**
Daily #8 = Obtain 8 flame venom, 8 web fluid - **Rewards 2 Marks**
Daily #9 = Trap a druid of the flame - **Rewards 2 Marks**

Wardens Notes: You will earn 14 marks a day questing here from randomly chosen dailies. You will need 150 marks to open up the Druid of the Talon daily questing area.
The Three 125 Mark quests
Derax wrote: -Elderlimb and the Ancients-
1. Turn in 125 Mark quest, watch some stuff. (Hyjal)
2. Grab quest next to you to meet at the Molten Front. (Hyjal)
3. Go to the Molten Front and turn in quest. (Firelands)

-The Moonwell-
1. Turn in 125 Mark quest, watch some stuff. (Hyjal)
2. Grab quest to meet at the Molten Front. (Hyjal)
3. Go to the Molten Front and turn in quest. (Firelands)
4. Grab quest to kill a NPC. - **Rewards 10 Marks** (Firelands)
5. Turn in quest and receive 'Smoke-Stained Locket' in the mail (Starts Quest]
6. Start quest to take 'Smoke-Stained Locket' to moonglade. (Quest Item]
7. Turn in Quest at moonglade, Accept quest and watch some stuff happen. (Moonglade)
8. Turn in quest to watch stuff, Then accept quest to go to ashenvale. (Moonglade)
9. Turn in quest at ashenvale and watch some stuff happen. (Ashenvale)
10. Accept quest to take locket to hyjal. (Ashenvale)
11. Turn in quest at Hyjal and watch some stuff happen. (Hyjal)
12. Accept quest to take locket to the Molten Front. (Hyjal)
13. Turn in quest at the Molten Front, Receive usable locket. (Firelands)

-The Armorer-
1. Turn in 125 mark quest, watch some stuff. (Hyjal)
2. Grab quest to meet at the Molten Front. (Hyjal)
3. Go to the Molten Front and turn in quest. (Currently bugged if you done the druids/shadow wardens ricket won't be there have to wait until next day) (Firelands)
4. TBD.
Thrall Questline
Derax wrote: Elemental Bonds - This is the long Thrall questline introduced in 4.2, Following links have Major Spoilers (Especially the Video) - View Images, View VIDEO (Thanks TotalHalibut)
Other Stuff:
Derax wrote: 4.2 Changes/Additions - Contains Class changes, General Changes, Tamable mobs and more. CLICK HERE

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *12:30am 5/26/11*

Posted: Thu May 26, 2011 6:29 pm
by Derax

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *8:01am 5/29/11*

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 7:27 am
by Parkour
Daily #1 = Escort NPC through fire - **Rewards 2 Marks** (Will only become available each day AFTER completing the previous fireland dailies, Very buggy)

The buggy part of this quest is the NPC not spawning right?

edit: if u ride your mount up the side of the island u can avoid the flames and possibly make it through the short bit of them to avoid dying at all and kill the npc.

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *2:42pm 6/09/11*

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:05 pm
by mmjauaww
I have a question. I just transferred char to the PTR and now I've done all dailys but only ended up with 14 marks so I cant turn in the 20 marks quest. Wtf :S I wanted into the area where the rare pets are. You cant get there in one day? Do I have to come back tomorrow so I get 20?

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *2:42pm 6/09/11*

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:14 pm
by Kalliope
That is correct. But once you're there, none of the pets are phased. :)

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *2:42pm 6/09/11*

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:16 pm
by mmjauaww
Kalliope wrote:That is correct. But once you're there, none of the pets are phased. :)
I see, thanks :)

Re: Whats new in 4.2, Quests & Dailies *6:52pm 6/14/11*

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:14 pm
by Shade
Do you need to do all the quests in Hyjal before you are able to go on to the new quests that ope the new zone and the dailies?

I've gotten the 'Coming Down the Mountain' Achieve for doing 115/115 Quests in Hyjal, and right now I'm still getting quests about Twilight drakes and such from the centaur and dragon on that little island in lower right part of Hyjal.