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What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:58 am
by Mania
I have a couple of names I think might fit my newly-tamed Skoll, and I can't decide between them. Help me out?

(This is a quick poll because I hate leaving pets unnamed.)

((And have I ever mentioned how much I like Loki?))

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:09 am
by Saturo
I liked Coyote. But since Fenris is a mythological wolf, I think Tyr would be nice too...

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:34 am
by Unggoy
Personally, id keep the name Skoll, simply because its a rare spawn, and a one of a kind pet.

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:46 am
by Chrizesu
Totally that one guy who had his hand bitten off.

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:17 am
by Karathyriel
That is something I just don't understand.

OK, if you go out and tame an ordinary beast that is just one of tousands, you just have to give him a name so he is unique.
But if you settle for a rare pet, then this beast already is legendary. Everyone knows about him, he has a story and, more important, he has a name!

I tamed Echeyakee once and named him... well, Echeyakee. If I'd tame Snort, the heckler, he'd be Snort.
So if I had any interest in spirit beasts and would tame Skoll, there'd be only one name for him: Skoll!

But to each his own, I guess. But I don't really like those names in the list. Although coyote reminds me of my Shadowrun shaman character, I don't think it fits Skoll. Loken is a name that is used in the game, isn't it? As an orc, you'd probably'd choose something like flashfang or bluecoat or something like that.

But that's only the roleplayer in me shouting out loud right now, just don't listen... :lol:

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 1:18 am
by Helio
I say Tyr, simply for the irony of it... a mythological wolf like fenrir named after the guy whom lost his hand....Awesomeness..

On another note, I -do- agree with Kara on the fact that you -are- playing an orc, not quite sure if you are on an RP server or not... However, for the sake of falling into line with what an orc normally would give the wolf names like Shardhowl, Bluefang, Skymane and what not.

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:07 am
by Azzrazzah
You can use the one I used.... Frostfang

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:31 pm
by Mania
Just as a follow-up, I still haven't named him ... mostly because I stuck him in the stable and then forgot I'd even tamed him. ;) Whoops.

What can I say? I love my slime.

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:00 pm
by Kamalia
You... forgot you tamed Skoll? Goodness, that slime must get a lot of time out of the stables if you forget that you have a Spirit Beast in there!

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:56 pm
by Mania
Yeah ... I feel kind of guilt about that. Pity you can't designate one of your stabled pets as a non-combat pet. At least then I'd have him out which me, looking handsome.

Re: What should I name my newly-tamed Skoll? - A Poll

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:01 pm
by cattirickitt
late to the game but Tazerface