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Name Wingedsphinx's Hatchling

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:25 pm
by Murloc Chow
I know, I know, not a real pet, but here’s my issue, I have my Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling out all the time (thanks to Petleash), and now that I have the addon Petsplus, I can name my vanity pets. And normally I’m very good at coming up with names, but this one has me stumped! See my Dragonhawk (my actual Hunter's pet) has his own little background story; my Draenei Hunter found his egg in one of the crates in a Sunhawk encampment, managed to hatch it and named the resulting Dragonhawk SunSpirit. But for the vanity pet; Dragonhawk Hatchling, I can’t come up with a good reason as to why I’d even have him/her in the first place, much less a name. I haven’t visited any Blood Elf inhabited areas, since leaving Blood Myst, and acquiring my hatchling. And I can’t say that SunSpirit laid it, since I have it very well set in my head that he’s… errr, a he. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :hug:

Re: Name Wingedsphinx's Hatchling

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 9:46 pm
by Firefrost
Hmm... Perhaps you discovered it on a corpse of a Blood elf you slew? And for a name, perhaps Quel'thas, after the land it originated from? Just a thought.

Re: Name Wingedsphinx's Hatchling

Posted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 8:06 pm
by Murloc Chow
ooo, good idea, thank-you :D

Re: Name Wingedsphinx's Hatchling

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:57 pm
by Murloc Chow
Firefrost hath inspired me! After a little digging I found this guy:, which is perfect because I leveled in Ashenvale. So the story goes Wingedshinx is on her way to Forest Song, and as usual is prepared to blast past Splintertree Post as fast as her Elekk can go. But as she’s running through, she notices no pursuit. Ever curious, she turns around, and finds that Splintertree has been decimated. Nervous that what ever had killed off the Horde might return, she prepares to leave, but as she turns away, out of the corner of her eye she spots movement. Lying on the ground is the Blood Elf, Advisor Sunsworn, she dismounts for a closer look, and was shocked to see something moving under his clothes! Tentatively she lifts the fabric, nestled against the corpse is a tiny Dragonhawk. Moved, she scoops the creature up, and flees to the safety of Forest Song.

Yay, my Hatchling has a story, and a name; Sunsworn!

Re: Name Wingedsphinx's Hatchling

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:50 am
by Rhyela
Awesome! Never thought of doing stories or names for my mini-pets, but it's not a bad idea.....