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Muninbaim's soon-to-be Emerald Spirit (now with picture)

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:38 am
by mstieler
Hi all. One dwarf hunter here. So far, I've worked up all sorts of names for pets I either just recently acquired (thank you 4.0.1's 20-pet stable) or will be acquiring soon. One I haven't been able to name (even decently) is an Emerald Spirit.

I'm looking for something humorous. Let me give you an example from my current pets, as well as soon-to-be pets:
Deathclaw-skinned (diseased) bear: Fluffy
Ghost Saber cat: Sweetness
Mazzranache tallstrider: Taco
Strider Clutchmother tallstrider: LottaNuggets
River crocolisk: Scourgebane
RFK black armored boar: VeryBoaring
Uldaman black & red scorpid: Dethclawk
Venomhide raptor: Pilkington

Soon to be added (and as such, not 100% if they pas Blizz's naming system):
Tyrantus devilsaur: Tearabite
Core Hound core hound: Billandted
Vargul Blighthound wolf: Fuzzykins
Hellfire Ramparts wolf: NotaMount
Eclipsion dragonhawk: Barbeque
Loque'nahak spirit beast: ItsHarkoa
Aotona bird of prey: CampforAges
Ghost Jormungar worm: Trousersnake
King Krush devilsaur: YoshisBigBro
Purple silithid: Tweek
Shale Spider: UCanHazKings
Beetle: DammitYoko
Monkey: WhoFlungPoo

So something slightly whacky would be along the right lines.

Edit: adding in the pic file from Petopia so you don't have to go hunting for it to help:

Re: Muninbaim's soon-to-be Emerald Spirit (now with picture)

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:03 am
by TrickyNick
Green Bird...Thinking cat in the hat.....


OK, probably stupid, but hey, I thought it would be a funny name :)

Re: Muninbaim's soon-to-be Emerald Spirit (now with picture)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:05 am
by Loethlin
Appletini, obviously. :)

Re: Muninbaim's soon-to-be Emerald Spirit (now with picture)

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:37 am
by pop

Re: Muninbaim's soon-to-be Emerald Spirit (now with picture)

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:17 am
by mstieler
Loethlin wrote:Appletini, obviously. :)
I think I'll be going with this, unless something else presents itself by Cataclysm.