Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Lisaara »

lovcat wrote:
Suicune wrote:People need to stop throwing the 'furry' terminology around. Anyone who likes anthro is considered a 'furry', and the way you are talking is not very friendly, and actually offensive. Saying something is too cartoon-ey or Disney-ish is fine, but when you direct remarks towards a group of enthusiasts, it just seems wrong to me. Sorry if some people like to have a more docile looking character, I think it's their right as much as the 'ugly' snarly more feral expressions some people want. Remember everyone has different personalities and different ways to play the game. Worgen may be beasts by curse, but they still are docile enough to be able to shift out of form so long not in combat. You can have a nice looking feral beast, I personally wouldn't mind the splayed fangs as long as they aren't in a stupid half-snarl. If an Orc, Goblin, Tauren, and Troll can look feral yet docile, why can't Worgen? I couldn't care less if the eyeglow was removed, and the lashes toned down, would have been cool to see different colored eyes, but that's not my issue, the perma-snarl annoys me, wolves in the wild surely don't have a scowl affixed to their faces 24-7!

^ This. Because it can't be said enough. Some of my closest friends, some of the sweetest people ever, are "enthusiasts" because i hate dropping the F-bomb cause its become so negative.

I agree, they should do what they did with the goblins, adding a different facial structure to each "face" instead of being stuck with the snarling chihuahua. I just kinda hate that they female worgen seem a little rushed if we're looking at a late november/december release date.
^ Thirded

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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

First, the color scheme I have for the forums makes your post in the tiny blue letters almost impossible to read, so I took that out. The rest is your quote though. :)
Suicune wrote: People need to stop throwing the 'furry' terminology around. Anyone who likes anthro is considered a 'furry',

I don't concider 'anyone who like anthro" To be a furry. It IS from that demographic that they spring from. But Not all the people that like that, are furrys. My point was, the previous modles LOOKED like a Furry's wet dream. I'm not using it in place of or replacement of 'someone who likes anthro" I was purposefully targeting Furries. And even then. Only saying that the previous model was something that looked like they would like.

Suicune wrote:
and the way you are talking is not very friendly, and actually offensive. Saying something is too cartoon-ey or Disney-ish is fine, but when you direct remarks towards a group of enthusiasts, it just seems wrong to me.

Why's it wrong to direct remarks towards people that are like that though? If people get off on having sex dressed up in furry costumes, and the object of the coversation was over sexualized furry wolf girls. It would seem to me, tat it's not wrong, but, apt?

Suicune wrote: Sorry if some people like to have a more docile looking character, I think it's their right as much as the 'ugly' snarly more feral expressions some people want. Remember everyone has different personalities and different ways to play the game.

People do have different ways of playing the game and all. But it's World of Warcraft. Your char, is built and sent out into the world to kill 100s and 1000s of people and creatures. Over weeks and months they kill thousands. Killer of 1000s doesn't really equate to 'docile' to me.

Suicune wrote:
Worgen may be beasts by curse, but they still are docile enough to be able to shift out of form so long not in combat.

I don't think it's docility. I think they find a way to momentarily push back the curse rampaging through them. They were built to be the feral 'anti hero'. The Developers said they were purposefully giving the Alliance a badass 'Wolverine from the X men like race'.

Suicune wrote:
You can have a nice looking feral beast,

Um... "Nice looking" "Feral beast"... doesn't really jive in my head. You can have a COOL looking Feral Beast. A badass looking Feral Beast. A wicked looking one. Even a wicked Cool one. But "Nice" As in pleasant and friendly, looking Feral Beast, is oxymornic.

Suicune wrote:
I personally wouldn't mind the splayed fangs as long as they aren't in a stupid half-snarl. If an Orc, Goblin, Tauren, and Troll can look feral yet docile, why can't Worgen? I couldn't care less if the eyeglow was removed, and the lashes toned down, would have been cool to see different colored eyes, but that's not my issue, the perma-snarl annoys me, wolves in the wild surely don't have a scowl affixed to their faces 24-7!

Yes. You're correct here. Wolves in the wild don't have a perminate snarl.

But worgen aren't wolves. Any more than Vampires are bats.

Worgen are cursed humans that shift into ---werewolves---. They're cursed. They're feral. They howl at the moon and rend things with their claws. They loose control and frenzy.

"Nice" werewolves are just as bad as "Sparkle" Vampires.

At least to me.

I KNOW there are some that like Sparkle vampires. The pubescent teen girl is a large demographic.

Just probably one they don't' aim TOO much of WoW to.


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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Lisaara »

Wolverine isnt ugly, nor is he a werewolf. He's not the best example to use.

Also, worgen that are playable are IN CONTROL. they aren't the ones in the woods.



Werewolves can still be pretty yet be ferocious. They dont hafta look like they're always out of control.

Also...Pepsi...they many twilight guilds on Moon Guard would heavily disagree. x-x;

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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Bellatryx »

I'm just completely uncomfortable and slightly saddened with where this thread is going. It reminds me of the official wow forums.. or.. gasp.. mmo-champion.


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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Lazuly »

I love anthros and am not a furry. =/
At least in games, since I find most human models incredibly boring.

I don't get why people make fun of them so much though, they aren't any weirder than half a dozen other fetishes out there (imo). And they're generally pretty nice, that I've seen.
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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Kayb »

I vote Worgen are replaced with humanoid Roosters and Chickens.

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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Suicune »


Feral can be beautiful, don't know why this is hard to understand. Plenty beautiful things can be ferocious murderers. I can doll myself up, and shoot someone in the head, does that make me less pretty? No. The correlation between being a killer and looking 'nice' doesn't work for me. That's like saying girls can't fight because they are cute or pretty. Sure there are tough looking women who can send shivers down the largest man, but come on. Variety. I love the edits Ach made, WAY more than the current model, that imo, is how to make feral beautiful. Never said I wanted a smile with bright red lips. The Alliance wouldn't allow uncontrollable Worgen into their ranks. If they were as volatile as you make them out to be, I dunno, just seems silly to have a whole legion of loose cannons in your cities with your children.

And Wolverine... lol last time I checked he smiled, was capable of caring, no perma snarl, and hmm... I think he's quite handsome, even with his claws through someone's chest. So um. Try again? :)

The negative furry term was coined by close-minded people. I dislike it and voice my opinion against hatred toward anyone who likes anthros, which yes, if you like anthros, you will be called a furry. Also, judging people because of their sexual interests is completely uncool. Not all furries are how you play them out to be. But so help you if you appreciate the art, make or dress or even show interest in the cosplay, you will be reduced to dirt. Calling out a group of people because you dislike what they do or how they think is just in poor character, you can feel how you want, but voicing it on public forums just isn't good because you might offend people. Calling it too cartoon-ey or Disney-ish is fine, saying it is over sexualized is fine, if that's how you feel. But saying things like 'a furry's wet dream' in a derogatory sense... that's actually being prejudiced. : /

Having an aesthetically pleasing character is something some people want. Whether this be aggressive, or more like Ach's rendering, which is a perfect midway expression, kinda like a concentrated look, well, that's up to the player. Like I said before, IRL you won't see perfect clones of things, you will see angry people, happy people, pretty people, ugly people. You will see 'docile' wildlife- which might LOOK docile but are savage when in combat- and vicious wildlife, which you might choose to stay away from at all times.
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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Rikaku »

lovcat wrote:I'm just completely uncomfortable and slightly saddened with where this thread is going. It reminds me of the official wow forums.. or.. gasp.. mmo-champion.
Same =/

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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Sarayana »

lovcat wrote:I'm just completely uncomfortable and slightly saddened with where this thread is going. It reminds me of the official wow forums.. or.. gasp.. mmo-champion.
Yeah... I vote for a lock before people insult each other further.

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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Quin »

Sarayana wrote:
lovcat wrote:I'm just completely uncomfortable and slightly saddened with where this thread is going. It reminds me of the official wow forums.. or.. gasp.. mmo-champion.
Yeah... I vote for a lock before people insult each other further.
I have to say the same.

Pepsi Jedi, you seem to have a very incorrect view of what a 'Furry' is. It is not simply someone who 'gets off on having sex in fur suits' in the least. I know many of them. Some of them teasingly call me a 'closet Furry' because I do not have a 'Fursona' but I do enjoy the art and know something about the life style.

I can assure you that 99% of them are not anything like what you are implying and it is rather offensive of you to insist that they are.
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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Sorcha Ravenlock »

If you ask me, the best thing Blizzard could do is make a variety of looks.
Something like 2 or 3 each of the following choices, resulting in 8 or so faces:

- Feral, rabid crazy wild look
- Animalistic but dignified (at least one with the snarl)
- Pretty, Disney-fox type face (no snarl).

That way everyone can chose a look they like for their Worgen. And I know that 90% of the players will probably go for the pretty faces, just like there's only one female troll face that ever seems to get chosen by players. but hey, it's their character, their subscription fee, so let them chose what makes them happy, and let the people who want something more wolfish chose what they like.


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Re: Female Worgen Are Ugly (Image Warning)

Unread post by Vephriel »

Since the discussion here has veered way off track I'm going to lock this thread before it continues to degrade.