The random pet challenge: v2.

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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Kormai »

Hahaha! No worries :)


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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Siliverin »

ohhh this will be interesting, never had a green chimarea... to... SOMEWHERE WITH ONE!!!

* plays epic LoTR walking music* ....what...
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Anansi wrote:But OJC is just Old Jumper Cliff, a cranky old crazy guy who hops around making grunting noises to scare away children and small animals. Not sure if he's tamable, probably not.
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Kormai »

Oh Sili you are silly!

And don't worry I play LotR music, Gladiator, Star Wars...and WoW music of course. Most of my playlist right now is WoW music.

On another note I totally forgot to post my blue crab from baby Nesingwary Kormai. I'll do it if I remember when I get back home.


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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Siliverin »

lol :D i <3 lotr music so soothing :) and can be so freakin awosme xD
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Anansi wrote:But OJC is just Old Jumper Cliff, a cranky old crazy guy who hops around making grunting noises to scare away children and small animals. Not sure if he's tamable, probably not.
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Acherontia »

Ahh, I'll sit this round out I think (due to my last one having been a spider) but don't worry about rolling another, too much effort :lol: Thanks anyway ;)

Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Annaika »

Croc Report!
(There will be no screenshots, as I am on my laptop which lacks a print screen button. Bear with me)

Truth be told, I was more than a bit nonplussed with my assignment, as I've never cared much for crocolisks. "Chin up Annaika," I thought to myself, "and give it a spin. You may even end up liking your new companion." So off to Loch Modan I went, passing both Ashtail, Nix and Lord Condor on my way. Hi! I quickly found me a loch crocolisk, hit tame beast, and wha-da-bim he was mine.
We mounted up, and headed to Twilight Highlands to kill some wolves. Once there, I named him Remus after the Frank Zappa song, and set his talents. Then I realized people would think I had named him after the character from Harry Potter. Not bothering to retame a new one, I simply shrugged it off, annoyed. Anyways, a few dead wolves later I got bored, so I flapped down to the Dark Portal to do my daily heroic Magister's Terrence run. After that I let him go (and the mount didn't drop *sadface*)
I did not feel a connection to the poor croc at all. Might have, had Annaika been an orc, goblin, or even troll. But he just felt awkward and out of place next to the undead huntress. I did find his walk animation funny though, and the darth vader-y sound effects doesn't bother me (then again, i rarely play with sound on)
His skill seems to be mostly pvp-oriented. It did not get in the way, but it was of no use either.

I may try a crocolisk on one of my hunter alts, as it was mostly the race/pet clash that got in the way. That and the unfortunate name choice, which admittedly was my own fault.

Can I get a second, please? :)
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Vephriel »

Since I have two empty stable slots in limbo until the patch goes live, I may as well give this a shot for something to do. :) I'm not going to list all of my pets, so hopefully I just get something that I don't already own. x)

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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Akycha »

White Scorpid Report

I was very nonplus when I got the scorpid. Ages ago I had tried out a scorpid for all of 15 minutes and hadn't clicked; however, I told myself this is why you were interested in these challenges to tame and get to know pets you normally wouldn't. I chuckled to myself when I saw the only tamable versions are in in southern Silithus. Waving at Zeke as I flew over, I went and found myself a scorpid. This time I got a screenshot of the process. :)

Once I'd feed him some roast beef, I told him to stay still and grabbed some pictures of him to share. This scorpid model is very beautiful. The pictures here just don't do him justice.

His carapace has a metallic sheen to it and he looks more silver than white. On top of that, he's got bright turquoise spots. He's constantly in motion so the light is always shimmering on him.

There is also an incredible amount of detail in the model. While you can't see it here, when in motion all those joints on his legs and tail articulate. He's also got little spikes on the underside of each leg and on the inside of his claws.

While I was admiring his upside down mustache (in game it looks like a mustache that has the wind constantly blowing it up), he decided to do his special idle emote.
I ended up giggling out loud. Again the picture doesn't convey it well, but he puts his pincers up in the air and waves them back and forth like he's at a concert or ball game cheering. :lol: From that moment on he was no longer a lethal menacing scorpid to me but a silly overly optimistic scorpid.

Off I went to take him through the same tests I did with Zeke. Needless to say much like with Zeke I checked out his swim animation. As mentioned in another thread the scorpid swim animation is very well done.

Tank must of thought he looked yummy, because he attacked us three times and yes in the picture frame that is Tank coming in for a fourth try at us.
He did fine. I did; however, have to keep mend pet up constantly. I had no problems finishing up my TB dailies. I crossed path with one of my friends who talked about how the scorpid was a great pvp and tanking pet. About this time I starting feeling a little guilty that I still didn't have a name. Wave, fan, cheer and Waverly just didn't fit him, so I went to the name book and came up with Kakrayok, which means cheerful.

Tank and TB just really didn't seem much a challenge, so off we went to H MGT. Seven minutes later....
Right, that wasn't much of a challenge and no white chocobo mount for me.

Meanwhile Kakrayok is being bouncy happy and enthusiatic. So, I tell him ok we will find something more challenging.
He was all enthused and excited about it, though I was rather nervous. It all went smoothly until we got to Corla, Herald of Twlight. No matter how I explained the fight to him, Kakrayok just couldn't understand the concept of standing in the second beam to prevent the zealot from ascending.

Several deaths later...

We decided to stop and went off to twilight highlands to do more quests. When flying over the Crucible of Carnage, he wanted to stop and see what all the cheering was about. Several matches later, a certain goblin, Gurgthock, had stolen his loyalty. He hired Kakrayok as a cheerleader with promises of lots of matches, no death for him involved and all the leftovers he could eat. Kakrayok told me goodbye and was excitedly cheering the next match as I left. o.O


On a more serious note, I was very impressed with the look of this model. While Kakrayok and Akycha were obviously not meant to be, I'll be seriously considering picking up a scorpid for my baby troll hunter when/if I get around to playing her again. Perhaps she just had the wrong model before. This one would look really good with her. Long ways to go though for her to be high enough to tame him.

I would like another one please. :D

Exotics Yes
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Kurasu »

As I was finishing up my 'newbie lands pet grab', I realized to my horror that the Blood Elf newbie pool actually doesn't contain a single dragonhawk. In fact, the only tameable pet it has are red lynxes. However, I had gotte na *brown* lynx from the troll lands. Of course, this has an advantage for you folks. See, also in the troll lands are teeny boars... and little red crabs. So a quick trip back to those lands, a sneaking around the local troll guards, and I managed to snag myself the red crab needed for the pet challenge.

Not long ago on Kurasu, I'd gotten a bronze crab I named Sushi. This little red fellow ended up with a slightly different name, and one along surprisingly more serious lines: he became TrappaJohn.


Now, for color, TrappaJohn is red. There's... not a whole lot more to say about it. It's not exactly a *boring* color, but it doesn't have the surprising subtleties of greens and tans that the bronze shell did. Instead, it's shiny, and its pleasantly red.


As I am still working on leveling, I took TrappaJohn along with me to do some questing. And just like with Sushi, the trouble of his ability appeared, only even *more* intensely due to the fact that I didn't have Guard Dog taking some of the heat off me. Sure, the ability is nice to have as an emergency 'click', but when it's the first thing he's doing every time, it's just more trouble than it's worth. However, the soothing clickrty-click of his legs as he walks kept me happy as I went, and he wasn't too terribly hard to keep fed. At least once I learned fishing and spent a few minutes at the seaside.

With the amount of stable space I have at the moment, I don't see needing to drop TrappaJohn any time soon, though depending on how things go later on in 'life', I may yet change my mind. We'll have to see how it goes! However, I can honestly say that for the moment, I'm very happy to be running around with my little red crab.

EDIT: Realized that I typoed his name, suddenly. And that 'TrapperJohn' is actually reserved. So I scroll'd him and named him 'TrappaJohn' instead of 'TrapprerJohn'. ... I can't believe I didn't notice it earlier.
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Vasken »


A hawk! Hopped aboard the zeppelin to Fjord and...


While the pet was meant for Piano, ended up flying over the birds during my daily trip to UP on Vasken! Had one free stable slot, so... Why not? Saves me luggin' the poor goblin over to Northrend. It's cold! :(


Tame went off without a hitch and thankfully, the bird didn't face-plant like the wolf I'd previously tamed for the challenge!


Ended up staring at the bird for quite a while. It seemed so familiar! After rumaging around inside ancient, two-year-old screenshot folders, I'd discovered I've had this pet before! Was the second hunter pet I've ever had in-game, had completely forgotten! Vaguely remember keeping him all the way 'till 80 before replacing the guy with Arcturis. It certainly brightened my day. :lol:

Baby photos incoming!


After wandering down memory lane for a while, I took the ol' bird down to UP with me. 'Tis a 'pet challenge', after all!


Ahem. Totally didn't forget to put in on heroic mode. Honest! :oops: It looked rather spifftastic camouflagagaged, I'll admit!


And Skadi was downed! Can't say too much about the bird's performance, mobs were all over the place! Really began to miss thunderclap during the gauntlet. Even so, he was fairly easy to heal... Even if I almost died to poison spear at the end.


While I do enjoy the model... The animations appear a little jarring to me. FLAP FLAP FLAP FLAP FLAP FLAP. The pet I'd tamed before was the level 6 version that was constantly stuck in the hovering animation. The skin itself is a little outdated too... So pixelated! Despite the issues, I've not yet abandoned the guy... My stable can't handle it... But there's so many memories! Last stable slot has finally been filled!

Just need to choose between the level 6 version and the level 68 one! Not sure whether to deal with the annoyance of his constant hovering and dragging his claws across the ground... Or the annoyance of HOLY FLAP FLAP FLAP. :lol:


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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I just got a new computer so it'll be a little bit before I get to test out a rhino.

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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Siliverin »

I had the green outland chimiera and i have to say he was alot of fun to have along. Did pretty nice damage and held his own :) i have never been one for the outland chimiera faces xD but all in all they are very nice pets :D and he fought a wolf on his own and didnt die lol. this is a cool pet to have if you want something a little on the different side :) dont see many running around well i dont anyway xD

not gonna add the pics just gonna attach right now.

and ill take another too

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Anansi wrote:But OJC is just Old Jumper Cliff, a cranky old crazy guy who hops around making grunting noises to scare away children and small animals. Not sure if he's tamable, probably not.
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Vasken »

Ended up picking the level 6 version! Tried to do Tol Barad with the higher leveled one, but... Flap... FLAPFLAFPLAFP. Got a headache! :lol: And, oddly, the lower leveled raven can perform trick... And the other can't. 'Tis odd. It also doesn't seem to adjust to the environment's lighting. But... Heck, it doesn't matter! It's a small price to pay to get rid of the insane flapping~



And... Sorry but... Again? It's fun! :D

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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Loethlin »

Oops, a bit late with report. Sorry, but I had guests yesterday. XD

I was assigned a White Chimaera.
as I already mentioned, I attempted to find The Razza as the Chimaera in question, and succeeded!


But it was late at night, so my day with Supernova, as I named her, started after I had a little sleep.


I began with dailies for Therazane.
I immidiately noticed two things. Supernova's Frost and Froststorm breaths look fantastic!



Chimaeras are on the large side. And after I got shrunk by a Shrinkshroom... well.


When dailies were done, we got taken to kill Sartharion, as a guildie desired a Black Drake mount.
With Supernova's help, we 5-manned him, no problem!


We did some heroics. Finally, I could test Froststorm breath's AoE potential! I was very curious about it. It looked great, and worked pretty well, too!


Then it was time for cooking and fishing dailies again...


And we finished the day by getting Supernova to level 85, farming some Volatile Water, while at it.



I have to admit, I already had a Chimaera, Nuramoc named EventHorizon, in my stables. I tamed him long time ago, hoping to do some pvp, but I never got to it, and I mostly kept him because he's in a pretty purple colour. But I wanted to tame The Razza as well, because of the pretty skin he'll be having next patch. Perfect opportunity!
But how do I like Chimaeras right now?

I love them! I love the AoE breath and that big size, having recently discovered affinity for large pets.
I still prefer the outland model, but hey, she'll have it next patch! Yay! She's definitely a keeper, and I'll be pulling her out more often, if situation will call for some AoE. I think I'll like her more than EventHorizon, white colour fits frost powers more than purple. Right now, the brilliant white-blue colouring is lovely. She's shiny and attracts the eye, and I had many whispers complimenting Supernova's look.
Despite my love for larger pets, the wing span can pe problematic at times as it gets in a way of clicking, like on that Shrinkshroom. But it's a minor inconvenience that I'm more than willing to overlook.
Flying animation is neat, but I wish it had more idle animations, she's pretty static.


No swimming animation. At all. She's just flying underwater. How disappointing.
But I love her anyway! :D
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Miyon »

I did my part of the challenge, and went for a green firefly wasp. Had to take the Marsh Hornet from Loch Modan since it was the only one at low enough level I could tame.

I really like that wasp model. They're cute, tiny and fierce :D However, I don't think that colour fits my hunter very well, but I tried running with it for a few levels, and couldn't bond with it very well.

It fought well and all, but I think I might have felt it a little better had I been in bm spec and not survival.
(oh, and just ignore that dude showing off his ass.) :p

His name came to be Tirion for some reason. It just popped up in my head. I still haven't released him, but I am thinking of letting him go and going back to get him in another colour whenever I can.


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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Kormai »

Busy busy day...rolls:

Brown Bat - Bat

Veph (Ummm I hope this one isn't like "new in patch 4.0.6" or something)
Tan Ant Silithid - Silithid

Green Turtle

Pink Tallstrider - Tallstrider

Vasken (Piano)
Black Devilsaur - Devilsaur



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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Annaika »

Ooh, a bat. Nice!
I'll wait 'til I get back to my main computer, so I can take screenies this time. :X
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Vephriel »

Alrighty, so I was assigned the Tan Ant Silithid. These guys are only available as a quest spawn in The Barrens, but luckily I hadn't completed it before and there were no prerequisites. I found the questgiver, set fire to the hive mound outside, and was swarmed by a group of them. I selected whichever one was attacking me at the time and hit Tame Beast. My new pet immediately turned and massacred his old buddies.



I decided to call him George.


George was certainly eye-catching in a sense. The ant model is enormous, and it really towered over Veph. It shares a base skeleton with the Beetles, and as such had the same idle animations (a rapid, deliberate turn from side to side while waving its mandibles). I'll admit I find the posture a bit strange with the front set of legs longer and taller than the others.


I can't say much about appearance and colour. This model's a rather drab brown, not exactly my cup of tea. There's some texture on its mouth parts and at the tips of its feet. The legs have a spiny detail on the back before the brown turns to the black underside. The pattern on its back is the typical silithid ink splotch.


I'm certainly not one to dislike insects, in fact I usually love them, but the body shape of this guy was just...ugly. Odd looking. Something about the ant just doesn't come together right and it looks very bizarre to me. I wasn't a fan.


The ant silithid has no swimming animations, so instead I decided to take George on an Archaeology trip. We headed down to Un'goro and wandered around digging up artifacts. He looked much the same in that lighting as he did anywhere else, there weren't any hidden facets to his colour. Just the same coppery brown.





Overall I was underwhelmed by this pet. I'm sure there are people out there who might enjoy it, and perhaps I could warm up to one in a different colour, but I just couldn't find anything I liked about this one in particular.
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Image was my challenge.

Now, normally, I've been pretty against rhinos because their increased bleed debuff feels pretty useless. I don't play as MM, and if I needed to bring this debuff for my group/raid, I'd rather grab a hyena personally.

Anyway, on to my review.
I was in Org so I took a quick zeppelin trip to Borean and then flight to Sholazar to go find one of these guys. While in Sholazar, I took a look around to see if any of the rares were up just so I could say hi (didn't see any, didn't help that I forgot to re-download my rare tracking addons. >_<). Finding one of these guys is pretty easy, they hang around Nesingwary's camp all the way up to Shango's little area. Snagged one of the first ones I came across.

Once the tame completed, I thought about a name for this guy that fit the general theme for my character. I decided on Manny, as we can not tame mammoths, and the name just seemed suiting for him.

I decided to horn toss a dreadsaber and wild rhino for shits and giggles (and ended up giggling out loud and getting a weird look from my boyfriend who's sitting on the bed playing Fable 3). Manny and I then hearthed and headed out to Twilight Highlands to give him a test. I specced him as a good cross between a pure tank with some extra damage abilities thrown in. I still think the bleed ability feels useless, but he held aggro like a champ and, surprisingly, required very little healing against the quest mobs (so far).

And for those who haven't seen horn toss in action, I provide you with a picture! :D
This ability is probably one of the biggest reasons I would actually keep a rhino around. I'm like a cat and amused by pretty simple things, so watching mobs of all sizes go flying across my screen is highly amusing for me. :P

Looks wise, these guys are cuter than I thought they would be once tamed. I actually like how big they look next to you, and I like that they look like I imagine an iconic tank would. I like their idle animation, it's just like the kodo mount special. Simple but cute. I like their fighting animations as well, and even their swim is adorable. ^_^

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by this guy and he'll be staying in my stable until I decide which skin I like the best. I could see horn toss being a ton of fun in EotS and AV, as well as just general amusement. Pesky melee not leaving you alone? Horn toss em aside and continue your assault. =D

One other thing I'd like to note about the increased bleed debuff, when fighting at least 2 targets, the rhino will apply the debuff to those two targets, not sure if he'll do more though; I know my worm's max seemed to be two targets.

Another please?
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Re: The random pet challenge: v2.

Unread post by Ambs »

My second pet challenge was a red dragonhawk. I never had a dragonhawk before, so I couldn't wait to go find one! I had the choice of going to either Ghostlands, The Botanica, or The Eye in order to tame one, and seeing as I wanted a little more of a challenge, and also I had never set foot in there before, I decided to go to The Eye. My boyfriend was on at the time, and he offered to bring his druid to help out.

{No pictures were taken of the actual tame because the bloodelves inside The Eye smashed my camera!}
When we first stepped thru the entrance, we went ahead to the first group, and I found the bloodelves in there (or at least the one I targeted) are immune to freeze traps. Also, even though my boyfriend and I are both lvl 85 and this was a lvl 70 raid, we were still be dealt a hefty amount of damage, and so we both ran out. Realizing we'll have to get to my target pet by some other means, my boyfriend went into stealth kitty form, and was able to get past the first few groups and into a little hallway. I camoflauged myself and my pet shalespider and followed after him. In the hallway, a patrol of only 3 mobs came up to us, and that we were able to handle and we took them down! Peering into the next room, I saw what I had come in there for, a red dragonhawk, or as it was known in The Eye, a "phoenix-hawk hatchling"!

I dismissed my shalespider, and my boyfriend rooted a dragonhawk, grabbing the attention of the large group that kept it company which chased after him. With the others distracted, and the dragonhawk rooted, I made the tame, just in time before the other mobs came back and killed me and my boyfriend! After rezzing outside, and getting a new camera, we took a few moments trying to think of a name for my newly acquired friend. I wanted it to be an asian inspired name since the pet was part dragon, and the name Kimono popped into my mind, and so he was named!


The longer I went about with Kimono, the more I realized how his name fit, his wings being very large and draping, reminding me of the sleeves of a kimono. I really like his coloring, and he's very graceful and glides when he moves!

My boyfriend and I moved on to do the Therazane dailies in Deepholm, and I brought Kimono along to test his battle prowess! He is a cunning pet, but I specc'd him to do more dps. He seemed to do very well in battle, and his special ability, Breath Fire, increased the damage from magic based attacks, which my boyfriend (who was then on his mage) did notice a slight increase in his damage output!


Another picture here of Kimono in action!


I did take Kimono swimming later, and no separate swim animation for him, he just looked like he was flying underwater, which still worked!
In the end, I have to say I'm very happy with the red dragonhawk as a pet! So far, I've decided that he's a keeper! :D