Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

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Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Epicfail »

Sure we know the hunters are getting an overhaul ability wise, but what "asthetically" would you like changed about your particular hunter to bring it more in line with what you want from your char?

Personally I have a short list of gripes I'd like dealt with...

1. Arrows and bullets... need update. I'm firing a cannon that is almost as tall as I am with a 50 Cal barrel. A little bullet wizzes out of it with the same oomf that my little level 2 boomstick did. I want cannonballs. I want burning arrows or lighning arrows firing off with a *woosh* of fire or the *crashboom" of thunder. For the crossbows that look like arbalests, firing the same arrow as the level 2 bow... not impressive. And with BoP unlimited ammo "items", why not have some flying "star" type ammo like the night elf arbalests do? how about sawblade ammo? How about poledart ammo?

2. Quivers/Ammo Pouches! These should be mapped to the equipped "ammo item" and show on the char when ranged weapons are used. If "Star-tosser arrows of light" drops off of Deathwing and it turns your arrows into brilliant tiny stars hurling towards your opponent, I want a wicked mean quiver to hold said arrows and it better be glowy :P.

3. Maybe I played too much DAOC... but the idea of a "hunter" wearing a hooded cape just works for me. Make it matched to the cloaks but without the crazy designs (just use one of the pre-dominant colors of the cape) and make it part of the "show helm" options.

What addition to your hunter asthetically would perfect your look? Add any customization, hairstyle, bodytype, whatever... nothing is insignificant when it completes your hunter the way you would have him/her truly be!
I don't really feel like this is so much the "Post-Modern" era as much as its the "Pre-Zombie-Apocalpse" era. I consider myself more of a forward thinking guy and an era that just won't die is just as feasible as a coming era, where the dead come back.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by sargeaw »

I personally want something that will likely never happen. But I wish they would scale back the shoulders for all characters. I dont want my shoulder armour to look like I just stepped into an NFL locker room or the Legion of Doom Tag team. There are some very cool designs but for god sake they overshadow the chest pieces and the leggings ten fold. I just think they look rather ridiculous
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Kamalia »

More hairstyles. Especially for Tauren. Horns just won't cut it! It would also be nice if we had options for body types. For example, we could check off an option for skinny, fat, buff, ect. It seems awfully strange seeing a mage that looks like he's been constantly pumping iron. :lol:

I'm also agreeing with your cape idea. It would indeed look a lot better then the cheesy superhero style capes we've got now.


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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Karathyriel »

  • four different body types: muscular, fat, normal, skinny
  • two different equip sets: one that you use for stats, one for looks
  • pet armour, collars & other stuff
  • mount armour, collars & other stuff
  • less glowing items
  • inks for coloring your equipment
  • hooded cloaks
  • cloaks that cover the body, not only the back
  • less spikes and skulls
  • a redesign of the old models
  • choose which items are shown, not only helm and cloak but all
There may be more that just don't come into my mind right now.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Vephriel »

Karathyriel wrote:
  • less spikes and skulls
=O can never have too many spikes and skulls!

Anyhoo....I do love the idea of 'appearance' slots for our armor. That's probably the biggest feature that I would like to see added. Being able to decide how our character's gear looks without sacrificing the stats would be amazing. Or if they can't implement that then the dye would be a great idea as well.

New dances. They promised this to us before, so I can only hope it might appear in Cataclysm. I am so sick of having some lame Britney Spears dance on my blood elf. ;_; If it were up to me I'd use the male Undead dance for probably all my characters. xD

And of course it would be great to see some quality updates on the character and beasts, but that's a big project so it could be a while. Still, the vanilla models are really showing their age next to the stuff we got in WotLK. I would hope that Blizzard plans on updating the older races sometime.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Kryte »

Kamalia wrote: It seems awfully strange seeing a mage that looks like he's been constantly pumping iron. :lol:
Maybe they multitask and lift weights while they dictate their thesis on the methods for extracting viable arcane energy from troll sweat.

I'd personally like to see a return to more "classic" armor tier designs, ala Vanilla. Bright, distinct, easily identifiable as the class you were playing as. Spikes and skulls are great and all, but none of them particularly scream "rogue" or "hunter" or "paladin". A lot of the stuff that was pushed in Wrath has a rather generic feel to it.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Rhyela »

1) Different ammo quality types should have a different appearance to them! Epic ammo should have some sort of neato quality to it, even if only subtle.
2) Option at character creation to choose your voice. NPCs have different voices, so why can't we?
3) Ability to choose whether or not your epic mount has armor. I actually liked the olden days where epic mounts were just the fancier colors, before they added all the armor.
4) I very much miss vanilla's dungeon and raid sets. The Giantstalker's set is my all-time favorite and I think it sucks now that all the tier armor looks the same. Dark? Check. Skulls? Check. Identical to the other classes who wear your armor type? Check. Mix it up! Make it creative! Armor doesn't have to be glowing and ominous to be awesome. Refer to Giantstalker's set, Stormrage set, Wrath set, etc. My favorite tier sets in this game are the vanilla sets. They were pure epic.
5) I would be incredibly happy if they just polished up the hairstyles. Some of those human, night elf, etc. hairstyles remind me of an over-starched dress shirt. They look stiff, jagged, ragged, completely unhair-like.
6) Give each class the additional hair colors that the DK's have. I LOVE that dark steel-green color that the nelf DKs have, it's beautiful. It would add more customization without having to actually do anything - the colors are already there.
7) Armor re-color. I don't mean a completely customizable color swap, just something simple like inks or dyes to where you apply it to your armor and certain parts are changed. Yeah, I'm borrowing this from Aion. But look how much people like it!
8) Hmm, this kind of ties in with 4 and 7, but when you're going out and getting your tier armor, maybe make different color options to start?
9) More of the arm-blade fist weapons, see In my opinion, this is one of the baddest weapons in the game and it isn't even super-fancy. It's just so freaking wicked-looking!!!
10) In fact, why not just make one or two new weapon types? Like those big totem things the tauren carry around, or tonfa, or something!!! Oooo, whips!


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Teigan »

I agree with alot of that! Especially the smaller shoulders, more hairstyles and on/off for everything, like there is for helm and cloak. I would also like the option of using the "male" version of armor. I don't necessarily want to run around in a chainmail bra and panties. Not so bad at high levels, but some of that 20-40 lvl stuff is downright scary!
But the main thing I want is tattoos for dwarves. You know how the Wildhammer dwarves and Northrend and Outland dwarves have those blue tattoos? Well, my dwarf is jealous and wants her tattoo!
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Kayb »

I want more guild wear options.

Guild Spaulder (single shoulder)
Guild Sash
Guild Sigil (a badge of sorts you could attach to one side of your chest maybe)
Guild Belt Buckle
Guild Undies
Guild Warflag (displayed on back)

They need to improve the numbers of some weapon types. Fist Weapons, Polearms, they're so lacking in numbers its a wonder they even bother to keep them. Even Crossbows are extremely hard to find when you get into the meaty levels (20-60ish), and then the ones you do find are utter junk anyway. Why have weapon types if you don't give them as wide a variety as all the swords and axes etc.

Maybe this is just me, but this REALLY pisses me off. Why is it that many Hunters best weapon choices in lich king are staves? STAVES??? Staves are for mages and warlocks, not hunters. Decent axes and swords for hunters are not easy to come by for the average player who does raid or pvp. F'n staves. Is it meant to be a joke? AXES and SWORDS for hunters please.

I agree on the idea of being able to use a color map to change the color of your gear. I wanna set myself up in my guild colors. As far as gear in general goes, I really hate giant shoulder gear that causes a lot of model clipping. How on earth would that gear work in real life I wonder. You wouldn't be able to raise your arms above your waist without crushing your skull, nor could you look around without having to turn your whole body. some of them look cool, very much so, but they're in the way. Same thing for guns and bows/crossbows. Some of them are HUGE, yes they look awesome, but many of them are as big, if not bigger, than my toon. How can they carry such weight? Plus they're HUGE and get in the way. Because they are so HUGE, I had to go out and find a much smaller gun for my FigurePrints order because the one i carry now was so damn big it caused half of my toon to vanish inside of it because of clipping when I set up the pose I wanted

Why can we only have two rings? At the very least give us as many rings for as many fingers as the race with the least number of fingers has. To the best of my knowledge none of the playables have only two digits. Shouldn't it be like, 6 ring slots? Don't Tauren have 3 digits per hand? It really bugs me that we only have two rings. It makes no sense.

There should be a face slot in addition to head slots. I'd love for some of my toons to always have a mask over their mouths.

I want to be able to name mounts, that would be awesome. Vanity pets too (though not as important).

I WANT SURNAMES. Kaybajip is not just Kaybajip, he is Kaybajip Earthhammer! Displaying them should be optional of course, but dammit I want surnames.

maybe i'll rant more later.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Vephriel »

Ooh, I like the face slot idea and also the naming of mounts. Would love that option.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Kryte »

Teigan wrote:I agree with alot of that! Especially the smaller shoulders, more hairstyles and on/off for everything, like there is for helm and cloak. I would also like the option of using the "male" version of armor. I don't necessarily want to run around in a chainmail bra and panties. Not so bad at high levels, but some of that 20-40 lvl stuff is downright scary!
But the main thing I want is tattoos for dwarves. You know how the Wildhammer dwarves and Northrend and Outland dwarves have those blue tattoos? Well, my dwarf is jealous and wants her tattoo!
I second this. So much. A lot BC armor, which borrows heavily from lowbie models, also has this problem.

I also like the idea of choosing a character's voice, though it's not really top my priorities. Every time I hear that really deep, calm Nelf voice that some of the male NPCs have, it makes me wish I could have it for my Nelves.
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Ryno »

Kayb wrote:Guild Undies
P. Dawg would be with you wherever you go! ;)

Mmm, I'd like to see all this new talent tree and stat implement thing go smoothly. We all know it's going to be some really fsk'd up poo the first few months of Cata coming out. I really want to think it'll be taken care of in beta (LOL YA RITE).


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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by fatman »

I want trench coats, even full mail trench coats. :P
Added: I want the trench coats to open in the middle to show off your shirt and pants. Maybe a trench coat could take up the chest, shoulders and back slots but give benefits equal to the possible lost stats. Why do I have this funny feeling that some players will walk around wearing nothing but their trench coats? :o
Kamalia wrote:It seems awfully strange seeing a mage that looks like he's been constantly pumping iron. :lol:
I think those spellbooks are heavier than they look. :D
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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Saturo »

The perfect example of difference between male/female armor is a drop in Sunken Temple. War Embrace or something. Normal plate for males, breast cups for females.

That'll protect my pally (it's tanking gear, if I remember correctly.) really good.
I'll try to find a link/screenie.

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Re: Asthetic wishlist for Cata (and beyond)

Unread post by Rhyela »

Saturo wrote:The perfect example of difference between male/female armor is a drop in Sunken Temple. War Embrace or something. Normal plate for males, breast cups for females.

That'll protect my pally (it's tanking gear, if I remember correctly.) really good.
I'll try to find a link/screenie.
Male (hey, an actual chest PLATE!):
Female (it's embracing something, alright): ... :id=150864


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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