Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!)

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Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!)

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Lions, tiger and Bear Oh My!

First off I would like to say "Hello!"

Secondly I want to explain a few things about hunter pets that sometimes newer players don't realize when it comes to hunter pets. Later I will also explain how it may benefit you more to go with a pet that you may not even think of.

There is a misconception that a ferocity pet like a cat, will out damage a ferocity pet like a wolf. However all pets in the Ferocity tree have their damage equalized. The same goes for both Cunning, and Tenacity. A wolf pet will do the same amount of damage as a cat, or even wasp will.

Woh, woh! Don't get ahead of me now. While all pets in their respective "categories" may be equalized that still doesn't mean there isn't a useful pet that may be better for you. Keeping an open mind when it comes to raiding, as a hunter you should be prepared to bring in that "odd" or "unusual" pet that you have sitting in your stables. Lucky you, some pets overlap their special ability like a dragon-hawk, and a wind serpent. Even regular serpents and raptors overlap. ( There are multiples, and I will not name them all. )

Now keeping that in mind you want to put the group first. Overall damage from pet buffs may reduce your damage by mere 100 dps to up to 1000 dps, which is unlikely. But it may benefit your goal better then you realize. For PvP, slows and stuns are beautiful. For PvE that 8% magic is sexy. It is all depending on what you need.

So what are useful pet abilities? For your area of play?

Raiding With these types of pet, you are here providing a buff that you may be missing.

Ferocity -

Core Hounds(exotic) > "Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party and raid members. Lasts 40 sec. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for 10 min. "

Cats > "The beast lets out a roar of courage, increasing the Strength and Agility of all party and raid members by 549 within 100 yards. "

> "The wolf lets out a furious howl, increasing the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5%." (Also provided by Devilsaurs(exotic) in the Ferocity Group)

Raptor > "Tears at the enemy's armor with the raptor's talons, reducing it by 4%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec." (Also provided by Serpents)

Hyena > "Tears at an enemy's legs, increased damage taken from bleed effects by 30% for 15 sec. "

Spirit Beasts(exotic) > "The Spirit Beast heals the currently friendly target for (1237 + ((RAP * 0.35) * 0.5)) plus an additional (475 + ((RAP * 0.35) * 0.335)) over 10 sec." & "The beast lets out a roar of courage, increasing the Strength and Agility of all party and raid members by 549 within 100 yards."

Cunning -

Wind Serpent
> "Breathes lightning, increasing magic damage taken by 8% for 45 sec. " (Also provided by Dragonhawks)

Ravager > "Violently attacks an enemy, causing the enemy target to take 4% increased physical damage for 25 sec. "

Serpents > "Spits poison at an enemy, corroding their armor, reducing it by 4%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec. " (Also provided by Raptors)

Silithid (exotic) > "Increases party and raid members' Stamina by 584 [at level 85]. "

Tenacity – (Just because there is one buff no other family provides.)

Shale Spider (exotic) > "Fills all friendly party and raid members with the Shale Spider's embrace, increasing Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Intellect by 5%. "


Now we get to the extremely tricky parts. While some raid groups have all buffs / debuffs covered. It is unrealistic to have every single one covered in 10mans.. That is where you come in.

So having a buff you are missing in very important. If you are caster heavy without a caster that can cover the 8% magic damage debuff, then a wind serpent is very good for you, and even buffs your survival spec damage. However being a big buff, it is likely that a caster already does provide it.

There are debuffs like "sunder" that is applied by warriors, rogues, druids, and us. This is a buff that is likely forgotten about, and under rated. Unless you have a dps druid, the druid won't do it. It is wasteful for rogues to do it because it costs them combo points. Then that leaves warriors and us. If a warrior can do it then find another pet that provides another buff / debuff. However if you do not have a warrior that can do it. Use a Raptor or Serpent.

Another one is the "Physical Vulnerability" that the ravager does. Warriors depending on their spec can provide it. Frost Death Knights provide it, and combat rogues do as well. Therefore if you are without a Frost Death Knight or an Arms Warrior. You get to provide this buff.

There are many situations that play into affect when choosing a pet. While classes like Rogues and Warriors provide a buff. It completely depends on what specialization they play.

My suggestion is go to and put your raid group in. By doing that you can see what buffs are being left open. While there are certain buffs that reduce the damage a boss may do. Tanks usually provide them, so if for some reason you are missing them having a pet that covers it is not a bad idea.

If you are missing more then just one buff then I suggest talking to your raid leader about the best course of action. Which buff is more beneficial to your group.

Using a Ravager might be better and that unusual pet that helps the raid group more then not, or even using a Wind Serpent.

So now you need to forget about the Cunning / Ferocity differences. Depending on your gear level it is possible for a Cunning to do more then Ferocity. Because of Call of the Wild it is likely that Ferocity will do more damage. The differences though are just a couple hundred dps.

Keep this in mind. When choosing your pet. If the Hunter is having a high uptime on the boss, and the pet is have a lower uptime. Ferocity is better. However if the hunter is having a lower uptime on the boss, and your pet is have a high uptime. Cunning is better.

Cunning = Bosses where hunters aren't attacking as much.
Ferocity = Bosses where hunters are attacking a lot.
So choosing between both of them may be tricky. My last suggestion is to take a pet like a Raptor and Serpent and going against the training dumby. (You're attacking also.) Whichever pulls you the better numbers will be the better type of pet to go with. ( After supply the buffs you need to for the raid.)


PvP has multiple aspects that raiding never even touches. One of them is the fact that you're facing against other member. There are very limited PvE encounters inside of PvP. Those encounters are in Isle of Conquest. Both the Horde, and Alliance boss. Then in Alterac Valley with the 2 Horde, and Alliance bosses. Those are the main PvE fights with in PvP.

Now Battlegrounds aren't completely separate in pets from Arena. Most of the pets over lap. However there are a few that I would not EVER use for Arena. Just because Arena you have 1-4 other team mates. Your job as a hunter is to blow the snot out of someone. Certain pets don't always help you in the utility. As hunters, we have a LOT of utility. Therefore our pets extend into it. Frost traps are beautiful. So is a web wrap.

Quickly I'd like to put out that next to the name or exotic there are Letters in brackets [ ] those correspond to the Legend below.
BG = Battleground
NSPA = Not Suggest Possible Arena
A = Arena
NPBG = Not Suggested Possible Battleground
DOAC = Depends on Arena Composition

Because picking Cunning / Ferocity / Tenacity is important I am not going to post the overlap of abilities I'll explain after the list is over.


> "Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party and raid members. Lasts 40 sec. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and be unable to benefit from Bloodlust or Time Warp again for 10 min." & "Your pet breathes a double gout of molten lava at the target, reducing the target's casting speed by 25% for 10 sec."

Devilsaurs(exotic)[BG/NSPA] > "Your devilsaur ferociously bites the enemy, reducing the effectiveness of any healing received by 25% for 8 sec."
& "The devilsaur lets out a terrifying roar, increasing the critical strike chance of all party and raid members by 5%."

Moths[BG/A] > "The moth's wings produce a cloud of dust that interrupts the enemy's spellcasting, preventing any spell in that school from being cast for 4 sec."

Spirit Beasts(exotic)[BG/DOAC] > "The Spirit Beast heals the currently friendly target for (1237 + ((RAP * 0.35) * 0.5)) plus an additional (475 + ((RAP * 0.35) * 0.335)) over 10 sec." & "The beast lets out a roar of courage, increasing the Strength and Agility of all party and raid members by 549 within 100 yards."

Wasps[BG/A] > "Your wasp stings the target, stunning them for 2 sec."


Bats[BG/A] > "Emits a piercing shriek, stunning the target for 2 sec." (15 seconds longer CD longer then Wasp)

Birds of Prey[BG/NSPA] > "The bird of prey grabs the enemy's weapon with its talons, disarming them for 10 sec."

> "Your pet simultaneously breathes frost and lightning at an enemy target, slowing the target for 5 sec." & The Chimera channels a frozen breath attack, causing (243 + ((RAP * 0.40) * 0.24)) Spellstorm damage every 3 sec for 8 sec to all enemies within the area.

Monkey[BG/A!!] > "Hurls a handful of something special at the target, blinding them for 4 sec. Rude."

Nether Rays [BG/A]
> "Instantly lashes an enemy, interrupting spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 2 sec."

Silithid(exotic)[BG/A] > "Sprays toxic webs at the target, preventing movement for 5 sec." & Increases party and raid members' Stamina by 584 [at level 85].

> "Encases the target in sticky webs, preventing movement for 5 sec."

Sporebat[BG/A] > "Dusts nearby enemies with spores, reducing the casting speed of all enemy targets within 6 yards 30% for 10 sec."


Crocolisks[BG/NSPA] > "Snap at the target's feet, reducing movement speed by 50% for 6 sec."

Rhinos[BG(Great for cliff knocking)] > "The Rhino punts the enemy with its mighty horn, knocking them back a great distance." & "Your rhino slams into a nearby enemy causing it to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 30 sec."

Shale Spiders[BG] > "Encases the target in sticky webs, stunning them for 3 sec." & "Fills all friendly party and raid members with the Shale Spider's embrace, increasing Strength, Agility, Stamina, and Intellect by 5%."


So we have all these pets. You'll notice not all of them give buffs. Actually most of them don't give buffs. That is done on purpose. Most of the time the buff is a minor trade for the ability to control someone. Most of these pets help control someone.

While you may want a pet I didn't put on the list or that I listed for BG only. Nothing is stopping you from using it. Sometimes you will find something that works out great for you. Will there are a few DOAC (Depends on Arena Composition) it basically means you'll need to access if it is worth getting this pet and how many people it will benefit in your group. Like the Spirit Beast wouldn't benefit the group if you had both a warrior, and a priest in your group.

Also there are multiple [BG / NSPA] meaning that they will be great for Battlegrounds, but most compositions will not be able to support it in arena. You may be able to support the pets.

As well I haven't posted any of the Cooldowns, if I were you I'd go and research them quite a bit before you totally dedicate yourself to getting a pet. You want to know the ins, and outs of your pets.

Now like I posted in the raiding section.
Cunning = Bosses where hunters aren't attacking as much.
Ferocity = Bosses where hunters are attacking a lot.
Meaning for PvP it applies the same way. Cunning will do more damage then Ferocity. Plus Ferocity is easily killed and more bursting.

Therefore unless you're going for a specific buff / or / bursing I would suggest to keep yourself Cunning.


So if you want to look more into the buffs / debuffs pets provide. is a great site to. You can also pick the pet family you want and use it to hunt down the skin.

Anyhow, this is Necras from US-Hyjal signing off!
Last edited by Necras on Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:51 pm, edited 9 times in total.


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Britany »

Thanks! Some of this was very helpful for me.
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

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Of course.. I plan to expand on it if you have any ideas.


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

This has some really nice, compiled information in it. I know I've had to try to explain to the hunters in my group that their cat really isn't going to help them much since we always have a DK and shaman in our group.

Just a couple of things: Tenacity needs to be boldened to be consistent with you having Cunning and Ferocity boldened. :)
Also, you should probably mention that core hounds and devilsaurs are exotics. :)

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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

I totally forgot about those ones. Thanks!

As for what you said, Yea. Trust me I've tried explaining too. Or listening into tradechat. "Whats the best DPS pet" and them getting responds back like "bears, crabs, other tenacity pets"


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

You're welcome. ^_^ I wonder if we can maybe try to sticky this?

Also, I have a couple of ideas for possible expansions on this lovely guide of yours. Since not everyone raids I think it would be wise to have a section for both Soloing and 5 man dungeons. :)

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

It is worth a shot. One of my planned expansions is PvP. As for soloing / leveling / 5mans I think that wouldn't be hard to come up with. :)


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I knew I was missing one--PvP is a great idea as well. :)

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

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I'll probably write PvP tonight.


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Harvoc »

You skipped Sporebats though. I know that unlike the other buffs/debuffs that a cast speed slow isn't always beneficial because not all mobs cast but if all the other buffs are covered, then this is a perfect choice. I also know that you skipped Carrion Birds and Foxes/Tallstriders because their respective debuffs can already be provided by any tank spec but in dungeons, I've chanced upon tanks that don't take the talents that provide those debuffs. Instead of provoking them by pointing out their mistake (I once had a Death Knight tank in Zul'Gurub not take Scarlet Fever so I pointed out her mistake before offering to switch out pets to cover the debuff; she starts insulting me and leaves), I'll just bring in a pet to cover the debuff. I know that this rarely happens in raids because if a tank didn't take those crucial talents, they'd be told to do so and they would, but dungeons, not so much... Lastly, Devilsaurs also provide the healing taken debuff which is quite useful in dungeons for those pesky groups with healers. Personally, my order for PvE pets is my Fox if the tank doesn't have the talent for it, Carrion Bird for the same reason, Wolves because their buff benefits everyone, Cats because its the only other buff, Dragonhawk, Raptor, Ravager, Hyena, and Spore Bat. The order after Cats changes based on my dungeon groups composition. If there's more spell DPS than physical DPS, then it's the above order. If it's vice versa, the dragonhawk goes between the Ravage and the Hyena. For PvP, the only other pets left (I don't like to use the same pet family for PvE and PvP) are Wasps/Bats/Shale Spiders (stun), Monkeys (disorient), Birds of Prey/Scorpids (disarm), Gorillas/Moths/Nether Rays (interrupt), Spiders/Dogs/Crabs/Silithids (root), Crocolisks/Warp Stalkers/Chimeras (slow), Rhinos (knockback), and Spirit Beasts (heal). Shale Spiders, Silithids, Chimeras, Devilsaurs, Rhinos, and Spirit Beasts are all exotic pets. Personally, I use my Wasp to kill flag carriers that are already in their base, my Bird of Prey for all melee except Feral Druids, my Gorilla for casters, my spider for feral druids and for flag carriers not in their base as well as for vehicles. I use my Wasp, Monkey, and Crocolisk if I don't know ahead of time what role I'll be facing and there are no flags to be captured. I also use my gorilla and crocolisk to help out flag carriers with Intercept, a talented ability unique to Tenacity pets. As for leveling, the only pets that I ever think of are Turtles/Beetles and Bears. Both of their respective abilities average out to the same amount of damage reduction, but only for physical damage. If there's caster damage, you want a Turtle/Beetle. If you always activate Shell Shield on cooldown and the mobs stay alive for those twelve seconds, then turtles are better because they work against casters too. If you save Shell Shield for emergencies, then it depends. If you like the extra cooldown, stick with turtles. If you want more damage reduction overall, stick with bears. Also, bears are better than turtles when it comes to AoE tanking. Personally, I stick with my turtle because I don't want to have both a Bear and a Carrion Bird (I don't like redundancy) and because I like soloing things that I shouldn't solo.
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

Hey Harvoc,

Thanks for replying and I want to say everything you suggested is noted. However I did add
By doing that you can see what buffs are being left open. While there are certain buffs that reduce the damage a boss may do. Tanks usually provide them, so if for some reason you are missing them having a pet that covers it is not a bad idea.
Yes I've seen tanks that do and don't have those talents. Sadly at the moment this is only for raiding. I haven't added Soloing / 5mans / PvP yet.

In raiding on a boss the tanks will apply those buffs. At least if they don't then they shouldn't be raiding. Like I said I believe that while the devilsaur is great for that 10% buff reduced to healing that it isn't as good or shouldn't decide which pet you use. Most of the time for PvE that 10% heal does absolutely zip when killing packs of mobs with healers. It doesn't work on bosses.

It all depends on the situation to me.


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Worba »

Necras wrote:Keep this in mind. When choosing your pet. If the Hunter is having a high uptime on the boss, and the pet is have a lower uptime. Ferocity is better. However if the hunter is having a lower uptime on the boss, and your pet is have a high uptime. Cunning is better.

Cunning = Bosses where hunters aren't attacking as much.
Ferocity = Bosses where hunters are attacking a lot.
So choosing between both of them may be tricky. My last suggestion is to take a pet like a Raptor and Serpent and going against the training dumby. (You're attacking also.) Whichever pulls you the better numbers will be the better type of pet to go with. ( After supply the buffs you need to for the raid.)

So if you want to look more into the buffs / debuffs pets provide. is a great site to. You can also pick the pet family you want and use it to hunt down the skin.

Anyhow, this is Necras from US-Hyjal signing off!
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Vephriel »

Worba wrote:
Necras wrote: So if you want to look more into the buffs / debuffs pets provide. is a great site to. You can also pick the pet family you want and use it to hunt down the skin.
Petopia is awesome!
Oh man, I'll have to bookmark that one! :lol:

*giggle* Sorry, it's early and I find things funnier than they should be. xD Great guide! Very nicely put together and informative. :)
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

Ahah, well it was originally for a blog post on another site, but I was suggested to work on it more. I said "eh, I'll throw it up on Petopia forums first then"


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

Added PVP


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Ket Shi »

Excellent job compiling this list!

Am I remembering incorrectly, or do spirit beasts also have the +agility/strength buff in addition to their heal?
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Kalliope »

Ket Shi wrote:Excellent job compiling this list!

Am I remembering incorrectly, or do spirit beasts also have the +agility/strength buff in addition to their heal?
Yep, they have roar of courage, the same as cats.

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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by lilaughingwolf »

TY on the raid info. Rather helpful. I have alot of those pets and have been doing almost what you have sugested minus a pet here or there due to me either not likeing them. But I might just consider adding a Ravie to my stable since Im not fond of the raptors. :) thank you again.
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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

Looks like Soloing is the next addition soon.
Last edited by Necras on Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Lions, and Tigers, and Bears Oh My! (Which pet is which!

Unread post by Necras »

Wasn't this a sticky the other day? Did I miss something?


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