Briamae's Exotic Journey
Briamae was relaxing in her new home of Valgarde, many evenings had passed since she was last contacted by DarkStorm. She waited anxiously for the letter. She had grown in her years and now had reached 69. It is a great time for Beast Master hunters for they now can go after and tame a more advanced formed pet. Briamae, really didn't know much about this new skill, other than some of the exotic pets (a label for this advanced type of creature) other than some were breeds that she has never been able to tame. Some have special looks to them and others have special abilities, and sometimes these exotic pets have both. Briamae received her letter the next morning from DarkStorm. DarkStorm was sending her after a Mistwing Ravager, a beige colored Chimera. Briamae had come across Chimeras before when she was hunting in Winterspring. Those were a white with blue manes and tails...she never tamed one of course...because all colors of Chimeras are considered exotic. When she consulted the great and wise, Petopia, she discovered the only place Mistwing Ravager exist in the world was an area called Azshara. Briamae thought for a moment, and realized she had never been in that area. So not only was she heading after her first exotic pet, she also was heading to an area that she had never been. This thought made Briamae pack even faster for her long journey to find her new pet.
After consulting the map, she was able to fly to the area known as Azshara, the sky was an odd yellow color. It didn't looks spooky.. it was just different.

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Which she thought amusingly, why not? Everything else about this adventure was new, why would the sky be any different? As she was flying over the new lands, it seemed to have a feature she had never seen before. It was many planks of wood strung out across the hills and valleys. She located the end of it and found there was a high wooden tower connected to it. She didn't know what the object was, but she did find it interesting. Before long, Briamae spotted the new exotic prize, the Mistwing Ravager. It was quite a sight. It had looked like the great creator had either a sense of humor or a very bad day when the Chimeras was created. To start off with the two head, both opposite one with 1 horn and one with 2 horns both with long forked tongues. The body seemed to be mixed with scale and fur, and the wings have a leathery ragged look with the front legs(arms?) attached to be part of the wing itself. The light beige of the Mistwing is accented by a dark red colored mane that goes down its back, and the white underbelly fur. This all ends...well the Chimera ends...with two tails, which have patterns on it, but then splits one with a tuft of fur at the end, the other no tuft.

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Since the young Mistwing had probably never seen a dwarf before, it was in one spot staring at Briamae. The tame was quite quick, and soon the Mistwing Ravager was her new pet. Because the appearance of the Chimera was so different, it took her a bit to discover the Chimera was a female. Briamae named her Azshari, after this land where she found her.

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Briamae jumped on her gryphon and flew back to her home, ready to start a new day with Azshari. Briamae discovered that the more she looks at Azshari the more details she noticed. So it seemed that the great creator was having a bad day, but did have a sense of humor.

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The next morning, Briamae was excited, she took Azshari out for a swim, thinking this task was going to be the hardest for her new pet. She was amazed to discover Azshari's swimming strokes equaled the graceful move in the air. As tho, she was flying underwater.

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When Briamae traveled on her horse, is when Azshari had a bit more trouble. Then her movements were more of a hop,skip, flight and then repeated quickly. Briamae noticed that there is a flapping sound when Azshari is moving around, but it for some reason it didn't seem so bad. Maybe due to Azshari's large wing span the beat was slower, but Briamae wasn't sure. Briamae took Azshari hunting and was quite happy with her skills. Azshari has the normal bite and growl attacks as the "normal" creatures she has tamed. She did notice that Azshari had a few attacks that were special to her kind. The attacks when Briamae first saw them amazed her. Azshari had three attacks that Briamae noticed. These attacks had distinct looks. One attack looked like lightening, one looked like a cloud or white smoke look, and the third looked like a blast of icy blue fire.(which out of all her attacks, she could command her to do.) They all looked very cool.

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Briamae enjoy the fact that Azshari kept surprising her. Azshari would growl which resembled the sound a lion or cat makes. Just a quick roar and she would be done. It took some time to get used to her large frame, since Briamae was only a dwarf the size difference probably looked amusing to others.

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Briamae took Azshari out with her to mine for her metals needed for engineering. Azshari took watch and Briamae was able to mine, without harm. After mining a bit, Briamae tossed a piece of meat to her. Luckily, She has a lot of pets who eat meat, so its always in her bags. (Meat is the only thing Azshari will eat.) Briamae was sure that Azshari would be a wonderful addition to her pet family. But not only that, Azshari was going to be a special treasure in Briamae's heart.
"This was a great experience", Briamae thought to herself as she relaxed on her bed, "I will have to send a letter off to thank DarkStorm. I couldn't have imagined a more memorable first exotic tame than this one. I understand our challenges come from the draw out of a hat but still...." Briamae sighed. "Who would have guessed a creature so odd would have such a wonderful spirit. I would suggest a creature like Azshari, for the uniqueness and the special attacks that she has to my hunter friends. Her wing span is rather large, but I believe there is a way to make her smaller....some mage spell perhaps?" Briamae smiled at Azshari. "Nonetheless, Azshari will be with me for a very long time."