Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

White Devilsaur

::OR, in case you have the trouble I did getting one to pop up::

Damaged Blue Boss Silithid

Aqua Saber Cat

Random semi-interesting tamable fact: There are now 50 tamable cat skins. @_@

Blue Beetle

Beige Chimaera

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Derp, by the way Vare, I totally forgot to mention how happy I was to see croc!Kinsy. xD You're making me want to RP her again. :lol:

For those interested, Kinsy is an orc huntress of mine who's still very young and has a pet crocolisk named Silverfang who's sort of acting as a temporary father for her after she got kicked out of her clan.

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Rose, passing through Orgrimmar, made a stop by the mailbox, finding there was a note in it asking her to go and find a white warp stalker and report on its looks and abilities. The huntress let out a sigh--she already had a red warp stalker whom she was fond of. But, she knew this mysterious stranger who asked her to review random pets wouldn't leave her alone until she completed this task. Prepping a few small supplies, the elf set off for Shattrath, landing her wind rider just over its walls in the forest where the white warp stalkers roamed.

It was easy enough to find one wandering around and Rose managed to snag the attention of one before it phased into the nether, reaching out to it with her spirit and a bit of food.
He tried to resist a bit at first, snapping his sharp teeth at Rose before settling down.

Once he settled down, Rose started to look him over. Well, he certainly wasn't her Crimson, but he was pretty in his own way. Fearsome looking with glowing blue eyes and a pleasant white shade with lovely purple highlights. He's low to the ground with thick, solid scales built for taking a beating.
((Side note: For those past the level that pets stop growing (around 60 I think?), these guys don't shrink after you tame them.))

The huntress decided to take this new warp stalker, whom she named Teo, out to the Pandaria front to see how he handled himself. Before heading for combat, Rose let him examine his new surroundings, also making sure to take note of his running and swimming movements.

One of the local sha-infused tigers lunged for the hunter and warp stalker as they made their way through the forest. Hitting the floor and taking a dive roll, the hunter waited until Teo started attacking the tiger, seeing how he approached the art of the fight.
There was lots of snapping and biting from the warp stalker. Rose noted that a lot of his movements didn't have a lot of the finer finesse she had come to expect from the pets she generally kept around her. She also noted that he would occasionally warp time around his opponent, slowing its movements.

After the tiger had been rather messily put to rest, Rose cut what she could out of the remains to use for food before looking over to Teo. She frowned at the white warp stalker. There wasn't technically anything wrong with him, but... he was no Crimson. The two of them just didn't click on a personal level and both could feel it through the bond. And so, Teo was returned to his home in Terrokar before Rose returned to reassure Crimson of just how much she appreciated him.

And a roll for my baby hunter.
Name: Tyger(Sabra'jin)
Level: 12
Exotics: Not Yet
Restrictions: None

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Black Scorpid

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Sar »

So, it's been a while since I was given my assignment of a Red Fox!

I toddled off to the Redridge Mountains whilst on my weekly trip to Kara, and snagged me this little lady:
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However those green eyes, those creepy piercing green unblinking eyes.....

So instead I went and picked up this lady instead:
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Much better, and nicer looking too all round - the red of her mouth plays off well against the yellow of her eyes and the black fur :)

The fox is quite a noisy little fighter, making snarling and yipping noises all the while :D
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So I took her on my weekly pilgrimage to the Black Temple, to see my old friend Illidan, to see if he was willing to give me a lovely bow.
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Ok Megan, don't take the piss, he's still a raid boss, even if he's slightly getting on in years and is losing his eyesight... :P

Megan fought well, and took nary a scratch, and even coped admirably well with the still high damage of the Glaive elementals :)

So Illidan went down, and alas no bow (but I did get it the following reset! Huzzah!), but I did get this:
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2nd week in a row. Seriously? ><

Anyway, Megan fought her way into my stable, where she still sits, and I can see her being a regular member for some time to come, so smitten was I with her!
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Ok, seriously now, stop it.


Another roll please?

Name: Judge
Level: 90 Horde Pandaren female
Exotics: Go for it!
Restrictions: No Rares or Cats - probably had it before :D
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

White Water Strider

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Zhui »

When I got back to town, I found a message waiting for me. Seems I was to go out again and search for a green basilisk with blue fringes. After asking around, and doing some exploring, I found that these beasts made their home in the jungles of Stranglethorn.

Near some troll ruins nestled among the mountains I found what I was looking for.
"Hi! Hi! HI!" He's quite a friendly little fella.

And I do mean little. It appears I found a baby.

I took him with me to the Hinterlands where the dwarves had several tasks for us to do.

As young as he was, he was eager enough to fight.

While fighting the trolls of Jintha'Alor, we came across a tiny wolf cub. The young basilisk decided to remain behind while I took the cub to take care of.

So, the basilisk is pretty cool. I have long wished they could be tamable. However. Their running animation makes me feel so bad for them; it looks like they're going to fall apart due to the segmentation.

This really is addicting. I CAN QUIT ANYTIME I WANT. Ahem. But uh. Today's not that day. So. Another, please?

Name: Carasyn
Level: 39 (will probably be 40 very soon)
Exotics: Can't tame yet
Restrictions: None
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Ghost Grey Worg


Black Fox

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

((Derp. I went through and did the challenge, edited my screenshots, and then forgot to upload and post about it. >_<))

Sabra was milling about Razor Hill with Daisy, her black boar, spending a little bit of time bonding with her pet. As they reached the inn, Sabra noticed that there was a paper near the mailbox with her name on it. Curious, the troll walked over and grabbed it, opening it up and reading the inside. Her eyes widened in surprise and confusion at the mysterious note asking her to go out and tame a black scorpid and study it; learn its habits and judge its looks.

Interested in this mysterious note and its contents, Sabra tipped the local stable master to watch over Daisy. The troll said goodbye to her boar, remembering some stories she heard growing up about a mean, black scorpid that roamed somewhere near the river in Durotar. After gathering a few things, and one last goodbye to Daisy, Sabra set off west out of Razor Hill, tromping through the marshes until she reached the edge of the river. She glanced around a bit before letting her tracking senses kick in, studying the ground and surrounding area, finally picking up on some tracks that looked hopeful. Sure enough, the stories and the signs proved right and the troll eventually ran smack into the black scorpid. Recovering from her surprise first, Sabra reached out with a tidbit of food and her spirit, coaxing the scorpid to follow her.

Eventually the scorpid calmed down and listened, accepting Sabra's bond. He chittered and moved over to her side, swaying his pincers and tail.

Sabra decided that she would just go ahead and examine him where she was, frowning a little as she looked over this scorpid now by her side. He was black scaled with red spots and red eyes, with brown chitin between the plates.
Well, she could certainly see why stories about this guy proclaimed him to be evil. He looked downright wicked and it made even Sabra feel a little uncomfortable.

Wanting to shake her nerves, Sabra decided to take the scorpid out for a test run. Well, despite his sort of scary looks, the troll really admired the way this guy moved. He had a swaying-like motion that reminded her of a rocking boat on the waves as he ran over the ground. And his swim made her think of a lobster; his tail paddled up and down while his legs churned in the water.

Reaching the Northern Barrens, Sabra figured it would be a good idea to have this guy help her for a little bit with the quests the locals had been giving her. She studied his combat prowess closely, impressed by the power his claws seemed to hold (he would snap with the right one and then the left one, though she noticed he preferred his right claw), but she did find it a little strange that a poisonous scorpid would make very little use of his tail stinger ((Seriously Blizz, some sort of special relating back to their stinger would be nice; or at least add an attack animation for it if they must keep the disarm)).

After running around with him for a little longer, when all was said and done, Sabra found that she really wasn't attached to this scorpid. She was very impressed with scorpids as a whole, but she just couldn't get over the evil look this guy had about him, as if he might turn on her if she let her guard down. Not wanting to feel that way around what was supposed to be a helpful companion, she returned him to the coast of Durotar, instead finding two new other friends to be stable mates with Daisy.

Name: Tyger(Sabrajin)
Level: 12
Exotics: Not Yet
Restrictions: None

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Grey Boar

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Kegaran »

Name: Kegaran
Level: 90
Exotics: sure
Restrictions: Spirit beast.

My first post on these forums despite being a long time lurker, this looks really fun though so if this is still going and i'm allowed being new i'll give it a go.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Sorry for the response delay.

Brown Cataclysm Crocolisk

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Zaranock »

Hi! I'm a brand new Petopia Forum person, but I've been a Petopian since Vanilla!

I thought I'd jump right in with my first post, and I LOVE tracking down challenges.

Name: Zaranock
Level: 90
Exotics: Yes
Restrictions: No longspawn rares, i.e: Loque, Gondria, etc.
I'm Horde, but I'll invade Darnassus and kill Tyrande for a pet if I have to, so lay on a good hard pet.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I forgot my manners earlier. Welcome both Kegaran and Zaranock to the Petopian forums and to my Pet Challenge thread. :D If you haven't already, please check out the front page for some basic guidelines about these.
I need to stop being lazy and post my report. @_@

White Fen Strider

If I recall correctly, these guys don't have a spawn timer more than like, an hour or two, however, if you don't wish to spend the time trying to track him, I'll give you a new roll. :)

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Zaranock »


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Okay, cool. ^_^ If he ends up being too much trouble for you, let me know.
*grumbles about the stupid white devilsaur acting like more of a rarespawn than a real rare*

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Zaranock »

WHEW!!! That was an exhilarating experience! The tame was incredibly difficult and fun...Lots of tracking around, confusion, and eventually heart pumping taming. So ensconced in my target was I that I forgot to SCRN the tracks or the tame...so...Sowwy... Thanks for the difficult tame, I really wanted a hard one to deal with. Ideal for a Challenge Tamer. :) (Please excuse the terrible screenshot organization/report, I'm so new to this! You can find the descriptions of what we did on the Screenies.)

First off, I once had a Fen Strider. It failed. It was ugly, weird, and clumsy, and got promptly released back to its home, much to both of our enjoyments... So I kind of sighed when I saw my Challenge. But, hey, hes a rare, so, why not?
The tame was quite exciting. I scoured dread wastes over a half an hour hunting for the tracks, and my pulse started racing when I found my first. It was a long, confusing journey, but I caught him with ease once I flared him. My first thought was- "Hey, he's unique and kinda pretty. Lets go for it!"
His battle skills are great. Great mobility, battle aesthetics, and his abilities aren't too shabby at all. He's a hard target to target, so I look forward to pvp. Overall we had a great time s'ploring through Pandaria for a bit, even doing a Scenario! This pet is definitely a keeper, and I MIGHT even make him part of my regular "crew".

Our journey included having a bath in Orgrimmar-
Fighting a Saurok Warparty-
Sharing Victory Huggles-
My life being saved from a venomous porcupine by his whiplike attackstyles-
And admiring his beautiful coloring!
I named him Mojoodoo because its Mojo and Voodoo, which play off of a common name of "Hex", which is a nickname for Hexapos, his full name.

Please Ma'am, can I have another Challenge? *Puppy Eyes* (Same Requirements though, level 90- and no longspawning rares)
Ravishing good looks just after the tame.
Ravishing good looks just after the tame.
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Saving my poisoned life from a Poison Porcupine! He's got Bullwhips for weapons!
Saving my poisoned life from a Poison Porcupine! He's got Bullwhips for weapons!
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Huggles :)
Huggles :)
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Saving us from a Saurok!
Saving us from a Saurok!
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We're taking a bath, after the grime I collected starts to smell. Dread Wastes Taming is SRSBIZNIZZ! He seems to like walking in water instead of swimming.
We're taking a bath, after the grime I collected starts to smell. Dread Wastes Taming is SRSBIZNIZZ! He seems to like walking in water instead of swimming.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I'll give you the roll for right now since your last request isn't that far back, but in the future, please fill out the whole request set up each time you want a roll. :)

Red Fox

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Briamae »

Briamae's Exotic Journey

Briamae was relaxing in her new home of Valgarde, many evenings had passed since she was last contacted by DarkStorm. She waited anxiously for the letter. She had grown in her years and now had reached 69. It is a great time for Beast Master hunters for they now can go after and tame a more advanced formed pet. Briamae, really didn't know much about this new skill, other than some of the exotic pets (a label for this advanced type of creature) other than some were breeds that she has never been able to tame. Some have special looks to them and others have special abilities, and sometimes these exotic pets have both. Briamae received her letter the next morning from DarkStorm. DarkStorm was sending her after a Mistwing Ravager, a beige colored Chimera. Briamae had come across Chimeras before when she was hunting in Winterspring. Those were a white with blue manes and tails...she never tamed one of course...because all colors of Chimeras are considered exotic. When she consulted the great and wise, Petopia, she discovered the only place Mistwing Ravager exist in the world was an area called Azshara. Briamae thought for a moment, and realized she had never been in that area. So not only was she heading after her first exotic pet, she also was heading to an area that she had never been. This thought made Briamae pack even faster for her long journey to find her new pet.

After consulting the map, she was able to fly to the area known as Azshara, the sky was an odd yellow color. It didn't looks spooky.. it was just different.
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Which she thought amusingly, why not? Everything else about this adventure was new, why would the sky be any different? As she was flying over the new lands, it seemed to have a feature she had never seen before. It was many planks of wood strung out across the hills and valleys. She located the end of it and found there was a high wooden tower connected to it. She didn't know what the object was, but she did find it interesting. Before long, Briamae spotted the new exotic prize, the Mistwing Ravager. It was quite a sight. It had looked like the great creator had either a sense of humor or a very bad day when the Chimeras was created. To start off with the two head, both opposite one with 1 horn and one with 2 horns both with long forked tongues. The body seemed to be mixed with scale and fur, and the wings have a leathery ragged look with the front legs(arms?) attached to be part of the wing itself. The light beige of the Mistwing is accented by a dark red colored mane that goes down its back, and the white underbelly fur. This all ends...well the Chimera ends...with two tails, which have patterns on it, but then splits one with a tuft of fur at the end, the other no tuft.
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Since the young Mistwing had probably never seen a dwarf before, it was in one spot staring at Briamae. The tame was quite quick, and soon the Mistwing Ravager was her new pet. Because the appearance of the Chimera was so different, it took her a bit to discover the Chimera was a female. Briamae named her Azshari, after this land where she found her.
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Briamae jumped on her gryphon and flew back to her home, ready to start a new day with Azshari. Briamae discovered that the more she looks at Azshari the more details she noticed. So it seemed that the great creator was having a bad day, but did have a sense of humor.
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The next morning, Briamae was excited, she took Azshari out for a swim, thinking this task was going to be the hardest for her new pet. She was amazed to discover Azshari's swimming strokes equaled the graceful move in the air. As tho, she was flying underwater.
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When Briamae traveled on her horse, is when Azshari had a bit more trouble. Then her movements were more of a hop,skip, flight and then repeated quickly. Briamae noticed that there is a flapping sound when Azshari is moving around, but it for some reason it didn't seem so bad. Maybe due to Azshari's large wing span the beat was slower, but Briamae wasn't sure. Briamae took Azshari hunting and was quite happy with her skills. Azshari has the normal bite and growl attacks as the "normal" creatures she has tamed. She did notice that Azshari had a few attacks that were special to her kind. The attacks when Briamae first saw them amazed her. Azshari had three attacks that Briamae noticed. These attacks had distinct looks. One attack looked like lightening, one looked like a cloud or white smoke look, and the third looked like a blast of icy blue fire.(which out of all her attacks, she could command her to do.) They all looked very cool.
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Briamae enjoy the fact that Azshari kept surprising her. Azshari would growl which resembled the sound a lion or cat makes. Just a quick roar and she would be done. It took some time to get used to her large frame, since Briamae was only a dwarf the size difference probably looked amusing to others.
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Briamae took Azshari out with her to mine for her metals needed for engineering. Azshari took watch and Briamae was able to mine, without harm. After mining a bit, Briamae tossed a piece of meat to her. Luckily, She has a lot of pets who eat meat, so its always in her bags. (Meat is the only thing Azshari will eat.) Briamae was sure that Azshari would be a wonderful addition to her pet family. But not only that, Azshari was going to be a special treasure in Briamae's heart.

"This was a great experience", Briamae thought to herself as she relaxed on her bed, "I will have to send a letter off to thank DarkStorm. I couldn't have imagined a more memorable first exotic tame than this one. I understand our challenges come from the draw out of a hat but still...." Briamae sighed. "Who would have guessed a creature so odd would have such a wonderful spirit. I would suggest a creature like Azshari, for the uniqueness and the special attacks that she has to my hunter friends. Her wing span is rather large, but I believe there is a way to make her smaller....some mage spell perhaps?" Briamae smiled at Azshari. "Nonetheless, Azshari will be with me for a very long time." :hug:
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Zaranock »

My latest tame, the Red Fox, was quite fun. I went to EPL and closely followed my quarry, finally catching it.

I'd never tried a fox before, they'd seemed too small and "normal". But, nevertheless, it was my challenge and thus I went for it. He's quite a bouncy fellow. Fast, funny, and flippin' out all over the place, this fox quickly endeared me to itself. I wanted to name him Widget because he reminded me of an erratic windup toy, but his black sock markings made me name him Boots, instead! He's a very small target, even when he grows to scale with a Tauren, making him an indestructible nuisance in PvP. His skill Tailspin is great! 25% slowdown of caster spells with only 7sec CD? Can you say, spamming fox in PvP? :headbang: He's got great coloring, and with the new teeth models looks quite fierce, while giving some laughs with his gimmick ability, "Play".
He holds a childish friendliness and he really brightens my mood when I jump into WoW. See the pictures and their descriptions for what we did together! This cutie is definitely here to stay, and may even rotate into my crew now and again. I definitely enjoyed trying something new that I never would have given a chance before. EDIT: URP! Start at the bottom and work your way up for proper picture order, Sorry!
The tame, right after I catch up to him. Notice that he's sitting quite attentively while I impress my will upon him. He moved around quite a bit, and between him and the Scarlet NPCs that were Foxhunting it was actually a bit difficult to grab him. But I soon secure my new friend.
The tame, right after I catch up to him. Notice that he's sitting quite attentively while I impress my will upon him. He moved around quite a bit, and between him and the Scarlet NPCs that were Foxhunting it was actually a bit difficult to grab him. But I soon secure my new friend.
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He sprints around easily and smoothly with a 100% ground mount. A nice change when so many pets have a clunky 100% run model and often lag behind. Already impressing me, dear Boots!
He sprints around easily and smoothly with a 100% ground mount. A nice change when so many pets have a clunky 100% run model and often lag behind. Already impressing me, dear Boots!
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Here's a closer look at his coating and styling as he slurps up a tasty drink after that long run. He's a pretty plain character, but not unpleasing to the eye, and as said in the post, has a friendliness about him.
Here's a closer look at his coating and styling as he slurps up a tasty drink after that long run. He's a pretty plain character, but not unpleasing to the eye, and as said in the post, has a friendliness about him.
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He does a classic dogpaddle while swimming, and looks pretty good while doing it. Legs are a bit spindly in the water, though!
He does a classic dogpaddle while swimming, and looks pretty good while doing it. Legs are a bit spindly in the water, though!
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Another close look at my new Fox. He has STUNNING green eyes, and puts on several &quot;AWWWWW!!!&quot; performances while idling, such as this one, while scratching his ears.
Another close look at my new Fox. He has STUNNING green eyes, and puts on several "AWWWWW!!!" performances while idling, such as this one, while scratching his ears.
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Here we put on a performance of &quot;Dancing with Foxes&quot;! His &quot;Play&quot; ability is to stand up and dance, and if you walk around while he does it, he continues to dance along with you.
Here we put on a performance of "Dancing with Foxes"! His "Play" ability is to stand up and dance, and if you walk around while he does it, he continues to dance along with you.
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And finally, his fighting aesthetics make you think of a desperate wolverine. He's a dirty fighter, spinning up dust and savagely nipping his opponents.
And finally, his fighting aesthetics make you think of a desperate wolverine. He's a dirty fighter, spinning up dust and savagely nipping his opponents.
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