Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Kalliope »

Subject says it all!

Kalliope's two completely new pets are below. Everything else is covered on my blog recap because otherwise, it would take up WAY too much space!


This is Delphi. She called to me after I picked up Tantalus. I had always liked the white arcane wyrms, but when it came to taming one on the PTR, I felt nothing for them. And yet, this gal hooked me from the moment she shrank to my side. Amazing!


I'd like to say Leda caught me off guard, but I knew before I went into Deadmines to retame Icarus that I was going to see a brilliant macaw up. Sure enough, there she was. And with such massive stables, how could I turn down an opportunity tame of my favorite bird of prey skin? (It would be Aotona, but the eyes are a dealbreaker.) I haven't gotten to know her much, since Delphi won't leave my side (still can't get over that), but she's considerably more relaxing to have around than Circe, who used to be my second bird of prey to Icarus.

Kallimon picked up some grown minipet equivalents and retamed a few oldies in new forms, but I can just put those on my chart. :)
Delphi.jpg (279.91 KiB) Viewed 14615 times
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Last edited by Kalliope on Thu May 23, 2013 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Ana »

only posting Tårnfalks as the other hunters have pet journals in show and tell ;) - I offc have transmog to fit all of the pets but atm Tårnfalks mog is golden. I change once a week so maybe i do some good matching screenies adventually - but for now the pets picture is taken with my current mog

Cutiepie is a retame.. i had this worm 4 times now and last time she was named Sahara.. but i returned to the name of the first time tamed and i am really happy she is back


Homer is also a retame. He was origianlly named Homer then renamed Moe but now he is back to Homer


Midas is a impulse tame cause i was going to make 5 golden pets and he just fits so ;)


Milka retame - always loved this purple saber ever since they were introduced into the game. (She looks alot better with the steadfast set.. but i change mog once a week so she get her chance)


Parker new tame- Saw life of Pi.. just had to have my own Richard Parker


Oinkinator - new tame. Wanted a hole different pig then what i was used to and i like this onces look


Mocca - retame. LOONG story about this pet but lets just say its named after a good friends pet ;)


Boots - retame.. Yay grumpy boots is back. And as a bonus he is the rare from hiltbrad foothils so he also makes me think of Veph :D


Nahla - retame new name. Disbanded my blue Madexx long ago but now he is back. His name means "A drink of water" in arabic


Vanity - impulse tame. Really digs my tiny waps. Named her vanity cause she always grooms herself


and finally for this round Scruffy. Retame. Had him on Kahlua before she became an all red themed hunter so now this click when barked dog is rehomed with Tårnfalk



HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Falcon »

First off, two old faces:


Cambria had been with Shuurai for a long time, and back at the beginning of patch 5.1, I'd released her and her mate, Coheed for more room when the 5.1 rares kept making puppy eyes at me. *sigh* I'd always regretted letting her go, and I am so, so happy to finally have her back. Coheed, who was once an amber scorpid, grew and became Shuurai's Klaxxi scorpid mount instead.


Ruin was Shuurai's very first quilen, and he was released for Frost, her chimaera. It was a choice I regretted, but Shuu and Frost bonded, and I couldn't bear to release any of her pets at the time to bring Ruin back, but he's finally home now, and I'm glad. As of Ruin's homecoming, Shuurai has six quilens. AGAIN. @_@

New tames:


From the first time I saw his tracks in Kun-Lai, I knew that Stompy had chosen me, but both a full stable and hesitance due to a NO GOATS mindset, I hoped that I'd never see his tracks again. Nope. Almost every damn time I was there, I'd see his friggin' footprints, and I've lost count of how many times I've come across them and facepalmed whenever I was up there for an archaeology digsite. Then, the stable size increase was announced, and I sighed and mentally added him to Shuurai's stables. When the patch hit yesterday, he was the first one I went after. I won't lie, part of me kept hoping his footprints wouldn't be there, but I saw them even before I landed, so I knew my fate was sealed. I named him Yakul, and brownies to whoever knows the reference.

Yakul has... rapidly become one of my favorite pets. Goats actually aren't so bad, though I'll always be upset that yaks are untamable, since I wanted them over goats. Yakul is a charmer. He loves having his ears scratched, and apparently, Shuurai carries a lot of salt licks around in her pack, because every other emote is him discovering one in her pack. I was also having a bit of a rough day yesterday, and he kept prancing around and being affectionate, which cheered me up. I'm really fond of this guy and regret not taming him sooner, but he's home now.


Last, but not least, is Kalros, named for the Mother of All Thresher Maws herself. I was hesitant of taming her in this color choice, but I knew that Kalros had to be in the black skin or she wouldn't be happy, so it was a battle I was doomed to lose. Unlike her namesake, my Kalros is very cuddly, but she's quick to throw herself at anything that tries to harm Shuurai.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by ashdawn »





And cant forget Crawlz

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Wain »

It's awesome to see how many people are re-taming all the pets they lost to stable space :)

I'm just gonna move this to the Show & Tell forum, however, since it's now live. I'll lock this 5.3 forum in a couple of days.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Hatari »

I didn't grab screenshots of them, but this morning I ran around and tamed a bunch of stuff. Some of them were old pets I had to let go, and others were just ones I wanted but never had enough room. So today, I got a Vilebranch wolf pup for the black wolf skin. I went to Northrend and picked up a black mastiff, a blue wind serpent, and a black daggercap hawk. After seeing the black mastiff, though, I wasn't pleased and went and picked up the rare tawny brown one from Silverpine. I like him better. Eventually I'll pick up the various colored Pandaran tigers so I can have a 5 tiger rainbowed stampede, but today's tames ended with Quall--the one rare I picked up today. I went this morning, but another hunter was already there camping, so I saluted and left her in peace to claim Quall when he spawned. I came back in the early afternoon, but he wasn't there, so I went to do other things. Around dinner time, while the food was cooking, I decided to actually camp. It took about an hour, but he spawned, and I captured a few shots to share with you.

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Falcon »

Got my final two tames (or the time being, that is) today:


First up, Soleil. She was my most anticipated - and most dreaded - tame. Even though I see Solix as male, I knew that mine would be female, hence my choice of name and I absolutely adore her. I've always wanted the orange lava spider skin for Shuurai, but I either had no room, no help, or no help when I had the room. And as luck would have it, when I had the quest to go into the cave that had the hatchlings who share this skin with Solix, I had no room! So, that left Solix as my only option when the stable increase was announced. Having claustrophobia, Solix's cave scares me, and the falling balls of lava that can knock you off the walkways make it ten times worse. Solix's taming mechanic also makes me nervous, because I can't kite my way out of a wet paper bag due to being arthritic. Last night, I started thinking about getting Anthriss instead, but I decided that between her and Solix, I would let them decide who I should tame.

Neither spider showed up last night, but tonight, Solix made the choice. I had help from Caelan, who kited him for me, while I ran behind them and kept an eye on Solix's energy. I was so terrified of being knocked into the lava, and some lava balls landed right beside me while we were running, but by some miracle, nobody went flying into the lava. When the buff disappeared, I smashed Distracting Shot, Deterrance, and Tame Beast... and the tame fizzled right when Solix turned to come chew on me because I'd jumped the gun before Cae feigned death. Panicking, I hit tame a second time, and success! Since I live in an apartment complex, I had to do everything to keep from screaming out loud in joy, instead typing in caps and making tons of mistakes due to shaking like a leaf. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics of the tame because I was so friggin' nervous.


Last, but definitely not least is StormSorrow. Even back when I got Nocturne and had no room, I knew I absolutely HAD to have one of the blue devilsaurs from the Isle of Giants to go along with Nocturne, my black devilsaur. So, after I calmed down from taming Soleil, I hopped over to the Isle and nabbed a lady friend for him. Aside from me taking a few wrong turns, I made it to the blues without aggroing anything, tamed one of the babies, and hearthed as fast as I could, hence why Storm's pic is in the Dread Wastes instead of on the Isle. Unlike the more laid back Nocturne, StormSorrow is lively, and the two seem to get along well enough, with Nocturne showing his approval by being more affectionate than normal.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by ashdawn »

by the way, Ill edit my post if I tame any more.]

(which I most likely will)
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Mozag »

I picked up quite a lot of pets on my various hunters, some of whom were returning stars and others new friends. But seeing as I went on a spree of 10-15 of them per hunter, I am not going to regale you with 50 tales. Some of them didn't even make it beyond their first hour. But here are the ones that made me happiest, or surprised me most.

Only one of Mozag's tames really left an impression so far. I had owned Bloodtooth in the past, but don't like the shells of the spikier dragon turtles, so let her go after a while. I was planning on trying out one of the red dragon turtles again, one of whom I had got rid of previously thinking it didn't fit. Unfortunately, there was no bond there, and I knew it the moment the turtle came to my side tamed. I don't even think turtles suit Mozag very much, but I kept on having a niggling feeling that I needed one. I flew over to take a look at the normal black turtles in Dread Wastes, just in case. And oh look! Splitter feels very right. I think I may have finally found the turtle I was looking for on Moz.


Lazuli had more cause for celebration, as she brought home some new faces she had missed a lot, but simply wasn't able to fit in the smaller stables.
Chief amongst them was Glitter, her first fire spider who she had abandoned to be able to tame the green one. I always regretted letting her go, although my green is gorgeous too. However, Glitter is home with a new name and with the safety of knowing that she won't be abandoned again.


My relationship with spirit beasts has always been shaky. I like the look of many of them, but can't bond with them at all. Some of them I consider downright ugly. I managed to break my unlucky spirit beast streak with the three porcupines, each of whom stole my heart. I found myself gazing at the spirit cats on Petopia on a lot of occasions, and remembered that Lazuli had had a troublesome relationship with Gondria. I rather liked her, but have tamed and abandoned her at least three times; sometimes the colour wasn't right for my stables, another time I hated spirit beasts with such a vengeance that it extended to her and another time I didn't have space. Now I DO have space, and Shine has come home, hopefully to stay.


And then there were three new friends who made an instant impression.

Sum was a random choice on my taming list for the patch. I know myself, know how I tame pet after pet after pet, only to delete them within hours because they don't feel right, or I feel like my stables are cluttered or I suddenly don't like the skin or or or...the reasons are manifold. I was looking through Petopia for green pets to add to Laz's stables before the patch, and decided to add this wind serpent as I've always liked the colour, but just never found him a home that stuck. I didn't expect him to remain, because Laz already has her forever wind serpent, the long awaited yellow Outland skin. But the minute I tamed Sum, something clicked. I don't know if he's a keeper, but he's certainly feeling good right now. Besides, I'm sure Precious won't mind having an adoring suitor. ;)


Sparkle is a shocker. Another random tame, that I thought I'd try without thinking too much about it. I've only ever really liked one sporebat who belonged to a now deleted hunter, and usually I just find them boring blobs that I don't even really consider very pretty in terms of colour. But this little lady is simply charming. Laz also enjoys that Sparkle is silent, as most of her other pets are as noisy as their mistress.


I've wanted a crab for Laz for longer than I can say. I've tried everything from Ghostcrawler to pretty much every single runed crab I can think of. I even dabbled with old world crabs, and some of the Cata crabs that have no runes, which were all doomed attempts. I sort of gave up on the idea of having one that would suit her stables. I was delighted by the two crab skins that appeared on the Isle of Thunder, but despite my half-hearted thought that the purple might fit, I didn't even bother trying it out because I figured it would fail anyway. Still, I couldn't resist when the patch hit, and I have to say that so far I am very hopeful. Amethyst is absolutely gorgeous and I think her personality fits Laz as well.


Eadgyth was made happiest by the return of two very beloved pets that she had let go to make room in her stables.

Smoke, who used to be called Ninon, has returned and I am so happy to have her back. She has always been a bit fussy for Eady's liking, but after setting her free, I always missed her. Enough, in fact, that I was unable to keep the "new" Ninon, a firefly that I said goodbye to today. There is only one Ninon and one skin for her, even if she has a different name now.


Bleak is a gloomy, grumpy, bad-tempered and violent parrot, who I missed like crazy when I abandoned him to make room in the stables. I suspect I'd have made a way for him to return regardless of the stable extension, but I am glad I didn't have to let anyone else I loved go to return this grump back home.


Lindorindel's joys were mainly brought on by returning pets as well.

Qirot was waiting for me at his spawn location, as he had the first time I went to tame him. I know that my Saeros has forgiven me for having ditched him in an effort to fill her stables with fancier, newer pets. I am glad to have him home.


Like Lazuli, Lindy has always had a tough time bonding with spirit beasts. I have probably tamed virtually every single one on her in the hopes of making a bond form, to no avail. I remembered that Ankha and I had had a very short, fruitless relationship and Magria had been equally shortlived, and before I deleted my older Night Elf hunter, Magria had been tamed on her as well in the hopes of sparking some sort of interest. A few days before the patch, I saw someone in Stormwind idling with their Magria out, and I was mesmerized by the swirls of spirit smoke climbing off her, and thought I should try it out when my stable slots increased. I was in two minds on the actual day though, remembering my bad experiences with spirit beasts. I figured I'd fly to Hyjal and see if either was up. If neither or Ankha would be up, I would leave well enough alone. Well. There was only one name I felt would be right. Lomelinda is named after my deleted Night Elf hunter.


Hazel is my little old lady. She first belonged to Lomelinda, who adored her unpredictable personality and interesting colour combination. When I made my second Night Elf hunter, I transferred Hazel over to Lindy as she was specialising in "odd" pets that I didn't think suited Night Elves much, such as demon hounds and ravagers, etc. I renamed her Westernesse, but nothing happened. There was no bond, no affection, and I got rid of her a little while later. Lome's stables were full however, so I couldn't retame her and I went through a phase of not liking ravagers anyway, so it didn't bother me too much. But now, she's back! I retamed her, named her Westernesse, didn't like her much and then ran to buy a Certificate of Ownership. As soon as she was called Hazel, I felt she was happy again and the bond grew instantly.


One of my favourite cranes, personally, is the white one. Lindy owns her, and while she really loves the way Uinen looks, they don't really have a very strong bond. Still, I'm not ready to give up on her yet, as she fits my stables and my own taste enough to stay. I was wary of taming another crane; I have never yet managed to keep two cranes on one hunter, despite attempts. I was almost going to give up on the idea of even bothering to try the blue one, since it was so unlikely I'd like it. Lomelinda had owned it and never much cared for her Peony, despite the lovely colour combination. Even Mozag who doesn't like birds had tried this crane out and given it up in disgust. But I flew down to the Valley of the Four Winds anyway, and tamed it without thinking. I was going to name her Peony after Lome's crane, but then realised...wait a moment, this one is MALE. I remembered the name my old beetle had had: Hador. Hador was also called Lórindol (Goldenhead) in Tolkien's mythos, as he was very fair haired, and looking at my cranes shock of yellow "hair", I figured that I may have found the right name for the right animal, and he was here to stay. Hopefully he'll be able to persuade the shy, pretty Uinen out of her shell.


Last, but certainly not least, is the return of Daeron. Lindy used to own two parrots, but always preferred this gentleman. I foolishly abandoned him when I went off parrots for a while, but he is back and here to stay for good.


And finally, Garshanga's two happiest tames.

I'm not a fan of this wolf model, and while I owned Rurik on her in the past, I didn't really miss him when I got rid of him to make space for other wolves. Garsh has always been a "wolf tamer" in terms of RP, and so I made a long list of new and old wolves she would tame to join the two she already had in her stables prior to the patch. I flew around the world taming wolves of all shapes and sizes. Two of them remained in the end, both of whom she had owned before. Leontes the bi-colour worg wasn't a surprise, so I haven't posted a screenie here, but Rurik blew me away. I got all moist-eyed as I tamed him, because until then I didn't realise how right he had been with her. He's the runt of her pack, but he has most guts. I am really glad to have him back.


Despite her affection for wolves, Garshanga's greatest pet love is her boar Artaxias. He has ruled her stables as the unquestioned patriarch since she tamed him at level 10, so I was rather surprised when my random tame of Grunter turned out to make me feel so good about it. Hawthorne used to belong to my now deleted Worgen hunter, and I've always liked this skin and model. It'll be tough for him to gain a position in her stables, as I can already feel Art's resentment, but maybe he'll manage. I hope so, because he's wonderful.

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Arthur »

It's not a very good picture, But I got my little warpstalkers back home.



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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Ana »

I LOOOVE your warpie stampeede ! :hug: :hug: :hug:


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Kalliope »

Updated the first post with a link to my blog post recapping my tames! :)

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Finduilas »

I tamed a few new pets. I'm still overwhelmed by all the choices so I will update all my hunters step by step. I think mostly it will be retames from pets I had from the random pet challenge and then let them go again because of stable-place issues.

First thing I did with Findu was rather silly, but funny. I tamed a lot of goats, all skins except for the muddy-white one. Meet Lynnie, Lynda, Lou (hard to see, but black spotted), Lolly and Lynn - from left to right. They all are skins I already had on Findu because Lynda couldn't decide which color she wanted to be (when Pandaria was released) and now I have them all.

Larkania got herself a new spirit beast. Her name is Kachina (spirit, sacred dancer).
She also tamed a green wind serpent, named Tehya (precious).
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Findu on

Findu's stables

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Castile »

I got some old friends and some new...

Meet Diamond :) Such a pretty owl!


And Snowblind :)


And two old friends..Ghost and Darkness...extra points if you get the reference ;-)



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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Boven »

Gosh darnit, Castile. Seeing Humar there reminded me that he was up when I was killing one of the bosses in the Barrens on Wednesday. I can't believe it didn't even cross my mind to swap over to my hunter and tame him. Dangit!
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Hatari »

In the vein of 'rainbow stampedes', here's my Pandarian Tiger Version:


Not enough room for the grey or red tiger, alas. Still pretty cool though.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Neilaren »

Baby Nether Rays on Parade!


Terrato was not a happy camper about cooperating for photos, always facing the other way or trying to shove Ornat aside (who is skittish, judging by how much the poor thing was shaking when I came across him).

I need to tame Neilaren's army of dragonhawk companions, too, come to think of it.

And, Carbuncle will be staying in my stables for keeps now that I have the space to allow.

I'm having some friends pick colors and name some pets for me to tame to give me some incentive to fill stables, but beyond that, I don't foresee much beyond impulse tames.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Seilahyn »

I have so many new tames, I don't want to floor my post with pics... so because people were showing off their "rainbow stampedes" I took a screenshot of my cat-pede. I've had the aqua and white skin, but with more slots I finally went and grabbed the other three I've wanted.

Mikhail, Balthier, Tybian, and my already tamed Neville and Xeadas

I'm actually still not finished taming stuff. I've been torn on where to tame things because I originally made alt hunters to collect the rest of the pets I wanted.
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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Finduilas »

I exactly know this feeling Seilahyn. I have 4 hunters on 90 because I created them all to be able to tame more stuff. I have 2 more that are important to me (an 80 level stop and a little panda waiting to get to 90 someday). 6 hunters with 55 pet slots. That's quite a lot. I'm still doing lots of retames (pictures are going to follow when I sorted out which pets to keep) and "on-a-whim-tames". I feel like a litte kid in a candy store.


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Findu on

Findu's stables

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Re: Show off your 5.3 tames/retames! [image warning]

Unread post by Demonicow »

i must say after 5.3 went live i searched every pet family and skin on petopia and have chosen the ones i believe to be most worthy of collecting

so now i have the ice saber cat skin, aqua saber cat skin the ancient turtle, the dragon turtle from isle of thunder, black warpstalker, white crane, grey monkey , grey goat(stompy). red armored water strider (glimmer), white jormungar worm, grey and green spiked wind serpent, red runed demon dog, red and black felboar, turqoise tallstrider, red firefly, red serpent, blue arcane wyrm(would have prefered a green color), metallic blue crab, grey rhino, green sporebat, and green nether ray

and ones i still want to tame but havent gotten to yet are loque, skarr, white gorilla, bristlespine, green outland basilisk, blue moth, Aotona and Portent(Blue)

wishlist red hydra, green or black outland hydra, unused blue bear skin, chimaeron, unused green arcane wyrm skin, void terror and unused silver crab skin
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