"Women and Raiding?" The stupidest blog post I have seen.

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Re: "Women and Raiding?" The stupidest blog post I have seen

Unread post by Shadow »

For the article...

Oh, yes. There are women out there who like to do this. There are women who like to cram their shit down your throat and if you don't take it, they get pissy and they will whine. To everyone. There are women who like to try to pretend they're better, or know what they're doing, despite how obvious it is that they don't. Some will pick the 'alpha' of the guild and cower in his shadow. Some will flirt with anything that moves. Some haven't got a sense of humor and get offended over the tiniest things and will scream favoritism if someone else gets loot or is treated differently (god forbid it's because the other member is a trusted veteran of the guild).

I hate them.

Thing is. There are also males who act like this. I hate them, too.

I fear other female gamers until I get to know them. I don't know. It's been hard for me to find friendly female gamers. I've had some try to start drama with me (never flies well, I am very good at crushing it), I've had some try to spread rumors about me... Hello high school, I don't believe I ever left you... Even though I'm almost at my mid-twenties. But the women that I do get close to, I feel as comfortable around as anyone else online.

For myself...

The only time I would ever flirt was if I wasn't taken seriously. And I have done it in raid groups. I've had soap opera-esque dramas play out, much to everyone's amusement, including those involved. No one was hurt, no loot was thrown my way, it was simply for the sheer amusement of everyone around me, because that's the kind of person I am. Perverted, laid back, and I find it hilarious when people doubt if I'm female or not (no mic!). Leading to a very fun scenario of 'omg dude you're flirting with a dude'. Which, I don't know. Maybe it's just me, I just found it hilarious because in that same group, there was a gay bromance going on between one of the officers and a mage. Sometimes they would pull in one of the tanks and it would just explode with crazy and be hilarious to watch play out.

And yet, no one took it seriously. Because everyone knew it was for fun. And that's the only atmosphere I feel safe to be myself in. If people are super serious, I don't get to have fun, I don't get to tease people, I don't get to mock them and trade back and forths. I don't get to be treated like 'one of the guys' because they're paranoid it will get out of hand. But if people are responsible enough, it never will get out of hand. I'm living proof of that. Sadly, my last guild got eaten by drama whores that one of the other officers invited and protected and the guild leader wasn't around to handle it. So, I'm on to a new guild.

One that's just as fun, lets me mess around and be my mouthy self. I don't fear drama happening because, even though everyone rough houses verbally, they know there are lines. They were polite to me until they knew that they could get away with saying just about anything to me and I'll just throw it back at them. Or I'll send myself to the kitchen and they don't get jack shit from my sammiches.

Those are the best raid environments, imo. Because they fit best with my personality. The moment something goes bad, it gets taken care of. Communication is clear and the jokes are made to be jokes and are taken as jokes. No one can worm their way in, no one gets special treatment, because we're all there for the fun and for the raiding. I don't let people treat me special. I balk when my new boyfriend tries to give me shit. I wouldn't take it from anyone else. The only time I've been flat out given anything was half a stack of int flasks because I farmed the hell out of Pandaria and filled the guild bank with herbs and went pot spec just because my 25 man guild didn't have one. And I'm more than happy with just that much.

... Shit, my new guild actually gave my loot to someone else and made me beg him for it. My boyfriend turned around and offered 'favors' to the guy so he'd give me my loot. Damn, I love my guild.

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Re: "Women and Raiding?" The stupidest blog post I have seen

Unread post by Nevish »

Ooooh yeah, drama queens do exist. I had quite a few for raid leaders. It's an alpha female mentality where they need to be the center of attention for what's mostly imagined favoritism. I've only encountered a few of these women, the worst one being a traveling PUG raider who had a guild bodycount. But I've also encountered just as many dudes who are the same exact way, if not often worse.

Generally speaking, when a certain stereotype is applied to a guy - let's say he's a loot addict - it's usually a bad reflection upon his personal character. But apply that to a woman, and suddenly it's an infliction unto the female gender. XKCD addressed it here: http://xkcd.com/385/

Double-standards, yo.


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Re: "Women and Raiding?" The stupidest blog post I have seen

Unread post by Lisaara »

Shadow wrote:For the article...

Oh, yes. There are women out there who like to do this. There are women who like to cram their shit down your throat and if you don't take it, they get pissy and they will whine. To everyone. There are women who like to try to pretend they're better, or know what they're doing, despite how obvious it is that they don't. Some will pick the 'alpha' of the guild and cower in his shadow. Some will flirt with anything that moves. Some haven't got a sense of humor and get offended over the tiniest things and will scream favoritism if someone else gets loot or is treated differently (god forbid it's because the other member is a trusted veteran of the guild).

I hate them.

Thing is. There are also males who act like this. I hate them, too.

I fear other female gamers until I get to know them. I don't know. It's been hard for me to find friendly female gamers. I've had some try to start drama with me (never flies well, I am very good at crushing it), I've had some try to spread rumors about me... Hello high school, I don't believe I ever left you... Even though I'm almost at my mid-twenties. But the women that I do get close to, I feel as comfortable around as anyone else online.

For myself...

The only time I would ever flirt was if I wasn't taken seriously. And I have done it in raid groups. I've had soap opera-esque dramas play out, much to everyone's amusement, including those involved. No one was hurt, no loot was thrown my way, it was simply for the sheer amusement of everyone around me, because that's the kind of person I am. Perverted, laid back, and I find it hilarious when people doubt if I'm female or not (no mic!). Leading to a very fun scenario of 'omg dude you're flirting with a dude'. Which, I don't know. Maybe it's just me, I just found it hilarious because in that same group, there was a gay bromance going on between one of the officers and a mage. Sometimes they would pull in one of the tanks and it would just explode with crazy and be hilarious to watch play out.

And yet, no one took it seriously. Because everyone knew it was for fun. And that's the only atmosphere I feel safe to be myself in. If people are super serious, I don't get to have fun, I don't get to tease people, I don't get to mock them and trade back and forths. I don't get to be treated like 'one of the guys' because they're paranoid it will get out of hand. But if people are responsible enough, it never will get out of hand. I'm living proof of that. Sadly, my last guild got eaten by drama whores that one of the other officers invited and protected and the guild leader wasn't around to handle it. So, I'm on to a new guild.

One that's just as fun, lets me mess around and be my mouthy self. I don't fear drama happening because, even though everyone rough houses verbally, they know there are lines. They were polite to me until they knew that they could get away with saying just about anything to me and I'll just throw it back at them. Or I'll send myself to the kitchen and they don't get jack shit from my sammiches.

Those are the best raid environments, imo. Because they fit best with my personality. The moment something goes bad, it gets taken care of. Communication is clear and the jokes are made to be jokes and are taken as jokes. No one can worm their way in, no one gets special treatment, because we're all there for the fun and for the raiding. I don't let people treat me special. I balk when my new boyfriend tries to give me shit. I wouldn't take it from anyone else. The only time I've been flat out given anything was half a stack of int flasks because I farmed the hell out of Pandaria and filled the guild bank with herbs and went pot spec just because my 25 man guild didn't have one. And I'm more than happy with just that much.

... Shit, my new guild actually gave my loot to someone else and made me beg him for it. My boyfriend turned around and offered 'favors' to the guy so he'd give me my loot. Damn, I love my guild.
Rofl. You sure you weren't in my raiding teams? Cause those are the kind I'm usually in. XD I never got favoritism either. It was just good ol' fashioned funnin' while raidin'.

Sig Credits: Lisaara, Ashaine

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