Aquatic pets

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Aquatic pets

Unread post by FirstChAoS »

A few posts made a few comments on the idea of aquatic pets. I got to thinking on this, and what families, diets, and abilities they may have. As well as taming and glyphs.

TAMING LEVELS: basic aquatic pet taming would give you a pet usable in water only. Advanced aquatic training allows aquatic pets to be on land in water bubbles except for sea turtles, hydras, and threshadons who lurch across the ground on their flippers. Aquatic pets function like normal pets except for a slight speed increase when in the water.


PET: shark
DIET: meat, fish
ATTACK: frenzy: the shark bites multiple times at once.

PET: ray
DIET: fish
ATTACK: sting: adds a poison DoT to the target.

PET: grouper
DIET: fish, meat
ATTACK: swallow: a stun attack with a "swallowed by grouper" appearance for the duration.

PET: puffer
DIET: fish, meat, cheese
ATTACK: inflate: increases the puffers health and armor. when it deflates it loses this bonus but purges debuffs.

PET: sea lion
DIET: meat, fish
ATTACK: bounce rush: the sea lion bounces back and forth off multiple targets dazing them.

PET: carp
DIET: meat, fish, fruit, cheese, bread
ATTACK: turbidity: the carp stirs up a dirt cloud reducing targets hit rating.

PET: remora
DIET: fish, meat
ATTACK: cling attack: the remora attaches to the target, slowing movement and doing damage over time.

PET: frenzy
DIET: fish, meat
ATTACK: ravenous school: a few smaller, low HP, frenzies get summoned and attack the target along side it.

PET: sea turtle
DIET: fish, meat, fruit, fungus
ATTACK: shell shield: as per normal turtles, but the shields looks more like a water bubble than a glowing dome.

PET: sea snake
DIET: meat, fish
ATTACK: stacking poison. a short lived poison, each dose is weak, but it can stack multiple times for more power.

PET: mana worm
DIET: fish, meat, bread, cheese, fruit, potions, enchanting mats
ATTACK: mana grab: deals a quarter of the HP damage it inflicts to the targets mana bar.

PET: eel
DIET: meat, fish, cheese
ATTACK: shock: an AoE attack.


PET: orca
DIET: fish, meat
ATTACK: jump slam: the orca grabs the target and leaps back, slamming them when it lands. This stuns and does major damage.

PET: whale shark
DIET: fish, meat
ATTACK: charge through: a charge that stuns the current target and any others it hits. it charges the full length even if the target is closer than the range limit. (thus charges through the target hitting any behind it).

PET: squid
DIET: fish, meat
ATTACK: ink: reduces targets hit and can daze if it hits while target is already inked.

PET: hydra
DIET: fish, meat, cheese
ATTACK: regenerate:A slow HoT on the hydra.

PET: threshadon
DIET: fish, meat, cheese
ATTACK: whip strike: the hydra whips its neck hitting for an instant crit.


GLYPH OF AIR SWIMMING: your aquatic pets swim in the air rather than float in water bubbles.

GLYPH OF AQUATIC UPGRADE: makes turtles and crabs count as aquatic pets thus a water speed increase and effected by aquatic glyphs. (debated it making spiders pycognids, scorpions eurypterids, worms sea worms, beetles diving beetles, and monkeys... welll... sea monkeys, but that may be too much).

GLYPH OF BLOOD IN THE WATER: On a crit, other aquatic critters appear to attack the target alongside your main pet.

GLYPH OF BUBBLING: Your pet creates bubbles that refresh your breath.
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Re: Aquatic pets

Unread post by Azunara »

I like the idea of Aquatic pets. And there's precedent in other games, and I think it could work. The pet switching automatically might be interesting to work out unless you'd have to immediately spawn a new pet, but perhaps they could borrow from the old dismiss pet on mount technique to help that one out. Regardless, my only real nitpicks are--

Whale shark seems awfully big for a hunter to tame? Those things are huge--there just ain't a frost trap big enough for them. ;)

Hydras, I feel, should not be BM only. The amount of rage it would cause for a pet EVERYONE has wanted to be a single spec would be insane.
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Re: Aquatic pets

Unread post by Lisaara »

I'd personally say nay to the sky glyph as that would see VERY silly.

Also, Hydras seem like a BM thing to me and BM hasnt gotten much exotic love lately. But that's just me. (as in new families, not adding in to existing ones).

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