The Dark Rangers, like Sylvanas, are also banshees possessing elf bodies though. While I see no problem with having elf ears available for the undead, perhaps this was something that happened fairly rarely in lore?SpiritBinder wrote:No no, I think you may be right, that’s why the Alliance sends non humans into Silverpine. (as you can see when you play through the storyline there). They send dwarves and elves, because they supposedly can't be resurrected into Forsaken. However you can also see undead elven rangers too, and Sylvanas herself is a dead elf, sooooo yeah? I'm sure it would not be that far of a stretch to include it. And who knows, maybe now with the Valkyries helping out, they don’t have quite the same issue of raising different races into undeath as the plague did? Anyway, it was more just for giggles... who knows, maybe I'll try and DarkIron Dwarf next ; )Wain wrote:The Forsaken look for other races is a pretty cool idea. The high elf looks fantastic.
I'm not sure of the lore, but I thought the Forsaken were supposed to be the citizens of Lordaeron, which were humans. They just happen to be led by the crazed undead blood elf who freed them. But maybe I got that wrong. Plus it would make sense that any undead high elves who broke free would also flock to Undercity.
It would be great to have the options of playing Dark Iron or Wildhammer dwarves, along with Mag'har orcs. As they said they are doing continuous updates, perhaps we'll get all of these things in time, but not initially. Fingers crossed.