Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

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cowmuflage wrote:Man people still think Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2 is racist. >.>
Even if she was(I know she's not), I probably wouldn't give a damn. She's too awesome. XD

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Re: Rant Thread

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I am so hungry but there is nothing to eat that doesn't make me feel ill ;a; And we can't afford to go to the store for the rest of the month.. I don't know what to do .. D:

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Re: Rant Thread

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Sick sick and more sick. Sick of being sick. :|
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Re: Rant Thread

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It feels like something is chewing on the back of my legs ugh I hate heavy manual labor I want to go back in time and punch myself before I apply for this temp. job

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Re: Rant Thread

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I think i must have some sort of curse - this might sound weird but everytime i really want something or have been working towards something and tell people about it, they go ahead and do it before me/get the item before me. Like it sounds like a dumb thing to mad at but it frustrates the crap out of me!

For example I go farm for a mount in wow - I spend weeks and weeks working on w/e it is and I tell someone what I'm doing they go "oh thats great" go do the same thing and bam they get long before I do. My fiance tells me to just say nothing but I feel bad if I do that...especially if they ask how I'm able to farm it >>

In the real world I've waited 10yrs to get married so my dream has always been a honeymoon trip to Japan. Like i've refused to go there on holiday because thats my special trip of a lifetime right. I told someone at work who got married this year and guess where they decided to go....yep Japan. I was pissed beyond belief! Like Ok I know I don't own Japan as a honeymoon spot...and if it was just a holiday there I wouldn't care but the fact I told her all this stuff and then lo and behold they are going there...and before me too...makes me really sad. I don't hold anything against her personally or anything but yeah just feels like they've stolen my idea/dream alittle. Maybe I should just shut up in future :S


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Re: Rant Thread

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If I could de-curse people I would de-curse you!
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Re: Rant Thread

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I'm scared....just frightened of not being able to play WoD......I'm a broke 27 year old gamer....with almost 8 years in this game, I'm frightened by needing upgrades to a computer i have had for over five or six years, :(
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Niabi »

My Nook HD reset while I was napping! WTF!? Why did this happen?

But since it's linked with my Barnes and Noble account, all of my ebooks and apps were saved and restored easily ... thank the stars, my wallet has been saved! I just need to redownload my Avast! Antivirus and YouTube apps again.

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Re: Rant Thread

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She complains that she never gets to spend time with us because by the time she comes back from work, we're all asleep/in bed, so when she's got days off work she... invites her girlfriend over and locks herself in her room. Okaaaay. How can she complain if she's literally locking herself away whenever she's available to actually see us? I understand wanting to spend time with your significant other but at least me and my other friend attempted to integrate ours and now they're part of the 'group' too. I just don't get what she wants from us.

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Re: Rant Thread

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cowmuflage wrote:If I could de-curse people I would de-curse you!
Aw thanks cowmu! :hug:

2nd rant: My mums neighbour is a total complete asshole. There really is no other way to describe this man. She's almost 70 and lives alone. She doesn't bother anyone but yet this douchebag thinks its ok to yell and threaten her cause he wants to do what he wants and no one can tell him otherwise. My mum has not spoken to them (he has a wife but she doesn't do anything) in a whole year - today he desides its ok to put his bin on her verge. This would be ok except last time he did this the council didn't collect her bin cause they assumed she had two and thats not allowed. So she asks him to please move it as she needs her bin collected. He says no i want to put it there! She explained she needs her bin collected it's full. Then it begins....he starts ripping into her and saying stuff like "nobody loves you, your all alone, your a nightmare of a neighbour!" She phones me in tears :cry:

Now the next part wasn't the "smart" thing to do but boy it felt good. Me and my fiance come over and show that fuckwit people DO love her. My fiance moves his bin and we wait. He comes out all innocent and moves it back so I start MY tyrade at him. He isn't so brave now is he! I tell him this is the third time and I'm sick of his shit. They rent from state housing and they are not the best tenants. So i say to stop it else we will complain. He goes good good complain then. He goes you don't know what happened she yelled at me. Oh really? Maybe she was upset cause she was just attacked by you! He then has the utter cheek to tell me I "don't know my own mother" are you fucking serious!! I lived with her for 27yrs I think I do and I lived at home when you did half the shit we've had to put with!! he slinks back inside....

At this point my fiance is trying to pull me away as i'm pretty shaken up and angry at this point but I don't care. He deserved a dose of his own medicine! We told mum to call the police next time and to complain to state housing. She doesn't want to be a bad neighbour but seriously who cares. Its the THIRD time hes done this. He had his chance - chance gone. I will be complaining too. The first time he kicked at her door ffs and the second he threw rocks up at her. Enough. She's putting up a 1.6mtre fence out the front on tuesday because of them...wish it had been sooner. :evil:


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Re: Rant Thread

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Wow Castile what an asshole, I hope he gets what he deserves. I hate nasty, rude neighbours. >___<

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Re: Rant Thread

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Wow, what a fuckbucket, Castile! I would've laid into him too!

Rant: Hey...step-father-in-law.....when the vet says "stop giving the dog treats just because he's cute", that doesn't mean "keep giving him treats cause I can't help it cause he's cute".

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Re: Rant Thread

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Thanks guys :hug: The worse thing is she refuses to complain now because she thinks everyone will hate her. Its just ludicrous really that hes managed to convince her shes the "bad guy" when he's the worst kind of human being I can imagine atm. I complained already so hopefully that helps.

Edit: So apparently this guy can say wtf he want as long as it isn't racial or religious and the state housing doesn't care..So upset at that! But two people at work have offered me their lawyer friends to send the fear of god into him if he does it again, might just be an option!


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Re: Rant Thread

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Woooow. I say take it up with the lawyer, yeah.

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Re: Rant Thread

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I am so not in the fucking mood for today.

Old housemate has randomly invited himself over. He probably considers himself to still be my friend... but he's not. No. He fucked us over and made our life hell last year. No. Fuck you. My boyfriend doesn't want to see him either, no one in this house really gives a damn. Guess I'll be out of the house for most of today then.

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Krysteena »

Can I get one night of sleep this week, without crying myself to sleep please? I'd appreciate it quite a lot. I don't want to lie there with less than happy thoughts, wishing I could be someone else.

These last two years have been shit, frankly. Near Easter, my Aunt was admitted to hospital. She'd fallen down the stairs (because some fucking company didn't want to move them to a house with no stairs. They're 80! They can't climb up and down stairs!) I dedicated all my time to her, going with my Nan every evening to see her. Then, after a month, my Grandma died. It was a complete shock. She'd said nothing to us, and I felt awful because I hadn't seen her in 2 months. I had the holiday to get over it, and I was back to normal.

Now my Aunt was starting to lose her marbles. She's speak of seeing snakes and floating pots in the hospitals and as soon as we could we got her out. She went to a home, several actually, and I helped along with others to move everything out. A month passes by, in a fancy home. I go to see her, as it was the first time I'd been to see her after she'd moved and I nearly burst into tears. It was like watching someone die before you. Slowly wasting away into nothing, with the knowledge that soon you'll never see them again. Shortly after moving back into a different home she was dead. 6 months after my Grandma I lost another.

But I always had Grandad. He was a loon. Always doing something odd to someone. Taking his teeth out, trying to be with the cool kids. But he was brilliant, and I love him. I won't lie. He was big. No problems. He was healthy. I was due to see him this summer. I come home, second from last day of year 10 and I'm met with "Grandad is dead." Not even a year after these two deaths I'm struck with another one, and I can't describe the pain I feel. The three most important people to me have left me. I wanted them to see me grow up. Get into college. Get married. That's all gone now. They've gone, and I've debated killing myself. I don't want to admit I've thought this, but I have. The pain, when I think it's gone, comes back even worse and no one realises how I feel. Grandma ad Aunty Joy dead. Mum is hurt. Grandad is dead. Dad. Does no one turn to me, and realise I feel all this pain? That I felt every death worse than the one before? That it's stacking up, and I don't want to go on?

Everyone is moving on with their life. My friends are getting boyfriends. Heh. Odd. I recently broke up with mine, and I still love him. He doesn't love me, and has a crush on one of my best friends. When I thought he was coming to see me at lunch, it was a lie. He was only after my friend. I shouldn't care, but I do. My other friend who's been battling depression found a boyfriend. She's no longer suffering from depression, and is moving on. I'm happy for her. Why is it that everyone else is moving forward, and I'm stuck going in reverse?

And fuck walking home with my friend and her boyfriend. Fuck it. I'm not third wheeling for no one! I've already lost one friend bedside she's glued to her boyfriend. I'm being left behind now. But it's alright. I've felt this before. Someone should take me under their wing at some point. Rinse and repeat.

/end rant. Sorry for ze huge wall of text. Normally I'd type this to myself (yes, I'm that lonely I've got a note page for talking about my shitty life because no one else will listen) but it hasn't been helping.
Last edited by Krysteena on Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Lisaara »

*gives big hugs to Kayro* I know what it's like to lose people right in a row. My grandmother died two days before my 16th birthday almost....10 years ago now.....and I was one of the people that had to help decide whether she stayed in life support or not and it still haunts me to this day. My grandfather whom was perfectly healthy died a year later out of the blue. I've got one grandmother left and her health has been recently declining.

But whatever you do...don't give up. People do care about you.....sometimes it doesn't seem like it but they do care. I know for a fact we care about you here. We'd be very upset if something happened to you. So keep fighting...things will turn around. It may take time but it will happen eventually.

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Re: Rant Thread

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*hugs Kayro* Junrei's right, you have friends here who care about you. While I don't know what it feels like to lose multiple family members in a row like that, I do know how it's like to lose multiple pets in a row, and the pain from that is just as devastating, though there are some people who don't believe so. Last year, my boyfriend's sisters lost both their cats to feline leukemia (one that spring, the other around Christmas), and then his grandparents' dog, Dock, died from being struck by a car that summer. I loved those pets and watched them grow up. I was especially close to Dock, because he helped me deal with the loss of my own dog six (will be seven next month) years ago, so his death hit me extra hard, and I'm not even over my own dog's loss.

I'm sorry, that probably doesn't help at all, but I'm not that good at this kind of thing. But, hang in there, I would also be upset if something happened to you. If you ever feel the need to rant, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM, and I'll do my best to listen to whatever you need to let out.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Silivren »

So after getting almost robbed at my store last night. Being freaked the hell out because these guys robbed the store before and weren't caught, they threatened to kill the workers there that night. It doesn't help that all of us late nighters are females and these were big scary men. Then tonight. Ding Dong Ditchers. But not your normal kind. The kind that bang on your door like they're being killed then hide in the woods behind your house in the middle of the night. Top it off I'm gunna be alone in our house all weekend and I'm an anxiety riddled mess. /sigh


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Niabi »

@ Kayro: You poor thing! I can only imagine the amount of pain your having to cope with right now. One death right after another with no time to breathe. I'm usually an optimistic individual but I'm going to come right out and say it --- life is a concentrated shitstorm sometimes! Please hang in there, k? You are stronger than you'll ever know. :hug:

@ Kenna: I'm so happy that you are ok! Jesus! I think I'd up and quit my job after having to go through something like that. Please stay safe. Invite someone over to stay with you over the weekend so your not alone.

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