Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

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Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Rhyela »

So, on weekends where I might have a little bit of time to play something, I want to play WoW again. I've been off it for some months due to school and all that junk. However, I'm a little torn. I went to another server since my home server is full, and I want to play a Horde character. It's between a troll hunter or a tauren shaman. I was liking the idea of giving pets silly/fancy names like Jenkins/Belvedere/Parappa (the Raptor), etc. And my troll has delightfully bouncy braids. But on the other hand, I'm already very familiar with a hunter and I think it might get old/stale quickly.

As far as the shaman goes, I've only ever played as enhancement, and only on one character. I have absolutely no experience with the elemental or restoration specs. Furthermore, I could support my husband as a healer if needed, as he made a tauren paladin. I was undecided between tauren and troll shaman (if I go that route) because the tauren's casting animation looks a bit off. They put both hands forward but the spell only comes out of the right, while the troll puts both hands forward and the spell comes from the middle (and it looks almost exactly like a Kamehameha attack which is awesome). However, I think the tauren just look and feel better as shamans overall, from the naturey aspect of their beliefs to the way the armor looks on them.

My troll hunter I named Gazmon and my tauren shaman I named Bolok, and I can't decide which one I prefer to play in my limited time. :( Ideas/suggestions, and why?


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Re: Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Vephriel »

Aw, is the tauren a male? :) I'd have to vote for him in that case. Male tauren are one of my favourites of the new model revamps, they have so much character now and they can be so endearing! I think they'd make a great shaman (I have a baby tauren shaman myself I rolled recently).

I've been rolling a ton of alts this expansion in all honesty, and it really has been fun to branch out into non-hunter classes. I think you should give it a try!
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Re: Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Rhyela »

Yes, definitely a male! I've never been a fan of female tauren, and I agree that the males look amazing after the model updates.

If I was already familiar with shamans, I think I'd have a harder time deciding. I feel that the shaman is probably the way to go this time. Thank you for your response, Vephriel! :D


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Castile »

I really like my shaman so I'd say give another class a go. I also love Tauren lore and just their overall feel. If you wanna roll a Troll i'd suggest a Druid just because their forms are so funky and unique.


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Re: Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Shade »

I would say give the shaman a chance-it really is a very flexible class.

I play elemental so I am going to talk about that as it is the one that I am the most familiar with. And funny side note, I searched my toon's name to look up the name of a talent and on Wow she is one of the first three to pop up in the search with that name. That was fun to learn :P

Tsubame is my second main, I love her just as much as my hunter.

It is a very easy spec to master and can hit like a brick in AOE situations when raiding, which is a fave of mine as I love to see those numbers fly.

They have really good mobility with their ghost wolf form-it is not indoor outdoor only, does not get canceled or stun you if you get hit, is usable in the middle of a fight to get the heck away from bad things, and does not have a time limit or usage restriction like pretty much every other speed burst ability in the game. They cannot cast spells while moving on their own, but they do have an ability that will allow casting while moving for a short period of time and in looks like in Legion they will get some more abilities to cast while moving.

They can also do some decent backup healing on the fly with Ancestral Guidance and the Healing Rain ability, though nowhere near as well as Resto of course. IF you are in a five man you can usually try to keep a tank and a group up if the healer dies. If the tank is good with using their own defensive and healing CDs you can be successful in preventing wipes.

Overall, having leveled one of each of the ranged classes and played most of the spec options out of all over those at least for a bit, I will say it is my favorite spell caster. They can AOE dps like no other, heal, take a good few hard hits as they are mail instead of cloth, can go to ghost wolf with no indoor/outdoor restrictions, and they can summon earth elementals for short (and okay kinda crappy) tanking moments.

The only major downside to the spec would be that in raiding, while you can do massive AOE damage, it boils down to casting chain lighting, earthquake and then spamming chain lighting for quick to die large group pulls. You will be doing this a lot. It can get a bit boring if you are used to juggling a very intense rotation.
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Re: Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Rhyela »

I ended up going with both! XD I play my shaman with my husband, and my hunter by myself. I really appreciate all the info about the shaman class, it is very helpful!


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Slickrock wrote:Given their current trend, we'll probably get a spirit toucan that farts loops.
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Re: Class Decisions.....(not Legion-related)

Unread post by Karathyriel »

Castile wrote:I also love Tauren lore and just their overall feel.
I wish the Tauren had more influence and spotlight in WoW lore.
They seem so negelected to me. Nothing ever happened with Tauren, except Garrosh killing Cairne and Baine taking over, which, in all honesty, changed nothing.

I played Tauren as Warrior, Death Knight, Shaman and Hunter so far, males only.

Yep, more Tauren is what the world needs.
(But more Trolls is no mistake either! ;) )
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