Why do you like or hate Legion?

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Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Iowawolf »

Simple question as to why you like or hate Legion.

For me I am liking Legion a lot more now than I was in the beginning due to after hitting 110 on my new main hunter Azerothwolf and having Titanstrike with Hati I went into Ulduar last night and came two bosses away from a full solo clear on 10 player only thing was Yogg holding me back he kept draining my sanity and no matter how many things I killed he got me mad so I quit. But I also went into 10 normal Firelands and wiped it clear all bosses it was great seeing Hati help me kill them even Shannox fell to my Hati.

Legion has its good and bad moments but being able to finally do what many have been doing for years feels great I can now join the rat race for those mounts.

EDIT to add another thing I am liking about Legion is the appearance tab before this if we wanted a set of armor or a sweet weapon we had to farm constantly on that one character and hope RNG was kind. Having the tab meant even if my main hunter didn't get the full Rift Stalker set in one go I could throw my alts in the Eye and SSC for those tokens knowing they have to drop on at least my alts.
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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Legion has been one of my favourite expansions to date - even rivaling WotLK at points (though Wrath will always be my favourite).

I'm not really sure how to adequately summarize it. I have loved every moment honestly. The story lines, the zones, the nods to Northrend especially. ELVES instead of orcs! <333 Suramar and the Nightfallen campaign were incredible. There's always something to do, and I know some people feel overwhelmed by it but to me it's wonderful. I always feel like I have something I can be working toward, and if I don't feel like doing it yet, I know it's there for later. Just take it at your own pace. :)

Despite all the doom and gloom surrounding hunters before Legion arrived, BM has been absolutely amazing and I love my spec so much. It feels great, it performs great, and I'm having a ton of fun playing it.

I love the order halls, I love all the little quality of life improvements, I love the concept of world quests and how I can go out and see the world and not be stuck somewhere bored out of my mind.

I've actually been raiding, and doing a lot of mythic+ dungeons. My friend and I have been working hard because there's an artifact appearance I need for my RP character, and even though it felt daunting at first, we're getting there slowly but surely!

I don't know, this expansion has just been...really fantastic. :) I've fallen in love with the game again.
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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Talihawk »

Over all there is a lot to like about Legion and a lot that isn't so hot. I really don't like what they've done to hunters. I miss my old abilities and felt like I brought so much more to the table so to speak. I really dislike BM artifact weapon. I'm not big on guns, so I'm quite happy we can transmog over it.

However I've loved the story lines, the majority of the quests, (though some have driven me nuts) the graphics are absolutely beautiful. The 'grinding' hasn't been as horrible and I've enjoyed the dungeons and raids save for one (eye of ashara). I really loved the Legion Invasions and I'm looking forward to those starting up again, even if they'll be more quest / scenario like than big area boss fights.

I am glad getting flight won't be as bad as it was in WoD. Getting to ride my own mounts on some flight paths is pretty nifty, and I've really loved several of the new mounts and beasts . ( still want to tame the unicorns dang it!)


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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Wain »

I love the world. I love the zone quests, though some more than others - Suramar is beautifully done and I thought the Highmountain and Val'sharah quest chains were really good too. I'm really impressed with the World Quest system as a replacement for dailies, I think they're a great design. And I love that they went to a lot of effort to add interesting quests to professions.

On the dislike side, I think the class redesign has tainted the expansion quite badly. Not only because I think that the team failed to deliver a solid redesign on time (it seems to me that they were overwhelmed and it shows at so many levels) but I think the new design itself is poorly conceived, at least from the perspective of player enjoyment. I think the company owes an awful lot to the quest and world teams for creating such an enjoyable world, or the class changes would have driven an exodus far greater than Warlords. Also on the dislike side I feel that my crafting professions don't produce items that are worth wasting time on. The quests are great, the actual gear not so much. But given that gear is so easy to get from other sources it isn't anything game breaking, more just a shame.
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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Other than the following, I very much like legion.

What I DON'T like is the very heavy emphasis put on doing dungeons/raids. Almost all crafting recipes are dungeon/raid drops. Class hall quest lines require dungeons. Class quests require dungeons. Ending a zone requires a dungeon.

I don't like being forced to group with strangers to do things that MUST be done.

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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Talihawk »

The dungeon thing is very challenging and frustrating. It's great if you have a large guild, but not so much if you've got a small one and happen to play a class that isn't well respected or pulling a decent amount of dps. It wouldn't bug me so much if we could use the automatic group finder on all of them, it is just super annoying to continually get turned down by premade groups. It becomes a vicious cycle of ' you have to have such and such gear to get into this dungeon, yet you need to do the dungeons to get such and such gear. '

Doing the actual dungeons has been enjoyable. It's trying to deal with rude people that's been the major turn off.


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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Sukurachi »

Talihawk wrote:Doing the actual dungeons has been enjoyable. It's trying to deal with rude people that's been the major turn off.
Soul-crushing experiences with "rude" people in PUGs have turned me off completely to doing dungeons with strangers. And sadly, three of my in-game friends recently stopped playing.

I've been spending more time doing old world content and levelling up lowby toons than in Legion.

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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Rawr »

I hate my new class fantasy and how pets keep getting dumbed down. :| :mrgreen:


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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Bulletdance »

I love the new transmogg and pets, but I hate the return of elitism and pandering to raiders. LFR isn't just for losers who sleep walk through it's fun to go in with a random group of strangers and not rewarding having fun in a videogame you have to pay for is stupid beyond all reason. I could see different colored mounts, cosmetics, and quest rewards for harder things though I cannot stand that you get nothing for LFR and worse off some dungeons are only mythic. As a disabled person I can tell you it's not about skill it's about accessibility. If I can't get in the building because I don't have the time or health to wait hours for a group to form then I can't out dps a lot of people whereas if lfg existed for that dungeon I could have easily. Also they killed Varian so this my least fav expansion of all time. I liked Vol'Jin too :(
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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Makoes »

I love how much stuff there is to do in Legion, and the WQ's are awesome!!!! I can pick and choose what rewards I want to go after, what to power up and where I want to quest, and have something to do where I want to be.

The biggest downside I've found so far though, is how un-Alt friendly it is...


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Re: Why do you like or hate Legion?

Unread post by Xella »

Nighthold and Suramar are gorgeous, Val'sharah is fantastic as are parts of Azsuna and Stormheim, and Highmountain... has a couple square feet of attractive locale, somewhere, probably. The appearance tab is a godsend, even if two shirts (White Tuxedo Shirt and Green Holiday Shirt) are still not correctly being added to it (I should submit another bug report on that, I haven't since 7.1.5 actually went live I think, hrm...). Brawler's Guild adding more shirts (that I admittedly haven't found much of an appearance niche for yet) made me super duper happy, and my druid finished Balance of Power yesterday and can now spec swap to feral and idle around Dalaran as a pretty kitty (and, once I do 30-something more dungeons and kill 500-something more people, can also tank things as a glowbear).

Unfortunately, I've nearly quit more times this expansion than any other in the past because of CRZ in current content (which flips the faction ratio on my PvP server (that I don't even want to be on except that you can't be guilded or raid mythic cross-server) from "significantly in my favour which makes it almost tolerable" to "exactly the same garbage I spent money to get away from back in Cataclysm"), the hunter changes (I am still not reconciled to the "new" BM, the loss of survival, and how marksmanship continues its twelve-year reign as the least fun you could ever have with a bow and arrows) and the changes to ffxGlow that went in when 7.0 went live (the mage invis effect that makes me super nauseous and is used in the "bat phase" of Tichondrius which means I get to ride the bench every time we do the fight on a difficulty higher than Normal). I've switched from a 6mo money-sub to game tokens for the past two months, and while I purchased a third, I may not end up using it if the invis thing isn't fixed by the time the account expires toward the end of February.

Or if I don't get the Love Rocket this year. Or both. We'll see how that goes; if Crown Chemical Co. truly is level-flexing and I can run all 50 characters (or as many as I end up having time for daily) through it for fifteen days, that will be both an extremely good thing and (if it doesn't pay off) an exceptionally awful thing, rofl.
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