Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Ana »

I enjoyed the read


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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

I hadn't used one of those types of silithids before I quit WoW so that was a cool report to see, Nef. :)

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

I tried to get the basics, like model,animations and such. I tried other colors of the sandreavers briefly but didn't really click with them on that toon, I think Schyte is going to stay in Bixy's stables, for now at least.
I'll get to the boar soon, tamed it and took some screenies, just need to actually write the report :)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Oh, I haven't done one of these in a while, and I'd love to have something to do between WQs, if you wouldn't mind? :)

Name: Krysteena
Level: 110
Exotics: Aye~
Restrictions: I can't tame Feathermanes or mechical creatures yet, and I'd prefer a lack of monkeys/gorillas. Krysteena does have a red/black theme going bc of an rp idea, but I feel like I'm getting too picky there so that's not a necessary thing :)

Edit: I also love reading all the different reports - there are so many forgotten models getting some love here <3
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

Okay on to the black draenor boar.

After heading from Stormshield to Frostfire ridge Seri whent searching and eventally found some piggies


That is one big piggy ..

Meet Snort

First Impressions
I *really* like this model, much more than I thought I would, it looks far more natural than the older boars.
As I suspected Snort is a good tank that holds aggro well and can take a decent beating.

Took him along while doing some garrison stuff.

Over all Impression
I liked Snort far more than I expected to. He is definately going to be a permanent part of Seri's stables.
A nice more organic model with nice relatively natural movements, the run is a pretty natural looking trot.
Good tank that can take a decent beating as it doles one out.

Resting at the Garrison after a busy day.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Yeah, it's fun to see what the system will come up with. :) Occasionally I am the system if depending on a person's restrictions or if there's been a lot of reports of some creatures and not others so I'll look for something that fits that hasn't been shown off in a while. :)

Going to roll one pet in your color scheme, and one other type so you can choose what you want to go for. If it's in your stables, as always, it's asked you report on it anyway. You can always request more rolls. :)
Dark Bear
Blue-Black Water Strider

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Oh, thank you~ I'll begin working on my report shortly :)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

Name: Serinar
Level: 104 currently.
Exotics: No
Mechanics: No
Restrictions: Dark colored pets prefered to fit with her theme.

Name: Bixy
Level: 60
Exotics: yes
Mechanics: yes
Restrictions: Nope

And if I might ask for an 'extra' roll

Name: Dusk
Level: currently 88 89 90
Exoics: No
Mechanicals: No
Restrictions: Not really a restriction but thought I would mention it, I'm trying to keep with the night/day kind of thing on her so I've been trying to stay with grayscale,black or white pets on her, but seeing as she has 3 pets over all it's not working too well this far :D so any color works really., I welcome anything that could fit into the theme regardless of color.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Sorry, I got kind of lazy today as I had baby to care for and a paper to write for school. I likely won't get rolls up until Wednesday or Friday. Tuesday/Thursday's I'm at school for like 14 hours, and even though I have a large break, my school's wi-fi is total crap. I will do my best to get it up Wednesday so you're not waiting too long. :)

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Krysteena »

Krysteena never approved of bears. She'd attempted to bond to many in her time as a hunter, always being prodded by other hunters that they were good, and that they were effective at getting the job done. She'd scoff, and insist to herself that Felrius was her stalwart companion - there was no need for any other creature to remain by her side. Bears were too big and their 'lope' looked undignified and uncomfortable. Which was why, when she decided to suck it up and tame herself a bear, "just to give them one last try", she never expected to bond with the beast.
Mormont, as she named him, sought to prove her otherwise. The great hulking bear, outwardly, was pleasing to look at. His ebony fur and light muzzle created an appealing contrast, but it wasn't too out of place by the mercenary's side. In fact, he proved quite effective at slinking in the shadows of his master, sometimes going unnoticed by her side. Of course, this soon faltered after Hati mimicked the look of Mormont, perhaps eager to test a new form, and it was very obvious where Krysteena was.
Yet, there was something quite satisfying about being protected on both sides by great big bears, their heads raised high and warding off any potential threats. There was a safety there that she didn't find in wolves. As such, she decided to give Mormont a run for his money in Suramar. She was highly doubtful that the guards would allow bears to wander the city, but all seemed to go according to plan. Albeit when one guard strayed too close, and Krysteena dived into the water to hide herself from view. She'd poked her head above the water, expecting to just catch a glimpse of black fur before Mormont went beneath the water's surface. However, that was not the case.
Mormont, and her other two companions, didn't seem willing to get themselves wet. No amount of urging was going to get the bears into the water, but the guard, for whatever unfathomable reason, didn't notice the bears just standing there, and left. Even when he was gone, Mormont would only just get his paws wet, and after Krysteena decided to splash the bear as a test, "surely bears aren't afraid of the water", the bear looked affronted by such an act, and shook the water from his pelt.

That settled it, then.

While in the city, Krysteena noticed that Mormont fought with a vigour she rarely saw. Her wolves always struggled in the city, and would tug and pull at the enemy to keep them from reaching their master. Mormont demanded attention, and none of the opponents shook a stick at Krysteena as long as he was there. He'd run headfirst into the fray, and any enemies that he even thought would turn away, he would knock down with a heavy paw. This was perhaps the guarding behaviour other hunters had mentioned before, but Krysteena had never seen it in any of her own pets. For Mormont, it seemed natural, and when the fighting was done, the bear loped back to Kyrsteena's side and gave a soft grunt. He sniffed over her to check for injuries, and then looked around to survey their surroundings. The way he'd thrown himself at the Nightborne was as if he, too, was aware of the injustice being done, and sought to right the wrongs. It was then that Krysteena made up her mind; she was starting to quite like Mormont.

The behaviour was always the same. Withering training, an necessarily stressful time, was made almost easy with Mormont around. Almost, being the key word.

"Hati, no!"

At the end of the day, when Krysteena had run her errands, and the lands seemed a little more peaceful, she returned to the Hunter's Lodge with Mormont beside her. Neither were worse for wear, and had even completed quests that Krysteena had been unable to do prior. It seemed that she'd found a new companion in Mormont, and gifted him a specially cooked fish for him to enjoy. Then, full up, Mormont went to a secluded area to take a nap. Unsurprisingly, he got as close to the water as he could, without actually touching it. This time, Krysteena didn't dare splash him with any water. Instead, she let the bear rest. They had work to do in the morning.


Personally, I've never liked bears. I've tried taming, like, two, but they never clicked. However, I found myself liking Mormont. He's a GoT reference, if anyone was wondering, but unlike the actual series, Mormont hasn't followed in the footsteps of any characters and, uh, met an unfortunate end. Instead, I think that Krysteena has found herself a new companion in Mormont - and he has made the WQs of Suramar city that much easier now. Why I've never thought of getting a proper tanking pet I don't know, I've just never liked any of them, and I've always been under the impression that they do less damage than the other two pet specs.

Mormont is here to stay.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

Very nice report.

Take your time Tyger :)
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Hee, when I saw Mormont's name I was like :D I always love seeing how the pets of these challenges affect people and their hunters.

Grey Beetle

Green Firefly

I'm giving Dusk 2 options, one black/white/grey per your request, and one more of the colors I think of for dusk, though I realize it's not night/day as you've said. :) You can pick which you'd prefer to try.
Black Spiked Raptor
Black Crane

Happy hunting!

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

I will likely go for the crane on Dusk , I've had a different color outland raptor on Bixy and just couldn't click with it
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

So the wasp

Bixy decided to head out to Loch Modan for one of the wasps she's seen roaming about the now dry lakebed.


And as per Bixy's tendancy for obvious names .. Meet Sting.

First impressions
While it is a nice and vibrant pet I can already tell that Sting likely will not be staying in her stables.

Bixy took Sting along with her while doing some quests around Hellfire.


Over all impression.
While this report may seem abit brief and cobbled together the reason behind it is I just did not feel it's a pet I can bond with.
The model is nice enough but as with most older models it could use work.
Fairly good dps, the attack seems to be a mix of stinging like a wasp and scratching with it's front legs.
animations are seamless and flowing.
It is over all a pretty nice pet, perhaps not as strong health wise as others but for utility you could do much worse.

However, Sting is not going to remain in Bixy's stables, that particular wasp model is just not for me.
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Krysteena »

That wasp looks huge next to Bixy! I never realised how big those guys actually were :lol:
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

Everything looks big next to her :D you should see her dear furry kodo Stomp :lol:

I like the wasps over all but that particular model .. as soon as I tamed it I was like "Uh nope!"
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Krysteena »

I can imagine that it's a glorious sight to see :lol:

The older model wasp is one that hasn't aged too well, imo, but I don't really like the wasps much as it is :')
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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

That's my favorite thing about my gnome hunter; almost all her pets look massive next to her (demon dogs have been one of the few that don't). :D

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by Nefretiti »

So .. I picked the crane for Dusk since I've had an outland raptor on Bixy and just couldn't click with it.

Dusk decided to head to The Jade Forest to look for her pretty birdy.

Eventually finding one along the rivers edge.

Meet Night.

First Impressions.
Initially I was not particularly happy about getting a crane as I've had issues clicking with them in the past but as I ran with Night she started growing on me.
A nice and relatively realistic model with beautiful colors and a movement pattern that fits the model well.

Took her with me questing around The Valley.

Over All Impression.
A nice if slightly weak pet with good dps and utility. especially as Cranes come with a rez.
Model and colors are beautiful with good if somewhat jerky animations.
In short .. I'm surprised at just how much Night has grown on me, much like Serinar's piggy Night is here to stay.

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Re: Random Pet Challenge [v4.0]

Unread post by TygerDarkstorm »

Oops, totally forgot I had already given one of your hunters that type of raptor. >_< Night looks lovely with Dusk!

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Lord Godfrey wrote:Some people only want to watch the world burn. Others want to be the ones responsible for burning it...
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