What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

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What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Rawr »

I mean in general and not just "I want" races but races with lore. Like Dryads and Keeper of the grove have a lot of history with the Alliance and I could see them being an option for the Alliance. Tuskar on the other hand are neutral so I don't see them being for either side. Centaur, Magram and Gelkis, are also neutral so I don't think either should or would be a good candidate unless they change the quests so Horde only gets rep from one clan and Alliance got the other. :mrgreen:


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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Dryads and Keepers, whilst a great race, have the issue of being unable to mount. I personally wouldn't mind if they simply got a speed boost and were capable of flying via some sort of magic, but I don't think it would go over well with the playerbase.

The Tuskarr are an option for the Horde. They are currently neutral, yes, but they formed a bond with the Horde shortly after their arrival in Northrend. In Zandalar, there are Tuskarr trading on the docks.

Arakkoa could swing towards the Alliance due to their usage of the Light in the MU. Even the AU could find a place in the Alliance, seeing as the faction has been accepting of practioners of both the Light and the Void.

Vrykul were speculated to become a playable race before Blizzcon last year. They have a ton of history to them, are probably liked by the majority of players, and the ones in Stormheim were united at the end of the God-Queen Sigryn questline. They could be a neutral race (though Blizz stated once that they never wanted to do that again), or they could swing towards the Alliance (for reasons I posted in another thread).

Earthen and Frostborn are possible allied races for the Alliance. The latter is already a rep for the Alliance, and the former would probably join the Alliance due to the Dwarves already being members. However, there are two issues I can see with them being allied races: one, there would start being a lot of dwarven races on the Alliance, and two, the Earthen may not wish to depart from the Titanforged forces.

Ethereals are a possibility. They don't have faces, true, but this could cause Blizz to be more creative with customization to compensate. I could see them being neutral or choosing one of the factions.

Ogres are a when, not an if, and will definitely go Horde. The question is whether they'll be an allied race or a true playable race. Personally, I would prefer the latter.

Mantid are an option for the Horde. They would fit better within the Horde's forces, imo, due to the Horde mostly being a group of survivors and outcasts banding together in order to claim a stake on Azeroth. Though the Mantid did turn against the Horde and Alliance in MoP, things may have changed since then. They lost their Paragons in service to Y'shaarj, which may have disillusioned some.

Jinyu and Hozen are good choices for the Alliance and Horde respectively. I have seen them as a popular request in playable race/allied races threads, and they are already allied with those factions. The only big downside with Hozen is that they have a lifespan of approx. 20 years.

Despite the possible technical hurdles, Naga are a possibility. They would fit very well with the Horde and were allied with the Sin'dorei for a time, but there could be a story excuse written for them joining the Alliance.

The uncorrupted/sane Furbolg are, for the most part, allied with the Alliance and/or the Kaldorei. The only problem standing in their way are Pandaren due to similarities, but since Blizz has given us races like Lightforged and Dark Irons, I can't see that really being as big an issue anymore.

Recent lore has shown that the Quillboar and the Tauren in Thousand Needles have been working together to help stabilize the region and, actually, have become strong friends. They would be an interesting choice for a future Horde race.

The Wildhammers are definitely going to happen at some point, it is just a matter whether they'll be an allied race or Blizz will just give Ironforge Dwarves the customization to make themselves look like one.

The Mogu would be a great fit in the Horde, but a problem would be whether or not they would be willing to lower themselves to work with races that they believe are beneath them.

As much as I love the Tol'vir and would love playing one, they have the same issue that Dryads and Keepers have.

Forsaken Elves were included in a supposed leak for future allied races. They have been a long time coming and there really isn't a reason why they shouldn't be added.

Dragonsworn were also apart of a supposed leak for a future allied races. According to the leak, they would be an Alliance allied race that are imbued with draconic power, possibly by Wrathion.

Recent lore has revealed that the Leper Gnomes are not a possiblity. Most of them are slobbering wretches, unable to interact with society, unable to accomplish anything at all. They're irradiated and driven insane, so they're usually locked away or banished for being potentially contagious.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Rozzana »

Hilariously you can find Leper Gnomes in undercity..! Now if that was the Forsaken AR and not something else, boy would people have a fit :lol:

I'll add some other options, viable or not since this is just an idea page..!

Murlocs - [Unlikely] Thematically neutral, but they could be given to the Alliance since they have more interactions with Murlocs in their zones in comparison to the Horde.

Frenzy Heart and the Oracles - [Highly Unlikely] Wolvar to the Horde, Oracles to the Alliance. Both also have shamanistic ties that relate to the factions well.

High Elves - [Possible] Highly requested and are already part of the Alliance. I don't know why they weren't the VE...

Valkyr - [Unlikely] A possibility for the Undead if Sylvanas were to find more to join her cause. It'd be really cool.

Eredar - [Unlikely] With how legion ended with "no prisoners and no witnesses"...this isn't gonna happen. But a faction seeking redemption would be very interesting for the Alliance and would have more variation than the Light Forged.

Gnolls - [Unlikely] Likely Horde due to their themes, but they could also be with the Alliance since they have a history with Hogger. Another "fun" race

Nerubians - [Highly Unlikely] They could join the Horde's forsaken. The issue being that I'm pretty sure most of them are under Bolvar's grasp (and he's up to some spooky shit) and the few freed ones are not likely to want a new master.

Qiraji - [Highly Unlikely] This would be really cool, but they'd never betray the Old Gods. Now if some did, that be awesome! And of course I mean the most humanoid forms! I could see them being rather neutral, since they can fit with either faction.

Fel Blood Elves - [Never] Unlikely, but similar customization options would be cool to give to BE or Demon Hunters.

Fel Orcs - [Never] They could have a possible redemption arc like Eredar, but for the Horde.

Pygmies - [Highly Unlikely] This would be another "fun" race that would clearly be on the Alliance.

Botani - [Never] I am Groot? I am Alliance!

Saurok - [Possible] I can see them being on the Horde and could be a nice compromise between wanting snakes and naga.

Harpies -[Highly Unlikely] I can see them being on either faction. The HM Tauren did used to have a peace with the harpies before they started acting like...harpies... and the NE could teach a small group how to rekindle their connection with nature and bring them to the Alliance.
Sporelings - [Never] I see them being on the Alliance, but they're stuck in their BC zone.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Aye, there are some there, and it makes sense that the Forsaken would allow them in their midst. They don't have to worry about the contagiousness of Leper Gnomes. Further, the Leper Gnomes in UC are mostly just assistants for Forsaken Apothecaries.

In regards to High Elves, Ion stated in an interview that they'll never add a playable High Elf race for the Alliance. However, you could view your VE as one, since there are both BEs and HEs in the Telogrus Rift, seeking the secrets of the Void.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by WerebearGuy »

No mention of the Broken? They're the most viable allied race so far. The Broken are Draenei, but transformed through horrid abuse. They've been shown to have at least Warriors, Shaman, Druid, Rogue, Mage, and Hunter across all of their various appearances. Even more, They could EASILY be set up as Demon Hunters due to their inclusion in the Illidari, allowing Broken to be the same sort of Demon Hunter compared to Goblins and their Shaman.

Warrior - The most basic class that any race can do. Pick up a weapon, and swing it.
Rogue - On Argus, the Krokuul lived in the shadows. They had to for their long, painful lives.
Hunter - Like Warrior, anyone can pick up a gun and yell at animals. Plus, they need to get meat somehow.
Shaman - Since the light had abandoned them, they needed something as a means to heal themselves.
Mage - Basic magic users, obviously anyone can do it.
Druid - The biggest stretch, but there were Druids in Outland. They turned into generic owls, but still.
Demon Hunter - They could transform into Kil'Jaeden for Havoc, and those big spiky brutes for Havoc. Excuse for cool things!

The Broken already exist in the Exodar, and the Draenei live with them as they should thanks to Velen. It's absolutely ridiculous that we haven't gotten Broken yet, considering how long they've been a part of the Alliance.


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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

Ah, yes, the Broken! I forgot to add them to my list, but they are definitely a very viable option for the Alliance. Would've made more sense for the Alliance to have gotten them over VEs, though I suppose Blizz didn't want for the Alliance to get two Draenei allied races in the first batch.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Quiv »

I wish the Saberon were better contenders. I recently finished my blackfang claw grind and forgot how much I love them. It wouldn't make sense, but I'd love it.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by SlickrockGhost »

Valnaaros wrote:Ah, yes, the Broken! I forgot to add them to my list, but they are definitely a very viable option for the Alliance. Would've made more sense for the Alliance to have gotten them over VEs, though I suppose Blizz didn't want for the Alliance to get two Draenei allied races in the first batch.
This. Broken make sense, but two Draenei variants right away would upset some.. :D

My suspicion is that we will get Kultherians, first because the story is so wrapped around them, and second, it gives other options for players who want different "body types" available.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Rozzana »

I hope they figure something out, because I think Kul'Tirans will please people, but at the same time further cement the frustration Alliance feel about Allied Races.

They get Light Forged, we get High Mountain -- but the HM are far more visually distinctive
They get VE, we get NB -- both new, but NB lore is better established and more familair
They get Dark Irons, we get Zandalari -- C'mon, DINOSAURS AND UNIQUE DRUID FORMS
They get Kul Tirans, we get WoD Orcs -- The orcs are satisfying and expansive, while the KTs look like they're going into diabetic shock.

Luckily the Alliance stuff is still being worked on, so we still don't know what they might surprise us with... but I hope their love and creativity shown with Zandalari, shows in the other races that they add for the Alliance.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

I think that, in regards to the VEs, Blizz may have felt like they didn't need to give them a ton of lore since BE and HE lore is VE lore.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by SlickrockGhost »

Rozzana wrote:I hope they figure something out, because I think Kul'Tirans will please people, but at the same time further cement the frustration Alliance feel about Allied Races.
At least the KT's bring some much needed variety besides skin tones...
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Thwip »

Valnaaros wrote:I think that, in regards to the VEs, Blizz may have felt like they didn't need to give them a ton of lore since BE and HE lore is VE lore.
While this is a great way to look at it, considering VElves are just renegade Sin'dorei doing "THE BAD" and getting kicked out of Silvermoon for it...it just would have been nice to see a teeny bit of lead up like I mentioned in the other thread. Alleria really felt like she was going to end up a One Off with her special abilities. We didn't see any other HElves or BElves messin' around with it until they were like 'Hey guis, we givin' you VOID ELVES, how 'bout dat?'

It's the smol things sometimes. Ahaha. I would have loved to just seen like....NPCs muckin' around the void area in Mac'Aree and such. Just a smidgen of 'Oh hey, stuff is going on out here.'

I'm also still trying to figure out how tinkering with The Void is "THE BAD, NO" type deal, yet Shadow Priests literally...tap into it constantly? Just...?????


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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by PrimalTazza »

Thwip wrote:
Valnaaros wrote:I think that, in regards to the VEs, Blizz may have felt like they didn't need to give them a ton of lore since BE and HE lore is VE lore.
While this is a great way to look at it, considering VElves are just renegade Sin'dorei doing "THE BAD" and getting kicked out of Silvermoon for it...it just would have been nice to see a teeny bit of lead up like I mentioned in the other thread. Alleria really felt like she was going to end up a One Off with her special abilities. We didn't see any other HElves or BElves messin' around with it until they were like 'Hey guis, we givin' you VOID ELVES, how 'bout dat?'

It's the smol things sometimes. Ahaha. I would have loved to just seen like....NPCs muckin' around the void area in Mac'Aree and such. Just a smidgen of 'Oh hey, stuff is going on out here.'

I'm also still trying to figure out how tinkering with The Void is "THE BAD, NO" type deal, yet Shadow Priests literally...tap into it constantly? Just...?????
Shadow priests, along with warlocks, death knights and demon hunters, aren't necessarily well-liked by society (in fact you could probably just say they're shunned and hated pariahs) and most likely practice in secret, or at the very least, away from the general public. The Void is also really super freakin' bad. Old Gods aren't to be played with. They're responsible for what happened with Deathwing.

Shadow priests of "lesser" or more obscure varieties like Darkspear loa/voodoo/whatever priests have shadowy abilities, but may not necessarily be channeling the Void directly.

[Spoiler below if you care about that]

In the scenario for unlocking Nightborne, the void elves are mentioned as being "extremists" and Alleria's mere presence destabilizes and nearly corrupts the Sunwell. Yes, Alleria is an exceptionally powerful individual, but seeing as the blood elves as a people are connected to and dependent upon the Sunwell, even less-powerful beings are likely to cause similar issues with it. I still haven't done the void elf scenario, but I imagine it explains some more.


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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

@Thwip. Agreed. A little more lead-up may have been nice, depending on how they went about doing it.

@Primal. It does explain a bit more. I'll let you find it out for yourself, but it does explain why we didn't see any other Void-using elves around Mac'Aree or anywhere else, really.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Ashaine »

IMHO, I'd like to see the Kul Tiran options just added to the existing human customization and Vrykul added as the actual allied race. I doubt they'll do that, but hey, I'm allowed to hope.

As for the Void Elves, personally, they remind me of re-designed Felblood Elves (even the heritage armor seems similar to the Felbood wings). I would've liked to have seen High Elves as the allied race, but I can understand that they may have been just too similar in appearance to blood elves (except for the eye color).

Like Quiv stated above, I always thought Saberon would be an interesting Horde race to vs. the Worgen. But again, I'm doubting we'll ever see them as playable.

As for humanoid races of WoW, here is a link to the Wowpedia listing if anyone is interested: Humanoids - Wowpedia. Some of these haven't been posted here yet.

EDIT: I'd personally LOVE to see the Tol'vir/Ramkahen playable some day, but alas, they run into the same problems regarding clothing and mounts as the Centaurs/Dryads and Naga would. So I'm doubting we'll ever seem them as a playable race or if we do, at least not in the foreseeable future.

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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

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Valnaaros wrote:Dryads and Keepers, whilst a great race, have the issue of being unable to mount.

As much as I love the Tol'vir and would love playing one, they have the same issue that Dryads and Keepers have.

Forgive me if this has been said. But I don't see them being "unable to mount" as a issue. They're their own noble steed! :lol:

I know that's what you were getting at but couldn't resist the attempt at humor.

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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Rawr »

zedxrgal wrote:
Valnaaros wrote:Dryads and Keepers, whilst a great race, have the issue of being unable to mount.

As much as I love the Tol'vir and would love playing one, they have the same issue that Dryads and Keepers have.

Forgive me if this has been said. But I don't see them being "unable to mount" as a issue. They're their own noble steed! :lol:

I know that's what you were getting at but couldn't resist the attempt at humor.
For flying mounts they could just sit on the saddle, sure not all the saddles with look right and there will be clipping, but seeing as thats the norm with most my toons already I doubt that will be a problem.
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by zedxrgal »

That Rawr OR they could just like. Fly. Like the uh ....................... what's it called. Oh buggers. The Quilen with the glowing wings. PLENTY of pandaland things fly without wings! Why couldn't other races.

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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Rozzana »

Yeah, I don't mind quadrupedal races or races with no feet. I don't care if there is a concern about mount issues, bc they're not primarily humanoid creatures...why would they behave as such? I doubt if someone wanted a quadruped, they'd be wondering where their two legs were.

Heck Dryads could receive a blessing from Aviana and earn spectral wings and other races could do something similar!
Dryads...yeah that'd be real fun..! I'm gonna cross my fingers for them, even if it's fruitless!

Classes: Warriors, Hunters, Mages, Druids, Shamans, and Priests...!

These aren't too much of a stretch: Sentinels/Priestesses of Elune, dryads have been arcane altered before, they're well tuned to nature/the elements---it could work!

Ah yes....Dryads...please Blizzard...
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Re: What Races Are Available To Become Allied?

Unread post by Valnaaros »

It would come down to whether Blizz is willing to do that. I agree that they could give Dryads and Keepers an ability that allows them to move at mount speed and another that lets them fly. But it would be a risk. Unless the Horde gets something like Centaurs, it'll be the Goblin and Worgen debacle all over again. Originally, Worgen didn't have any racial mounts - all they had was their speed boost. However, the Goblins had two mounts. That was two mounts that the Horde had over the Alliance. People made a huge deal over this and claimed Horde bias. If Blizz gives the Alliance Dryads/Keepers and the Horde, say, Mogu (a race capable of mounting and one that would probably have its own mount), then the whole fiasco would probably happen again.

I do recall, though, that Blizz stated in an interview a month or so ago that they consider everything with Two Legs as a possible candidate for an Allied Race. Whether they'll ever expand that to Dryads, Keepers, and Centaurs is left to be known, but what was said in that interview is their current stance.
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