Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Wain »

Oh Arthur, I'm so sorry. What a shit year :(

If you aren't already talking to someone (professional) about what you're going through, I'd really recommend giving it a try. Nobody would be fine after what you've been through, and talking to someone could really help. It can't fix what's happened and it won't stop you feeling sad about things that have happened, but it may help you face or think about those things in a way that no longer sends you spiralling into more anxiety, and may help you consider the better parts of life again. Please take care. 🤍
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Re: Rant Thread

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Very minor rant: screw off, winter. Stop randomly dumping snow on me.
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Re: Rant Thread

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No snow here, but it is pretty chilly today and for the next several days. I got spoiled by the warmer weather, and want it back. Sorry to hear you're dealing with snow.
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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Varethyn »

I feel like I'm just not supposed to have friends. At least, not friends in the true concept of the word which is something I'm sincerely struggling to believe is a real thing right now.

I used to hang out with two guys on Discord and Twitch as one of them streams fairly frequently. I considered them both good friends but there was a misunderstanding between me and the guy who watched. It had felt rocky for some time as those two would spontaneously start talking about their RP characters, who I knew nothing about but whenever I asked it would be brushed off as, "oh they're just a couple of characters from our X RP" and that's it. It made me feel like they didn't want me to know and I felt unincluded because of it. So when the streamer asked me a question while I was semi-afk during such a time I told them I felt unneeded so long as the other guy was there.

He took it like I didn't want him there and left.

We had an argument on Discord, I apologised and explained what I meant and how I'd felt. He sort of apologised, countered my issues and added his own including accusing me of not telling them about my problems. Which I had. Multiple times. I tried again, explaining the discomfort, the feeling of not being wanted. A month later I have yet to hear anything from him. This isn't the first time we've had an argument that resulted in him ignoring me for a long time either.

Since the argument I'd opted to simply lurk in the streams as I felt unwanted and hated by the one guy but still liked to watch the other's streams. The streamer would alert me to when he was going live and said nothing about the issue. However now he stopped letting me know he was about to go live. Maybe he forgot, idk, so I've not brought it up yet. But it makes me feel like neither of them want to fix the problem and that I should just give up and leave.

There's been a voice in the back of my mind that's been screaming ever since it started. I want it to stop but I don't want to talk to the guy again. I need him to reply to me first. At the same time, the last time this happened it was 3 months before anything was said cos he "didn't realise I was still hurting". I feel like if I leave it he'll just forget and not think about how hurt I am again.

I'm so tired of believing I've made a good friend only to be shot down like this.

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Re: Rant Thread

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Im apparently single handed destroing class identity be wanting to mog a matching cloth belt on my mail armor.
I mean i can wear it but wanting to mog it has apparently destroyed the classes.
Yup all my fault.
https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t ... /360175/36

I have not missed wow forums...


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Re: Rant Thread

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Totally different rant
My heart is breaking and I feel like I want to die..
Our health is now so bad that we have troubles giving our cat the best life. He's miserable 30 % of the Tine and we decided to give him a new home.
It litteraly feels like giving up my child... who is going to Kiss him on the head and tell him he is loved. How can i be sure he is loved... we going to give him to a very good shelter which have a good reputation for making sure the right pets goes to rhe right owner.
But even with all that im dying. He is family. I love him so much. I dont know how im going to survive this..
Im utterly heartbroken and feel life has no meaning


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Re: Rant Thread

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My heart hurts for you, but it sounds like you are doing the right thing. That you love him enough to find him the best life speaks volumes. {{{{hugs}}}
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Re: Rant Thread

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Im not sure i can do it.... he is soo happy alot of the time.. and he never ever been alone. Im always home with him. He never uses the scratching post but use our carpets but we are ok with his weirdness.
How can i be sure someone else will love him and care for his weird personality?
He got separation anxiety so what will him being in a shelter do for him?
Am i selfish for wanting to keep him longer? I dont know... i just.. he is my child.. i know he is just a cat but he is my child i never had


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Well, what is making him unhappy right now? Is it something that can be worked on?

I know your pain. There is a feral cat in my area that keeps bringing babies here. I have raised and sent 3 off to rescue. I still tear up thinking about it.
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Re: Rant Thread

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We dont know whats wrong...
We tried everything ..
23 decided to try a last resort. We signed up for a rental house so he can come out if he wants to. Might take a while before we can afford moving..but maybe that will stimulate him..idk..
We been to the vet to see if his got any fysical things going on but thankfully he is healthy so might be mental?


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Re: Rant Thread

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What exactly is he doing?
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Re: Rant Thread

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A lot of things
Sitting down and screaming like someone is hitting him. Max hours was 4..and it gets so loud our neighbors has called the animal police 6 times because they think we are torturing him.
He got several scratchbords but uses the carpet which is ok but he begun to use the doors and walls too
He wants to dryhump our legs despite being neutered.
We can live with a lot but the screams are super testing on our patience abd nerves. No consistensy at all. Sometimes days in a row other times it takes a few weeks before he does it. Sometimes at 2 am, others at 3pm. Our neighbors are also tested by this


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Re: Rant Thread

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I'd see about vetting him to rule out physical causes such as pain or other illness. If it's anxiety, there are meds that can help. There are also over the counter remedies that can help anxiety, things like Feliway and Composure, but yelling that loudly is not usually normal. How old is he? Older/elderly cats can sometimes get dementia, which can cause howling. If he is not old, could he be lonely? How much room does he have to play? Does he have a cat tree he can climb, other means of stimulation?
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Re: Rant Thread

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He's 4 and we have 68m2 space. We got two balconies with net around whichi he has acces to. He has several climbing areas and scratch posts but don't use them.
He cant cope with other animals plus we are only allowed one cat. We tried borrowing different cats from friends but Milo either straight out attacks them or start chewing off his fur.
He's been checked for everything and his anxeity meds dont work on hos scream sessions
We tried everything. Even had a cat personaility coach in but they had no clue

It's just wird because Milo is the most loving, effectionate cat in the world but sometimes It's just like he goes on rampage and sit and scream


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Dewclaw »

Wow he is a tough case. Do they only happen at night? Is he looking out a window when it happens (maybe misplaced aggression). Have you seen him start one up? What was happening at the time?
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Re: Rant Thread

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It happens at all times. Totally random. He just sits down where ever he is and start screaming. Can be in the hallway, kitchen, bedroom, living room. Totally random place and time.


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Re: Rant Thread

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Any way to get a short video of it?
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Re: Rant Thread

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Sadly no. We live called a vet once when he was doing it though but yeah no explanation.
We decided to try to keep him for now because nobody would want a cat like that?
Idk.. maybe it's ptsd abour his past? No idea though.


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Re: Rant Thread

Unread post by Bulletdance »

Maria it may be possible he's having seizures of some kind? I would try to get some of his odd behaviors on camera and then show them to a vet. I hope he'll be okay :hug:
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