Blizzards Pet Store Expands

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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Mania »

My personal opinion on the quality of the mount, visually, is split. But I wanted it, I could scrape the money together, and so I bought it.

What surprises me is how vicious some people that I normally respect have been getting about the whole thing. No one here, thankfully, but I am thinking of certain bloggers that I read.

They aren't getting angry at Blizzard for selling the mounts. (Well, some of them are, but that's not the part that bugs me.) They are getting snide towards the people who bought them because clearly buying something that 'everyone' can get is a terrible waste of money -- why would you spend real money on something that isn't *special*? Whereas spending tens or hundreds of hours pursuing a rare raid mount, apparently, is somehow infinitely more justifiable.

We do what gives us enjoyment -- or at least we should. I had fun flapping about on My Pretty Pony yesterday. I didn't do it to be 'special' -- I did it because I thought it was fun. So get off my case about it, okay?
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

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Mania wrote:They aren't getting angry at Blizzard for selling the mounts. (Well, some of them are, but that's not the part that bugs me.) They are getting snide towards the people who bought them because clearly buying something that 'everyone' can get is a terrible waste of money -- why would you spend real money on something that isn't *special*? Whereas spending tens or hundreds of hours pursuing a rare raid mount, apparently, is somehow infinitely more justifiable.
Because Mania- these people think that they know better than you. Because they think they should be able to tell you how you should play the game. Or the fact that they do not want to pay like you [and I will eventually] and everyone else will who wants the mount, because they want it for free.

Then you know they forget about Arena where you have to pay to [fight for a 310% mount. Or the TCG crap. Or the fact several classes get; free speed boosts. free mount/skill. Free flght.

Tho I'm sorry you're having to face such nredraeg [nerdrage] from these people who should know how to act better.

*offers Mania a cookie*

edit: also no it's not better raiding old world dungeons like they claim :| It's either a bore [unless you're rep grinding while farming for the baron...], or everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Level 80's wiping in AQ and the Phoenix.... yeeaaah hard core.
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

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I've seen people being snide toward others who and it makes me think they are pissy because of two things.

1. They didn't have the money to pay for it, so they have to pick on the other people who do have it.
2. They have a feeling they need to be snide toward them because it makes them feel better about themselves.

But, I'm completely open to report anyone harassing me about it. I've already ignored two people about it. Here's one what one of said to me.

"Didn't you have something better to spend $25 on?"

My response:
"You're playing WoW. Don't you have something better to spend $15 a month on?"

He didn't reply. =|

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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Mania »

Ryai, you are exactly right when you say that these are people who think they know better than I do. Certainly they do for their own experiences, but they can't know better than I do for *my* experiences.

And I don't mean to sound like I'm getting on anyone's case for choosing to spend their time however they want in-game, even if that's something I find abhorrent like extreme raiding. (That would be silly of me, doing exactly what I don't want other people to do.) I'm just surprised at how this sort of change brings forward the latent elitism even in people I respect.
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

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Mania wrote:Ryai, you are exactly right when you say that these are people who think they know better than I do. Certainly they do for their own experiences, but they can't know better than I do for *my* experiences.

And I don't mean to sound like I'm getting on anyone's case for choosing to spend their time however they want in-game, even if that's something I find abhorrent like extreme raiding. (That would be silly of me, doing exactly what I don't want other people to do.) I'm just surprised at how this sort of change brings forward the latent elitism even in people I respect.
Unfortunately it's always going to be there.

MMO champion is a good example of all the elitism coming out of the wood works, from people hating titles for the lulz [Jenkins] to being able to buy a title if you never were able to get one [even tho now you are handed craploads for free...].

Tbh the Celestial Steed is my 'Armani Warbear'. I absolutely wanted one for Zeldei, my Warlock. Never got him to 70/geared in time. And Caim? I don't have the skills to raid LK hc. And I want Invincible. But now I get my pony, which I'd otherwise never have. Which is partly the other reason of the QQ- IE it takes away from Invincible /eyeroll.

If people start giving you slack Mania, just point them at the bears in WoW. You can buy one for 600g... or you can get one from a daily quest... you can get one from an achievement for slaughtering 4 leaders... you can BUY ONE. aka the Big Blizzard Bear [don't see anyone QQing there], and basically wouldn't this take away from the lulz specialness of the Armani Warbear which, to be frank, was rampant just after Wrath came out, and now I've barely seen 3 in the last 6 months.
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

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Yeah theres talk on the trade on my server saying this is in end of wow lol
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Bulletdance »

Try not to let it bother you Mania. It is startling how much jerkitude...for lack of a real coming out form some the community over this. Hopefully it will all blow over soon. Maybe WoW will put out some pics of sweet looking expansion mounts to push news of this aside I don't think its a coincidence the put out news about the new zone on the same day they started selling it. If it gets too noisy they might sush it.
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Vephriel »

So. Much. Win. :lol:

I may not like the mount much, but I love Robot Unicorn Attack. xD
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Ungoro »

I think the non combat pet, Lil' XT has been overlooked by so many people! It's only last night when i read all the QQ about how to turn the sound off or how to shut he pet up. I was in SW and was intrigued to hear what all this fuss was about, so i hearthed to Dalaran and and asked where in Dalaran there was some with the pet and they were infront of the bank...And my God! The QQ was so irrelevant and ridiculous, Lil' XT has one of the most epic voices i have ever heard in-game, along with C'tun and the final boss in FoS, and now i really want to buy one!

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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Akyo »

Im not exited over this thing. seem like 1/3 of my realm have it, and im not gonna scrape up money for it.
Im not gonna bash anyone for buying it. its out there, rater cheap, you want it, go buy it.

However, i think its rather sad that the second most flashy mount(first beeing the phoenix) is so easy to obtain.
While the most pretty mount i own took a year of slow and lazy mount collecting to get. it doesnt sparkle, have armor, nor does it have a pretty trail behind it when flying, nor is it 310% (100 mounts collected...horde get a one much cheaper and its not even 300+ speed?! cmon blizzard) however i knew all that once i started collecting for it.

Its just that this things flashyness makes almost all of the rare/ achievemnt mounts looks like gray table scraps.


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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Kaellan »

I have a question about this, I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere but I haven't been able to find it. I understand the steed scales to your swiftess mount. Lets say you have a level 20 toon and the mount will be level 75. Will the mount scale up when you buy the next level of riding skill?


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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Akyo »

Kaellan wrote:I have a question about this, I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere but I haven't been able to find it. I understand the steed scales to your swiftess mount. Lets say you have a level 20 toon and the mount will be level 75. Will the mount scale up when you buy the next level of riding skill?
i would belive so.
It also looks like if your lucky to have a 310% (or is it 320%?) flying mount it will change to that speed as well.


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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Ryai »

Akyo wrote:Im not exited over this thing. seem like 1/3 of my realm have it, and im not gonna scrape up money for it.
Im not gonna bash anyone for buying it. its out there, rater cheap, you want it, go buy it.

However, i think its rather sad that the second most flashy mount(first beeing the phoenix) is so easy to obtain.
While the most pretty mount i own took a year of slow and lazy mount collecting to get. it doesnt sparkle, have armor, nor does it have a pretty trail behind it when flying, nor is it 310% (100 mounts collected...horde get a one much cheaper and its not even 300+ speed?! cmon blizzard) however i knew all that once i started collecting for it.

Its just that this things flashyness makes almost all of the rare/ achievemnt mounts looks like gray table scraps.
This. Just this. And not for the reason you think I'm quoting you for-

ONE: if it was a 310% mount, not only would it truly be belittling to people who have obtained one, even I would cry out foul as that is just wrong. There's nothing wrong with buying a mount that's the same as any other normal speed mount, but you're saying that just because it's bought, shiny, and puts other mounts to shame, it should be 310%? No. No. No again.

And the fact it takes away from rare/achievement mounts? LOL. I'm sorry that's the only thing I can reply with. That's like claiming the war bears take away from the blizzard bear, or the blizzard bear takes away from the polar bear, or that protos take away from drakes, who take away from netherdrakes and etc and so forth.

And sorry but there is -one- mount I think is cooler than this.

No. Two.

Invincible, the ORIGINAL flying pony I wanted for Caim.

Onyxian drake.

OH and the Azure drake. So three- no wait, and the Violet Proto. 4. And the Red proto- 5.... I could go on.

This horse takes nothing away from the, alright? Nothing.
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by cowmuflage »

Good thing they made the azure drake drop from 10 man eye now i guess
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Mania »

Akyo wrote:While the most pretty mount i own took a year of slow and lazy mount collecting to get. it doesnt sparkle, have armor, nor does it have a pretty trail behind it when flying, nor is it 310%
I would love to see the Red and Blue Dragonhawks from Mountain o' Mounts replaced with something a little flashier -- like maybe the blue hippogryph. I never did understand why they chose those two dragonhawks for that achievement. (I'd also love to be able to get the Blue Dragonhawk for Mania, which I can't do while she's Horde.)
hippogryphblueskin01.jpg (5.48 KiB) Viewed 1095 times
hippogryphblueskin01.jpg (62.57 KiB) Viewed 1095 times
Last edited by Mania on Sat Apr 17, 2010 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: I attached the small hippogryph pic by accident.
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by cowmuflage »

I would rather have the pink hippo btw i love my red dragonhawk to bits <3
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Nimizar »

I think John Patricelli over at Big Bear Butt summed it up pretty well:
If you are going to spend money on in-game items from the Blizzard Store, please don’t do it for any other reason than, “I think it’s shiny, and I’m cool with paying money to have the pretty, pretty pony.”

Only you can decide if your personal finances put $25 for a pretty mount in the category of “casual purchase whenever I feel like it.”
Like BBB, I can understand buying the pretty pony*, but I don't really understand posing with it in Dal like getting one is a particularly significant achievement :)

*(I doubt I'll buy it myself because I'm cheap, but the temptation is definitely there)
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by Mania »

Thing is, I don't know how you can tell posing apart from "I went AFK to check a website while I happened to be mounted", or for that matter "I am admiring my own pony." (Not a euphemism!)

While I was in Dalaran yesterday I saw a lot of Trade chat about the ponies, but no one standing around saying, "Look at me! I am ultimate coolness because I have a sparkly pony!" I admit I may just have missed it, though. I do play on an RP realm after all. *smirk*
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Re: Blizzards Pet Store Expands

Unread post by cowmuflage »

yeah Mania i think people are just dumb enuff to think someone standing there afk is "showing off uber mount". Some wowers will complain about ANYTHING. Juts wait till they use that pink hippogripth skin, think of how many gay jokes will be made.
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