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Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 6:16 pm
by cowmuflage
I'm going to make a Dk. That saves on so much leveling!

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:46 pm
by Leorina
No worries at all guys, glad you're enjoying it!

Still looking for a couple of people to be officers.

You'll notice that you guys have your own rank of Petopian, which has access to all the bank tabs, (10 limit for tabs 1 to 6, 5 limit for tabs 7 and 8) as well as repairs (currently at 50g).
The Member rank also has access to the bank tabs (5 limit for first 3 tabs), but if they cause issues (they shouldn't) then I can sort that out.

If you feel any of his needs to be changed (including rank name) again, let me know. I'm keeping tabs on this thread.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:19 pm
by Nachtwulf
I vote Wain and Sylvia for officers!

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:38 pm
by Sukurachi
Leorina, thank-you so much.

Speaking purely for myself, I doubt I'll be making much use of the guild bank, maybe to deposit some items other might have use for. But the gesture is GREATLY appreciated. Thank-you a million times over. Ewune be wif you.


Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:23 am
by Makoes
That's awesome Leorina :D
I def Vote Wain for officer :D

Also, will have to keep my eye out for an officer online at some point. I do have a DK in the guild but...tank leveling isn't as relaxing as I hoped it would many people push/rushing things...So I am currently leveling up a shammy healer (see how long they live rushing far ahead :p )

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:44 am
by Leorina
Nachtwulf wrote:I vote Wain and Sylvia for officers!
I was thinking of these 2 myself but you guys know each other better than I know any of you.

If you're all happy with them then I have no problems with it. Just need confirmation that they both want to be officers (and their character names).
Sukurachi wrote: I doubt I'll be making much use of the guild bank, maybe to deposit some items other might have use for.
This was my intention, a place where you guys can put things that you may not want, but others may use.
Although let's not fill it with thermal anvils and zepplin kits :P

I'll clear it if there's too much "junk".
Makoes wrote:Also, will have to keep my eye out for an officer online at some point.)
Chuck me a real ID request and I'll invite you when you need.


If anyone is curious as to what the rules and such are, they're pretty straight forward.
Don't be an egg to people, etc etc. I don't think I have to worry about you guys at all though.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:08 am
by Lisaara
If someone fills it with zepplins, Imma smack em. XD I had someone troll me once by putting thermal anvils in all the tabs.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:07 am
by SylviaDragon
Junrei wrote:If someone fills it with zepplins, Imma smack em. XD I had someone troll me once by putting thermal anvils in all the tabs.
I once had a high ranking guidly with acces to ALL the bank tabs use every single tab as his personal gray item dumping grounds. >_> needless to say there were quite a few angry officers after him once they found out.

I'm sure we will take good care of the bank though. I have a few things I have been wanting to put in there myself. Also I will accept the promotion to officer if you need one. I'm Drakestone in the guild.

EDIT: I have been promoted. I have added my contact info to the first page so feel free to get ahold of me if you want an invite. If Leorina is not online I probably will be and visa versa.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:20 am
by Lisaara
Yay Sylvia!

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:33 am
by s1ncer1ty
Made it to exalted last night on my little dwarflette Bher! She hit it at level 56, all through questing. Now, to 1) reach 85 so I can learn the mount, and 2) make money, so I can buy the mount in the first place. Anyone want to buy a petling on the AH?

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:10 am
by Lisaara
I'm almost exalted and I'm only in the 30s. XD

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:09 pm
by Sukurachi
same here, I hit exalted with both my Puppies around level 30... but I was using the special guild tabard. that can make a massive difference.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:33 pm
by Nachtwulf
I just hit 30 (and have the tabard) and am only halfway through honored. But then I've been doing a fair bit of dungeoning, and that doesn't reward as much rep.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:09 pm
by Sukurachi
oh, true dat.
I am almost obsessive about finishing every single quest in a zone... which helps get all that guild rep.
I'm also a bit obsessive about doing my daily fishing and cooking quests, which also award guild rep.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:33 am
by SylviaDragon
Me and Raggus hit 90 this week! *throws confetti* The last level was a grueling grind for me- been leveling way too many alts at once. I'm slowly gearing up on timeless isle now and have most of my timeless token gear. will have to start up lfr and burden hunting soon. I think I want to get this toon to at least 540 so i have another viable soloing/farming toon.
Raggus is way ahead of me already and has been spending a lot of time on the server. He made the push to 90 a few days ago and has been gearing up between his tlpd camping sessions. :D

At this point i think the guild is more active than the one my main is in.

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:37 pm
by Makoes
Is there anyone available now who can invite someone to the guild?

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:29 pm
by Nachtwulf
I uh... got to 34? @_@

I'm till working on alts on my main servers so it's not 100% devotion. But. I AM at revered! 8D

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:03 pm
by Makoes
Gratz Nachtwulf!!!

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:26 am
by Leorina

Our GM has returned and is wanting to restart our raid team (More as a one day casual kind of thing).
I'm still an officer and so is Drakestone, but he will be the GM again.
He promised he wouldn't cause any issues for you guys and we should all live peacefully.

If you have any issues, come see me!

Re: A guild with the thundering jade serpent (and hatchling!

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 6:19 am
by Nachtwulf
53! @__@ And I found Sunwing, which was a bonus. The fire festival has really helped but I think I need to slow down a little before I burn out.